The Cure in the Kitchen: Honey and Cinnamon can Cure Cancer and Arthritis
(NaturalNews) Honey and cinnamon is useful toward healing cancer and arthritis. Is this a stretch, a rumor, or what? Not according to a January 17, 1995 issue of Canadian magazine Weekly World News. It listed honey and cinnamon`s cancer and arthritis healing as clinically proven and recognized it as valid, even ` Ram-Ban` (effective and safe), for several health issues including cancer and arthritis.
But for whatever reason, this hard copy magazine`s news item about honey and cinnamon didn`t get picked up on the Internet until 2006 through 2009, when it went viral.
Honey for Healing Has a Long History
Probably the oldest form of medicine still in existence throughout the world, Ayurveda, has known about the combination of honey and cinnamon for curing or treating many diseases throughout its 5,000 year history. Often honey is prescribed by itself or with other herbs as an adjunct to carry the herb`s healing properties deep into tissues and cells.
Of course, this isn`t the honey in your plastic honey bear container purchased from your average supermarket. This is pure unadulterated unpasteurized organic honey not heated that has healing properties. Many claim locally produced honey serves healing best.
Recently however, active Manuka honey from New Zealand has taken the lime light as the queen of honeys for healing and health. It is reputed to have the highest anti-microbial activity of all honeys. Hospitals and clinics in New Zealand and Australia are using Manuka honey, taken from bees pollinating the Manuka trees in New Zealand, for treating MRSA antibiotic resistant bacteria that infects surgical wounds. It has also been clinically proven for healing diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
David Wolfe, a zealous promoter of raw and healthy foods, maintains that you should use raw bee products of all types for longevity. He refutes the lab analysis method of determining nutrients and asserts the energetic synergy within bee products. David points out how bees instinctively know where to get high energy food, from flowers.
So What About Cinnamon?
There`s more to cinnamon than sprinkling it on deserts and holiday beverages for a taste topper. It is recognized as a glucose regulator to even out sugar spikes. It`s so good at this that it helps those with Type 2 diabetes maintain steady blood sugar levels.
Cinnamon has demonstrated an ability to stop medication resistant yeast infections. The USDA in Maryland has reported cinnamon`s ability to stop or minimize the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. Added to foods, it inhibits spoilage with its anti-bacterial properties. Researchers at Kansa State University discovered that it eliminated E. coli in unpasteurized juices.
Cinnamon has anti clotting properties, and it has a high content of absorbable manganese, calcium, iron, and fiber. Once again, it`s important to make sure the cinnamon is organic and not irradiated.
Combining Honey and Cinnamon
Research in Japan and Australia has shown the combination of honey as at least an effective adjunct for treating some cancers, perhaps even a cure. A Copenhagen study proved that even extreme cases of arthritis were significantly improved with a daily dose of honey and cinnamon.
The dosage for the cancer patients was one teaspoon of cinnamon with one tablespoon of honey three times a day, while the dosage in Copenhagen was a half teaspoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey.
Several other health issues handled by honey and cinnamon were listed by the Weekly World News issue mentioned earlier. You`ll find them among the sources below. Looks like using a couple of common foods that are considered irrelevant for healing and health are actually worth considering for both.
Sources for more information:
Active Manuka Honey
Mentions some honey cinnamon studies
Honey Cinnamon Report
More from the Canadian Magazine Report
Honey and Cinnamon Healing (and source for an almost free report)
David Wolfe on Honey
From an Ayurvedic doctor
I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas. - Ron Paul / Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy. - Ron Paul / EPHESIANS 6:12 KJV
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Senate GOP blocks bill that would promote less outsourcing
Senate GOP blocks bill that would promote less outsourcing
Senate GOP blocks bill that would promote less outsourcing
By Lori Montgomery
Tuesday, September 28, 2010; 11:53 PM
The latest jobs bill from Senate Democrats - a plan to punish firms that ship jobs overseas - failed to clear a key procedural hurdle Tuesday after even some Democrats complained that the measure would hamper the ability of U.S. companies to compete in foreign markets.
Four Democrats and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) voted with a united Republican caucus to block the bill, which was crafted to address the 9.6 percent unemployment rate in the run-up to November's midterm elections. On a vote of 53 to 45, the measure failed to garner the 60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster.
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) defended the bill as a "simple, common-sense" effort to "keep American jobs here in America" and to "stop forcing taxpayers in Nevada and across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas."
But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) dismissed the bill as "a purely political exercise" that never had a chance of becoming law.
"With just three days left in the Democrats' two-year experiment in expanded government, they want to make a good last impression with a bill that they know has no chance of passing and which they have no interest in passing," McConnell said. "In my view, it's an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs."
Senate Democrats cobbled the measure together last week as it became clear that they would have to abandon plans to extend Bush administration tax cuts for the middle class before the election. While some Democrats wanted to stage a pre-election battle over taxes, the 59-member caucus was deeply divided, with some conservatives echoing GOP arguments that tax cuts should also be preserved for the nation's wealthiest families, at least until the economy fully recovers.
Republicans want to extend all the cuts, which are due to expire in January, while President Obama wants to eliminate the cuts on income over $250,000 a year for families and $200,000 a year for individuals. Democrats hope to address the issue during a lame-duck session that will begin in mid-November.
Once the decision was made to delay the tax vote, Senate Democrats turned to the outsourcing issue, which they also viewed as politically potent, especially in devastated manufacturing communities in Midwest and East Coast industrial states.
The bill under consideration Tuesday would have ended tax deductions for expenses incurred when companies shutter U.S. operations and shift the work abroad; imposed a new tax on products once made in the United States but now manufactured by foreign workers; and offered employers a two-year payroll tax holiday on jobs repatriated from overseas.
The payroll tax break would have let employers keep about $1 billion over the next decade, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, while the tax increases would have taken back about $300 billion over the same period.
Business groups strongly opposed the measure, and Republicans said the tax break would have been miniscule compared with the benefit of extending the Bush-era tax breaks.
"The best thing Congress can do for Americans right now is lower - not raise - the cost of creating good jobs," said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). "This bill would raise taxes on the very job creators that we hope will hire out-of-work Americans, which makes no sense, especially in the middle of a recession."
Democrats voting to block the bill were Ben Nelson (Neb.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Warner (Va.) and Max Baucus (Mont.). Baucus, chairman of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee, complained last week that the measure would put the nation "at a competitive disadvantage."
Senate GOP blocks bill that would promote less outsourcing
By Lori Montgomery
Tuesday, September 28, 2010; 11:53 PM
The latest jobs bill from Senate Democrats - a plan to punish firms that ship jobs overseas - failed to clear a key procedural hurdle Tuesday after even some Democrats complained that the measure would hamper the ability of U.S. companies to compete in foreign markets.
Four Democrats and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) voted with a united Republican caucus to block the bill, which was crafted to address the 9.6 percent unemployment rate in the run-up to November's midterm elections. On a vote of 53 to 45, the measure failed to garner the 60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster.
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) defended the bill as a "simple, common-sense" effort to "keep American jobs here in America" and to "stop forcing taxpayers in Nevada and across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas."
But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) dismissed the bill as "a purely political exercise" that never had a chance of becoming law.
"With just three days left in the Democrats' two-year experiment in expanded government, they want to make a good last impression with a bill that they know has no chance of passing and which they have no interest in passing," McConnell said. "In my view, it's an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs."
Senate Democrats cobbled the measure together last week as it became clear that they would have to abandon plans to extend Bush administration tax cuts for the middle class before the election. While some Democrats wanted to stage a pre-election battle over taxes, the 59-member caucus was deeply divided, with some conservatives echoing GOP arguments that tax cuts should also be preserved for the nation's wealthiest families, at least until the economy fully recovers.
Republicans want to extend all the cuts, which are due to expire in January, while President Obama wants to eliminate the cuts on income over $250,000 a year for families and $200,000 a year for individuals. Democrats hope to address the issue during a lame-duck session that will begin in mid-November.
Once the decision was made to delay the tax vote, Senate Democrats turned to the outsourcing issue, which they also viewed as politically potent, especially in devastated manufacturing communities in Midwest and East Coast industrial states.
The bill under consideration Tuesday would have ended tax deductions for expenses incurred when companies shutter U.S. operations and shift the work abroad; imposed a new tax on products once made in the United States but now manufactured by foreign workers; and offered employers a two-year payroll tax holiday on jobs repatriated from overseas.
The payroll tax break would have let employers keep about $1 billion over the next decade, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, while the tax increases would have taken back about $300 billion over the same period.
Business groups strongly opposed the measure, and Republicans said the tax break would have been miniscule compared with the benefit of extending the Bush-era tax breaks.
"The best thing Congress can do for Americans right now is lower - not raise - the cost of creating good jobs," said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). "This bill would raise taxes on the very job creators that we hope will hire out-of-work Americans, which makes no sense, especially in the middle of a recession."
Democrats voting to block the bill were Ben Nelson (Neb.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Warner (Va.) and Max Baucus (Mont.). Baucus, chairman of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee, complained last week that the measure would put the nation "at a competitive disadvantage."
