Monday, August 27, 2012

Home remedies and homeopathic solutions for the prevention and treatment of West Nile and other flu-like viruses

Home remedies and homeopathic solutions for the prevention and treatment of West Nile and other flu-like viruses

 (NaturalNews) West Nile virus and other infectious, flu-like illnesses produce symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, upper respiratory effects, fatigue, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes. In rare cases, a severe form of West Nile may develop producing neuroinvasive symptoms affecting the nervous system.

One of the keys to stopping any virus from progressing is prevention; and then, halting it in its early stages before it has a chance to overcome the immune system. There are numerous medicinal foods and herbs with antiviral properties; however, this article focuses on homeopathic remedies, which are especially effective against viruses when used judiciously and according to directions.

General prevention

Influenzinum nosode in low potency such as 6C used once a week during flu season will prevent flu-like viruses. Mix one pellet in four ounces of water and sniff. Don't inhale the water. This is called an olfactory dose and helps prevent side effects. You may experience mild aches and pains for a few hours as a reaction to the remedy.

Oscillococcinum also prevents flu from taking a foothold. If you know you've been exposed or at the first sign of symptoms, dissolve a pellet in the same manner as mentioned above and sniff the remedy once or twice a day for three days to boost your immune system.

Colloidal silver is not a homeopathic remedy; however, it's an effective prophylactic and treatment for any virus. Prophylactic treatment involves adults taking a teaspoon or two daily during flu season. Children can take one-half to one teaspoon daily depending on age and weight. If you think you've contracted the flu, West Nile virus, or you've been stung by a mosquito, immediately take a tablespoon of colloidal silver three times daily for several days to knock it out of your system.

Preventing West Nile virus

Staphysagria specifically acts as a prophylactic protecting against being stung by mosquitoes. If you're sensitive to being bitten by mosquitoes, take a dose every week during mosquito season as a prophylactic. If you know you're going to be outdoors -- especially in the woods -- take a dose before leaving. Taking Staphysagria after being bitten may reduce redness and itching at the site of the bite.

Ledum is used to antidote the effects of stinging insects such as mosquitoes. Take two to three doses over the first day or two immediately after being stung. Carry some with you in your pack if your going out into the woods. Simply open the container and sniff to take a dose.

Neuroinvasive West Nile diseases

In rare cases West Nile virus develops into a severe neurological disease such as encephalitis, meningitis or poliomyelitis. Symptoms are similar to the former description; however, they may also include stiff neck, paralysis, tremors, coma, disorientation and muscle weakness. There are a variety of useful homeopathic remedies for the treatment of neuroinvasive West Nile diseases; however, discussions regarding them exceeds the scope of this article. See a knowledgeable homeopath and don't self-treat in these cases.

Flu remedies

Gelsemium -- Indicated for general flu symptoms, weakness, aches and pains, dizziness, trembling, headache in the back of the head and neck, drowsiness, drooping eye lids, paralysis.

Belladona -- Sudden onset of symptoms, high fever, hot, red face, pulsating veins with throbbing headache worse on the right side, stiff neck, glassy-eyed, delirious, thirstless, intensity of symptoms is a keynote.

Bryonia -- Extreme body pain made worse with movement, fever, headache, tremendous thirst for large quantities of cold water, dryness of mucus membranes, painful cough.

Find U.S.A. Homeopathic Pharmacies at this link:

Sources for this article include:

Boericke, William; Materia Medica and Repertory; Jain Publishing, 1998


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