Thursday, March 20, 2014

Top ten REAL medical conspiracies that actually happened

Top ten REAL medical conspiracies that actually happened

 (NaturalNews) The mainstream media is focused this week on trying to
convince you that "medical conspiracy theories" are whacky and untrue.
Published by Reuters, USA Today and other mainstream media outlets, a
false story based on distorted research is now trying to convince you
that there is no such thing as a "medical conspiracy." No, drug
companies never conducted experiments on children, killing many in the
process. No, the NIH never took part in criminal medical experiments on
prisoners. No, the U.S. government never lied to you, or covered up
natural cures, or conspired with Big Pharma. GMOs were created by people
who LOVE the ecosystem, too!

That's the nonsense we're all supposed to believe, according to the mainstream media.

invoking the phrase "conspiracy theories," junk science authors and
corporate-sellout journalists try to marginalize the true history of Big
Pharma felony crimes, medical experiments on children, factual
government collusion with industry and the incredible harm which has
been perpetrated on the American people by the medical industrial

In fact, the mainstream media's coverage of all this is
truly Orwellian, as if the Ministry of Truth is trying to rewrite U.S.
history to eliminate all the parts where drug companies, the NIH and the
U.S. government quite literally murdered prisoners, blacks, babies and
soldiers in the name of "scientific medicine."

I refuse to gloss
over the history of TRUE medical conspiracies and all the lives lost to
the destructive pursuit of medical profits at the expense of human
dignity. So to answer the mainstream media's delusional attempt to gloss
over the real history of true medical conspiracies, we've put together
the top ten TRUE medical conspiracies along with links to sources.

Read and learn the true history the mainstream media is trying to erase!

Top ten TRUE medical conspiracies

#1) Pfizer conducts medical experiments on Nigerian children
- In 2009 (and in subsequent years, as follow-up), we reported on how
giant drug maker Pfizer was ordered to compensate Nigerian families
after conducting illegal medical experimentation that left scores of Nigerian children either deaddamaged:

case began in 1996, when Pfizer needed a human trial to gain approval
for its new antibiotic Trovan. When an epidemic of meningitis, cholera
and measles broke out in Kano, Nigeria, the company quickly put together
a research team and flew them to that country. Pfizer set up a tent
right near the medical station where Doctors Without Borders were giving
free treatments and recruited 200 children to participate in an
unlicensed drug trial.

Parents say they were not told that proven
medications were being distributed only yards away, that their children
were being enrolled in a drug trial, or that animal studies had
suggested that Trovan could cause liver and joint damage.

Eleven of the 200 children in the study died, and parents claim that others suffered from brain damage, organ failure and other severe side effects.

#2) Illegal price fixing to cheat the American people and state governments out of billions
- Apparently, the Big Government / Big Pharma cabal in Washington would
have you believe that drug makers only have your best interests in
mind, not their profits or power.

In fact, for years drug makers
have regularly conspired to engage in illegal price fixing, as evidenced
by numerous lawsuits and court. As I previously reported:

what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of
the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and
agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines
following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.

According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline:

• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs

Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling
potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical

And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK
doesn't even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion
fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as

#3) Vaccine manufacturers knew their vaccines were killing people
- One of Merck's top developers knew that the company's polio vaccines
were heavily contaminated with carcinogenic viruses. The scientist, Dr.
Maurice Hilleman, can be heard discussing it in this shocking video.

and other "scientist" colleagues are actually heard on the recording
laughing about the fact that the stealth viruses would kill people. The
mainstream media has never reported on this important piece of medical
history because it would expose the truth about vaccines.

#4) Merck falsified vaccine evidence
- A pair of former virologists publicly claimed that the company
conspired to commit vaccine research fraud through the spiking of human
blood samples with animal antibodies. As we reported in 2012:

former Merck virologists contend that the multivalent mumps component
has a vastly reduced efficacy which is directly responsible for mumps
outbreaks during the last decade which prompted international calls for
MMR booster shots every 4 - 8 years...

