Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trichet Calls For Corrupt BIS To Boss Global Government In CFR Speech

Trichet Calls For Corrupt BIS To Boss Global Government In CFR Speech

ECB President tells insiders that secretive group of international bankers – responsible to no nation state – will become primary engine of world government

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 29, 2010

In a speech before the elitist Council On Foreign Relations organization in New York earlier this week, President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet called for the imposition of global governance to be bossed by the G20 and the corrupt Bank of International Settlements in the name of safeguarding the global economy.

In an address entitled “Global Governance Today,” Trichet proclaims how the elite need to impose “A set of rules, institutions, informal groupings and cooperation mechanisms that we call “global governance”.

During the course of the speech, Trichet uses the term “global governance” well over a dozen times, outlining how “global governance is of the essence” to avoid another financial crisis.

Section one of Trichet’s speech is entitled, “Why we need global governance,” and from then on he constantly invokes the economic downturn as a justification for empowering secretive, undemocratic and corrupt global institutions with the power to rule the world.

Highlights of Trichet’s speech can be viewed below via the official Council on Foreign Relations You Tube channel.

A full transcript of the speech was also carried by the Bank for International Settlements, an international organization of central banks that has constantly lobbied for a centralized global currency to replace that of nation states. Trichet praises the BIS as being “ahead of the curve” in dealing with the financial crisis during the speech.

The primary outfit that will boss the institutions of global governance, according to Trichet, is the Global Economy Meeting (GEM), which regularly meets at the BIS headquarters in Basel. This group, states Trichet, “has become the prime group for global governance among central banks”. The GEM is basically a policy steering committee under the umbrella of the Bank for International Settlements.

The BIS is a branch of the of the Bretton-Woods International Financial architecture and closely allied with the Bilderberg Group. It is controlled by an inner elite that represents all the world’s major central banking institutions. John Maynard Keynes, perhaps the most influential economist of all time, wanted it closed down as it was used to launder money for the Nazis during World War II.

Financial website Investors Insight describe the BIS as “the most powerful bank you’ve never heard of,” labeling it “the most powerful financial institution on earth”.

The bank wields power through its control of vast amounts of global currencies. The BIS controls no less than 7% of the world’s available foreign exchange funds, as well as owning 712 tons of gold bullion.

“By controlling foreign exchange currency, plus gold, the BIS can go a long way toward determining the economic conditions in any given country,” writes Doug Casey. “Remember that the next time Ben Bernanke or European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet announces an interest rate hike. You can bet it didn’t happen without the concurrence of the BIS Board.”

The BIS is basically a huge slush fund for global government through which secret transfers of wealth from citizens are surreptitiously handed to the IMF.

“For example, U.S. taxpayer monies can be passed through BIS to the IMF and from there anywhere. In essence, the BIS launders the money, since there is no specific accounting of where particular deposits came from and where they went,” writes Casey.

“The bank was a major player promoting the adoption of the euro as Europe’s common currency. There are rumors that its next project is persuading the U.S., Canada and Mexico to switch to a similar regional money, perhaps to be called the “amero,” and it’s logical to assume the bank’s ultimate goal is a single world currency. That would simplify transactions and really solidify the bank’s control of the planetary economy,” adds Casey.

The Bank of International Settlements is responsible to no national government whatsoever. Trichet’s acknowledgment that an offshoot of the corrupt BIS will boss the main engine global government is a startling revelation, and emphasizes once again that world government is inherently undemocratic and dictatorial in nature.


The fact that Trichet unveiled this new approach in the march towards global governance before an audience of CFR insiders is fully appropriate.

The Council On Foreign Relations comprises of influential elitists and powerbrokers from all sectors of government, business, academia and the media. It is the public face of the more secretive Bilderberg Group. The CFR only recruits members sympathetic to its agenda for global government and the elimination of U.S. sovereignty.

The scope of the CFR’s mission was best encapsulated by former Deputy Secretary of State under Clinton and CFR luminary Strobe Talbott, who told Time Magazine in July 1992, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

As we have emphasized, the global elite have already announced the birth of world government and who will run it. People expecting the UN to be at the helm have been distracted as the G20, alongside the BIS, was being empowered with the tools through which global governance is being coordinated.

In his speech, Trichet acknowledges the role of the G20 in using the financial crisis to mandate developing countries’ “full integration into the institutions of global governance.”

“The G20 has been effective in addressing the global crisis. We are now at the stage where this forum is making the transition from acting in a crisis resolution mode to contributing to crisis prevention,” said Trichet. In other words, the elite exploited the financial crisis in order to allow the G20 to pose as saviors and consequently empower itself to impose global governance regulations on nation states in the name of avoiding another economic crisis.

As EU President Herman Van Rompuy stated during his speech in Brussels, 2009 marked the first official year of world government powers being directly exercised to control the economies of nation states.

“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet,” said Van Rompuy.

20 Things You Will Need To Survive When The Economy Collapses And The Next Great Depression Begins

20 Things You Will Need To Survive When The Economy Collapses And The Next Great Depression Begins

The Economic Collapse
April 29, 2010

Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that the United States is on the verge of a major economic collapse and will soon be entering another Great Depression. But only a small percentage of those same people are prepared for that to happen. The sad truth is that the vast majority of Americans would last little more than a month on what they have stored up in their homes. Most of us are so used to running out to the supermarket or to Wal-Mart for whatever we need that we never even stop to consider what would happen if suddenly we were not able to do that. Already the U.S. economy is starting to stumble about like a drunken frat boy. All it would take for the entire U.S. to resemble New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina would be for a major war, a terror attack, a deadly pandemic or a massive natural disaster to strike at just the right time and push the teetering U.S. economy over the edge. So just how would you survive if you suddenly could not rely on the huge international corporate giants to feed, clothe and supply you and your family? Do you have a plan?

Unless you already live in a cave or you are a complete and total mindless follower of the establishment media, you should be able to see very clearly that our society is more vulnerable now than it ever has been. This year there have been an unprecedented number of large earthquakes around the world and volcanoes all over the globe are awakening. You can just take a look at what has happened in Haiti and in Iceland to see how devastating a natural disaster can be. Not only that, but we have a world that is full of lunatics in positions of power, and if one of them decides to set off a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon in a major city it could paralyze an entire region. War could erupt in the Middle East at literally any moment, and if it does the price of oil will double or triple (at least) and there is the possibility that much of the entire world could be drawn into the conflict. Scientists tell us that a massive high-altitude EMP (electromagnetic pulse) blast could send large portions of the United States back to the stone age in an instant. In addition, there is the constant threat that the outbreak of a major viral pandemic (such as what happened with the 1918 Spanish Flu) could kill tens of millions of people around the globe and paralyze the economies of the world.

But even without all of that, the truth is that the U.S. economy is going to collapse. So just think of what will happen if one (or more) of those things does happen on top of all the economic problems that we are having.

Are you prepared?

The following is a list of 20 things you and your family will need to survive when the economy totally collapses and the next Great Depression begins….

#1) Storable Food

Food is going to instantly become one of the most valuable commodities in existence in the event of an economic collapse. If you do not have food you are not going to survive. Most American families could not last much longer than a month on what they have in their house right now. So what about you? If disaster struck right now, how long could you survive on what you have? The truth is that we all need to start storing up food. If you and your family run out of food, you will suddenly find yourselves competing with the hordes of hungry people who are looting the stores and roaming the streets looking for something to eat.

Of course you can grow your own food, but that is going to take time. So you need to have enough food stored up until the food that you plant has time to grow. But if you have not stored up any seeds you might as well forget it. When the economy totally collapses, the remaining seeds will disappear very quickly. So if you think that you are going to need seeds, now is the time to get them.

