(NaturalNews) As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances which have a remarkable natural affinity for binding with and "capturing" heavy metals.
Why is this important? Because much of the "scientific" community today is actually corporate-driven junk science that's trying to poison you
with mercury in vaccines, mercury in dental fillings, heavy metals in
fluoride, GMOs, pesticides and more. It is extremely rare for anyone to
actually spend time, money and effort to research how to REMOVE mercury from your body... and then publicly share that information in the interests of public health.
why I humbly ask that you share this article with as many people as
possible, and especially share the chart below which describes the most
effective natural foods and dietary substances for binding with mercury.
This information can protect your health and help save your life
WhatI'm about to share with you here are lifesaving secrets which can help
protect you and your children from toxic dietary substances. Why does
this matter? Because we are finding and documenting heavy metals in all sorts of dietary products,
including organic foods, protein supplements, herbal supplements,
beverages, vitamin pills and more. Much of what health-conscious people
are eating today is contaminated with mercury, lead, cadmium and even
tungsten as we have shown in related research.
there are ways to protect yourself from these toxic heavy metals during
digestion. The secret to all this is found in certain natural
substances which bind with, capture and help eliminate heavy metals from
your digestive tract, preventing you from reabsorbing them.
at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, I have spearheaded the
pioneering research that searches for and documents these substances. So
far, I've tested over 1,000 candidate substances for these metals
capturing properties, and I've been able to identify many winners which
are remarkably effective. One of my many goals with this research is to
share these discoveries with the world so that lives can be protected
and even saved.
The "scientific" community is many years behind
the curve on this research area because the entire institution of
corporate-driven science has zero interest in preventing disease when
there's so much money to be made in treating it. Because of this, my own
discoveries most likely will not be embraced by the greater scientific
community for quite some time, but this is why I'm bringing this
information directly to you right now -- so that you can apply this knowledge immediately,
in your own life, long before conventional scientists finally admit
that avoidance of toxins is crucial to supporting human health.
How to easily (and cheaply) capture dietary mercury
Mercuryis the most easily-captured heavy metal of all. In any laboratory
environment, mercury is well known to be a "sticky" element because it
sticks to instrument tubing and vials. If I place a known quantity of
mercury in a vial of nitric acid and water, for example, a measurement
of the vial shows less mercury than should be present because some of that mercury sticks to the walls of the very instrument used to carry out the testing.
Interestingly, it turns out that mercury is also "sticks" to certain dietary fibers. In particular, my research has found that insoluble fruit fibers
are extremely effective at capturing mercury during digestion. Mercury
is unique in this way, as such fibers are very poor at binding with
lead, cadmium, arsenic and other metals. But they stick to mercury like
As part of my research into this phenomenon, I tested many
dietary fibers, including psyllium husk fiber, guar gum, vegetable
fibers and fruit fibers. The most effective fruit fiber of all was --
believe it or not -- strawberry fibers. (See full list below for the mercury binding effectiveness of various foods.)
today, nobody has known this seemingly simple fact, and even I didn't
know it until I conducted this research. Now, I'm freely passing on the
knowledge to you in the hopes that you will share it with others: Eat strawberries to block dietary mercury!
Captures over 95% of dietary mercury
Inmy tests, strawberries were able to capture over 95% of all the mercury
added to the gastric acid solution in a human digestion simulator.
This effect was also confirmed for freeze-dried strawberries but not strawberry juice because pure juice lacks fibers (pulp).
Under a microscope, you can see that each tiny strawberry seed is
connected to the center of the strawberry via a bundle of plant fibers.
These fibers, it turns out, are incredibly strong and are not easily
digested in human digestion. They pass through you largely intact, much
like psyllium husk fibers or insoluble vegetable fibers.
Isolated under a microscope, these strawberry fibers are also translucent,
by the way. And what's really amazing is that they even resist
digestion with nitric acid. Somehow, these fibers are amazingly strong
and resilient, yet nearly invisible to the naked eye.
In the gastrointestinal tract, they function as "mercury sponges" that mop up mercury with amazing efficiency.
Even better than green grasses
Inmy laboratory testing, strawberries worked even better at binding to
mercury than green grasses such as barley grass or wheat grass (see the
full chart below).
This is great news for those who want healthy eating options which are also great-tasting. Simply eat some strawberries with your meal to mop up most of the mercury found in whatever else you ate (such as sushi, tuna, ocean fish, etc.).
you don't like strawberries, you can use other fruits such as citrus
fruits (eaten raw and whole, of course, with all the fibers intact). The
next best fruits after strawberries are citrus fruits, followed by
apples and pears.
Peanut butter even better than strawberries!
You'llprobably find this fascinating, but peanut butter was even better than
strawberries at binding with mercury, turning in an amazing 96% efficiency score
at capturing dietary mercury. Apparently, the "stickiness" of peanut
butter really gels with the stickiness of mercury. How about a tuna fish
peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Care to guess what was even better than peanut butter? Hemp protein.
know, it seems counterintuitive. But I confirmed the results with
several different hemp protein brands. All hemp proteins have a powerful
"anti mercury effect." They capture around 98% of dietary mercury.
was only one substance, however, that was even more powerful than
strawberries, peanut butter and hemp protein. That substance is Clean Chlorella,
our in-house chlorella brand which is so free of heavy metals that it
seems to attract them like crazy. And just so you don't think I'm merely
plugging our own product, it turns out that all chlorella products we tested were very good at capturing mercury, with effectiveness ranging from 93% to 99%.