Toxic Gaslands: Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come (Sep. 28, 2010)
Toxic Gaslands: Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come (Sep. 28, 2010)
Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come
From Ken Adachi, Editor
September 28, 2010
Toxic Gaslands: Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come (Sep. 28, 2010)
There is an unprecedented poisoning of American farmland underway in Pennsylvania and 33 other states in America where underground horizontal gas fracture extraction (called hydraulic fracturing) is taking place. The technique is graphically illustrated in this short trailer for a recent film by Josh Fox called Gasland which reveals in a series of interviews and vignettes, the rude awakening in store for trusting farmers and rural land owners who had accepted the assurance of smooth talking company representatives from energy giants like Dick Cheney's Haliburton that leasing their land for its mineral rights would cause no disturbance to the beauty and serenity of their farming habitat, yet bring in a lucrative monthly royalty check or windfall up-front leasing pay-out. For low and moderate income rural land owners, the money seemed like a dream come true.
For many, however, the dream turned into a nightmare when they began to notice things after drilling contractors moved in. Inexplicably, some of their farm animals would die and they had no idea why. Fish ponds were turning to an unnatural rusty color and the fish would die. Their kids were getting headaches and had odd symptoms of numbness or dizziness at home, yet they would feel OK at school; only to get a headache again once when they got back home.
They were suffering symptoms of neuro-toxic poisoning, but no one from the oil companies had warned them of that possibility and the company rep would adamantly deny that the underground drilling and gas fracturing played a role in any of it. The drilling technology and extraction technology were "completely safe" they were repeatedly assured.
Tell that to Ron Gulla who has a 140 acre farm in Hickory, Pennsylvania. I found some of his interviews on YouTube posted by an activist group called and talked to him on the phone today for a couple of hours. He leased his property in 2005 to an energy company and thought they were going to vertically drill for "dry" methane gas pockets. They didn't tell him about the horizontal gas fracture drilling process until after the lease was signed and then it was too late. "They just took over" he said. It didn't matter what Ron told them or what he complained about: The company contractors who drove up from Texas or Oklahoma "just did whatever they wanted to do. They have no respect for the land and no respect for the land owners" he lamented. The company set up four well platforms on his land and extracted gas from 2005 to 2007. His frustration with the indifference shown by drilling companies is characteristic of local reaction to the enormous environmental damage that is being inflicted on the entire farming ecosystem. His resentment is evident in this short video when he tells the interviewer that "The land is raped. The land will never be the same.
That's the bottom line".
Ron says that Democratic Governor Ed Rendell and even gubernatorial candidates from other parties are totally in bed with the oil interests and are doing nothing to help land owners resist the coercion and intimidation foisted upon them by powerful energy interests who don't want to take "no" for an answer. He says the DEP (Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection) is a joke. It behaves more like a PR firm for Big OIl and stonewalls environmental activists, while paying hollow lip service to land owner complaints. He claims the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), who suppose to oversee the drilling industry, is even worse. "They act more like oil company stockholders, rather than regulators" he fumes
If the oil companies can't get farmers to sign a lease willingly, they use their bought & paid-for government stooges to invoke the law of "eminent domain" and force a sale whether the land owner likes it or not. This recently happened in Bedford county, Pennsylvania; where the abuse of eminent domain by government officials (who are clearly in bed with the oil industry) has risen to a new plateau of naked skullduggery:
The hydraulic fracturing process involves the high pressure injection of millions of gallons of water mixed with a toxic witches' brew of undisclosed chemicals and sand to accommodate the fracturing and release of gas from the shale beds. That precious water is taken from rivers, lakes, and water resources intended for public benefit, and not to enrich the coffers of international energy companies who are engaging in a frenzied feast to plunder America's mineral resources, in much the same way they have plundered the mineral resources of indigenous people in South America, Central America, and Africa. The story is always the same. They rape, they plunder, and then leave their mess behind them for the locals to deal with.
Contamination & Dumping
Ron Gulla told me that only 30 % of the fracturing fluid is recovered and supposedly processed, while 70 % REMAINS in the ground. The recovered fluid is supposed to be hauled off to processing centers, but locals have repeatedly caught company truckers DUMPING the recovered fracturing fluid on local roads, in forested areas, and even dumping it down abandoned mine shafts. To deceive the public, some trucks have "Clean Water" printed on the side.
Naturally, petroleum gases released by fracturing, liquids and the fracturing fluid itself is mixing with ground water and even percolating up through fissures into the surface environment. Initially, energy company representatives had told land owners that they were only adding three benign chemicals and sand to the fracturing fluid, but environmental activists soon discovered that there could be as many as 584 different chemicals used in the fracturing fluid mix. The energy companies involved in the gas fracturing steadfastly refuse to divulge to anybody the chemical makeup of the fracturing fluid and government regulators simply won't intervene on the public's behalf and force disclosure.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 rammed through congress by the Bush/Cheney team exempts gas fracturing energy companies from any liability for environmental damage or injury that may result from the use of fracturing fluids. Therefore, the hard-fought federal legislation designed to protect the public interest and health, such as the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act of 1987 are now null and void, and meaningless when it when it comes to gas fracture extraction. Here's a quote from Wikipedia's description of the 2005 Energy Policy Act:
"This bill exempted fluids used in the natural gas extraction process of Hydraulic fracturing from protections under the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, and CERCLA. The proposed Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act would repeal these exemptions."
Ron Gulla tells the story as well as anyone in the following four video clips that are now posted to YouTube. They were part of a video documentary made a couple of years ago by to try to bring to greater public awareness the horrendous destruction of farmland that has been ripping through vast regions of Pennsylvania like a rampaging bull. This madness must stop. New York recently passed a one year moratorium to halt all drilling activity until environmental impact studies can be made and reassess the wisdom of continuing this insane juggernaut.
Pennsylvania state Senator Jim Ferlo has sponsored Pennsylvania Senate bill 1447 which calls for a moratorium on all natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale deposit, which runs through most of Pennsylvania. Currently, the greatest destruction in the Northeast is taking place in Pennsylvania, but Ohio is being prepared for the slaughter.
Hopefully, enough activists in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia will rally enough local support among farm land owners and state residents alike, to prevent even more rural owners from buying into the same deception and lies that already befell Pennsylvania farmers .
Ron Gulla, Part 1
Ron Gulla, Part 2
Ron Gulla, Part 3
Ron Gulla, Part 4
There is much more to this story than the brief outline presented here. I plan to add additional interviews and articles to this page and perhaps extend it out to two or three parts. In the meantime, Ron Gulla suggested seeing Gasland * which has been available on HBO and can now be seen in movie theaters across the country as of Sep. 15, 2010, according to film maker Josh Fox. I'm hoping Josh will make it available as a DVD purchase sooner, rather than later. Another DVD that Ron recommended seeing is Split Estate, produced by Debra Anderson (who just won an Emmy in New York) and narrated by actress Ali McGraw.
Bob Donnan also has a good web site that covers the assault on the Marcellus Shale very well (
There are still farms in Pennsylvania, such as the bucolic and peaceful little town (318 people) of Le Raysville in Bradford county where locals are being readied for the slaughter and are being schmoozed with the same money bait and safety promises that had already sucked in so many trusting souls. I hope someone can get to them in time and turn them around before they make the same dreadful mistake that Ron Gula and others came to bitterly regret. (If anyone reading this essay lives in that area or any parts of Pennsylvania who can help or wants to help, please call me or write )
Ken Adachi
*(Gasland won a special jury award at the Sundance Film Festival this year and was characterized by Robert Koehler of Variety as “one of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years… "Gasland" may become to the dangers of natural gas drilling what "Silent Spring" was to DDT.”)
Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come
From Ken Adachi, Editor
September 28, 2010
Toxic Gaslands: Horizontal Gas Fracture Extraction is Destroying Pennsylvania Farmlands for Generations to Come (Sep. 28, 2010)
There is an unprecedented poisoning of American farmland underway in Pennsylvania and 33 other states in America where underground horizontal gas fracture extraction (called hydraulic fracturing) is taking place. The technique is graphically illustrated in this short trailer for a recent film by Josh Fox called Gasland which reveals in a series of interviews and vignettes, the rude awakening in store for trusting farmers and rural land owners who had accepted the assurance of smooth talking company representatives from energy giants like Dick Cheney's Haliburton that leasing their land for its mineral rights would cause no disturbance to the beauty and serenity of their farming habitat, yet bring in a lucrative monthly royalty check or windfall up-front leasing pay-out. For low and moderate income rural land owners, the money seemed like a dream come true.
For many, however, the dream turned into a nightmare when they began to notice things after drilling contractors moved in. Inexplicably, some of their farm animals would die and they had no idea why. Fish ponds were turning to an unnatural rusty color and the fish would die. Their kids were getting headaches and had odd symptoms of numbness or dizziness at home, yet they would feel OK at school; only to get a headache again once when they got back home.
They were suffering symptoms of neuro-toxic poisoning, but no one from the oil companies had warned them of that possibility and the company rep would adamantly deny that the underground drilling and gas fracturing played a role in any of it. The drilling technology and extraction technology were "completely safe" they were repeatedly assured.