#2) Clean Water

Most people can survive for a number of weeks without food, but without water you will die in just a few days. So where would you get water if the water suddenly stopped flowing out of your taps? Do you have a plan? Is there an abundant supply of clean water near your home? Would you be able to boil water if you need to?

Besides storing water and figuring out how you are going to gather water if society breaks down, another thing to consider is water purification tablets. The water you are able to gather during a time of crisis may not be suitable for drinking. So you may find that water purification tablets come in very, very handy.

#3) Shelter

You can’t sleep on the streets, can you? Well, some people will be able to get by living on the streets, but the vast majority of us will need some form of shelter to survive for long. So what would you do if you and your family lost your home or suddenly were forced from your home? Where would you go?

The best thing to do is to come up with several plans. Do you have relatives that you can bunk with in case of emergency? Do you own a tent and sleeping bags if you had to rough it? If one day everything hits the fan and you and your family have to “bug out” somewhere, where would that be? You need to have a plan.

#4) Warm Clothing

If you plan to survive for long in a nightmare economic situation, you are probably going to need some warm, functional clothing. If you live in a cold climate, this is going to mean storing up plenty of blankets and cold weather clothes. If you live in an area where it rains a lot, you will need to be sure to store up some rain gear. If you think you may have to survive outdoors in an emergency situation, make sure that you and your family have something warm to put on your heads. Someday after the economy has collapsed and people are scrambling to survive, a lot of folks are going to end up freezing to death. In fact, in the coldest areas it is actually possible to freeze to death in your own home. Don’t let that happen to you.

#5) An Axe

Staying along the theme of staying warm, you may want to consider investing in a good axe. In the event of a major emergency, gathering firewood will be a priority. Without a good tool to cut the wood with that will be much more difficult.

#6) Lighters Or Matches

You will also want something to start a fire with. If you can start a fire, you can cook food, you can boil water and you can stay warm. So in a true emergency situation, how do you plan to start a fire? By rubbing sticks together? Now is the time to put away a supply of lighters or matches so that you will be prepared when you really need them.

In addition, you may want to consider storing up a good supply of candles. Candles come in quite handy whenever the electricity goes out, and in the event of a long-term economic nightmare we will all see why our forefathers relied on candles so much.

#7) Hiking Boots Or Comfortable Shoes

When you ask most people to list things necessary for survival, this is not the first or the second thing that comes to mind. But having hiking boots or very comfortable and functional shoes will be absolutely critical. You may very well find yourself in a situation where you and your family must walk everywhere you want to go. So how far do you think you will get in high heels? You will want footwear that you would feel comfortable walking in for hours if necessary. You will also want footwear that will last a long time, because when the economy truly collapses you may not be able to run out to the shoe store and get what you need at that point.

#8) A Flashlight And/Or Lantern

When the power goes off in your home, what is the first thing that you grab? Just think about it. A flashlight or a lantern of course. In a major emergency, a flashlight or a lantern is going to be a necessity – especially if you need to go anywhere at night.

Solar powered or “crank style” flashlights or lanterns will probably be best during a long-term emergency. If you have battery-powered units you will want to begin storing up lots and lots of batteries.

#9) A Radio

If a major crisis does hit the United States, what will you and your family want? Among other things, you will all want to know what in the world is going on. A radio can be an invaluable tool for keeping up with the news.

Once again, solar powered or “crank style” radios will probably work best for the long term. A battery-powered until would work as well – but only for as long as your batteries are able to last.

#10) Communication Equipment

When things really hit the fan you are going to want to communicate with your family and friends. You will also want to be able to contact an ambulance or law enforcement if necessary. Having an emergency cell phone is great, but it may or may not work during a time of crisis. The Internet also may or may not be available. Be sure to have a plan (whether it be high-tech or low-tech) for staying in communication with others during a major emergency.

#11) A Swiss Army Knife

If you have ever owned a Swiss Army knife you probably already know how incredibly handy they can be. It can be a very valuable and versatile tool. In a true survival situation, a Swiss Army knife can literally do dozens of different things for you. Make sure that you have at least one stored up for emergencies.

#12) Personal Hygiene Items

While these may not be absolute “essentials”, the truth is that life will get very unpleasant very quickly without them. For example, what would you do without toilet paper? Just think about it. Imagine that you just finished your last roll of toilet paper and now you can’t get any more. What would you do?

The truth is that soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and other hygiene products are things that we completely take for granted in society today. So what would happen if we could not go out and buy them any longer?

#13) A First Aid Kit And Other Medical Supplies

One a more serious note, you may not be able to access a hospital or a doctor during a major crisis. In your survival supplies, be absolutely certain that you have a good first aid kit and any other medical supplies that you think you may need.

#14) Extra Gasoline

There may come a day when gasoline is rationed or is simply not available at all. If that happens, how will you get around? Be certain to have some extra gasoline stored away just in case you find yourself really needing to get somewhere someday.

#15) A Sewing Kit

If you were not able to run out and buy new clothes for you and your family, what would you do? Well, you would want to repair the clothes that you have and make them last as long as possible. Without a good sewing kit that will be very difficult to do.

#16) Self-Defense Equipment

Whether it is pepper spray to fend off wild animals or something more “robust” to fend off wild humans, millions of Americans will one day be thankful that they have something to defend themselves with.

#17) A Compass

In the event of a major emergency, you and your family may find yourselves having to be on the move. If you are in a wilderness area, it will be very hard to tell what direction you are heading without a compass. It is always a good idea to have at least one compass stored up.

#18) A Hiking Backpack

If you and your family suddenly have to “bug out”, what will you carry all of your survival supplies in? Having a good hiking backpack or “survival bag” for everyone in your family is extremely important. If something happened in the city where you live and you suddenly had to “go”, what would you put your most important stuff in? How would you carry it all if you had to travel by foot? These are very important things to think about.

#19) A Community

During a long-term crisis, it is those who are willing to work together that will have the best chance of making it. Whether it is your family, your friends, a church or a local group of people that you know, make sure that you have some people that you can rely on and work together with in the event that everything hits the fan. Loners are going to have a really hard time of surviving for long.

#20) A Backup Plan

Lastly, it is always, always, always important to have a backup plan for everything.

If someone comes in and steals all the food that you have stored up, what are you going to do?

If travel is restricted and your can’t get to your “bug out” location immediately do you have a Plan B?

If you have built your house into an impregnable survival fortress but circumstances force you to leave do you have an alternate plan?

The truth is that crisis situations rarely unfold just as we envision. It is important to be flexible and to be ready with backup plans when disaster strikes.

You don’t want to end up like the folks in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. You don’t want to have to rely on the government to take care of you if something really bad happens.

Right now the U.S. strategic grain reserve contains only enough wheat to make half a loaf of bread for each of the approximately 300 million people in the United States.

How long do you think that is going to last?

Now is the time to get ready.

Now is the time to prepare.

The United States economy is going to collapse and incredibly hard times are coming.

Will you be able to survive what it happens?

Monday, April 26, 2010

'Word Magic'

'Word Magic'

'Word Magic'
By Jim Kirwan

Since long before we were a nation, this country has been governed by Admiralty Law; the international maritime Admiralty Law of the seas. It was created to regulate and track commercial products and resources between corporations and nations; it has nothing to do with regulating people, unless individuals voluntarily accept the maritime law as having 'this authority' over them. When the Maritime Admiralty Law of the Seas is being practiced the American flag is displayed with a golden fringe surrounding the flags in the courts or on the uniforms of those who are serving Maritime Law, and not the laws of constitutional United States.

