Monday, April 30, 2012

The white male purge from within the Secret Service

Everything in the Obama administration is about race. This scandal inside the Secret Service regarding agents using prostitutes during Obama’s trip to Columbia is contrived and suspect. If the press had been told to ignore it, no one would have known anything about it. We have always believed there was more to this story and it had nothing to do with prostitutes.

When you can have scandals like Fast and Furious swept under the rug as thousands of people are killed because Obama’s Attorney General may have authorized thousands of guns to be sold to drug dealers, you know that this Secret Service issue could have been squelched in a flash. When there are grave questions about the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate and his selective service documents, and the press ignores it, you know the press can ignore anything if it is told to do so. Early on during Obama’s rise to power he was accused of having homosexual relationships and an accuser came forth alleging he had a homosexual affair with Obama. The press ignored that too.

The point here is that the press is kept on a tight leash by the White House and is told what to cover. It was told to cover this Secret Service scandal and to blow it up as large as possible. Within hours that it was discovered that the Secret Service was allegedly having wild parties with prostitutes, the story became national news.

All of the sudden, we are to believe that this relatively minor prostitution scandal is now the biggest story in America. Washington, DC operates on a steady diet of prostitutes and everyone is partaking in the partying both Democrats and Republicans. These DC insiders want us to believe that they are now so outraged that they need to sanitize the Secret Service? ...............

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