Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Experts: Fukushima 'off-scale' lethal radiation level infers millions dying Continue reading on Experts: Fukushima 'off-scale' lethal ra

Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation recordings of external gamma radiation have been so high this week, they went off scale said veteran nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson on Thursday after the famous physicist, Dr. Chris Busby told the Japanese people this week that radioactive air contamination there is now 300 times that of Chernobyl and 1000 times the atomic bomb peak in 1963, inferring that hundreds of millions of people are now dying from Fukushima radiation, including people in the United States.

If noticing unusual amounts of hair falling out, confusion, nose bleeds or other odd symptoms typical of radiation sickness, it might be due to the United States record high levels of radiation, now multiple times acceptable safety limits not only on the west coast, but also in other locations around the nation.

Continue reading on Experts: Fukushima 'off-scale' lethal radiation level infers millions dying - National Human Rights |

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