"Think of an aspect of your life that dictates the limits of your freedom. Government and law enforcement, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, taxes, building permits, drivers licenses, and more. There are hundreds if not thousands of situations, regulations and boundaries on our freedom. Out of these - How many have you researched to find out how many of these apply to you or not?

Let's look at the forms of law that we currently acquiesce to. The common misconception among people is that any rule or regulation that governs them falls under one category: Law. But there are many other forms of law that people abide by without realizing that they simply do not apply to them.

Another misconception is that a nation's constitution gives us our rights. A constitution does nothing more than list the rights that we already have. We are born with inalienable rights, endowed to us by our creator. They are not given to us and they cannot be given away. The most that a person can do with a right is to choose whether to exercise it or not.

Maritime Admiralty Law is what's known as the law of the water; it is superseded by civil law and only applies to those who willingly contract themselves into it. 'Admiralty law is a body of international law governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans.'

"Word Magic" a simple perversion of language has it made it possible to convince people around the world that these alternative laws apply to them. One of the predominate beliefs in modern culture is that licenses, permits, registrations, and other forms of documentation are required to operate motor vehicles, use public roads build structures and establishments and engage in free-enterprise and much more. Sadly these beliefs are based on little to no investigation whatsoever; and are false. This belief structure is perpetuated by Maritime Admiralty Law.

This form of law was originally created to govern ships docking in foreign nations for the import or export of products and resources. It deals with banking and merchant affairs, not civil affairs. When a product is taken off of a ship and brought into a foreign land, that nation takes custody of the resource and accounts for it with a certificate. That certificate marks the birth-date of that product in the custody of the respective nation. Think of why it is supposedly required to have a 'certificate of live birth' in the first place. The Barrons' Dictionary of Banking terms defines a certificate as a paper establishing an ownership claim. (Everyone with a birth-certificate is thereby defined as being owned ­ but "owned" by whom?)

People [Americans] are used as collateral with other nations because the US is bankrupt. The United States declared bankruptcy on March 9, 1933. At this point the US began taking out loans from a private non-government affiliated corporation called the Federal Reserve. With no money to pay back the loans the United States began using the citizens as collateral. All birth and marriage certificates are literally warehouse receipts. Just look at the similarities of warehouse receipts and birth certificates. Both document the date of issue, a serial number, registration number or receipt number, a description of the product, and an authorized informant to notify the appropriate government agency.

With all of this information being readily available and the majority of people being unaware of their involvement with Maritime Admiralty
Law; this is possible through the manipulation of language. This Admiralty Law changed the meaning of the word "person," from a natural living person to a corporation. Driver's Licenses, vehicle

registration's, auto insurance forms, building permits, gun permits, work permits, tax-filing documents, birth and death certificates, traffic citations and many other forms of documentation that were once believed to be absolutely necessary; only apply to persons or corporations.

Upon signing such a legal document you are indirectly waiving your rights under the constitution and lowering your status to that of a corporation that is created with the same exact name as you. The only way to reconcile your true name from the name of the corporation is to take notice that the corporation has its name in all capital letters. This is known as "Capitus Diminutio Maxima." You may take notice that your driver's license, birth certificate, social security card, insurance cards and more use all capital letters to legally represent the corporation-with-your-name; not you.

The corporation is known as an artificial person, whereas you, the human being, are known as a natural person. This deception goes even deeper when it comes to the courts that we attend. When showing up to court you will notice that there are seats for witnesses behind a wooden fence or barrier. The defendant must cross through the entrance to the other side of the barrier where the plaintiff and the judge sit. This 'act' symbolizes the boarding of a ship. At this time business can be conducted in Maritime Admiralty Law.The "judge" acting as "captain or banker" is responsible for settling the balance between the two sides. This is why there is always a monetary value involved in any court case. The "captain" is simply dealing with "banking and merchant disputes." Once the balance is paid the case is closed.

To turn the court case away from admiralty law where your rights are not protected, you must avoid agreeing to represent the artificial person. This is done by stating that you are the natural person. You don't have a first or a last name because those imply 'corporate title.' In a court case you may state that the court takes judicial notice of your honor's oath of office. Every judge must take an oath of office to practice law. Yet you must make it clear to the court and the jury that the judge is acting as "judge" and not 'banker.' Remember that you are a natural human being of the earth. You are not governed by anything but your own consciousness.

Laws are created within a society. The society that created the laws we see being enforced today is called 'the law society.' Yet the most beautiful part of this entire DECEPTION is the FACT that that we are not part of the law society: So their laws do not apply to us. Judges, lawyers and law-enforcement officers are all part of a society. Within that society they have created their own language that's deceptively similar to English. They have these things called statues, acts and regulations that seem like laws; but they really only apply to those within their society. So that basically means that all the traffic violations, minimum age-requirements and everything except for damage to another person or their property doesn't really apply to the natural person.

"Laws" only apply to those within the 'Law Society.' The game being played is an illusion. You can simply choose to open your eyes and reclaim the freedom that you were born with, bound by nothing but the limits of your imagination. These are just a few examples of assuring that your rights are being protected. By far, the most important line of defense against this deception is to be aware of the-perversion-of-language. And be absolutely aware of how you form your beliefs and concepts.

"In religion and politics, people's belief's and convictions are in almost every case gotten-at second hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue, but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass-farthing." Mark Twain"

These deceptive practices have been frequently used throughout the history of this government to deceive the public into doing things which individuals were not required by law, to ever do. For instance, when this nation had a 'military-draft' government-deception was also used to get around the government's prohibition against the forced labor of individuals to defend the country. When draftees were called together in formation they were told to take one step forward and swear an oath to serve their country. Those that did so were by the act of taking that step forward, waiving their right to refuse to serve their country if that was indeed against their own will. However since none of this was publicized at the time ­ most that were drafted never knew that there had even been any other choice ­ because they assumed the government had the right to compel citizens to serve during a time of war. The truth was and still is that government has no right to compel citizens to give up their rights to be natural human beings, in order to serve the purposes of the corporate state.

Those serving in the armed forces today, that wear the American flag upon their uniformswith the gold fringe, may be using American uniforms and American weaponry, but they are not serving the constitutionally based US government but are instead serving the owners of the Maritime Admiralty and their Law of the Seas; who are the corporate powers which those foreign powers truly represent.

There can indeed be 'magic in words and language: but when the deceptive use of "WORD MAGIC" is in play as in the motto of Mossad "By Way Deception Thou Shalt Do War," then the government that practices this deception must be held accountable!

1) Admiralty law, common law and the sovereign - 10 min video

ALIPAC - Lindsey Graham Retreats On Immigration Amnesty Effort Following Tea Party Pressu

ALIPAC - Lindsey Graham Retreats On Immigration Amnesty Effort Following Tea Party Pressu

Lindsey Graham Retreats On Immigration Amnesty Effort Following Tea Party Pressure

April 26, 2010

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
(866) 703-0864

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is now retreating from the negotiating table with top Democrats on energy and immigration reform amnesty legislation following immense pressure from recent Tea Party events where he and his ally John McCain were booed by large crowds in at least three cities and controversy erupted over his sexual orientation.

While Graham claims that his retreat is the result of concerns over legislation scheduling, Graham's status as the only Republican elected official in Washington who is willing to publicly support a path to citizenship and voting rights for illegal aliens, and the resulting pressures are the most likely culprit.

"Graham is looking for a way out now," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "The recent Tea Party events showed that Graham and McCain are on the wrong side of the aisle on immigration issues despite some last minute campaign season conversions to appear tough on border security."

William Gheen led loud chants of "Secure Our Borders" with thousands of Tea Party attendees in Houston, TX (April 15), Murfreesboro, TN (April 16), and Greenville, SC (April 17).