Tell that to Ron Gulla who has a 140 acre farm in Hickory, Pennsylvania. I found some of his interviews on YouTube posted by an activist group called and talked to him on the phone today for a couple of hours. He leased his property in 2005 to an energy company and thought they were going to vertically drill for "dry" methane gas pockets. They didn't tell him about the horizontal gas fracture drilling process until after the lease was signed and then it was too late. "They just took over" he said. It didn't matter what Ron told them or what he complained about: The company contractors who drove up from Texas or Oklahoma "just did whatever they wanted to do. They have no respect for the land and no respect for the land owners" he lamented. The company set up four well platforms on his land and extracted gas from 2005 to 2007. His frustration with the indifference shown by drilling companies is characteristic of local reaction to the enormous environmental damage that is being inflicted on the entire farming ecosystem. His resentment is evident in this short video when he tells the interviewer that "The land is raped. The land will never be the same.
That's the bottom line".
Ron says that Democratic Governor Ed Rendell and even gubernatorial candidates from other parties are totally in bed with the oil interests and are doing nothing to help land owners resist the coercion and intimidation foisted upon them by powerful energy interests who don't want to take "no" for an answer. He says the DEP (Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Protection) is a joke. It behaves more like a PR firm for Big OIl and stonewalls environmental activists, while paying hollow lip service to land owner complaints. He claims the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), who suppose to oversee the drilling industry, is even worse. "They act more like oil company stockholders, rather than regulators" he fumes
If the oil companies can't get farmers to sign a lease willingly, they use their bought & paid-for government stooges to invoke the law of "eminent domain" and force a sale whether the land owner likes it or not. This recently happened in Bedford county, Pennsylvania; where the abuse of eminent domain by government officials (who are clearly in bed with the oil industry) has risen to a new plateau of naked skullduggery:
The hydraulic fracturing process involves the high pressure injection of millions of gallons of water mixed with a toxic witches' brew of undisclosed chemicals and sand to accommodate the fracturing and release of gas from the shale beds. That precious water is taken from rivers, lakes, and water resources intended for public benefit, and not to enrich the coffers of international energy companies who are engaging in a frenzied feast to plunder America's mineral resources, in much the same way they have plundered the mineral resources of indigenous people in South America, Central America, and Africa. The story is always the same. They rape, they plunder, and then leave their mess behind them for the locals to deal with.
Contamination & Dumping
Ron Gulla told me that only 30 % of the fracturing fluid is recovered and supposedly processed, while 70 % REMAINS in the ground. The recovered fluid is supposed to be hauled off to processing centers, but locals have repeatedly caught company truckers DUMPING the recovered fracturing fluid on local roads, in forested areas, and even dumping it down abandoned mine shafts. To deceive the public, some trucks have "Clean Water" printed on the side.
Naturally, petroleum gases released by fracturing, liquids and the fracturing fluid itself is mixing with ground water and even percolating up through fissures into the surface environment. Initially, energy company representatives had told land owners that they were only adding three benign chemicals and sand to the fracturing fluid, but environmental activists soon discovered that there could be as many as 584 different chemicals used in the fracturing fluid mix. The energy companies involved in the gas fracturing steadfastly refuse to divulge to anybody the chemical makeup of the fracturing fluid and government regulators simply won't intervene on the public's behalf and force disclosure.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 rammed through congress by the Bush/Cheney team exempts gas fracturing energy companies from any liability for environmental damage or injury that may result from the use of fracturing fluids. Therefore, the hard-fought federal legislation designed to protect the public interest and health, such as the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the Water Quality Act of 1987 are now null and void, and meaningless when it when it comes to gas fracture extraction. Here's a quote from Wikipedia's description of the 2005 Energy Policy Act:
"This bill exempted fluids used in the natural gas extraction process of Hydraulic fracturing from protections under the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, and CERCLA. The proposed Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act would repeal these exemptions."
Ron Gulla tells the story as well as anyone in the following four video clips that are now posted to YouTube. They were part of a video documentary made a couple of years ago by to try to bring to greater public awareness the horrendous destruction of farmland that has been ripping through vast regions of Pennsylvania like a rampaging bull. This madness must stop. New York recently passed a one year moratorium to halt all drilling activity until environmental impact studies can be made and reassess the wisdom of continuing this insane juggernaut.
Pennsylvania state Senator Jim Ferlo has sponsored Pennsylvania Senate bill 1447 which calls for a moratorium on all natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale deposit, which runs through most of Pennsylvania. Currently, the greatest destruction in the Northeast is taking place in Pennsylvania, but Ohio is being prepared for the slaughter.
Hopefully, enough activists in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia will rally enough local support among farm land owners and state residents alike, to prevent even more rural owners from buying into the same deception and lies that already befell Pennsylvania farmers .
Ron Gulla, Part 1
Ron Gulla, Part 2
Ron Gulla, Part 3
Ron Gulla, Part 4
There is much more to this story than the brief outline presented here. I plan to add additional interviews and articles to this page and perhaps extend it out to two or three parts. In the meantime, Ron Gulla suggested seeing Gasland * which has been available on HBO and can now be seen in movie theaters across the country as of Sep. 15, 2010, according to film maker Josh Fox. I'm hoping Josh will make it available as a DVD purchase sooner, rather than later. Another DVD that Ron recommended seeing is Split Estate, produced by Debra Anderson (who just won an Emmy in New York) and narrated by actress Ali McGraw.
Bob Donnan also has a good web site that covers the assault on the Marcellus Shale very well (
There are still farms in Pennsylvania, such as the bucolic and peaceful little town (318 people) of Le Raysville in Bradford county where locals are being readied for the slaughter and are being schmoozed with the same money bait and safety promises that had already sucked in so many trusting souls. I hope someone can get to them in time and turn them around before they make the same dreadful mistake that Ron Gula and others came to bitterly regret. (If anyone reading this essay lives in that area or any parts of Pennsylvania who can help or wants to help, please call me or write )
Ken Adachi
*(Gasland won a special jury award at the Sundance Film Festival this year and was characterized by Robert Koehler of Variety as “one of the most effective and expressive environmental films of recent years… "Gasland" may become to the dangers of natural gas drilling what "Silent Spring" was to DDT.”)
Think your exposure to BPA is minimal and harmless? Think again
Think your exposure to BPA is minimal and harmless? Think again
Jonathan Benson
Natural News
Sept 30, 2010
Some recent reports about the dangers of the plastic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) insist that people not worry because overall exposure is limited, they say. But a new report published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives says otherwise, estimating that the average person is exposed to at least eight times the daily amount of BPA that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers “safe”.
“Our data raise grave concerns that regulatory agencies have grossly underestimated current human exposure levels,” explain study authors in their report.
Many even question the EPA’s 50 micrograms per day threshold, citing evidence that minimal amounts of the chemical interfere with proper hormone balance, both in children and adults. But at eight times that amount, there is no telling the amount of damage being inflicted.
According to Thomas Zoeller, a biology professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, BPA is known to mimic estrogen in the body. It also binds to two other receptors, including those associated with male hormones like testosterone and thyroid hormones. When altered, these imbalanced hormones eventually lead to serious illness.
Some argue that the liver filters out most BPA from the body within a few hours anyway, but scientific studies have shown that this is not the case. Julia Taylor, a biologist at the University of Missouri, conducted a study on both mice and monkeys which revealed that some BPA stays in the blood and remains “biologically active” long after exposure. And such findings can be extrapolated from monkeys and mice to humans because these animals process BPA in similar ways to humans.
“These data should make us reconsider some previously held hypotheses about BPA, such as how quickly it is cleared from the body and the differences in metabolism between species,” emphasized Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, concerning the findings.
Editor’s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support the implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and well-being of all living creatures.
Sources for this story include:…
Jonathan Benson
Natural News
Sept 30, 2010
Some recent reports about the dangers of the plastic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) insist that people not worry because overall exposure is limited, they say. But a new report published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives says otherwise, estimating that the average person is exposed to at least eight times the daily amount of BPA that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers “safe”.
“Our data raise grave concerns that regulatory agencies have grossly underestimated current human exposure levels,” explain study authors in their report.
Many even question the EPA’s 50 micrograms per day threshold, citing evidence that minimal amounts of the chemical interfere with proper hormone balance, both in children and adults. But at eight times that amount, there is no telling the amount of damage being inflicted.
According to Thomas Zoeller, a biology professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, BPA is known to mimic estrogen in the body. It also binds to two other receptors, including those associated with male hormones like testosterone and thyroid hormones. When altered, these imbalanced hormones eventually lead to serious illness.
Some argue that the liver filters out most BPA from the body within a few hours anyway, but scientific studies have shown that this is not the case. Julia Taylor, a biologist at the University of Missouri, conducted a study on both mice and monkeys which revealed that some BPA stays in the blood and remains “biologically active” long after exposure. And such findings can be extrapolated from monkeys and mice to humans because these animals process BPA in similar ways to humans.
“These data should make us reconsider some previously held hypotheses about BPA, such as how quickly it is cleared from the body and the differences in metabolism between species,” emphasized Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, concerning the findings.
Editor’s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support the implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and well-being of all living creatures.