By combining the very low
levels of human antibodies with animal antibodies, a much higher total
level of virus neutralization was obtained than could occur from human
antibodies alone. The human antibody levels alone would never protect in
the real world against wild mumps. But after adding animal antibodies,
the human blood samples which had previously failed under the old "gold
standard" testing were retested using the "enhanced" protocols and
passed with flying colors. New 'enhanced' tests showed 100% efficacy, not against wild mumps virus, but against the mumps vaccine virus.

#5) U.S. government collusion to commit medical murder
- In what should shock all Americans to learn, the government-funded
National Institutes of Health and a number of drug companies conspired
to conduct illegal medical experiments on prisoners held in Guatemalan
jails. President Obama was actually forced to issue a public apology for
this atrocity more than sixty years after it took place. As Natural News previously reported:

U.S. government knowingly funded and deliberately engaged in criminal
medical experiments against Guatemalan prisoners from 1946 - 1948, and
that the people engaged in these crimes were then promoted to high
levels of influence in the medical community.

At least 5,500
people were drafted into the experiments, including children, women and
the mentally ill. The number deliberately infected with
sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) exceeded 1,300 (that we know of).

were not even informed they were being infected with STDs. The entire
experiment was a clandestine operation involving an admitted conspiracy
between Big Pharma and the U.S. government. Undeniable evidence has now
emerged that the doctors and medical researchers involved in the
experiment actively took steps to hide what they were doing.

#6) Conspiracy to label toxic chemicals "fluoride" and get the public to drink them
- It is an historical fact that the fluoride and dental industries have
conspired to mislead people into believe "fluoride" is a naturally
occurring substance. The fact is, the fluorine compounds used in the
public water supply are really byproducts of fertilizer processing or
phosphate mining operations, and they often contain heavy metals.

Even many mainstream scientists now conclude that fluoride lowers IQs and damages the brain function of children. So why are we still being told that fluoride is a "public health measure" that helps everyone?

any city council or other government agency deciding on whether or not
to fluoridate your local water supply, and you'll get health officials
asserting that fluoride is natural, and thus safe. They don't bother to
mention that naturally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride, while the
stuff purchased by communities to fluoridate their water is sodium
fluoride, an extremely toxic mix of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium

#7) GMO deceptions, lies and poisons -
Without question, one of the true "conspiracy theories" is that GMO
foods are responsible for a wide range of health problems. We have
published numerous articles and studies claiming as much, but the
government-industry cabal, led by bio-agriculture giant Monsanto, still
somehow insists that these Frankenfoods are 100 percent safe even though
they are repeatedly linked to organ damage, stomach inflammation,
infertility problems and more.

The mainstream media wants you to
believe that you are a "conspiracy theorist" if you believe in
biochemical cause and effect. Don't worry, Monsanto loves you! And so do
pesticide companies, whose chemicals are so safe that you should be eating them for breakfast!

#8) Academic suppression of important medical research
- When good science gets published that questions the safety of GMOs,
vaccines or fluoride, it gets routinely suppressed. That's exactly what
happened to University of Caen molecular biology researcher Professor
Gilles-Eric Seralini, whose two-year study into the effects of GMO corn
on rats was (and continues to be) vilified by the establishment scientific community, which is entirely beholden to corporate financial influence. As Natural News reported:

many could recover from the shock of seeing rats fed GMO corn with huge
tumors, the mainstream press was already reporting scientists who
claimed the French study was flawed.

Ironically, a similar study
of much shorter duration, 90 days, is what got Monsanto's NK 603 Roundup
tolerant GMO maize (corn) and Roundup herbicide approved by the EFSA in
the first place.

Seralini merely extended the study using the
same type of rats to determine the toxic effects of feeding them GMO
corn for two years. He also added a glyphosate herbicide solution into
their drinking water at a level approved as safe for Roundup's water

Meanwhile, Dr. Arpad Pusztai was a highly regarded
UK biology researcher at the prestigious Rowett Institute, a Scottish
nutritional laboratory. He was awarded a grant to establish a safety
protocol for GMO foods with his 20-member research team.

never expected to find anything wrong with the GMO potatoes studied, but
he did. Within days of publishing the team's findings, he was dismissed
from the position he had held for decades.