Massive media attention and controversy erupted over a segment of Gheen's speech in Graham's home state of South Carolina. The controversial speech highlighted the fact that over 50 Tea Party events had signed up to be Tea Party Against Amnesty events detailed at

William Gheen announced that he believed Lindsey Graham is a homosexual due to numerous claims by political insiders in SC and DC and that Graham's secret could be used to manipulate his votes, since America has a long history or such secrets being used against movers and shakers.

The following Monday after McCain and Graham faced pressure at many Tea Party events, McCain announced a new "Border Security" plan, devised to detract attention away from his earlier support for legalization and voting rights for illegal aliens.

One week after Graham faced massive media attention and controversy tied to the Tea Party event in Greenville, he is now backing away from the Democrats on energy and immigration.

"I firmly stand by my request for Senator Graham to be completely honest with his constituents about his lifestyle," said William Gheen in response to attacks from several liberal bloggers and Jon Stewart and Steve Colbert of Comedy Central.

"I'm a free American who is going to say what I feel needs to be said unabashedly. I am glad to see Senator Graham walking away from the Amnesty negotiating table. Verbal insults mean nothing to me compared to the billions of dollars and thousands of lives lost each year due to Obama, McCain, and Graham's open borders and illegal immigration."

For more information about William Gheen, ALIPAC, and Senator Graham and McCain's amazing reversals on their support or Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty, please visit Americans for Legal Immigration PAC at

Join a class-action federal lawsuit against can join no matter what State you live in !!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Governments Will ‘Bankrupt Us’: Marc Faber

Governments Will ‘Bankrupt Us’: Marc Faber

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Current economic policies are not sustainable and the world faces doom because “the governments are taking over”, said Marc Faber, editor & publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.

“They will all bankrupt us and expropriate us, but it may not happen tomorrow. They’ll give us something to play with, until the whole system breaks down…they’ll just print money and print more money,” he said on CNBC Thursday.

“What I object to the current government intervention in so-called ’solving the crisis’, (is that) they haven’t solved anything. They’ve just postponed it.”

Faber warned that the “ultimate armageddon” would be much worse the next time around, as “governments will go bust”, which would lead them to print more money

He also warned that China's growth was "completely unsustainable in the long run," highlighting the red-hot property sector.

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

Fox News hit piece against 9/11 truth and Jesse Ventura inadvertently reveals a shocking truth; WTC leaseholder was “on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building”

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 23, 2010

Preface from Alex Jones: To truly grasp the magnitude of this story, you really have to read the entire article. Immediately after the “pull it” controversy, debunkers claimed there was no plan to conduct a controlled demolition of the building. Now the fact that officials were considering blowing up the building is established, Silverstein’s consistent denial that this took place is a huge smoking gun. How did Silverstein expect to demolish the building safely when such a process takes weeks or even months to properly set up, even without the additional chaos surrounding WTC 7 on 9/11? How could explosives have been correctly placed on such short notice inside a burning building that had already been evacuated – unless the explosives were already in place? This new revelation is astounding and it needs to be investigated immediately.

A Fox News hit piece against Jesse Ventura and the 9/11 truth movement written by former Washington D.C. prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro inadvertently reveals a shocking truth, that World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, who collected nearly $500 million dollars in insurance as a result of the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story structure that was not hit by a plane but collapsed within seven seconds on September 11, was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition.

Writing for Fox News, Jeffrey Scott Shapiro states, “I was working as a journalist for Gannett News at Ground Zero that day, and I remember very clearly what I saw and heard.”

“Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.”

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties’ estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building’s collapse alone resulted in a payout of nearly $500 million, based on the contention that it was an unforeseen accidental event.

“A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy,” writes Shapiro.

However, obviously aware of how it would impact his insurance claim, Larry Silverstein has consistently denied that there was ever a plan to intentionally demolish Building 7.

In June 2005, Silverstein told New York Post journalist Sam Smith that his infamous “pull it” comment, which has been cited as proof that Silverstein planned to take down the building with explosives, “meant something else”.

In January 2006, Silverstein’s spokesperson Dara McQuillan told the U.S. State Department that the “pull it” comment meant to withdraw firefighters from the building (despite the fact that there were no firefighters inside WTC 7 as we shall later cover). There was no mention whatsoever of any plan to demolish the building before it fell.

Shapiro’s faux pas has unwittingly let the cat out of the bag on the fact that Silverstein was aggressively pushing for the building to be intentionally demolished, a claim that he has always vociferously denied, presumably to safeguard against putting in doubt the massive insurance payout he received on the basis that the collapse was accidental.

For over five years since the infamous PBS documentary was aired in which Silverstein states that the decision was made to “pull” the building, a construction term for controlled demolition, debunkers have attempted to perform all kinds of mental gymnastics in fudging the meaning behind the WTC leaseholder’s comments.

“I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse,” said Silverstein.

Debunkers attempted to claim that Silverstein meant to “pull” the firefighters from the building due to the danger the structure was in, and this explanation was also later claimed by Silverstein’s spokesman, however, both the FEMA report, the New York Times and even Popular Mechanics reported that there were no firefighting actions taken inside WTC 7.

Another clip from the same documentary clearly illustrates that the term “pull” is industry jargon for a controlled demolition.

“While I was talking with a fellow reporter and several NYPD officers, Building 7 suddenly collapsed, and before it hit the ground, not a single sound emanated from the tower area. There were no explosives; I would have heard them. In fact, I remember that in those few seconds, as the building sank to the ground that I was stunned by how quiet it was,” writes Shapiro in his Fox News hit piece.

Shapiro’s contention that the 47-story building simply collapsed into its own footprint within seven seconds without making a sound, a feat only ever witnessed in world history on 9/11 alone, is contradicted by numerous other first-hand eyewitnesses.

Contradicting Shapiro’s claim that the collapse of the building was quiet, NYPD officer Craig Bartmer stated that he clearly heard bombs tear down Building 7 as he ran away from its collapse.

“I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn’t see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn’t hear any… I didn’t hear any creaking, or… I didn’t hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming ‘get away, get away, get away from it!’… It was at that moment… I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself… Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit’s hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you’re hearing “boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.” I think I know an explosion when I hear it… Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they’re saying… Nothing to account for what we saw… I am shocked at the story we’ve heard about it to be quite honest,” said Bartmer.

EMT Indira Singh, a Senior Consultant for JP Morgan Chase in Information Technology and Risk Management, told the Pacifica show Guns and Butter, “After midday on 9/11 we had to evacuate that because they told us Building 7 was coming down. If you had been there, not being able to see very much just flames everywhere and smoke – it is entirely possible – I do believe that they brought Building 7 down because I heard that they were going to bring it down because it was unstable because of the collateral damage.”

The host asked Singh, “Did they actually use the word “brought down” and who was it that was telling you this?,” to which Singh responded, “The fire department. And they did use the words ‘we’re gonna have to bring it down’ and for us there observing the nature of the devastation it made total sense to us that this was indeed a possibility, given the subsequent controversy over it I don’t know.”

Another EMT named Mike who wished to remain anonymous wrote in a letter to the Loose Change film crew that emergency responders were told Building 7 was about to be “pulled” and that a 20 second radio countdown preceded its collapse.

“There were bright flashes up and down the sides of Building 7, you could see them through the windows…and it collapsed. We all knew it was intentionally pulled… they told us,” he stated.

Following news reports in the days after the attack that Building 7 had collapsed due to fire damage, Mike fully expected this mistake to be corrected after the chaos had subsided, but was astonished when it became part of the official story.

