Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen

The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions.

Side effects of ibuprofen

Although many people think of ibuprofen as being rather benign, it is associated with an increased risk of heart and circulation problems, including stroke and heart attack, as well as gastrointestinal problems, such as bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal tract. These risks increase the longer you take the drug, although the length of time until it affects any one individual varies depending on their overall health, use of other medications, age, and other factors.

Natural alternatives to ibuprofen
Many studies have been done on various natural pain killers and anti-inflammatories that can be used as alternatives to ibuprofen. They generally have mild to no side effects. Here are a few you may want to consider. You should always consult a knowledgeable health-care professional before starting a new treatment program.

more here - http://www.examiner.com/alternative-medicine-in-phoenix/six-natural-alternatives-to-ibuprofen

Obama eligibility challenges spread to 6 states

Decision in Georgia case expected soon, but ballot concerns going viral

An administrative law judge in Georgia could decide as early as this week whether voters in the state convinced him Barack Obama’s name should be removed from the 2012 presidential ballot because he is not qualified to hold the office.

But win, lose or draw, the fight isn’t going to be over, as other cases are erupting across the nation, with challenges being raised anew even in Obama’s own adopted political network in Illinois.

The Georgia hearing was before Judge Michael Malihi, and while none of the lawyers who appeared in the proceedings was willing to predict what the decision will be, several did confirm that Malihi had considered simply granting them a default victory, because Obama and his lawyers expressly stated they would not participate in a hearing to provide evidence that he is qualified to be on the ballot.

A default presumably would have meant a recommendation from the judge that Obama’s name be stricken from the ballot, a decision which would head for review immediately by Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

He, however, was the one who warned Obama of the “peril” of not participating in the hearing when Obama and his attorney had asked that the event be canceled.

Discover what the Constitution’s reference to “natural born citizen” means and whether Barack Obama qualifies, in the ebook version of “Where’s the REAL Birth Certificate?”

Whatever the outcome in Georgia, the issue is gaining traction in other states, too, including Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, New Hampshire, and even Illinois, Obama’s home political base.

There, in a complaint recently filed by Stephen F. Boulton of McCarthy Duffy LLP and Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation, their client is asking for a change in state law to allow the vetting of political candidates.

Obama isn’t even mentioned by name, but don’t think for a minute that the requested change wouldn’t include his candidacy.

MORE HERE - http://www.wnd.com/2012/01/obama-eligibility-challenges-spread-to-6-states/

Monday, January 30, 2012

Is Now The Time To Move Away From Major U.S. Cities?

As the U.S. economy falls apart and as the world becomes increasingly unstable, more Americans than ever are becoming "preppers". It is estimated that there are at least two million preppers in the United States today, but nobody really knows. The truth is that it is hard to take a poll because a lot of preppers simply do not talk about their preparations. Your neighbor could be storing up food in the garage or in an extra bedroom and you might never even know it. An increasing number of Americans are convinced that we are on the verge of some really bad things happening. But will just storing up some extra food and supplies be enough? What is going to happen if we see widespread rioting in major U.S. cities like George Soros is predicting? What is going to happen if the economy totally falls to pieces and our city centers descend into anarchy like we saw in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? In some major U.S. cities such as Detroit, looting is already rampant. There are some sections of Detroit where entire blocks of houses are being slowly dismantled by thieves and stripped of anything valuable. Sadly, the economy is going to get a lot worse than it is at the moment. So is now the time to move away from major U.S. cities? Should preppers be seeking safer locations for themselves and their families? Those are legitimate questions.

According to a recent Gallup poll, satisfaction with the government is now at an all-time low. Americans are rapidly losing faith in virtually every major institution in society.

Anger and frustration are rising to very dangerous levels, and we are rapidly approaching a boiling point.

When people feel as though they have lost everything, they get desperate.

And desperate people do desperate things.

MORE HERE - http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/is-now-the-time-to-move-away-from-major-u-s-cities

Did Obama break constitutional law by signing the ACTA treaty?

Did Obama break constitutional law by signing the ACTA treaty?

Read more - http://w.po.st/share/entry/redir?publisherKey=Inquisitr.com-607&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inquisitr.com%2F186340%2Fdid-obama-break-constitutional-law-by-signing-the-actra-treaty%2F&title=Did%20Obama%20break%20constitutional%20law%20by%20signing%20the%20ACTA%20treaty%3F&sharer=copypaste

2 Houston-area pilots in limbo amid rumors of DEA plot

A ranking California congressman contends two Houston-area pilots arrested in Panama were unknowingly snared in a botched money-laundering operation by the Drug Enforcement Administration, which did nothing to stop the innocent Americans from going to prison.

