Saturday, January 25, 2014

Health Ranger accused of elaborate hoax for conducting science demonstration with Wheaties cereal

Health Ranger accused of elaborate hoax for conducting science demonstration with Wheaties cereal

 (NaturalNews) Yesterday I posted what I thought would be a rather ho-hum video showing Wheaties flakes clinging to a common magnet.
I then explained that Wheaties cereal contains ferrous metal fragments.
Immediately, I was accused of staging an elaborate hoax.

Newswire, which hilariously bills itself as "the authoritative source of
news and information for leading global media organizations," totally
refused to publish my food science demonstration, telling me they
thought it must be a hoax of some sort. Or voodoo. Or special effects.

was dumbfounded. And then I saw on Youtube and Facebook that people
were accusing me of using elaborate computer graphics, a green screen,
special effects or sleight of hand to "fake" the astonishing video which
has already gone viral.

Seriously, I've come to the conclusion
that people are incredibly stupid... too stupid to understand basic high
school physics involving the action of magnets. Somehow, people believe
pharmaceutical pills will make them healthy, but they can't believe
that breakfast cereals contain shards of metal which can be lifted by
magnets. Hmmm...

Magnets are not voodoo or witchcraft. They
really do operate using invisible force fields which can affect objects
at a distance. That's not a conspiracy theory; it's basic fundamental
physics. If magnets didn't work, you wouldn't even be reading this
because the entire national power grid would not exist. Generators, in
fact, turn mechanical rotary energy into alternative electrical current
by using powerful magnets.

If you have a cereal like Wheaties
which is full of metal fragments, and you use a high-powered magnet to
manipulate them, you can cause tiny cereal flakes to leap off the table,
or cling to the magnet, or even be repelled from the magnet if you push
them to the correct region of the magnet. This isn't rocket science. I personally didn't even think this would be controversial.

because we now live in a society where people are unbelievably ignorant
of basic scientific phenomena, I was forced to film a video response
explaining all this and clearly showing absolute proof that Wheaties cereal
can be manipulated, lifted or even briefly "levitated" using magnets. I
also plan to send this to PR Newswire, so that they can be amazed by my
"magic powers."

Watch that short video here, and see the proof for yourself:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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