Sources for this story include:…
U.S. Government Funding Study That Asks Boys as Young as 16 to Create 'Web-Based Sex Diaries' About Homosexual Experiences |
U.S. Government Funding Study That Asks Boys as Young as 16 to Create 'Web-Based Sex Diaries' About Homosexual Experiences |
The 100 gay men will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their early gay experiences, take regular HIV tests, and fill out the sex diaries detailing the gay sex acts they engage in.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
By Matt Cover
National Institutes of Health
( - The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has awarded $126,000 over the past two years to a University of Washington study that established "web-based sex diaries" for gay males as young as 16.
By the time the grants end in 2011, taxpayers will have spent more than $250,000 for the study.
“The study's second aim is to assess the feasibility of using web-based sex diaries to collect sexual behavior data and to identify the appropriate diary schedule. MSM [men who have sex with men] will be randomly assigned diary schedules and we will compare the frequency of reported behaviors across diary schedules and against the retrospective questionnaire data,” the grant abstract states.
The study, titled “The Importance of Early Sexual Experiences Among Men Who Have Sex with Men,” seeks to find out if the circumstances under which young homosexuals first engage in homosexual acts impacts their future sexual behavior.
Researchers will attempt to follow 100 gay men ages 16-20 who have had fewer than three gay sex partners or are “within three years of their same-sex debut,” meaning that they had their first gay sexual experience within the past three years.
The 100 gay men will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their early gay experiences, take regular HIV tests, and fill out the sex diaries detailing the gay sex acts they engage in.
“Men who have sex with men (MSM) experience rates of HIV and bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI) that are many times those experienced by heterosexuals in the U.S.,” the abstract states.
“We propose to conduct a cohort study of 100 MSM who are: 1) age 16-20 with 1-3 lifetime male sex partners, or 2) age 16-30 within 3 years of their same-sex sexual debut. This cohort will be followed for 1 year during which participants will complete a baseline computer administered self-interview (CASI) regarding early homosexual experiences and sexual behavior; retrospective online follow-up questionnaires every 3 months; web-based sex diaries; and HIV/STI testing at baseline, 6, and 12 months.”
The study, which has been awarded funding until completion in 2011, seeks to determine whether homosexual men who engage in same-sex relations at an early age are more likely to engage in further risky sexual behavior and, if so, what types of risky sexual behavior they engage in.
Investigators will try to find patterns common to the sexual behaviors of young gay men, including condom use, HIV status disclosure, and their sexual repertoire.
“[I]nvestigators will conduct exploratory analyses to define patterns of sexual behaviors such as condom use, HIV status disclosure, and sexual role and repertoire.
The principal investigator for the project is Dr. Matthew R. Golden of the University of Washington in Seattle. Golden is the director of the university’s HIV/STD research program. According to NIAID, another $63,000 will be awarded for this project in fiscal 2010 and another $63,000 in fiscal 2011--giving the project a total of $252,000 in taxpayer funding through June of 2011. asked both Golden and NIAID the following question: “The Census Bureau says the median household income in the United States is $52,000. How would you explain to the average American mom and dad--who make $52,000 per year--that taxing them to pay for this grant was justified?
Golden did not respond to the question. But the National Institutes of Health responded by e-mail.
“One of the primary research goals of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is to develop effective HIV/AIDS prevention strategies to control and ultimately end the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which has killed 25 million people worldwide,” an NIH spokeswoman said.
“The goal of this study is to augment efforts to prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among men who have sex with men in the United States, a population that is disproportionately affected by HIV and STIs.
“Although only a small percentage of American men report having sex with other men, this group accounts for nearly half of all people in the United States living with HIV and more than half of all new HIV infections in this country each year. It is noteworthy that some men who have sex with men also have sex with women, meaning an HIV-infected man in this population could also spread the virus to a heterosexual woman.
“This small pilot study by Matthew Golden is focused on determining the feasibility of a larger study to learn how young men who have sex with men form patterns of sexual behavior, what factors predict these patterns, and how these behavioral patterns change over a lifetime.
“This information will help scientists design more effective HIV and STI prevention programs for men who have sex with men in the United States, especially for those at highest risk for infection. With the lifetime cost of HIV/AIDS treatment in the United States estimated to range from $470,600 to $665,500 per person in 2004 dollars (which is $550,000 to $779,000 per person in 2010 dollars), it is more cost-effective to prevent HIV infection than to treat it.”
The 100 gay men will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their early gay experiences, take regular HIV tests, and fill out the sex diaries detailing the gay sex acts they engage in.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
By Matt Cover
National Institutes of Health
( - The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has awarded $126,000 over the past two years to a University of Washington study that established "web-based sex diaries" for gay males as young as 16.
By the time the grants end in 2011, taxpayers will have spent more than $250,000 for the study.
“The study's second aim is to assess the feasibility of using web-based sex diaries to collect sexual behavior data and to identify the appropriate diary schedule. MSM [men who have sex with men] will be randomly assigned diary schedules and we will compare the frequency of reported behaviors across diary schedules and against the retrospective questionnaire data,” the grant abstract states.
The study, titled “The Importance of Early Sexual Experiences Among Men Who Have Sex with Men,” seeks to find out if the circumstances under which young homosexuals first engage in homosexual acts impacts their future sexual behavior.
Researchers will attempt to follow 100 gay men ages 16-20 who have had fewer than three gay sex partners or are “within three years of their same-sex debut,” meaning that they had their first gay sexual experience within the past three years.
The 100 gay men will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire about their early gay experiences, take regular HIV tests, and fill out the sex diaries detailing the gay sex acts they engage in.
“Men who have sex with men (MSM) experience rates of HIV and bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI) that are many times those experienced by heterosexuals in the U.S.,” the abstract states.
“We propose to conduct a cohort study of 100 MSM who are: 1) age 16-20 with 1-3 lifetime male sex partners, or 2) age 16-30 within 3 years of their same-sex sexual debut. This cohort will be followed for 1 year during which participants will complete a baseline computer administered self-interview (CASI) regarding early homosexual experiences and sexual behavior; retrospective online follow-up questionnaires every 3 months; web-based sex diaries; and HIV/STI testing at baseline, 6, and 12 months.”
The study, which has been awarded funding until completion in 2011, seeks to determine whether homosexual men who engage in same-sex relations at an early age are more likely to engage in further risky sexual behavior and, if so, what types of risky sexual behavior they engage in.
Investigators will try to find patterns common to the sexual behaviors of young gay men, including condom use, HIV status disclosure, and their sexual repertoire.
“[I]nvestigators will conduct exploratory analyses to define patterns of sexual behaviors such as condom use, HIV status disclosure, and sexual role and repertoire.
The principal investigator for the project is Dr. Matthew R. Golden of the University of Washington in Seattle. Golden is the director of the university’s HIV/STD research program. According to NIAID, another $63,000 will be awarded for this project in fiscal 2010 and another $63,000 in fiscal 2011--giving the project a total of $252,000 in taxpayer funding through June of 2011. asked both Golden and NIAID the following question: “The Census Bureau says the median household income in the United States is $52,000. How would you explain to the average American mom and dad--who make $52,000 per year--that taxing them to pay for this grant was justified?
Golden did not respond to the question. But the National Institutes of Health responded by e-mail.
“One of the primary research goals of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is to develop effective HIV/AIDS prevention strategies to control and ultimately end the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which has killed 25 million people worldwide,” an NIH spokeswoman said.
“The goal of this study is to augment efforts to prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among men who have sex with men in the United States, a population that is disproportionately affected by HIV and STIs.
“Although only a small percentage of American men report having sex with other men, this group accounts for nearly half of all people in the United States living with HIV and more than half of all new HIV infections in this country each year. It is noteworthy that some men who have sex with men also have sex with women, meaning an HIV-infected man in this population could also spread the virus to a heterosexual woman.
“This small pilot study by Matthew Golden is focused on determining the feasibility of a larger study to learn how young men who have sex with men form patterns of sexual behavior, what factors predict these patterns, and how these behavioral patterns change over a lifetime.
“This information will help scientists design more effective HIV and STI prevention programs for men who have sex with men in the United States, especially for those at highest risk for infection. With the lifetime cost of HIV/AIDS treatment in the United States estimated to range from $470,600 to $665,500 per person in 2004 dollars (which is $550,000 to $779,000 per person in 2010 dollars), it is more cost-effective to prevent HIV infection than to treat it.”
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Searl Effect Generator device promises free energy
Searl Effect Generator device promises free energy
(NaturalNews) The solution to the world's energy crisis might be found in a magnetic device that utilizes both ambient temperature and magnets to generate power. In theory, the "Searl Effect Generator" (SEG) has the potential to run completely on its own through a complex interaction between various materials, resulting in an unlimited supply of free and clean energy.
Discovered by John Roy Robert Searl in 1946, the "Searl Effect", as it is called, effectively captures the kinetic energy generated by natural changes in ambient temperature, and uses it to create electricity. The technology works based on a precise design that utilizes the unique characteristics of various materials to create continual motion. These materials include magnets, neodymium, Teflon and copper.
When joined together in just the right way, these materials are capable of perpetuating a cycle of electron movement that is virtually infinite, which gives the device the potential to create more power than it uses to power itself. In other words, if successful, the SEG could one day replace our dependence on fossil fuels as a primary and superior energy source.
So how does the device work exactly?
The SEG is composed of a series of circular cylinders, all of which have small magnetic rotors spaced evenly around them. The circular pattern allows the rotors to have continuous movement around the cylinders, and their spacing and design prevent any mechanical wear or friction.