But sources told the Houston Chronicle on Saturday it was not a DEA case and the claims are rooted in a fast-talking occasional DEA informant, who was a passenger on the private jet and tried to squirm out of getting busted with $2.3 million in dirty money last May.

"He just got caught," said a source familiar with events. "It appears it was an informant who was doing it without the knowledge of the DEA. They do that all the time. They play both sides (of the law)."

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., head of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, wrote to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday to say he'd received "quite unsettling" information about a DEA money-laundering operation that landed the pilots in prison.

MORE HERE - http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/2-Houston-area-pilots-in-limbo-amid-rumors-of-DEA-2794238.php

Friday, January 27, 2012

‘Captain Coward’: Behold our brave new sexually emancipated world | LifeSiteNews.com

‘Captain Coward’: Behold our brave new sexually emancipated world | LifeSiteNews.com

Oklahoma Senator Wants Ban On Human Fetuses In Food

By Associated Press

Senator Ralph Shortey Senator Ralph Shortey

A Republican state senator from Oklahoma City has introduced a bill that would ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food, though there's no indication that this is a concern.

Freshman Senator Ralph Shortey said Tuesday that Internet research he has conducted led him to believe such a ban is necessary. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it's unaware of such a concern.

Shortey's bill would prohibit the manufacture or sale of any food in which aborted fetuses were used in developing any of the ingredients. He said that while he is not aware of any Oklahoma companies doing such research.

Self-described "pro-life" Senator Brian Crain said Tuesday he believes there are other issues "more deserving of our attention right now."


Thursday, January 19, 2012

NDAA Floor Speech Jan 18 2012

Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines

Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines

(NaturalNews) The weaponization of vaccines just took another leap forward in America with the recent air-dropping of rabies vaccines by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Using a battery of small planes based out of Del Rio, Texas recently dropped 1.8 million edible vaccine packets over 7,700 square miles of rural Texas.

The packets contain edible rabies vaccines dipped in fish oil and coated with fish meal to entice foxes and coyotes to eat them. Once consumed, the animal is "vaccinated" against rabies, researchers claim.

Of course, what these researchers don't yet understand in their scientific ignorance (and arrogance) is that they are also engaged in a rabies DNA / RNA bombardment of Texas. As even the Institute of Medicine has admitted, MMR vaccines for use in humans actually cause measles because many of the vaccines contain live viral strains. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033447_Institute_of_Medicine_vaccines.html)

Vaccine manufacturing is conducted under such poor quality control today that vaccines are routinely shipped out the door containing viable viral strains that often infect and sometimes even kill human victims. For example, in 2009 Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught red-handed shipping out live avian flu viruses to 18 countries (http://www.naturalnews.com/025760.html).

What Texas Dept. of State Health Services workers probably don't yet grasp is that vaccine manufacturers routinely use vaccines to spread the very disease they claim to be preventing. By injecting live rabies strains into a small percentage of the vaccines dropped on Texas (say, one percent), they are effectively engaging in a DNA carpet-bombing run that will absolutely guarantee rabies continues to remain endemic throughout feral animal populations in the state. This, of course, will result in yet more rabies vaccines being purchased to "combat the problem," thereby achieving the goal of the entire scam: To sell more vaccines to the government.

Vaccines become weapons to be inflicted on innocents
This air-dropping of vaccines over Texas is all part of the militarization of modern medicine taking place today. In just the past few months, we've seen the AMA calling for "mandatory participation" in vaccine trials, where you would be "volunteered" by the government to be injected with an experiment vaccine, at threat of arrest (http://www.prisonplanet.com/ama-journal-make-participation-in-vaccine-tri...).

We've also seen cases where police have been called and CPS workers threatened to take children away from parents who refused to vaccinate their children (http://www.infowars.com/doctor-calls-police-child-services-on-mother-who-...).

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has already conducted bizarre experiments on genetically engineered mosquitoes that carry vaccines to be silently injected into unsuspecting humans. And that same foundation has also invested heavily in covert vaccination technology that could, for example, vaccinate you with a spray mist used at airport security checkpoints (http://www.naturalnews.com/028887_vaccines_Bill_Gates.html).

