Monday, April 2, 2012

Are Boys Turning in to Girls Because of Man Made Chemicals?

Cases of accelerated puberty in young girls and the "transgender" phenomenon) are occurring with increasing frequency.

Recently we are seeing accelerated puberty in young girls , alarming increase in the men with extremely low sperm counts and transgender phenomenon growing at alarming pace.Endocrinologist have found out that endocrine disruptor found in man made common chemicals like DES, dioxin, PCBs, DDT , plasticizers and in many more chemical we use daily are responsible for this unusual phenomenon.Endocrine disruptor gets locked in to your fatty tissues and they can not be excreted out of our bodies as they are insoluble in water and they get accumulated during our entire life time.

Endocrine disruptor disturbs the endocrine glands that releases hormones into the bloodstream to control various organs of the body.The endocrine glands includes the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, pancreas, ovaries, and testicles.Developing fetuses and infants are are more vulnerable to endocrine disruptor.

In 50s and 60s doctor prescribed a synthetic estrogen called diethylstilbestrol (DES)to pregnant women to prevent miscarriages which was later found to contain endocrine disruptors.Over five million women were effected by this drug. Miscarriages,spontaneous abortions, premature births ,birth defects of the the uterus,ovaries,immune system defects,undescended testicles , malformed sperm in boys,chronic depression and other psychiatric disorders were reported.Use of estrogen have caused breast cancer in some women.

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