To get a better idea of how the device works and what it looks like, check out the following video:
The device in the video is merely a demonstration of how the technology works, not an actual working machine. But it offers a helpful and fascinating look at how the technology works in theory, and represents the first time since 1963 that a roller has rotated around a ring continuously.
One of the neat things about Searl technology is that it is scalable, meaning it can be designed in varying sizes for different applications. According to the company, SEG sizes range from a one meter in diameter machine capable of power an average house, to a 12 meter in diameter machine that could power an entire city. The team says machines even larger than 12 meters are possible as well.
The team is currently working on developing an actual prototype of the device, but the concept has not received the level of support and funding over the years that it has needed to carry the project forward. However things seem to be changing in that regards, as some doors have opened up to continue research.
Searl Magnetics, Inc. soon to open in Nevada
Although it has been a long and tough road for the Searl, his concept has finally generated enough funding and support to open up an industrial space in Nevada that will serve as the company's corporate headquarters. At this facility, the Searl team plans to install all the laboratory equipment that it has been accumulating, and continue developing an actual working prototype of SEG.
You can track the progress of the company and its work by visiting the following website:
Invest in SEG technology and help change the world
Searl's energy concept has the potential to revolutionize the way the world generates electricity, but none of it will be possible without the continued support of investors who are willing to help turn a viable concept into a working reality.
Though it finally has a facility, the company will still need thousands, if not millions, of additional dollars to help fund the development of a working prototype. There is testing, analysis, precise material development and other things that take time and money to accomplish.
The company recently petitioned for support as a contender in General Electric's (GE) "Ecomagination Challenge", a contest offering $200 million dollars to businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators and students with the best ideas for how to tackle the energy needs of the next generation. Joanne Summerscales from Searl's media team even wrote a letter to Prince Charles asking him to consider Prof. Searl's work and help support the cause. You can view that letter here:
One thing is for sure, it doesn't take long to realize that Searl's dedication to his idea is not rooted in making a lot of money or generating fame. On the contrary, his firm conviction that the technology works and that it will change the world for the better is what drives him, and such a cause is worthy of consideration.
To learn more about what's happening with the company, visit the following link:
You may also wish to check out the recent documentary about John Searle and his ideas called the "John Searl Story" by visiting the following website:
(NaturalNews) The solution to the world's energy crisis might be found in a magnetic device that utilizes both ambient temperature and magnets to generate power. In theory, the "Searl Effect Generator" (SEG) has the potential to run completely on its own through a complex interaction between various materials, resulting in an unlimited supply of free and clean energy.
Discovered by John Roy Robert Searl in 1946, the "Searl Effect", as it is called, effectively captures the kinetic energy generated by natural changes in ambient temperature, and uses it to create electricity. The technology works based on a precise design that utilizes the unique characteristics of various materials to create continual motion. These materials include magnets, neodymium, Teflon and copper.
When joined together in just the right way, these materials are capable of perpetuating a cycle of electron movement that is virtually infinite, which gives the device the potential to create more power than it uses to power itself. In other words, if successful, the SEG could one day replace our dependence on fossil fuels as a primary and superior energy source.
So how does the device work exactly?
The SEG is composed of a series of circular cylinders, all of which have small magnetic rotors spaced evenly around them. The circular pattern allows the rotors to have continuous movement around the cylinders, and their spacing and design prevent any mechanical wear or friction.
To get a better idea of how the device works and what it looks like, check out the following video:
The device in the video is merely a demonstration of how the technology works, not an actual working machine. But it offers a helpful and fascinating look at how the technology works in theory, and represents the first time since 1963 that a roller has rotated around a ring continuously.
One of the neat things about Searl technology is that it is scalable, meaning it can be designed in varying sizes for different applications. According to the company, SEG sizes range from a one meter in diameter machine capable of power an average house, to a 12 meter in diameter machine that could power an entire city. The team says machines even larger than 12 meters are possible as well.
The team is currently working on developing an actual prototype of the device, but the concept has not received the level of support and funding over the years that it has needed to carry the project forward. However things seem to be changing in that regards, as some doors have opened up to continue research.
Searl Magnetics, Inc. soon to open in Nevada
Although it has been a long and tough road for the Searl, his concept has finally generated enough funding and support to open up an industrial space in Nevada that will serve as the company's corporate headquarters. At this facility, the Searl team plans to install all the laboratory equipment that it has been accumulating, and continue developing an actual working prototype of SEG.
You can track the progress of the company and its work by visiting the following website:
Invest in SEG technology and help change the world
Searl's energy concept has the potential to revolutionize the way the world generates electricity, but none of it will be possible without the continued support of investors who are willing to help turn a viable concept into a working reality.
Though it finally has a facility, the company will still need thousands, if not millions, of additional dollars to help fund the development of a working prototype. There is testing, analysis, precise material development and other things that take time and money to accomplish.
The company recently petitioned for support as a contender in General Electric's (GE) "Ecomagination Challenge", a contest offering $200 million dollars to businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators and students with the best ideas for how to tackle the energy needs of the next generation. Joanne Summerscales from Searl's media team even wrote a letter to Prince Charles asking him to consider Prof. Searl's work and help support the cause. You can view that letter here:
One thing is for sure, it doesn't take long to realize that Searl's dedication to his idea is not rooted in making a lot of money or generating fame. On the contrary, his firm conviction that the technology works and that it will change the world for the better is what drives him, and such a cause is worthy of consideration.
To learn more about what's happening with the company, visit the following link:
You may also wish to check out the recent documentary about John Searle and his ideas called the "John Searl Story" by visiting the following website:
New hope for liver disease: curcumin in tumeric spice fights liver damage and cirrhosis
New hope for liver disease: curcumin in tumeric spice fights liver damage and cirrhosis
(NaturalNews) For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric and the natural compound it contains called curcumin may protect and heal due to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.
In fact, as NaturalNews previously reported, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that curcumin, when combined with piperine (a component of black pepper), could play an important role in preventing and even treating breast cancer ( Now a new study published in the gastroenterology and hepatology journal Gut suggests curcumin could be a treatment for yet another serious health problem -- liver damage and cirrhosis.
"Chronic cholangiopathies (bile duct diseases) have limited therapeutic options and represent an important indication for liver transplantation. Curcumin, the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric, has pleiotropic (multiple effect) actions and attenuates hepatic damage in animal models of chemically-induced liver injury," the authors of the study, scientists in the division of gastroenterology and heptology at Medical University Graz in Austria, wrote.
So what causes bile duct problems? Genetic predispositions, injury, infections, and drinking alcohol to excess are all possible causes. The reason bile duct diseases are so dangerous -- and sometimes fatal -- is that when the liver's bile ducts swell they can scar and become irreversibly blocked. This causes serious liver damage to develop, leading to fatal cirrhosis.
Bottom line: bile duct diseases are life threatening and mainstream medicine has come up with few ways to help other than liver transplants. However, there's now tantalizing evidence that curcumin may help heal livers naturally.
For their study, the Austrian research team gave curcumin to lab mice who had chemically induced liver injuries. After consuming diets supplemented with curcumin for four to eight weeks, the rodents' liver damage was dramatically lessened. What's more, the addition of the spice component to the animals' food improved a serious liver condition known as sclerosing cholangitis, an autoimmune disorder.
In their paper, the researchers theorized that curcumin has multiple beneficial effects on liver health. For instance, they noted that the spice component blocked signal pathways necessary for inflammation to occur -- and that, in turn, slowed the progress of scarring which leads to reduced bile duct blockage and damage to liver cells.
Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.
For more information:
(NaturalNews) For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric and the natural compound it contains called curcumin may protect and heal due to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.
In fact, as NaturalNews previously reported, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that curcumin, when combined with piperine (a component of black pepper), could play an important role in preventing and even treating breast cancer ( Now a new study published in the gastroenterology and hepatology journal Gut suggests curcumin could be a treatment for yet another serious health problem -- liver damage and cirrhosis.
"Chronic cholangiopathies (bile duct diseases) have limited therapeutic options and represent an important indication for liver transplantation. Curcumin, the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric, has pleiotropic (multiple effect) actions and attenuates hepatic damage in animal models of chemically-induced liver injury," the authors of the study, scientists in the division of gastroenterology and heptology at Medical University Graz in Austria, wrote.
So what causes bile duct problems? Genetic predispositions, injury, infections, and drinking alcohol to excess are all possible causes. The reason bile duct diseases are so dangerous -- and sometimes fatal -- is that when the liver's bile ducts swell they can scar and become irreversibly blocked. This causes serious liver damage to develop, leading to fatal cirrhosis.
Bottom line: bile duct diseases are life threatening and mainstream medicine has come up with few ways to help other than liver transplants. However, there's now tantalizing evidence that curcumin may help heal livers naturally.
For their study, the Austrian research team gave curcumin to lab mice who had chemically induced liver injuries. After consuming diets supplemented with curcumin for four to eight weeks, the rodents' liver damage was dramatically lessened. What's more, the addition of the spice component to the animals' food improved a serious liver condition known as sclerosing cholangitis, an autoimmune disorder.