As these examples show, vaccines are increasingly being used in the context of weapons: air-dropped, covertly injected or even forcibly injected at gunpoint. These are signs of a system of medicine that operates like a police state, where people are stripped of their rights and freedoms "for the good of society." The individual is sacrificed, in other words, to serve the interests of the state. Such a philosophy is fully consistent with the entire history of secret government-funded medical experiments against blacks (Tuskegee), Guatemalans (http://www.naturalnews.com/033483_Guatemalan_prisoners_medical_experiments.html), and even criminal medical experiments involving Dr. Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine (http://www.naturalnews.com/031564_Jonas_Salk_medical_experiments.html).

Here's a list of just a few of the criminal, inhuman medical experiments that have been conducted on innocent people by the U.S. government: http://www.naturalnews.com/022383_research_experiments.html

All this adds up to classic eugenics -- especially given that vaccines in humans are strongly tied to lifelong infertility, spontaneous abortions and birth defects. It's all part of a human de-population agenda that Bill Gates has openly admitted to in his public speeches about "reducing world population" with the help of vaccines (http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_vaccines_Bill_Gates.html).

The law of unintended consequences will come back to haunt Texas
The state of Texas, of course, claims its air-dropped rabies vaccines have been a huge success. Rabies cases have plummeted in every area targeted by the vaccine carpet-bombing runs, they insist. But even if you believe those numbers, you must ask: At what cost?

What are the unintended consequences of air-dropping viral fragments of rabies over 7,000 square miles of open terrain? Engaging in such an act is just begging to be humbled by nature as that viral material gets recombined into some other deadly pathogen that exists in the wild, creating a hybrid "Franken-virus" that never would have existed without this arrogant "scientific" intervention. Can you imagine a "rabies bird flu pandemic?" Mother Nature can!

Add to this the fact that many deer in Texas are being fed genetically modified corn (GMOs), and you now have engineered genetic material from bt corn residing in the flesh of deer that might be consumed by the very same coyotes who are eating the air-dropped rabies vaccines. What might be the consequences of such a dangerous genetic experiment involving tens of thousands of animals in the wild?

No one knows. And that's the point, because the Texas scientists don't know either. They were all educated at Texas A&M which is still stuck in the era of chemical agriculture, and they think spraying everything with Roundup is the solution. (Seriously, Texas A&M graduates are totally infatuated with the use of chemical pesticides on everything...) They don't know anything about the dangers of GMOs, nor the recent research published in Cell Research that shows how microRNA (small fragments of genetic code) can pass through the digestive system, attach to organs such as the liver, and alter the physiology of those organs. (http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/01/the-very-real-danger-of...)

These "scientists" do not know what they are doing. They are narrow-minded and short-sighted. They play God with Mother Nature and hope they don't make a mistake. They risk the future integrity of Texas agriculture and wildlife on their bizarre Frankensteinian schemes that run the risk of wreaking total havoc with the biosphere. They are, like most other conventional scientists, blinded by their arrogance.

It's too late to stop them, of course. This program has been going on for 18 years, they say. And they claim it's an amazing success! It's so successful, in fact, that now they're moving on to develop an airdrop vaccine for skunks. So in 2012 and beyond, they'll be carpet-bombing Texas with skunk rabies vaccines.

Gee, did they ever consider the possibility that the reason skunks have so much rabies is because they've been dropping rabies DNA / RNA onto the landscape for nearly two decades? And after they treat the skunks, they still have a long list of animals to target with yet more vaccines, see? What about a raccoon vaccine? How about wild pig vaccines? Deer vaccines? At what point does this effort vaccinate all the wild animals of the world ever end?

If they keep this up, before long Texas will become a DNA battlefield where the entire natural ecosystem is massively contaminated with genetic intervention at every level.

But of course, it keeps the vaccine companies in business, doesn't it? And as Rick Perry proved with his HPV Gardasil scandal, Texas loves to force vaccines on innocent people while collecting payoffs from the drug companies that make them. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033705_Gardasil_Rick_Perry.html)

You can bet someone in the Texas Department of State Health Services is receiving a nice, fat payoff for all this.

Sources include:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034696_rabies_vaccines_airdrop_Texas.html#ixzz1jvx9Dirb

Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly

Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly

(NaturalNews) When natural health advocates warn against mainstream medicine's arsenal of weapons used to fight cancer, including chemotherapy and radiation, their concerns often revolve around how these therapies can weaken and damage a person's body in numerous ways. But scientists are finding other reasons to question some of these therapies. It turns out that while chemotherapies may kill or shrink tumors in the short term, they may actually be causing malignancies to grow more deadly in the long term.