Mike’s report of a countdown preceding the collapse of WTC 7 was backed up by Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue, Kevin McPadden, who said that he heard the last few seconds of the countdown on a nearby police radio.

In addition, the language used by firefighters and others at ground zero shortly before the building fell strongly indicates that the building was deliberately demolished with explosives, and not that it fell unaided.

“It’s blowin’ boy.” … “Keep your eye on that building, it’ll be coming down soon.” … “The building is about to blow up, move it back.” … “Here we are walking back. There’s a building, about to blow up…”

Photo and video evidence of the collapse of Building 7 shows classic indications of a controlled demolition. The standard ‘crimp’ in the center-left top of the building and the subsequent ’squibs’ of smoke as it collapses clearly represent explosive demolition.

Veteran news anchor Dan Rather shared the view that the building looked like a controlled demolition during news coverage of the event on CBS

Several news agencies, including the BBC and CNN, reported that the building had already collapsed 26 minutes and as much as over an hour before it actually fell.

Footage broadcast 20 minutes before Building 7 fell shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of WTC 7 while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. A Separate BBC broadcast shows reporters discussing the collapse of Building 7 26 minutes before it happened.

Just about every sentence of Shapiro’s hit piece is contradicted by numerous other eyewitnesses, so his feigned righteous indignation in ranting, “I was there. I know what happened, and there is no single credible piece of evidence that implicates the United States of America in the Sept. 11 attacks,” fails to ring true.

However, the most damning aspect of the article is Shapiro’s inadvertent revelation that Larry Silverstein was on the phone to his insurance company pushing for the building to be demolished, which is precisely what happened later in the day, and as innumerable eyewitnesses as well as video footage and physical evidence prove, the collapse of WTC 7 could have been nothing else than a controlled demolition, which would place Silverstein’s $500 million insurance payout in severe jeopardy if ever acknowledged.

Shapiro’s testimony, intended to debunk questions surrounding the official story behind 9/11, has only succeeded in raising more, because it completely contradicts Larry Silverstein’s insistence that he never considered deliberately demolishing WTC 7 with explosives.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Attack group mixes in completely non-violent Internet postings with death threats in new purge against Internet dissent

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 22, 2010

A major Anti-Defamation League report goes further than ever before in an effort to purge the Internet of all dissent, listing completely non-violent criticism of Obamacare posted on Internet forums as a reason to conduct a “major law enforcement operation” against opponents of big government and health care reform.

The ADL’s April 2010 report is entitled, “Violent Voices: Anti-Government Extremism Takes on New Intensity,” and consists largely of lists of comments culled from alternative news websites and forums, as well as Fox News.

“During the first few months of 2010, anti-government extremism has taken on a new level of intensity in the United States. The arrests of the Hutaree militia in Michigan illustrate this passion, which exists both within and outside the militia movement. Unfortunately, the Hutaree arrests may come to be seen not as the culmination, but rather as a first step in what may need to become a major national law enforcement operation,” states the introduction (emphasis mine).

Such words are chilling bearing in mind that the infamous MIAC report, which listed gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and people who fly U.S. flags alongside neo-nazis and terrorists, was partly based on information provided to the Missouri Information Analysis Center by both the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

According to the ADL, a “major law enforcement operation” may be needed because Americans are upset that “health care reform effort is in fact key to evil efforts to implement a tyrannical government by any means necessary.”

While some of the comments listed by the ADL do hint at or call for violence, the organization underhandedly mixes them in with people who are merely expressing their displeasure at the passage of health care, amnesty, or new taxes. The vast majority of comments listed in the report relating to health care have no hint of racism or violence whatsoever.

One of the “extremist” comments worthy of a “law enforcement operation” listed by the ADL reads as follows.

“The bill that passed has NOTHING to do with healthcare,” wrote “TXplt” on the Gun and Game Forums on March 22. Rather, “…it is used solely as a vehicle to push an agenda—to destroy what is working in our insurance industries, to increase our government intrusion into citizens’ lives…and to eventually act as a vehicle for our power hungry miscreants to attempt to dictate every aspect of our lives.”

Another example is then listed.

A poster called “stainless,” writing to the Assault Web forums on the same day, thought the situation even more dire. “I don’t think you quite understand the scope of this bill,” he wrote. “From now on the gov. has absolute control of our lives…They can now declare a health ‘Emergency’ and shut down any portion of our society they want at any time. I suspect we will begin to see the practical affects [sic] of this control fairly quickly.”

Indeed, most of the comments listed in regard to health care contain no violent threats whatsoever. Consider the following example, which was posted by one of our own Prison Planet Forum moderators.

“Have you read the bill? It is a full police state bill. Your body is now owned by the state. Your children are owned by the state. Your blood, sperm, ovaries, all reproductive methods are owned by the state. Your organs are owned by the state. This is a Nazi Eugenics bill with full bailout financing to the federal reserve front companies (big insurance).” Post by “Sane” to the Prison Planet Forums, March 22, 2010.

This is shocking – the ADL lists relatively mild comments which criticize Obama, immigration, or the health care bill, statements that contain no threats and not even a hint of violence, and lumps them in with death threats against the President as well as lawmakers, immediately after stating that a “major law enforcement operation” needs to be undertaken to shut these people up.

A “major law enforcement operation” needs to be set up to take on people who don’t like Obamacare and express their dissatisfaction on the Internet? More than half the entire country opposes health care reform. The Feds are going to be kept very busy raiding every two-bit Joe Blogger who comments on a news story if the ADL has its way.

Curiously, since it emerged that white supremacist radio host Hal Turner was paid handsomely by the FBI to make death threats against federal officials, the ADL and the SPLC have stop including him on their list of domestic extremists. It seems that it’s only kosher to call for violence if you’re being ordered to do so by federal authorities.

Likewise, making death threats against people who the ADL or the SPLC disagrees with is also seemingly OK. We found comments on the Southern Poverty Law Center website from SPLC supporters calling for Alex Jones to be executed for his political beliefs. The ADL didn’t see fit to include these comments in any of their reports, and the SPLC left them up there for four months, only removing them after we wrote a story about the issue.

For organizations like the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, hate is their business, and business is good. If there were no “domestic extremists” to dangle like bogeymen in front of the brainwashed public, the donations would dry up, and the lucrative government tie-ins would cease.

“The SPLC is in the money raising business for every known and unknown left-wing cause. It has gone from tracking the movements of violent racists, skinhead groups, and a brief resurgence of the KKK that number in the hundreds to creating hysteria over mainstream value voters,” writes Gary DeMar. “If you don’t agree with the SPLC leftist litmus test, then you are probably a member of a “hate group.” With its new definition of what constitutes a hate group, the SPLC has become a fund raising machine. It’s no wonder that the SPLC is flush with cash. Ultimately, the tactic is to strike fear in middle-America so the checks keep rolling in. Most communities don’t see skinheads or even KKKers, so the SPLC needs a tangible enemy.”

With so many Americans rightfully angered at the myriad of new taxes they face under Obamacare, not to mention new assaults in the pipeline – VAT taxes, carbon taxes, financial transaction taxes, the ADL has plenty of people at which to point who are upset and not afraid to show it.

But there’s a significant difference between being pissed off, angry at politicians, and wanting to protest or bitch about it, and being a domestic terrorist who wants to blow up federal buildings. Indeed, you probably need to be working for the FBI to have any interest in the latter. Also recall that the SPLC itself had operatives inside the Identity settlement in Elohim City, Oklahoma from where the OKC bombing plot had its origins.

“References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh’s activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly,” the Daily Gazette reported, citing a declassified FBI memo.