In their paper, the researchers theorized that curcumin has multiple beneficial effects on liver health. For instance, they noted that the spice component blocked signal pathways necessary for inflammation to occur -- and that, in turn, slowed the progress of scarring which leads to reduced bile duct blockage and damage to liver cells.
Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.
For more information:
New hope for liver disease: curcumin in tumeric spice fights liver damage and cirrhosis
New hope for liver disease: curcumin in tumeric spice fights liver damage and cirrhosis
(NaturalNews) For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric and the natural compound it contains called curcumin may protect and heal due to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.
In fact, as NaturalNews previously reported, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that curcumin, when combined with piperine (a component of black pepper), could play an important role in preventing and even treating breast cancer ( Now a new study published in the gastroenterology and hepatology journal Gut suggests curcumin could be a treatment for yet another serious health problem -- liver damage and cirrhosis.
"Chronic cholangiopathies (bile duct diseases) have limited therapeutic options and represent an important indication for liver transplantation. Curcumin, the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric, has pleiotropic (multiple effect) actions and attenuates hepatic damage in animal models of chemically-induced liver injury," the authors of the study, scientists in the division of gastroenterology and heptology at Medical University Graz in Austria, wrote.
So what causes bile duct problems? Genetic predispositions, injury, infections, and drinking alcohol to excess are all possible causes. The reason bile duct diseases are so dangerous -- and sometimes fatal -- is that when the liver's bile ducts swell they can scar and become irreversibly blocked. This causes serious liver damage to develop, leading to fatal cirrhosis.
Bottom line: bile duct diseases are life threatening and mainstream medicine has come up with few ways to help other than liver transplants. However, there's now tantalizing evidence that curcumin may help heal livers naturally.
For their study, the Austrian research team gave curcumin to lab mice who had chemically induced liver injuries. After consuming diets supplemented with curcumin for four to eight weeks, the rodents' liver damage was dramatically lessened. What's more, the addition of the spice component to the animals' food improved a serious liver condition known as sclerosing cholangitis, an autoimmune disorder.
In their paper, the researchers theorized that curcumin has multiple beneficial effects on liver health. For instance, they noted that the spice component blocked signal pathways necessary for inflammation to occur -- and that, in turn, slowed the progress of scarring which leads to reduced bile duct blockage and damage to liver cells.
Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.
For more information:
(NaturalNews) For countless centuries, turmeric has been used not only as a spice but as a healing aid in traditional Asian medicine. For example, historically it has been consumed to help gastrointestinal problems, arthritic pain, and a lack of energy. And in recent years, scientists have documented that tumeric and the natural compound it contains called curcumin may protect and heal due to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties.
In fact, as NaturalNews previously reported, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that curcumin, when combined with piperine (a component of black pepper), could play an important role in preventing and even treating breast cancer ( Now a new study published in the gastroenterology and hepatology journal Gut suggests curcumin could be a treatment for yet another serious health problem -- liver damage and cirrhosis.
"Chronic cholangiopathies (bile duct diseases) have limited therapeutic options and represent an important indication for liver transplantation. Curcumin, the yellow pigment of the spice turmeric, has pleiotropic (multiple effect) actions and attenuates hepatic damage in animal models of chemically-induced liver injury," the authors of the study, scientists in the division of gastroenterology and heptology at Medical University Graz in Austria, wrote.
So what causes bile duct problems? Genetic predispositions, injury, infections, and drinking alcohol to excess are all possible causes. The reason bile duct diseases are so dangerous -- and sometimes fatal -- is that when the liver's bile ducts swell they can scar and become irreversibly blocked. This causes serious liver damage to develop, leading to fatal cirrhosis.
Bottom line: bile duct diseases are life threatening and mainstream medicine has come up with few ways to help other than liver transplants. However, there's now tantalizing evidence that curcumin may help heal livers naturally.
For their study, the Austrian research team gave curcumin to lab mice who had chemically induced liver injuries. After consuming diets supplemented with curcumin for four to eight weeks, the rodents' liver damage was dramatically lessened. What's more, the addition of the spice component to the animals' food improved a serious liver condition known as sclerosing cholangitis, an autoimmune disorder.
In their paper, the researchers theorized that curcumin has multiple beneficial effects on liver health. For instance, they noted that the spice component blocked signal pathways necessary for inflammation to occur -- and that, in turn, slowed the progress of scarring which leads to reduced bile duct blockage and damage to liver cells.
Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.
For more information:
Canada wants US war resisters to stay | Paul Copeland | Comment is free |
Canada wants US war resisters to stay | Paul Copeland | Comment is free |
The case for Bill C-440, a seven-minute video on the campaign to let US Iraq war resisters stay in Canada. Video: WarResistersCanada Based on US President Barack Obama's 31 August pronouncement and the uncritical TV news coverage of it, it might be reasonable to believe that the Iraq war is over. The frustrating truth, however, is that for the Iraqi people, for American soldiers who continue to be deployed to Iraq, and for those US soldiers who refused to take part in the war and sought refuge in Canada, the facts are very different.
Tom Kent, the Associated Press's deputy managing editor for standards and production, explained it best in a memo to the journalists working for his internationally respected news organisation earlier this month:
"To begin with, combat in Iraq is not over, and we should not uncritically repeat suggestions that it is, even if they come from senior officials. The situation on the ground in Iraq is no different today than it has been for some months.
"As for US involvement, it also goes too far to say that the US part in the conflict in Iraq is over. President Obama said Monday night that 'the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.'
"However, 50,000 American troops remain in country. Our own reporting on the ground confirms that some of these troops, especially some 4,500 special operations forces, continue to be directly engaged in military operations. These troops are accompanying Iraqi soldiers into battle with militant groups and may well fire and be fired on.
"In addition, although administration spokesmen say we are now at the tail end of American involvement and all troops will be gone by the end of 2011, there is no guarantee that this will be the case."
For many, particularly the families mourning the more than 100,000 documented Iraqi civilian deaths caused by this unnecessary war, it is not possible simply to declare the lies, violence and misery resolved.
There is also the persistent matter of how and why this ongoing war was started. The Bush and Blair duo's purposeful communication of false evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continues to be important because the Nüremberg military tribunals, which followed the horrors of the second world war, determined that:
"To initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
US Iraq war veteran Rodney Watson marked the first full year of sanctuary in Vancouver's First United Church on 18 September because he refuses to be jailed while those responsible for sending him into an illegal war remain free to write books and profit from their crimes. Rodney and an estimated 200 other US Iraq war resisters came to Canada seeking refuge in a country that came to the same conclusion about the Iraq war as they did. They have, instead, found themselves threatened by our government with deportation and harsh punishment by the US military.
This past July, the federal court of appeal ruled that the request by Jeremy Hinzman – the first Iraq war resister to come to Canada – for permanent resident status based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds must be sent back for reconsideration by a different immigration officer. The court unanimously found (PDF) that the first review of his case was "significantly flawed" and "unreasonable", sending the message that officials can no longer ignore the sincerely held moral, political and religious beliefs that motivated these conscientious soldiers to become war resisters.
Canada has a proud tradition of accepting war resisters, which extends all the way back to the United Empire Loyalists. During the 1960s and early 1970s, we welcomed more than 50,000 Vietnam war resisters who were the "largest, best-educated group this country had ever received." Despite denials by the current Conservative minority administration, the government of Canada's own historians have correctly recounted that this group included both draft-dodgers and deserters.
In 2008, after the first vote by parliament directing our government to stop deporting Iraq war resisters and fairly consider their requests for permanent resident status, nearly two thirds of Canadians surveyed by Angus Reid (PDF) agreed with parliament's decision. Since then, resisters Robin Long and Cliff Cornell were forced back to the US. With interviews about their political and moral opposition to the war that aired on CBC and CNN used as evidence against them, they were court-martialled for desertion and imprisoned for longer terms than some soldiers who have been convicted of rape.
Back in 2003, Stephen Harper, as leader of the opposition, went on Fox News to endorse Bush's criminal war plans and assert that, were he prime minister, he would send Canadians to Iraq. At the same time, hundreds of thousands marched in the streets across Canada condemning the war before it even started. Canadians convinced the government of the day to make the right judgment. Fast-forward to our last federal election two years ago, and even Harper admitted the Iraq war was "absolutely an error".
On Wednesday, Bill C-440 – an act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resisters) – will be voted on at second reading. If passed, it will give the force of law to parliament's clear direction and effect to the will of the majority of Canadians that accepting Iraq war resisters is the right thing to do.
This bill shouldn't be necessary, as parliament and a majority of Canadians have said they want Iraq War resisters to stay. But the legislation is necessary, because these resisters still face harsh punishment if returned to the US for refusing to be part of a war that never should have happened.
The case for Bill C-440, a seven-minute video on the campaign to let US Iraq war resisters stay in Canada. Video: WarResistersCanada Based on US President Barack Obama's 31 August pronouncement and the uncritical TV news coverage of it, it might be reasonable to believe that the Iraq war is over. The frustrating truth, however, is that for the Iraqi people, for American soldiers who continue to be deployed to Iraq, and for those US soldiers who refused to take part in the war and sought refuge in Canada, the facts are very different.