For example, NaturalNews previously reported (http://www.naturalnews.com/029042_cancer_cells_chemotherapy.html) that scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center and UAB Department of Chemistry are currently investigating the very real possibility that dead cancer cells left over after chemotherapy spark cancer to spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). And now comes news that a little-explored specific cell type, the pericyte, found in what is called the microenvironment of a cancerous tumor actually may halt cancer progression and metastasis. And by destroying these cells, some anti-cancer therapies may inadvertently be making cancer more aggressive as well as likely to spread and kill.

A study just published in the January 17 issue of the journal Cancer Cell concludes that anti-angiogenic therapies (which shrink cancer by cutting off tumors' blood supply) may be killing the body's natural defense against cancer by destroying pericyte cells that likely serve as important gatekeepers against cancer progression and metastasis. Pericytes cover blood vessels and support their growth.

For the new research, Raghu Kalluri, MD, PhD, Chief of the Division of Matrix Biology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS), investigated whether targeting pericytes could inhibit tumor growth in the same way that other antiangiogenic cancer drugs do.

Dr. Kalluri and his research team worked with mice genetically engineered to support drug-induced depletion of pericytes in growing tumors. Next, they removed pericytes in implanted mouse breast cancer tumors, decreasing pericyte numbers by 60 percent.

Compared with control animals, there was a 30 percent decrease in the size of cancerous tumors over 25 days. But there was a serious catch to these results. Contrary to conventional mainsteam medical wisdom, the scientists discovered the number of secondary lung tumors in the engineered mice had increased threefold compared to the control mice, indicating that the tumors had metastasized.

How cancer drugs can spread cancer cells
"If you just looked at tumor growth, the results were good," Dr. Kalluri said in a press statement. "But when you looked at the whole picture, inhibiting tumor vessels was not controlling cancer progression. The cancer was, in fact, spreading. This suggested to us that without supportive pericytes, the vasculature inside the tumor was becoming weak and leaky -- even more so than it already is inside most tumors-- and this was reducing the flow of oxygen to the tumor."

That change, he explains, makes cancer cells more mobile, so they can travel through those leaky vessels to new locations. It also makes cancer cells behave more like stem cells, so they are better able to survive.

Because cancer therapies such as Imatinib, Sunitinib and others are known to decrease pericytes in tumors, the scientists next carried out the same experiments in mice with primary tumors. Only this time, they used the chemotherapy drugs Imatinib and Sunitinib instead of genetic programs to decrease pericyte numbers. Both Imatinib and Sunitinib caused 70 percent pericyte depletion -- and they also increased metastasis threefold.

In order to see if their findings are relevant to human patients, the research team examined 130 breast cancer tumor samples of varying cancer stages and tumor sizes and compared pericyte levels with prognoses. The result? The samples with low numbers of pericytes in tumor vasculature correlated with the most deeply invasive cancers, distant metastasis and five to ten year survival rates less than 20 percent.

"These results are quite provocative and will influence clinical programs designed to target tumor angiogenesis," Ronald A. DePinho, president of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, said in a press statement. "These impressive studies will inform and refine potential therapeutic approaches for many cancers."

For more information:


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034693_cancer_drugs_tumors_aggressive.html#ixzz1jvax6oDU

Massive opposition file on Romney hits Internet, likely from 2008 McCain campaign

If you think you’ve already heard everything there is to know about Mitt Romney, think again. A 200-page document that appears to be Sen. John McCain’s entire 2008 election-year opposition research file on the former Massachusetts governor hit the Internet with a vengeance Tuesday evening. And it’s an eye-opener.

The file explores everything from the assessed value of Romney’s house (“$3.162 million”) to his views on the Boy Scouts’ ban of homosexuals (“publicly opposed … in 1994 and 2002 campaigns”). It was made public Tuesday on the social media website Buzzfeed, although it appears to have been accessible online for two months.

The document, given the name “The Romney Book,” was viewed less than 100 times on the page where it was originally uploaded by its anonymous leaker on November 11.

