Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Can Happen If the US Government Siezes Private Bank Accounts From an Armed PopuLation? :The last act before a nation collapses is to loot the people

The last act before a nation collapses is to loot the people. Where so many people go wrong with the impending collapse of the EU is. Yes it may be by design the central bankers are doing. But also with a collapse comes an opportunity to snatch away the chance for the bankers to come in on a white horse being the saviors when they were behind the economic demise.
Seeing the seizing of bank accounts in Europe only happens in a disarmed population with strict gun control laws. The people are disarmed leaving the people’s labors and substance at the mercy of a few. The only thing people can do is empty out the ATM machines to protect what is left. The people have no means to resist a financial dictatorship because the people have been stripped of the right to be armed. The people under the EU are peasants.
Here in the states is a different story. After the Sandy Hook massacre. The Despotic left has been pushing for gun control and the total disarming of the American people. They are going forward regardless of public opinion being against them. People are still buying guns and ammunition off the shelf in record numbers. The US government I see is helpless to stop this no matter what they do.

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