The SPLC and the ADL have deliberately blurred the lines between the right to voice one’s grievances under the First Amendment, and inciting violence or planning terror (for those few individuals who are not paid to do so by federal authorities).

Up until now the ADL and the SPLC have concentrated on making lists of political activists, you know, like the Nazis did, who they disagreed with and then seamlessly tying them in with federal patsies like Hal Turner or Timothy McVeigh in an attempt to chill free speech and prevent people from actually researching the information these undesirables were putting out.

But now the ADL has gone a step further in actually calling for law enforcement action against people who leave non-violent rants and comments on websites, the mask has now been removed and the openly fascist effort to purge the Internet of dissent by arresting Obamacare critics is now underway.



Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you've ever seen... The President who HATES America
Date Posted: Wednesday 21-Apr-2010
[This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists/Marxists were his friends. Davis spied for the Soviet Union. Obama wants to shut down America's nuclear arsenal but won't intercept North Korean Communist missiles, nor will he stop Iran, a terrorist sponsor, from developing nuclear bombs.

I must say, I find the sealing of his records going back to childhood, utterly bizarre. What the heck is there to hide?

It mentions he can list all of America's failings, but none of its accomplishments. I have been saying for quite a time that President Obama HATES AMERICA, and if this doesn't prove it to you, nothing will.

I disagree with the final sentence though. I've seen no proof of this. Someone did go to a lot of trouble to help him, but I'm not sure its Soros. It should be clear that Obama is surrounded by communists and has seriously dangerous communists as friends. Jan]


Barack Obama is less of a person than an image— a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test.

But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is:

* A man with no birth certificate.

* A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order.

* A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin.

* A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President.

* A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school.

* A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan.

* Why did he go?

* Who paid his expenses?

* A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use?

* A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour.

* A law review editor who never published an article in any law review.

* A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community.

* A former State and U.S. Senator, who never authored a piece of legislation.

* A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky.

* A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America.

* A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends.

* A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League.

* A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by others.

* A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage.

* A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral.

* A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls.

* A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya.

* A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.”

* A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars.

* A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector.

* A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship.

* A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets.

* A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it.

* A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences.

* A man who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking.

* A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day.

* A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements.

* A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility”.

* A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.”

* A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her.

* A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States --an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches.

* A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination.

* A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries.

* A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments.

* A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain.

* A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry.

* A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition.

* A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all.

* A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system.

* A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff.

* An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness.

* A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors.

* A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including:

* A “Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime.”

* A self-professed communist as his “Green Jobs Czar”. A "Pay Czar” to regulate the pay of corporate executives.

* A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet has nominated a domestic enemy of the Constitution to the Supreme Court.

* A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists.

* A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras.

* A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.”

* A President who cracks hurtful jokes about Special Olympians.

* A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma.

* A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles.

* An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America.

* A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan.

* A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for a shopping spree.

* A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances.

* A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry.

* A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs.

* A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession.


The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia.

Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified.

Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him.

Who? The answer is George Soros-connected to the Rothchilds.

Source Url:

Posted By: Jan
Author of: Government by Deception

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New hope for MS patients from UV light from the sun (beyond vitamin D)

New hope for MS patients from UV light from the sun (beyond vitamin D)

(NaturalNews) It's not a new idea that multiple sclerosis (MS) is somehow tied to sunlight -- or, rather, the lack of adequate exposure to sunlight. For more than three decades, researchers have noted that MS is much more common in higher latitudes than in the tropics. So, because bright sunlight is more abundant near the equator and sunlight exposure results in the body producing vitamin D, some scientists have reasoned that increased vitamin D levels may lower the risk of MS.

In fact, for those who already have MS, a neurological disease marked by a deterioration in nerves' electrical conduction, vitamin D may reduce their symptoms, according to Hector DeLuca, the Steenbock Research Professor of Biochemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison. However, in a study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), DeLuca and fellow researcher Bryan Becklund conclude the ultraviolet (UV) portion of sunlight could play an even more important role than vitamin D in preventing and/or controlling the MS.

"Since the 1970s, a lot of people have believed that sunlight worked through vitamin D to reduce MS," DeLuca, one of the world's top vitamin D researchers, said in a statement to the media. "It's true that large doses of the active form of vitamin D can block the disease in the animal model. That causes an unacceptably high level of calcium in the blood, but we know that people at the equator don't have this high blood calcium, even though they have a low incidence of MS. So it seems that something other than vitamin D could explain this geographic relationship."

To try to better understand the impact sunshine could have on MS, Deluca and his team worked with lab mice that are genetically bred to be susceptible to a MS-like disease. The researchers triggered the disease in the animals by injecting them with a protein derived from nerve fibers. Then the mice were exposed to moderate levels of UV radiation (UVR) for a week. After the lab rodents developed multiple sclerosis-type symptoms, they were exposed to UVR every second or third day.

The UV exposure, which was equal to about two hours of direct summer sun, did not change how many mice got an MS-type illness, but it did reduce the symptoms of MS. Symptoms were especially reduced in the animals that were treated with UV light ever other day.

While the scientists found that although the UV exposure did increase the level of vitamin D in the mice, that effect by itself wasn't enough to cause such a dramatic lessening of MS symptoms. "These results suggest that UVR is likely suppressing disease independent of vitamin D production, and that vitamin D supplementation alone may not replace the ability of sunlight to reduce MS susceptibility," the scientists concluded in their paper.

In a media statement, DeLuca pointed out that the exposure to UV light might result in some reactive mechanism that blocks the autoimmune damage seen in MS. "We are looking to identify what compounds are produced in the skin that might play a role, but we honestly don't know what is going on," he said. "If we can find out what the UV is producing, maybe we could give that as a medicine. In the short term, if we can define a specific wavelength of light that is active, and it does not overlap with the wavelengths that cause cancer, we could expose patients who have been diagnosed with MS to that wavelength," DeLuca added.

Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.

For more information:

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover

(NaturalNews) I remember the H1N1 "swine flu" season of 2009 very well. People were rushing out to get vaccinated, scared half to death by the mainstream media which was pushing false reports that the swine flu would kill tens of millions of people and that only a vaccine could save you. The CDC and health authorities were pushing a double-barreled vaccine strategy that demanded people get both a seasonal flu shot as well as an H1N1 pandemic flu shot. Those who questioned the sensibility of vaccines for fighting the flu were attacked as "baby killers" for not kow-towing to the vaccine mythology that drives Big Pharma's profits to record profits nearly every flu season.

I specifically remember writing an article here on NaturalNews, warning people that taking a seasonal flu shot actually weakened your immune system and made you more susceptible to H1N1 swine flu ( This suggestion earned me a highly accusatory email from a CDC employee who suggested that warning people to avoid the swine flu vaccine shot was equivalent to "an act of terrorism" and that all those who questioned vaccines should be arrested and stopped from writing anything on the internet ever again.

(Hilarious, isn't it, how deeply the vaccine mythology drives these vaccine-pushing nut jobs?)

Fast forward six months (or so) and now we have a new scientific paper published in one of the few remaining honest, independent medical journals out there: BLoS Medicine. The title of this study? Check it out:

Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus?
Viboud C, Simonsen L (2010) Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus? PLoS Med 7(4): e1000259. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000259

Care to guess what the study found? In short, it found that people who received the seasonal flu vaccine shot in 2008 were up to 274% more likely to be infected by H1N1 swine flu than those who skipped the season flu shots.

Season flu vaccines have a "counterproductive effect"
This result, which virtually all the top natural health writers openly predicted last year, apparently stunned the researchers. As explained in the published study, "Danuta Skowronski and colleagues report the unexpected results of a series of Canadian epidemiological studies suggesting a counterproductive effect of the vaccine."