Neither McCain nor his former presidential campaign staffers have authenticated the untitled document, and McCain’s recent endorsement of Romney makes that highly unlikely. Still, the file is comprehensive enough — even by Washington, D.C. opposition-research standards — to suggest that it was assembled as a tool to counter a Romney candidacy on a national scale. And the news articles it references stop late in 2007.

After a four-page introduction and timeline of Romney’s personal and professional life, the file’s next six pages cover what the authors called “top hits.” The last six pages are an appendix describing a “Boston Video Archive.”

MORE HERE - http://news.yahoo.com/opposition-file-romney-hits-internet-likely-2008-mccain-094643763.html

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fight SOPA !

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Study: Nearly all women with breast cancer have parabens in their breast tissue

Study: Nearly all women with breast cancer have parabens in their breast tissue

(NaturalNews) They are added to everything from shampoos and deodorants to processed foods and pharmaceutical drugs in order to inexpensively extend shelf life and improve product stability. But a new study out of the University of Reading (UR) in the UK has found that, based on tests conducted, nearly every single woman with breast cancer has one or more paraben chemicals in her breast tissue, suggesting a possible link between the chemical and the disease.

According to the UK's Daily Mail, Dr. Philippa Darbre and her team from UR gathered tissue samples from 40 women who were undergoing mastectomies for breast cancer between the years of 2005 and 2008. The team took four different tissue samples from each woman at separate times, which collectively totaled 160 samples, and performed an extensive analysis on each of their contents.

In the end, the group found that 99 percent of the breast tissue samples contained at least one type of paraben, while 60 percent contained at least five. And while the presence of parabens in cancer-infected breast tissue does not necessarily imply that the chemicals are responsible for causing the disease, it sure does lend suspicion to the notion that parabens could be a potential culprit.

"The intriguing discovery that parabens are present even in women who have never used underarm products raises the question: where have these chemicals come from?" asked Dr Darbre after observing that even women who did not use typical paraben-containing products still had the chemical in their breast tissue. "The fact that parabens were present in so many of the breast tissue samples does justify further investigation."

In a separate study, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly every human urine sample tested contained parabens. This is particularly concerning, since research compiled by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggests that parabens are linked to causing organ system toxicity, reproductive and fertility problems, birth and developmental defects, and endocrine (hormone) disruption. (http://www.ewg.org/chemindex/term/563).

When shopping for personal care products and food, be sure to read all ingredient labels carefully to avoid unnecessary exposure to parabens. High-quality personal care products, for instance, will often contain helpful labels indicating that they do not contain parabens.

Sources for this article include:


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034680_breast_cancer_parabens_women.html#ixzz1jrOfyhy4

Monday, January 16, 2012

New legislation would strip you of your citizenship

New legislation would strip you of your citizenship

(NaturalNews) You remember that loathsome, constitutionally questionable provision of the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act that allows the U.S. military to indefinitely detain even American citizens only suspected of terrorist and other activities, right? Now comes its evil twin, the Enemy Expatriation Act, or H.R. 3166, which would strip you of your citizenship as well.

According to a summary of the bill, the act would amend "the Immigration and Nationality Act to include engaging in or purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which U.S. nationals would lose their nationality. Further, the bill defines hostilities as any conflict subject to the laws of war."

Like the language of the NDAA, the language of H.R. 3166 sounds innocuous, but when put together, the two pieces of legislation literally give the government the right to come into your home, arrest you on suspicion of illegal activity, and then, as a final act of humiliation, strip you of your citizenship and/or hold you indefinitely.

Does that sound like the America our founders fought - and died - for? Or the tens of millions of Americans since? Not hardly, and as word of this insidious legislation spreads, it is eliciting the strongest of negative responses.

"Never before in our lifetime has the government come so close to fully transforming into a dictatorship as it has now. The new defense bill, if coupled with this expatriation bill, makes me shudder at the thought of what else is hiding beneath our soon-to-be king's well-guarded sleeves," writes Rebecca DiFede, a contributing editor to Americans for Limited Government.

Granted, the term "dictator" may be a little extreme, since neither of these pieces of legislation put the enforcement onus strictly on the president. Instead, they spread responsibility for carrying out the bill provisions across several agencies - the Defense Department, Justice Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as well as the Department of Homeland Security.

But building in this "plausible deniability" for the president is smoke and mirrors. The fact is, both of these bills represent an incredible encroachment on our constitutional liberties. Wait, you say. Didn't President Obama issue a signing statement when he inked the NDAA?