#9) The
massive academic fraud and conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield
by spreading provably false lies about his research
- There has been
a massive, organized "scientific" conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew
Wakefield, the researcher who examined the effects of measles, mumps,
and rubella (MMR) vaccines in children. Though his research never claimed that vaccines cause autism,
he is routinely defamed and disparaged by an endless list of
intellectually dishonest scientists and journalists who falsely claim
Dr. Wakefield linked vaccines to autism. In fact, his research was
actually focused on gastrointestinal effects of the vaccines in
children, but he was attacked nonetheless:

Contrary to what
the UK's General Medical Council (GMC), BMJ, Brian Deer, and the host of
whoring media outlets continue to claim, Dr. Wakefield's original study
was a case series that made no actual claims about a definitive link
between MMR and autism. And the observations, which do happen to suggest
a link between MMR and autism regression, are not just unique to Dr.
Wakefield's research. Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Amar Dhillon
together documented their own independent research that also points to a
link between MMR vaccine and autism.

Watch the powerful interview with Dr. Wakefield here:

#10) Local governments routinely conspire to with medical institutions to threaten parents and children
- Local government "authorities" routinely conspire with the medical
industry to force parents to vaccinate their children or subject them to
harsh medical treatment against their will. This is all done
essentially at gunpoint (or by threat of arrest and imprisonment, which
is enforced at gunpoint).

- In Ohio, a court forced the parents of an Amish girl to undergo poisonous chemotherapy: As Natural News published:

is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call "predatory
medicine." If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested
at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children's
Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical
mafia, poisoning children with mandatory "life sentences" handed down by
a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.

- Katie Wernecke,
a teenage cancer patient who was kidnapped by Texas authorities and
forced to submit to chemotherapy, is another victim of the system. Her
parents were arrested and subjected to actions by Child Protective
Services, who took Katie away. This all happened because Katie's parents
refused to subject their daughter to chemotherapy and wanted to pursue
safer, more natural holistic medical therapies.

- Abraham Cherrix
is a 16-year old cancer patient who also refused a second round of
chemotherapy after the first round nearly killed him. His doctor was
outraged that Abraham would refuse chemotherapy and called Child
Protective Services who had Abraham's parents arrested at gunpoint. CPS
then took over joint custody of the child and attempted to force the
teen to submit to barbaric cancer treatments like radiation and

See the TRUE history of medical experiments conducted on blacks, babies, prisoners and soldiers

to learn even more true medical conspiracies? Nearly every entry in the
following two stories is a conspiracy committed against living people,
many of whom died as victims of these government-pharma conspiracies:

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)

Yet more TRUE medical conspiracies and government collusion

you still doubt there is collusion between the government and the
corporate medical establishment, I leave you with these alarming
statistics, courtesy of The Economic Collapse Blog:

- U.S. healthcare expenditures in 2009 ($4.5 trillion) were higher than the entire gross domestic product of Great Britain (
This is by design to extract as much money from the U.S. economy as
possible while keeping the population diseased and impoverished.

In 1980, total health care costs accounted for 9.5 percent of all
personal consumption; by 2011, that amount rose to 16.3 percent (

- Medical bills factor in more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies (

- In the last 10 years, health insurance premiums have risen three times faster than wages (

- Top executives at the five biggest for-profit insurance companies in the U.S. combined to earn north of $200 million in 2009 (

Even as Americans were mired in the Great Recession, health insurance
companies bolstered profits by 56 percent (in 2009, the same year more
than 2 million lost private coverage) (

- Each year nearly a million people are rushed to emergency rooms following adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs (

- In 2009, there were an astonishing 1,742 prescription drug recalls (

The legal system is also bumping up costs; one recent study found that
lawsuits and other legal actions added more than $55 billion to national
healthcare costs in 2008 (

- Big Pharma spends tens of billions each year in marketing and advertising; who wants to lose out on that gravy train? The industry, in fact, spends more money on advertising than on R&D.

Sources for this article include:

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