In this case, "counterproductive effect" of the vaccine means that it works against you. Getting the vaccine shot appears to actually make you MORE susceptible to being infected with (and potentially killed by) a future pandemic.

If this sounds familiar, it's because we've been saying this over and over again to anyone who will listen: Flu vaccines are a medical scam, folks! A Big Pharma hoax. Getting a vaccine shot could actually result in you being killed by the next seasonal flu or pandemic outbreak that comes along. I even wrote this into the lyrics of my hip-hop song Don't Inject Me (

Criminal neglect at the CDC and WHO?
So it turns out the CDC, WHO and FDA officials who all pushed these vaccines so hard were actually sending people to their graves. Meanwhile, they all engaged in what I consider to be blatant criminal neglect for not mentioning the simple, free solution for preventing virtually any widespread pandemic: Vitamin D and sunlight therapy. Vitamin D, we now know, works better than vaccines at preventing a flu infection, and the best part is that it makes your immune system stronger for the future, not weaker.

According to the CDC's official figures, well over ten thousand Americans died from swine flu infections. How many of those people could have been saved if they had taken vitamin D supplements instead of a seasonal flu shot? That is the question that now hangs over the heads of all the vaccine pushers at the FDA, WHO and CDC who have yet to admit in a single public story that vitamin D could have saved lives (or that the vaccine might be harmful to anyone).

To hear these agents of Big Pharma say it, vaccines are always good for you; they always work; and they never cause harm. Those are the beliefs of their vaccine cult, and they cannot be swayed by scientific evidence or actual reality.

What the new study actually says
The preamble to the study's findings:

The spring 2009 pandemic wave was the perfect opportunity to address the association between seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) and risk of pandemic illness. In this issue of PLoS Medicine, Danuta Skowronski and colleagues report the unexpected results of a series of Canadian epidemiological studies suggesting a counterproductive effect of the vaccine [4]. The findings are based on Canada's unique near-real-time sentinel system for monitoring influenza vaccine effectiveness.

And here's the real kicker of what they found:

"...receipt of TIV [vaccine] in the previous season (autumn 2008) appeared to increase the risk of pH1N1 illness by 1.03- to 2.74-fold, even after adjustment for comorbidities, age, and geography."

In other words, those who were vaccinated with the previous seasonal flu were 103% to 274% more likely to be infected with H1N1 than those who skipped the vaccine.

And this analysis only measured the effects from one year of seasonal flu vaccines. What might the results show if they tracked consumers' vaccination patterns over the last decade?

I have no doubt that those who rejected vaccines for the greatest number of years would have the lowest rates of H1N1 infections. At the same time, those who received the greatest number of vaccine shots over the last decade would be far more likely to be infected with the H1N1 pandemic flu -- perhaps as much as 500% more likely (my guess).

It's all about repeat business
Let me explain the dirty little secret of the vaccine business, because it's exactly the same dirty little secret as the pharmaceutical business: They actually WANT you to get sick so that you keep coming back for more drugs (which make you even sicker).

See, a vaccine actually weakens your immune system from future infections. So the more vaccines you get, the more likely you are to catch the flu in subsequent years. The more you catch the flu, the more you automatically think, "Gee, I must need a flu shot" and you therefore go back to get another shot.

(Ka-Ching $!) Big Pharma scores revenue from you and sends you back out into the world with a weakened immune system yet again, perfectly positioned for endlessly repeating this cycle.

Big Pharma's high-profit medications follow the same strategy: Osteoporosis drugs, for example, actually cause bone fractures. Psychiatric drugs cause psychiatric disorders. Chemotherapy drugs cause cancer, and so on.

What the drug companies have figured out is that a patient cured is a patient lost. But a patient in which sickness can be induced by the medicine is a repeat customer! So vaccines, medications and cancer treatments actually become profit centers as they harm hundreds of millions of people who then seek out yet more medical care where they will be prescribed yet more drugs.

The whole medical cycle is absurdly sick, and yet this is the system upon which the entire system of western health care is currently based. The recent health care "reforms," in fact, are nothing more than an expansion of this system to make sure everybody gets sick rather than just those who can afford to buy health insurance.

How to escape the dark agenda of the vaccine pushers
The vaccine pushers have a clear agenda: They want to inject everyone -- pregnant mothers, infants, teenage girls and boys, senior citizens and even healthy adults -- with vaccines. In doing so, they can absolutely guarantee a windfall of future business (and profits) from all the people whose immune systems are compromised.

A vaccine is a repeat business generator for the drug companies. It has absolutely nothing to do with your health, or saving the people, or halting any pandemic. It has everything to do with trapping the public in a cycle of medical dependence from which they can never escape.

But YOU can escape. It's easy: Just say NO to vaccines and say YES to Vitamin D and sunlight. It's really that simple, and the same goes for your children, too. When you have vitamin D and good nutrition, you don't need vaccines and you're extremely unlikely to catch any seasonal flu.

Don't expect the CDC or WHO to leap right out and admit this, however: These people are still living in the Dark Ages of medicine. They have yet to see the (sun) light. They remain shackled to their distorted, dark beliefs in dangerous chemicals and needles, much like the Orcs were beholden to the Dark Lord Sauron in The Lord of the Rings. They are, in a very real way, creatures of deception and darkness who only seek to gain power by depriving the People access to information that could save their lives -- information about nutrients, sunlight, antioxidants, anti-viral herbs and many other remedies that make flu vaccines obsolete.

The Dark Lord Sauron, however, is very powerful, as is the CDC, WHO and FDA. They rule with intolerance for opposing views and without any regard for the value of human life. They censor scientific findings and conspire with the enemy drug companies to medicate everyone whether they need it or not. They invoke power through the spread of fear, and they take great solace in their power to dominate innocents. And yet they insist their vaccine cult is the one true belief -- their God -- and that anyone who dares step forward and question their vaccine mythology is a heretic who should be arrested or destroyed.

We are actually living out The Lord of the Rings right now in western medicine and the modern vaccine agenda. The clouds are roiling over the horizon, threatening to shadow us all in censorship and health ignorance. Meanwhile, we are being stripped of our healthy minds and immune systems through these highly neurotoxic medications and vaccines that make us less and less human with each passing day. It's almost as if the Dark Lord were expanding his own army of dark creatures by destroying the minds of innocents and reshaping them to fit his own medical domination agenda. Coincidentally, it is quite true that those are have already been vaccinated are the most likely to be vaccinated again... perhaps because the vaccine-induced brain damage has kicked in and destroyed their ability to think for themselves.

What the Dark Lords of western medicine fear the most is the truth: The truth about sunlight. The truth about vitamin D. The truth about nutrition and how natural medicine makes virtually everything in conventional medicine obsolete. The truth, in fact, is what will ultimately destroy this conspiracy of medical darkness that has blanketed our world in darkness for the last century. But there is light at the end of this tunnel, and it's sunlight!

Because as long as there are people who are willing to say NO to vaccines and medications, there will always be hope for a revolution in healing that sees the crumbling of the pharmaceutical empire and the rise of a new era of healing freedom.

Teach your children well, friends, because they will need their minds sharp and their bodies fit to rise up against the medical tyranny that now enslaves our fellow brothers and sisters. Teach your children the meaning of freedom and the skills of discernment so that they may tell the difference between tyranny versus freedom. And most of all, teach them the truth about their miraculous innate healing potential so that they will not be cowed into submitting to the tyrants of conventional medicine who prey upon weak minds.

