Sunday, March 16, 2014

Health Basics: What is soy lecithin?

Health Basics: What is soy lecithin?

 (NaturalNews) Soy lecithin is one of the most ubiquitous additives in
the American food supply. It's used mostly as an emulsifier, and it pops
up in everything from chocolate and salad dressings to tea bags and
supplements. If you ask any allopathic doctor in the country, they
always say the same thing about food toxins -- "there's not enough in
there to cause concern," or "a little bit is not going to hurt you." Oh,
but it most certainly does. When you add it all up -- all those GMOs
and little, extra-processed, toxic "additives and preservatives" -- you
end up with cancer, unless of course you learn to watch out not only for
the big killers but the seemingly "innocent" little ones too. A
thousand tiny arrows will kill you, just like one or two big ones, my

As a general rule, avoid soy across the board. The only
good soy is organic and fermented, and it's not easy to find. Over 5,000
years ago, even the Emperor of China only praised the root of the
plant, not the bean. He knew then that the soybean was not fit for human
consumption. That's also why you shouldn't eat canola, because it is
manufactured from a substance that is toxic to humans, rapeseed oil.

Releasing the nutrients of soy

3,000 years ago, it was discovered that a mold which grew on soybeans
destroyed the toxins present in it and made the nutrients in the beans
available to the human body. This process became known as fermentation
and led to what we know today as tempeh, miso and natto. During the Ming dynasty in China, tofu was made by soaking and cooking the beans with nigari, a seawater substance. It was used as a remedy for many diseases.

Eating toxic soy and other "stupid food"

the most part, Americans are stupid when it comes to nutrition. This is
mainly no fault of their own, though. They have been "dumbed down" and
tricked into believing that all disease can only be treated with
chemical medicine. Since the early 1900s, this has been the case.
Unfermented soybeans are no exception to "stupid food" and what have been labeled "anti-nutrients." Certain "phytochemicals" have toxic effects on the body, including phytates, enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens.
These actually protect the soybean plant and function as its immune
system, protecting it from invading bacteria, viruses and fungi. These
anti-nutrients make the soybean plant unappetizing to foraging animals.
Understand and appreciate the potent power of the soybean's
phytochemicals and you may never eat unfermented soy again in your life.
They could be the worst food that you ever eat, did you know that?

Typical health problems caused by unfermented soy and soy lecithin

of all, at least 90% of U.S. soy is genetically modified to be
glyphosate resistant. Are you a weed in need of being beat down? For you
health enthusiast beginners, that means GM soy is soaked in herbicide
and, if you eat herbicide, you are ruining your immune system,
irritating your whole digestive tract, and this can cause reproductive disorders and birth defects,
not to mention cancer and heart disease. Plus, you can't wash off
genetic modification -- it's inside the seeds, inside the plant and
inside you if you eat it.

Unfermented GM soy is very common in baby formula in America. Many vegetarians think that they are somehow replacing protein by consuming soy, an insidious myth perpetrated
by mainstream media and fake "guru" diets for the past few decades.
Mid-lifers may have also fallen for the "menopause" myth that soy helps
with those symptoms, which couldn't be further from the truth. How is
loss of libido helping anyone enjoy the mid-life "crisis"? (

whole myriad of toxic soy products "consume" Americans' health, like
soy milk, soy flour and soy protein isolates. Inhibiting your enzymes is
very dangerous and detrimental to your health.

"When food is
eaten, digestive enzymes such as amylase lipase and protease are
secreted into the digestive tract to help break it down and free
nutrients for assimilation into the body. The high content of enzyme
inhibitors in unfermented soybeans interferes with this process and
makes carbohydrates and proteins from soybeans impossible to completely

The great U.S. soy plague

Soybeans can also
block production of thyroid hormones and cause goiters to form. Low
thyroid activity plagues women in America. Soy lecithin is a byproduct
that flies under everyone's health radar. These are the worst kind. The term lecithin
can have different meanings but mainly refers to the mixture of
phospholipids and oil. Lecithin is often derived from rapeseed (canola),
milk, soy and egg yolks. You can bet these are all GMO sources, so remember the herbicide, as discussed earlier! Don't become a dying "pest."

To make (toxic) soy lecithin,
the oil is extracted using a chemical solvent (usually hexane, a
constituent of gasoline). Then, crude soy oil gets "degummed," dried and
often bleached using hydrogen peroxide. Commercial soy lecithin,
you can bet, is still LACED with chemicals. The FDA does not regulate
how much hexane residue can be left in food products, and that could be
upwards of 1,000 parts per million (ppm)! Still not worried about that
"little bit that won't hurt ya"? Did you know that the concentration
limit for hexane in pharmaceuticals is 290 ppm? Go figure!

reactions to foods can begin within minutes. If you experience itching,
hives, eczema, breathing problems, swelling of the throat, wheezing,
nausea, vomiting, dizziness or fainting, I wouldn't put it past soy

Are there therapeutic uses for organic soy lecithin?

is some research regarding the use of organic soy lecithin for
improving blood lipids, reducing inflammation and treating neurological
disorders. Remember though, GM soy does the exact opposite, so watch
out! If you're trying to regulate your good or bad cholesterol levels,
maybe first you should check your ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s.
Research the benefits of hemp seed oil and flax seed oil first. You
don't have to have soy allergies to be smart enough to avoid soy! Beware
of supplements that are not organic or recommended by reliable
nutritionists, like the Health Ranger, Mike Adams.


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