Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obama’s Evergreen Revolution a ploy to push GMOs

Obama’s Evergreen Revolution a ploy to push GMOs

Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
Dec 11, 2010

The Obama Administration is working towards a second “Green Revolution” in agriculture known as the “Evergreen Revolution”. This sequel to prior agriculture industrialization efforts in India in the mid-20th century is being heralded by some as the next step in sustainable food production for the populations of the world. But a closer look reveals that one of the primary thrusts of the initiative is to push GMOs both in India and around the world.

In a recent Joint Session of the Indian Parliament, President Obama briefly explained his plans in the new Evergreen Revolution, which include exporting India’s “hard-earned expertise” in agriculture, much of which was wrought during the first Green Revolution. But now, the goal is to allegedly improve upon these efforts and bring them to other developing areas like Africa that seem to be on the verge of an agricultural revolution.

But the main problem with the efforts is that they include exporting the same genetic modification technology that was thrust on India, but this time to the nations of Africa. In fact, a series of leaked reports from Wikileaks recently revealed that Africa is on the U.S. radar for GMO expansion efforts, which highlights the real agenda (…).

A recent Scientific American report on the subject explains that a former chief scientist from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is pushing the Obama Administration to focus heavily on GMOs in its efforts with the program. Gale Buchanan is a huge supporter of GMOs and is quoted as saying that the only way the Evergreen Revolution is going to have a “real, revolutionary” impact is if it makes GMOs its top priority. And since Buchanan has already expressed support for the initiative as it is, it is likely that GMOs are already part of the plan.

Sources for this story include:……

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