Tom Kent, the Associated Press's deputy managing editor for standards and production, explained it best in a memo to the journalists working for his internationally respected news organisation earlier this month:
"To begin with, combat in Iraq is not over, and we should not uncritically repeat suggestions that it is, even if they come from senior officials. The situation on the ground in Iraq is no different today than it has been for some months.
"As for US involvement, it also goes too far to say that the US part in the conflict in Iraq is over. President Obama said Monday night that 'the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country.'
"However, 50,000 American troops remain in country. Our own reporting on the ground confirms that some of these troops, especially some 4,500 special operations forces, continue to be directly engaged in military operations. These troops are accompanying Iraqi soldiers into battle with militant groups and may well fire and be fired on.
"In addition, although administration spokesmen say we are now at the tail end of American involvement and all troops will be gone by the end of 2011, there is no guarantee that this will be the case."
For many, particularly the families mourning the more than 100,000 documented Iraqi civilian deaths caused by this unnecessary war, it is not possible simply to declare the lies, violence and misery resolved.
There is also the persistent matter of how and why this ongoing war was started. The Bush and Blair duo's purposeful communication of false evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) continues to be important because the Nüremberg military tribunals, which followed the horrors of the second world war, determined that:
"To initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
US Iraq war veteran Rodney Watson marked the first full year of sanctuary in Vancouver's First United Church on 18 September because he refuses to be jailed while those responsible for sending him into an illegal war remain free to write books and profit from their crimes. Rodney and an estimated 200 other US Iraq war resisters came to Canada seeking refuge in a country that came to the same conclusion about the Iraq war as they did. They have, instead, found themselves threatened by our government with deportation and harsh punishment by the US military.
This past July, the federal court of appeal ruled that the request by Jeremy Hinzman – the first Iraq war resister to come to Canada – for permanent resident status based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds must be sent back for reconsideration by a different immigration officer. The court unanimously found (PDF) that the first review of his case was "significantly flawed" and "unreasonable", sending the message that officials can no longer ignore the sincerely held moral, political and religious beliefs that motivated these conscientious soldiers to become war resisters.
Canada has a proud tradition of accepting war resisters, which extends all the way back to the United Empire Loyalists. During the 1960s and early 1970s, we welcomed more than 50,000 Vietnam war resisters who were the "largest, best-educated group this country had ever received." Despite denials by the current Conservative minority administration, the government of Canada's own historians have correctly recounted that this group included both draft-dodgers and deserters.
In 2008, after the first vote by parliament directing our government to stop deporting Iraq war resisters and fairly consider their requests for permanent resident status, nearly two thirds of Canadians surveyed by Angus Reid (PDF) agreed with parliament's decision. Since then, resisters Robin Long and Cliff Cornell were forced back to the US. With interviews about their political and moral opposition to the war that aired on CBC and CNN used as evidence against them, they were court-martialled for desertion and imprisoned for longer terms than some soldiers who have been convicted of rape.
Back in 2003, Stephen Harper, as leader of the opposition, went on Fox News to endorse Bush's criminal war plans and assert that, were he prime minister, he would send Canadians to Iraq. At the same time, hundreds of thousands marched in the streets across Canada condemning the war before it even started. Canadians convinced the government of the day to make the right judgment. Fast-forward to our last federal election two years ago, and even Harper admitted the Iraq war was "absolutely an error".
On Wednesday, Bill C-440 – an act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resisters) – will be voted on at second reading. If passed, it will give the force of law to parliament's clear direction and effect to the will of the majority of Canadians that accepting Iraq war resisters is the right thing to do.
This bill shouldn't be necessary, as parliament and a majority of Canadians have said they want Iraq War resisters to stay. But the legislation is necessary, because these resisters still face harsh punishment if returned to the US for refusing to be part of a war that never should have happened.
Is Glenn Beck for Real?
Is Glenn Beck for Real?
Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
September 29, 2010
Glenn Beck stands before a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial during his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally. Photo credit Luke X. Martin. Used under creative commons license.
Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.
But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control.
All this is not only new ground for Beck, but for televised news at large. Those in power clearly intend that The People would pay attention to Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol, not find out the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations, a publicly-obscure but deeply-influential elitist think tank. Though many of Beck’s infamous Fox News programs have revolved around convoluted diagrams and misinformed flow-charts linking entities like the White House and the SDS with Van Jones, 9/11 and Nazism (and so on…), he has now reached the point of concise and important historical examples demonstrating the elite controlled agenda.
So is Glenn Beck for real?
That question has come up again and again, as the crew continues research Beck, the Tea Parties and the attempt to control what Zbigniew Brzezinski recently termed as the ‘first truly global awakening.’
There is no doubt that Glenn Beck has advanced and popularized many important, relevant and true issues; however, he has also been very deceptive and at times proven to be anything less than the principled patriot he plays on TV. Though we’ve been frequent critics, we’d be remiss not to commend Glenn Beck for moving in the right direction and addressing real issues about the behind-the-scenes shadow government power structure. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we’re ready to trust him.
On the one hand, his exposé of the global elite stops well short of revealing the influence of the Bilderberg Group (which he has mocked), the Rockefeller Foundation or the trans-national cabal formulated between European royalty, Anglo-American intelligensia and worldwide bureaucracy. Instead, Beck frequent blames “Progressives,” which keeps him conveniently on the attack against primarily Democrats. He often suggests that snarky, manipulative policymakers like Cass Sunstein or mindless psuedo-Communists like Van Jones are at the top of power. In reality, however, these figures, while working against the Constitution and American sovereignty, are at best mid-level minions within the New World Order. These figures are no David Rockefeller, Rothschild family or Henry Kissinger.
Where he treads on conservative ground and within the body politic of the Tea Party movement, he has again played more than one role. When he seeks to rouse the rabble, Glenn Beck puts forward that patriots are supposed to question their government. But when that dissent means 9/11 Truthers or ‘extreme’ Ron Paul-revolutionaries, Glenn Beck says that Patriots who question the government are potential terrorists posing a violent danger (without proof of course).
In times when Glenn Beck appears sincere, he often still discredits the topics he covers through his jokes and antics. His inflammatory and scatter-shot commentary draws fire from the Left and other critics, and make him an easy target easy to dismiss and demean– and the seriousness of the topics he covers is diminished when he loses face.
Alex Jones has suggested the Glenn Beck’s doublespeak has more to do with the larger political reorientation. World Government is admittedly formulating out in the open; the New World Order can’t hide, so they pose as the alternative and as patriot groups interested in limited government. To use Bob Dylan’s terminology, they know which way the wind blows– and their assets are all too ready to wear the coloration of Constitutionalists even when they are diametrically opposed to United States sovereignty.
Know what’s important: Having a Healthy Food Supply is Essential
Glenn Beck himself– and admitted actor, phony and poser– is likely a construct of one of three alternatives (though his role may well be unwitting participation rather than intentional conspiring:
1) Glenn Beck is a Cold-Blooded Operative who is Parading in the Coloration of a Constitutionalist and Patriot, While Waiting for Key Moments to Betray and Backtrack. Beck has already turned on The People to support the bailout, propose a VAT tax, to decry 9/11 truthers as violent extremists and to deny all inquiries into that and other big ‘conspiracy theory’ events. He pretended to investigate FEMA camps, before rolling out Popular Mechanics to ‘debunk’ cherry-picked information. Beck has sucker-punched the likes of rising Tea Party candidates like Debra Medina in favor of endorsing establishment candidates like Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Further, he pushed away the strongest Constitutional candidates like Congressman Ron Paul. And that’s just the short list. Nothing is worse than a Benedict Arnold.
2) The New World Order May Have Allowed Glenn Beck to Rise as a False Tea Party / Patriot Leader, only to destroy him later (and make way for a leader from the opposite camp). The offshore globalists have scientifically-developed their understanding of human behavior, and long ago predicted patterns and likely responses. Through the Hegelian Dialectic, the globalists play both sides– as populist anger continues to boil up as the economy continues to implode. When they know they can’t stop the Ron Paul Revolution or tea party-spirit altogether, the system attempts to co-opt the philosophy and aims of these groups. The New World Order subverts the movement with sellout candidates, vetted by FOX News and the establishment-funded Tea Party Express, who are guaranteed to portray a patriot image but deliver no substance whatsoever while in power.
3) The New World Order System May Be Fractured From Within. Glenn Beck may represent one wing of rival factions within the globalist control grid. The Hegelian Dialectic pits two (or more) opposing sides (A + B) against one another for the specific purpose of creating new reactions (C) through synthesis. Also, conflicting interests– who are united in the bigger picture on global integration and cooperative rule– may seek to give resistance to the integration of a more socialistic system within the United States, represented in the extreme by Stalin and Mao-style Communism, and in the present by President Obama and his allies.
Whatever Glenn Beck may be, we only hope that he will go further– all the way. As Alex Jones states in this video address, Beck should call out the likes of Queen Beatrix, Prince Philip, Ted Turner and Bill & Melinda Gates– all who operate at the heart of groups like Bilderberg, entities like the United Nations and agendas like the worldwide population control program.
Whether or not he goes this far, Beck can be assured that we will be watching his moves carefully. His voice has become an important one, at any rate, and the hope that he might inject real issues and educate people about the very real dangers posed by world government is significant.
Send us feedback about your interpretation of Glenn Beck, help us analysis his game and hold his feet to the fire. Leave comments with your thoughts here in the story or over at Twitter.