Eat strawberries with all the following foods
Here'sthe practical upshot of all this: When you're eating ocean fish, tuna
fish, seafood or sushi, you're probably eating mercury. We even found
mercury in seafood snacks and pet treats.
How do you protect yourself from that mercury? Eat some fresh, whole strawberries with your meal.
Or if you don't like strawberries, eat some peanut butter, hemp protein
or take some chlorella. If you can't get any of those, eat a salad and
chew it really well to loosen up the fibers and thereby increase their
"stickiness" to mercury.
My research has revealed that eating ocean fish or seafood without
something to mop up the mercury can be very toxic and dangerous to your
health because you absorb the mercury through your intestinal walls.
But eating ocean fish or seafood together with strawberries is extremely
safe because virtually none of the mercury gets absorbed during
digestion. The strawberries make your entire meal safer to consume!
isn't that what we've already known about meals, anyway? Eat whole,
fresh fruit or greens with every meal and you'll be a whole lot
healthier. To do this in an easy-to-carry portable format, get some freeze-dried whole strawberries and take those with you to lunch (or on the airplane).
this explains why I now carry freeze-dried strawberries and chlorella
with me when I travel. Even if I'm forced to eat a less-than-healthy
meal at a restaurant, I can eat some strawberries or chlorella with the
meal and know I'm eliminating mercury instead of absorbing it. At many
restaurants, you can even find strawberries at the salad bar. So chow
down on some fresh fruit!
Mercury binding and capturing: Research results from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab
This list shows the reduction in mercuryachieved by each substance I tested, using a proprietary Metals
Capturing Capacity protocol combined with ICP-MS analytical
instrumentation. When you share this list, please credit Mike Adams at
NaturalNews.com as the source, as this is original research conducted at
great cost and without any government grants whatsoever.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News Forensic Food Labs,
research conducted January - March, 2014, published at NaturalNews.com
percentage describes the percent of mercury "captured" by the substance
being tested and thereby prevented from being absorbed. Scientific
papers describing this research are forthcoming later this year.
Click here for the full infographic chart.
Clean Chlorella: 99%
Hemp Protein: 98%
Peanut Butter: 96%
Strawberries: 95%
Cilantro Leaf: 95%
Raspberries: 92%
Cacao Powder: 91%
Wheat Grass: 90%
Coconut Granola Cereal: 89%
Barley Grass: 89%
Acai Berries: 88%
Wheat Flour: 86%
Nori Powder: 85%
Hawaiian Spirulina: 83%
Blueberries: 83%
Mangos: 73%
Ground Mustard: 72%
Tropicana Orange Juice: 54%
Corn Pops Cereal: 53%
Brown Rice: 53%
Suja Carrot Orange Juice: 34%
Beets: 20%
Sunny D: 20%
Suja Apple Cucumber Juice: 10%
Zeolites: 9%
Sucralose: 3%
Red Bull: 0%
details: Technically, each substance is tested to measure its Metals
Capturing Capacity (MCC) which is described in terms of micrograms of
mercury captured per gram of the substance. The tests conducted here
used a fixed, known concentration of mercury in a fixed volume of
gastric acid, then allowed the candidate substance to interact with the
gastric acid for a period of approximately 8 hours in a digestion
simulator. The food solids were then removed from the solution and the
remaining liquid was measured for its mercury concentration, via ICP-MS
in the Forensic Food Lab.
See more heavy metals laboratory testing results at:
Important: Why strawberries don't block lead, cadmium and arsenic
Asmuch as strawberries are fantastic at binding with mercury, they're
really not very effective at binding with lead, cadmium or arsenic. In
fact, fibers are not good binders with heavy metals like lead.
turns out if you want to bind with lead, you have to rely on a more
complex ionic process rather than physical fibers. I've done extensive
research on that as well, and I've identified key substances which can
selectively bind with lead, cadmium, arsenic and even aluminum, a very
difficult metal to capture and eliminate.
To stay informed about my findings as I announce them, join my email newsletter at the end of this article, and I'll email you this breakthrough information as it gets published.
I'm also the first researcher to have announced a dietary formula which can selectively bind with cesium-137 radioactive isotopes
during digestion, without causing high exposure to aluminum or lead in
the process. More announcements coming soon on that front.
Important: Strawberries do not protect you from inhaled mercury via fillings or air pollution
As you apply this valuable knowledge to protect yourself from dietary mercury, please understand that strawberries in no way protect you from inhaled mercury.In fact, mercury fillings (dental amalgams) are dangerous to your health not so much due to you eating the mercury but from inhaling the toxic mercury gas such fillings give off. Eating strawberries will not block your dental fillings from poisoning you with mercury.
strawberries will not protect you from mercury in the atmosphere. If
you live in North America, you are being poisoned by mercury blown over
from China and emitted by China's ultra-dirty coal power plants. They
release thousands of tons of mercury into the air each year, and a lot
of that mercury finds it way to North America via air currents.
It should also be obvious that strawberries will not protect you from mercury in vaccines (and yes mercury is still used in popular vaccines as admitted by the CDC).
If you are crazy enough to allow yourself to be injected with mercury
in a flu shot, for example, you're going to need a whole lot more than
strawberries to get that mercury out of your system. And you'd better
hope it doesn't cause too much brain damage on the way out...
my email newsletter, below, to be kept informed of yet more
breakthrough announcements about heavy metals avoidance, protection and
dietary defenses.
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