Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Obama Donates 7 Alaska Islands to Putin for Zero Dollars

This Never Made It To Our News - Why Not? ... Obama Donates 7 Alaska Islands to Putin for Zero Dollars

This is what our beloved (?) president Obama has done in 2012 for America so far this year. This was just sent to me, and got very little press to keep it unknown from the American public. Please read the following to see what is happening. Why is he getting away with all of this?

Is there a "REST OF THE STORY"?

This article on Feb. 16, 2012 appears in very few places.Apparently, the regular "professional reporters" consider Obama giving away islands belonging to Alaskaand part of the United States as no big deal. Obama is giving these islands to Russia for free, no cost, $zero money or any other consideration. Guess what? The state legislature in Alaska (still one of our 50 states) voted several times in opposition to THE GIVEAWAY! The islands have billions of barrels of OIL and Obama could let oil companies lease parts of the islands and start drilling for MORE OIL!! Should you suspect Obama was trying to sneak this by...? Why??

WorldNetDaily.com<worldnetdaily.com//. Obama's State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin. The seven islands in theArctic OceanandBering Seainclude one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabed's surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.


  1. This is why we must give Obama away this election. He is dangerous, he has "only" been a community organizer...what is the definition of a community organizer!!! Everyone get out to vote and get rid of him this year...no more OBAMA! He will "GIVE" the American People away next as he is a Narcissistic person.We all, with a great brain, know that he says same sex marriage he is for....why...the same as when Lincoln freed the slaves...POLICTICAL !!!!!!!

  2. They all need to go. Except for about a hand full of good reps in DC, everyone else needs to go.