Sure he did. After signing the NDAA, he released a statment that said, "Moving forward, my administration will interpret and implement the provisions described below in a manner that best preserves the flexibility on which our safety depends and upholds the values on which this country was founded."

While that sounds reassuring, you'll notice that what the president did not say was that he would never allow the U.S. military to detain an American citizen indefinitely. And really, if that were his intent, isn't that what he should have said?

There is this as well. Remember that Obama personally authorized the assassination of an American citizen only suspected of conducting terrorist activities against the United States. Quite a turnaround for a man who once publicly advocated against detaining real terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. And not surprisingly, he has an echo chamber: his own administration lawyers agree with him. Go figure.

The Constitution, however, is much less ambiguous on this issue. The Fourth Amendment clearly says "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated." The Fifth Amendment, meanwhile, goes further, saying "no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

The president, his lawyers and everyone else who is taking his side for purely political reasons are essentially saying the fact that the nation is at war changes the rules, but that's the same argument President Franlin Delano Roosevelt used to intern tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Such thinking was flawed then, history revealed - and it's flawed now.

If war, or the threat of war, or the rumor of war, negates the Constitution for American citizens, what exactly is it we are fighting to preserve?







U.S. Constitution: http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034661_Enemy_Expatriation_Act_citizenship_America.html#ixzz1jg8Xnz00

Shakespeare expelled from Tucson, Arizona schools

First schools try to let the colored and whites get their educatin’ together. Then they want to teach the “theory” of evolution.

Sick of liberal institutions of learnin’? Move to Arizona, where the school board has voted to ban Shakespeare from classroom bookshelves.

Bigwigs among the school board in Tucson, Arizona have released a list of banned books on Friday, and among those, in addition to text books and collections of essay, is The Tempest, the 500-year-old play penned by William Shakespeare. The barring of the bevy of books comes after a state ban on the teaching of ethnic studies was put in place, which in turn yielded an end to the Mexican American history program taught in the Tucson Unified School District.

A recent ruling by Judge Lewis D Kowal established that the Mexican American program would go against an earlier ban specifically prohibiting classes which are aimed at ethnic groups or promotes "resentment toward a race or class of people." In June 2011, the Arizona superintendent of public instruction deemed the Tucson district to be in violation by offering the program in question. Six months later, students and instructors were forced by state mandate to end the academic agenda. Now that the plug has been pulled on the Mexican American program, the district has determined that The Tempest is among a handful of books that break state law.

MORE HERE - http://rt.com/usa/news/tucson-arizona-shakespeare-tempest-931/

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bed, Bath & Beyond pulls radioactive tissue holders off shelves

Bed, Bath & Beyond pulls radioactive tissue holders off shelves

(NaturalNews) The Bed, Bath & Beyond company has announced that it is pulling all Dual Ridge Metal Boutique tissue holders, model number DR9M, from its website, and from the 200 stores across the US and Canada that have been selling the product since July, after the products were discovered to be radioactive. Though they claim the holders are not a health threat, officials are still urging everyone who purchased the tainted holder to return them to Bed, Bath & Beyond for a refund.

According to reports, the tissue holders in question are made with manmade cobalt-60, a synthetic radioactive isotope of cobalt. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists cobalt-60 as a cancer-causing material because it emits "powerful gamma rays" of ionizing radiation that are known to cause cancer. The agency also indicates that cobalt-60 is a "significant threat" to health (http://www.epa.gov/radiation/radionuclides/cobalt.html).

Though they believe that at least 200 stores in 20 states were carrying the product, federal regulators are still working with Bed, Bath & Beyond to figure out exactly where the radioactive tissue holders were distributed. Reports say the holders originally came from India, were shipped through the port of Newark, NJ, and were distributed by the Tatara Group of Piscataway, NJ (http://news.yahoo.com/tissue-holders-pulled-stores-ny-elsewhere-023812730.html).

In New York, health officials pulled the tainted products from store shelves in Westbury, Port Chester, Elmsford, and Huntington Station. In Chicago, at least two stores carrying the tainted products were identified, according to reports, while most others in the state of Illinois are believed to have not been carrying them (http://beaconnews.suntimes.com/news/9990656-418/no-immediate-threat-of-low-level-radiation-from-bed-bath-and-beyond-tissue-box-holders.html).