Most importantly, feed your children well so that they will survive the next great pandemic that quietly steals the lives of those who foolishly believed in vaccines. In this way, your healthy children will inherit the earth while those who misplaced their faith by worshipping the Gods of vaccines and pharmaceuticals will quite literally perish.

We live and die by our beliefs, and those who believe in vaccines may very well die by them.

P.S. For the record, I have not been vaccinated for nearly 20 years and I take no pharmaceuticals whatsoever. I travel around the world frequently, and I'm on airplanes and in crowded public places on a regular basis. I can't even remember the last time I lost a single day sick in bed from any flu, pandemic or infection of any kind. I am not afraid of the swine flu and have almost certainly already been exposed to it, although I would never know because I never showed any symptoms. I truly and honestly believe that the next great pandemic, whenever it comes, will demonstrate a devastating mortality rate for those who depend on western medicine's vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Mark my words: The survivors will be those who rejected the vaccines. Will you be one of them?

Sources for this story include:
PLoS Medicine:

Health Day:

IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Individuals who don’t purchase health insurance may lose their tax refunds according to IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. After acknowledging the recently passed health-care bill limits the agency’s options for enforcing the individual mandate, Shulman told reporters that the most likely way to penalize individuals that don’t comply is by reducing or confiscating their tax refunds.

Speaking at the National Press Club on Monday, Shulman downplayed the IRS’s role in enforcing the recent overhaul of the health insurance industry by claiming the agency would not aggressively target individuals who don’t purchase coverage. He noted that the health-care bill expressly forbids the agency from freezing bank accounts, seizing assets or pursuing criminal charges, but when pressed said the IRS would most likely use tax refund offsets to penalize those that don’t comply with the mandate. The IRS uses refund offsets to collect from individuals that owe the federal government a delinquent debt.

“These are not the kinds of things we send agents out about,” Shulman said. “These are things where you get a letter from us. Congress was very careful to make sure there was nothing too punitive in this bill.”

Many reports have claimed that enforcement of the individual mandate will be non-existent, but Shulman’s answers indicate differently. According to BusinessWeek, starting in 2015 Americans who don’t purchase insurance will be subject to a fine of $325 and that sum increases to $695 in 2016. However, the commissioner seemed confident that in most cases individuals would either receive subsidies to purchase insurance or simply do so on their own in order to comply with the law.

“The vast majority of American people have a healthy respect for the law and want to be compliant with their tax obligations,” Shulman said, mentioning letters, collection notices and offsets as among the various ways the IRS will reach out to people without coverage.

During his speech Shulman said threats against the IRS have not risen despite media reports to the contrary. He disagreed that it has become more dangerous to work for the IRS following the February incident in which a disgruntled pilot flew his plane into the agency’s Austin, Texas office, killing one employee.

“There’s been a lot of stuff in the press around increased threats, which is actually inaccurate,” Shulman said. “What there has been is increased chatter on the Internet that has an anti-government sentiment.”

He also said it is too early to know what additional resources or how many employees the IRS will need to enforce compliance with the mandate and clarified his reasons for using a professional tax preparer.

“I wouldn’t read into anything about me doing it now,” Shulman said. “I’m just a busy guy and have had good service for the past 15 years.”

Read more:

CNN Touts Civilian Service Corps As Way Of Shedding Student Debt

CNN Touts Civilian Service Corps As Way Of Shedding Student Debt

Steve Watson
Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

CNN has some advice for any former students now saddled with excess debt – carry out a decade of social work or join the ranks of the government’s civilian service corps.

CNN business news correspondent Stephanie Elam put on the hard sell for government service to viewers of Newsroom.

“This is really about helping those people out, getting them ready as far as the choice for best course of study for the financial future,” Elam told viewers.

“So you may consider the possibility of enlisting in public service. Demand is really high right now for government jobs …and any remaining debt on federal student loans will be forgiven after you work full-time in public service for ten years.” Elam continued.

“But to get this benefit, you need to take out your loan from a federal lender as opposed to a private one like Sallie Mae,” she continued, apparently auditioning for the role of Obama’s public service czar.

CNN’s national public service broadcast continued as Elam then touted AmeriCorps and the Peace Corp service:

“They’re not going to forgive your loan, but if you do have service that you provide to AmeriCorps, you will enjoy loan forbearance, and what that really means is you won’t be have to make any payments while you’re serving, and AmeriCorps volunteers are also eligible for an education reward for $5,350,” the anchor said.

Elam then added “…four full years of Peace Corps service will equal a 70 percent cancellation of an existing Perkins loan.”

Watch the video:

Essentially, if you join up with the government’s civilian service army, you get some of your indentured debt stripped away. However, if you choose to work in the private sector, where real jobs and wealth are created, you get no cushty kick backs and the debt remains. What a way to stimulate the ailing economy.

We have previously highlighted the eagerness that the Obama Administration has displayed in pushing for a comprehensive system of national service.

Last year, in an effort to enhance the role of public service, Democrats introduced The ACTION Act, aimed at increasing awards for AmeriCorps volunteers and reestablishing the Corporation’s connection with federal agencies.

The message is clear – serve the federal government and you will be rewarded, serve the U.S. economy and you will not.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flea and Tick Medications Harm Tens of Thousands of Pets

Flea and Tick Medications Harm Tens of Thousands of Pets

(NaturalNews) Use of flea and tick control products has resulted in an alarming increase of reports of pet injuries and deaths in the past few years. This has prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to announce that they will be taking stricter measures in the marketing of these products. The number of pets affected is in the tens of thousands. The EPA received 44,263 reports of harm suffered by pets in 2008, a drastic increase compared to the 28,895 reports received in 2007. Pet owners reported skin irritations, burns, welts, drooling, vomiting, seizures, disorientation, neurological problems, and death. It is estimated that 600 of these injuries resulted in death.

The EPA plans to develop stricter testing methods, together with assessing if clearer usage instructions need to be included on the labels. Steve Owens, Assistant Administrator of EPA`s Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, said that new limitations will be placed on flea and tick products, together with possible changes in some of the product formulas. Owens admitted the toxicity of these products by stating, "These are poisons. These are products that are designed to kill fleas and ticks - and they do their jobs." He stated that the EPA is committed to protecting the safety and health of families and their pets. However, he warned that pet owners must be careful and read the labels, ensuring that they follow precise instructions. Some of the injuries have been due to applying a product designated for a dog to a cat and vice-versa.

The maker of one of the leading tick and flea treatments defended its product, disputing the EPA data. The company stated that the vast majority of the cases are minor and that the number of adverse events reported has remained consistently low since the product`s introduction in 1996.

Over the counter flea and tick medications come with their own dangers. The Center for Public Integrity, based in Washington, D.C., released a report, the Perils of the New Pesticides (, that details the dangers of the chemicals contained in those products. The Center reported that pyrethrins and pyrethroids found in some of those products were responsible for more injuries found in any other class of insecticide on the market from 2003 to 2007. Dr. Marty Becker who has a practice in Idaho and resident veterinarian for "Good Morning America," stated that certain breeds, such as Rottweilers and collies, are particularly sensitive to flea and tick products.

Keeping a pet free from fleas and ticks can be a huge concern. However, one does not have to rely on these toxic chemicals. There are natural preventative measures to keep your pet flea and tick free.

Feeding a pet a raw diet is the most effective method. Fleas and ticks tend to live on unhealthy pets with low immune systems. Giving your pet the nutrition nature intended without the added fillers that commercial pet foods contain goes a long way in boosting that immune system.

Other effective preventatives include diatomaceous earth, lavender oil, apple cider vinegar (in a water bowl and in a bath), brewer`s yeast, and fresh garlic in small quantities. (NOTE: Garlic is toxic to cats).
