Friday, September 17, 2010

Broke Towns Can’t Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride

Broke Towns Can’t Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride

Broke Towns Can’t Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride

Chris | InformationLiberation
Sept 17, 2010

Who said the recession is all bad? On the bright side, it’s forcing some towns to stop adding fluoride to their water supplies. A small town in Alabama has decided to stop fluoridating their water due to economic reasons, they say it will save them 50k a year.

“I guess we wound up saving about 50-thousand dollars a year in the production of our water, and we’re a small system so 50-thousand dollars a year is a big savings,” said Joe Beasley, Red Bay Water and Gas Department.

Apparently, they actually looked at the science, so perhaps they felt the recession was as good an excuse as ever to stop force drugging everyone.

“They had officials look at several studies and never found any evidence that supported keeping the fluoride in the water.”

The Montgomery Advertiser reports 18 other water systems in Alabama have also put their forced drugging program on hold.

Goode said that unlike some states that mandate by legislation that public water systems add fluoride to their water, Alaba­ma does not.

“Water systems may decide to discon­tinue fluoridating, which is a concern for the department and the communities.”

Yes, what a terrible tragedy that the government doesn’t mandate by law people’s own tax money be used to forcibly drug their water supplies.

He told the members of the committee that the state might be “losing the battle on fluoridation.”

Williamson said that the economy might be causing some systems to decide that it is too costly to maintain the equip­ment that provides the fluoride, or they have done away with the service all together.

“That’s a problem,” he said.

A problem for the state, yes. A problem for the people, no.

There is absolutely no evidence fluoride helps anyone, in fact, the opposite is true. To quote from an excellent exposé:

The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception. Governments that add fluoride to drinking water supplies insist that it is safe, beneficial and necessary, however, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis and other health problems. Because of the push from the aluminum industry, pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, fluoride continues to be added to water supplies all over North America and due to recent legal actions against water companies that fluoridate drinking water supplies, precedent has been set that will make it impossible for suits to be filed against water suppliers that fluoridate. There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become “the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy”(Bryson 2004), there is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation . The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex. - The Fluoride Conspiracy

Here is an excellent documentary on the history of water fluoridation for those who want to learn more:

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