Officials across the board, however, continue to claim that the radioactive tissue holders are not a public health threat, and they are using conflicting and unsubstantiated information to back those claims. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), for instance, claims that standing one foot away from a radioactive holder for ten hours is the equivalent of receiving one chest x-ray, while a spokesman from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said that spending 30 minutes in front of a radioactive box every day for a year is the equivalent of "a couple of chest x-rays."

Because of its radioactive properties, cobalt-60 does not belong in any consumer products in the first place, and customers must always perform due diligence in determining the contents of products before they purchase them. And regardless of whether or not the experts are willing to admit it, any exposure to ionizing radiation is a health hazard and should be avoided at all costs.

Sources for this article include:



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034651_radioactive_tissue_holders_cobalt-60.html#ixzz1jZSoP5Jf

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Children in New York Contract Mysterious Illness, Federal Government Preventing Disclosure of Disease

January 14, 2012

They’re saying that the cause isn’t Gardasil:

NYS Health Department spokesman Jeff Hammond also says vaccines such as Gardasil were investigated as a cause and ruled out. (WGRZ)

Did these girls receive Gardasil vaccinations?

The diagnosis, which is apparently known by the government, is being kept from the girls and their families.

Here’s a question for any of the several medical doctors who regularly read Cryptogon:

Have you ever heard of doctors treating patients without telling them (or their families) what they’re being treated for?


Here’s a response from Dr. H in the U.S. I have edited this slightly to maintain Dr. H’s privacy:

Kevin, I’m an MD in [a state in the U.S.]. I’ve been in private practice since completing my residency in 2002.

The idea that the govt would not permit a doctor to tell a patient (or a peds patient’s parents/guardians) a diagnosis is insane. No physician I know would agree to that.

The sacred doctor-patient bond is more important than any edicts out of Washington. They might be able to issue gag orders to the courts, but they can’t gag me or my colleagues.

The one circumstance where it might make sense not to tell a patient a diagnosis would be if there were more harm from revealing the diagnosis–maybe Munchausen’s by proxy if the child were not physically there, abuse by the parent was suspected, and telling the parent that “we know you’ve been hurting your child for attention” might result in more harm to the kid before the child could be taken away from an abusive situation. What you wrote about doesn’t fit with that scenario, of course.

Saying “I know but won’t tell you what I know” is malpractice. Any atty will have tons of cash rolling in through torts if a doctor really said that.

You can use this email, but please don’t disclose my name.


Via: Liberty Confidential:

Late last year, 12 girls in New York were hit with strange symptoms that included spasms, and tics. Some children were so bad, and for so long, that they had to be pulled out of school and tutored at home. One who couldn’t return to school had seizures.

Parents have been demanding answers since late 2011.

An investigation was launched into why these children — all girls who attend the same school, Le Roy, in New York — have come down with this mysterious illness.

Visits to psychologists, medical doctors, MRIs, and more, have been conducted over the past months. Nothing has been revealed.

The story took an unsettling turn this week when a government health official told parents not to worry, that they know what’s been making the children suffer these symptoms; but that the government will not permit the disclosure of details, not even to the parents.

The official, from the state health department, called it a “federal issue.”


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Things You Should Know About the FBI's Massive New Biometric Database

Civil libertarians worry about the roll-out of Next Generation Identification, a massive expansion of the agency's current biometric database.
January 8, 2012 |

The FBI claims that their fingerprint database (IAFIS) is the "largest biometric database in the world," containing records for over a hundred million people. But that's nothing compared to the agency's plans for Next Generation Identification (NGI), a massive, billion-dollar upgrade that will hold iris scans, photos searchable with face recognition technology, palm prints, and measures of gait and voice recordings alongside records of fingerprints, scars, and tattoos.

Ambitions for the final product are candidly spelled out in an agency report: "The FBI recognizes a need to collect as much biometric data as possible within information technology systems, and to make this information accessible to all levels of law enforcement, including International agencies." (A stack of documents related to NGI was obtained by the Center for Constitutional Rights and others after a FOIA lawsuit.)

MORE HERE http://www.alternet.org/rights/153664/5_things_you_should_know_about_the_fbi|s_massive_new_biometric_database/?page=entire

DNA McSpray to foil thieves - McDonalds to use new anti-theft spray

McDONALD'S restaurants are fighting back against thieves by blasting suspected robbers with an invisible DNA spray as they attempt to flee.

The spray, which remains on the suspect's skin for two weeks and on clothes for up to six months, has been introduced in some of the chain's busiest NSW stores, including those at Parramatta, Granville, Auburn, Lidcome, Kingsford and Wollongong, reported The Daily Telegraph.

If the SelectaDNA "forensic marking" spray proves successful in apprehending bandits, McDonald's will introduce the system across all its 780 Australian outlets.

Developed in the United Kingdom by a police officer and a chemist, the spray has been used by McDonald's outlets in Britain and Europe.

Each outlet keeps the details of its distribution a close secret, but one McDonald's restaurant in The Netherlands installed above the main door an orange device which was electronically linked to a panic alarm system. Staff could activate the device in an emergency.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/business/dna-mcspray-to-foil-thieves/story-e6frfm1i-1226239112219#ixzz1j6brGjSH

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Petition: Tell the White House to say NO to Dow's Agent Orange GMO corn

Petition: Tell the White House to say NO to Dow's Agent Orange GMO corn

(NaturalNews) Just in time for the new year, the Dow Chemical Company is quietly trying to convince the federal government to deregulate a new variety of genetically-modified (GM) corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, a chemical component that made up roughly half of the Agent Orange chemical weapon formula sprayed on villages and crop fields during the Vietnam War. But you have the power to stop it from happening by signing a new petition created by the consumer watchdog group Cornucopia Institute (CI).

You can access that petition here:

Last week, NaturalNews broke the story about Dow's efforts to sneak through deregulation of 2,4-D right during the Christmas season when most Americans are busy spending time with friends and family. An insider tip revealed that Dow had filed a petition to deregulate the GM corn variety known as DAS-40278-9 that is resistant to 2,4-D, which also means the agri-giant intends to deregulate 2,4-D, which has been banned since the 1970s, as well (http://www.naturalnews.com/034492_D...).

For the past several years, the biotechnology industry has been watching its so-called miracle pesticide and herbicide formulas become increasingly ineffective, as pests and weeds literally become "superpests" and "superweeds." Formulas like Monsanto's Roundup, for instance, also known as glyphosate, are no longer able to protect GM crops from destruction by insects or weeds because these invaders have developed chemical resistance.

So the industry is having to up the ante and introduce newer, more deadly pesticides and herbicides in order to keep the GMO racket alive. But in order to do this, Monsanto, Dow, and the other major players will have to convince the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to first deregulate these more deadly formulas, which in this case means deregulating a major component of the infamous Agent Orange chemical formula.

Now is the time to overwhelm the Federal Register with comments of opposition to deregulation of 2,4-D resistant GM corn
The public has 60 days from the publishing of Dow's petition in the Federal Register on December 27, 2011, to leave official comments of opposition to 2,4-D's deregulation. This means the comment period ends on February 27, 2012. It is vitally important that you leave an official comment in the Federal Register, because federal agencies must review and consider these before making a decision.

In other words, if thousands, or millions, of concerned Americans send a surge of opposition to deregulation of 2,4-D resistant corn, the Feds will know we are paying attention and just might put a stop to it. You can leave an official comment of opposition by visiting:

CI has also created its own petition directly to President Obama and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack urging them not only to oppose Dow's 2,4-D corn, but also to stop irresponsibly approving GMOs in general. The petition also expresses support for the mandatory labeling of GMOs at the federal level, an issue which will soon be up for a vote statewide in California (http://www.naturalnews.com/033763_G...).

To sign the CI petition, visit:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034553_GMO_corn_Agent_Orange_petition.html#ixzz1iSj83diy

Disturbing video that shows U.S. soldiers 'blowing up a dog in Iraq for fun'

A video has emerged online that appears to show some American troops blowing up a dog-for fun

On the footage, which surfaced two days ago, soldiers can be heard- off camera- laughing as the animal approaches a trap-apparently set up by themselves.

The men chortle as they spot the hapless creature wandering in what appears to be a bombed out street.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2080702/Horror-U-S-soldiers-blow-dog-Iraq-film-it.html#ixzz1iN1umU00

Monday, January 2, 2012

Two Four Star Generals Write New York Times Op-ed Against NDAA and Indefinite Detention of Americans

Two four star Marine generals have written a stunning op-ed in the New York Times which demands that President Obama veto the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill that allows the government to use the military to indefinitely detain American citizens without due process. Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar, both 4 star Marine generals, published the piece on December 12. The op-ed starts with a direct demand that President Obama veto the NDAA bill in order to protect our country from the “false choice between our safety and ideals.”