Alex Jones is a nationally-syndicated radio host, and the owner of several news websites including and He is also a documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist who has achieved worldwide recognition for his outspoken views. He has appeared in such publications as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Popular Mechanics and such programs as Good Morning America, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, TalkSport (UK), Russia Today, Channel 4 (UK), A&E, America’s most widely listened to late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, C-Span, and many other venues.
Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
September 29, 2010
Glenn Beck stands before a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial during his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally. Photo credit Luke X. Martin. Used under creative commons license.
Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.
But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control.
All this is not only new ground for Beck, but for televised news at large. Those in power clearly intend that The People would pay attention to Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol, not find out the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations, a publicly-obscure but deeply-influential elitist think tank. Though many of Beck’s infamous Fox News programs have revolved around convoluted diagrams and misinformed flow-charts linking entities like the White House and the SDS with Van Jones, 9/11 and Nazism (and so on…), he has now reached the point of concise and important historical examples demonstrating the elite controlled agenda.
So is Glenn Beck for real?
That question has come up again and again, as the crew continues research Beck, the Tea Parties and the attempt to control what Zbigniew Brzezinski recently termed as the ‘first truly global awakening.’
There is no doubt that Glenn Beck has advanced and popularized many important, relevant and true issues; however, he has also been very deceptive and at times proven to be anything less than the principled patriot he plays on TV. Though we’ve been frequent critics, we’d be remiss not to commend Glenn Beck for moving in the right direction and addressing real issues about the behind-the-scenes shadow government power structure. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean we’re ready to trust him.
On the one hand, his exposé of the global elite stops well short of revealing the influence of the Bilderberg Group (which he has mocked), the Rockefeller Foundation or the trans-national cabal formulated between European royalty, Anglo-American intelligensia and worldwide bureaucracy. Instead, Beck frequent blames “Progressives,” which keeps him conveniently on the attack against primarily Democrats. He often suggests that snarky, manipulative policymakers like Cass Sunstein or mindless psuedo-Communists like Van Jones are at the top of power. In reality, however, these figures, while working against the Constitution and American sovereignty, are at best mid-level minions within the New World Order. These figures are no David Rockefeller, Rothschild family or Henry Kissinger.
Where he treads on conservative ground and within the body politic of the Tea Party movement, he has again played more than one role. When he seeks to rouse the rabble, Glenn Beck puts forward that patriots are supposed to question their government. But when that dissent means 9/11 Truthers or ‘extreme’ Ron Paul-revolutionaries, Glenn Beck says that Patriots who question the government are potential terrorists posing a violent danger (without proof of course).
In times when Glenn Beck appears sincere, he often still discredits the topics he covers through his jokes and antics. His inflammatory and scatter-shot commentary draws fire from the Left and other critics, and make him an easy target easy to dismiss and demean– and the seriousness of the topics he covers is diminished when he loses face.
Alex Jones has suggested the Glenn Beck’s doublespeak has more to do with the larger political reorientation. World Government is admittedly formulating out in the open; the New World Order can’t hide, so they pose as the alternative and as patriot groups interested in limited government. To use Bob Dylan’s terminology, they know which way the wind blows– and their assets are all too ready to wear the coloration of Constitutionalists even when they are diametrically opposed to United States sovereignty.
Know what’s important: Having a Healthy Food Supply is Essential
Glenn Beck himself– and admitted actor, phony and poser– is likely a construct of one of three alternatives (though his role may well be unwitting participation rather than intentional conspiring:
1) Glenn Beck is a Cold-Blooded Operative who is Parading in the Coloration of a Constitutionalist and Patriot, While Waiting for Key Moments to Betray and Backtrack. Beck has already turned on The People to support the bailout, propose a VAT tax, to decry 9/11 truthers as violent extremists and to deny all inquiries into that and other big ‘conspiracy theory’ events. He pretended to investigate FEMA camps, before rolling out Popular Mechanics to ‘debunk’ cherry-picked information. Beck has sucker-punched the likes of rising Tea Party candidates like Debra Medina in favor of endorsing establishment candidates like Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Further, he pushed away the strongest Constitutional candidates like Congressman Ron Paul. And that’s just the short list. Nothing is worse than a Benedict Arnold.
2) The New World Order May Have Allowed Glenn Beck to Rise as a False Tea Party / Patriot Leader, only to destroy him later (and make way for a leader from the opposite camp). The offshore globalists have scientifically-developed their understanding of human behavior, and long ago predicted patterns and likely responses. Through the Hegelian Dialectic, the globalists play both sides– as populist anger continues to boil up as the economy continues to implode. When they know they can’t stop the Ron Paul Revolution or tea party-spirit altogether, the system attempts to co-opt the philosophy and aims of these groups. The New World Order subverts the movement with sellout candidates, vetted by FOX News and the establishment-funded Tea Party Express, who are guaranteed to portray a patriot image but deliver no substance whatsoever while in power.
3) The New World Order System May Be Fractured From Within. Glenn Beck may represent one wing of rival factions within the globalist control grid. The Hegelian Dialectic pits two (or more) opposing sides (A + B) against one another for the specific purpose of creating new reactions (C) through synthesis. Also, conflicting interests– who are united in the bigger picture on global integration and cooperative rule– may seek to give resistance to the integration of a more socialistic system within the United States, represented in the extreme by Stalin and Mao-style Communism, and in the present by President Obama and his allies.
Whatever Glenn Beck may be, we only hope that he will go further– all the way. As Alex Jones states in this video address, Beck should call out the likes of Queen Beatrix, Prince Philip, Ted Turner and Bill & Melinda Gates– all who operate at the heart of groups like Bilderberg, entities like the United Nations and agendas like the worldwide population control program.
Whether or not he goes this far, Beck can be assured that we will be watching his moves carefully. His voice has become an important one, at any rate, and the hope that he might inject real issues and educate people about the very real dangers posed by world government is significant.
Send us feedback about your interpretation of Glenn Beck, help us analysis his game and hold his feet to the fire. Leave comments with your thoughts here in the story or over at Twitter.
Alex Jones is a nationally-syndicated radio host, and the owner of several news websites including and He is also a documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist who has achieved worldwide recognition for his outspoken views. He has appeared in such publications as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Popular Mechanics and such programs as Good Morning America, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, TalkSport (UK), Russia Today, Channel 4 (UK), A&E, America’s most widely listened to late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, C-Span, and many other venues.
US Mint Runs Out Of Buffalo Gold Coins, Will Not Restock
US Mint Runs Out Of Buffalo Gold Coins, Will Not Restock
Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
In what appears to be a beginning of the rerun from late April, when mints all around the world were running out of bullion and dealers had no coins in inventory, the US Mint has announced it has run out of one ounce Gold Buffalo coins: “The United States Mint has depleted its inventory of 2010 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Bullion Coins.” And even though one can’t eat the gold coins, this is happening as gold is touching daily fresh record prices. Oddly enough, as Reuters reports: “The mint said it will not stock more of the 1-ounce, 24-karat American Buffalo bullion coins.” Keeping in mind that the Buffalo is “among the world’s purest gold coins in terms of the fineness of the metal they contain” one wonders just how heavy the physical depletion of ultra pure gold must be for the mint to only stock “more diluted” versions of gold bullion.
From Reuters:
The U.S. Mint has run out of a type of highly pure gold coin it had been selling amid record high prices of gold.
The mint said it will not stock more of the 1-ounce, 24-karat American Buffalo bullion coins.
“The United States Mint has depleted its inventory of 2010 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Bullion Coins,” the Mint said in a statement, seen by Reuters on Monday.
Officials at the Mint could not immediately be reached for comment.
Gold prices have hit record highs over the last two weeks, breaching $1,300 an ounce, as investors bought into the precious metal on global economic health worries and possibilities of more U.S. stimulus programs that could weaken the U.S. dollar.
This year alone, gold prices have risen more than 18 percent. Fund managers and industry experts think the rally has further to run in the longer term as gold provides a hedge against inflation amid expectations that central banks worldwide could resort to more monetary easing to support their economies.
Most importantly, the US Buffalo is actually priced about 20% over spot, and was last sold for $1,560. And even this massive premium over “NAV” has not stopped the flood of retail buying. Either this, or the mint has been order to redirect all physical holdings of ultra pure gold into the vaults of LBMA dealers for physical sequestration. Our money is on the latter, now that there is a major run on physical gold both in retail demand, in ETFs and in virtually every other market. We expect to see more global gold dealers to announce inventory depletions shortly.
Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
In what appears to be a beginning of the rerun from late April, when mints all around the world were running out of bullion and dealers had no coins in inventory, the US Mint has announced it has run out of one ounce Gold Buffalo coins: “The United States Mint has depleted its inventory of 2010 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Bullion Coins.” And even though one can’t eat the gold coins, this is happening as gold is touching daily fresh record prices. Oddly enough, as Reuters reports: “The mint said it will not stock more of the 1-ounce, 24-karat American Buffalo bullion coins.” Keeping in mind that the Buffalo is “among the world’s purest gold coins in terms of the fineness of the metal they contain” one wonders just how heavy the physical depletion of ultra pure gold must be for the mint to only stock “more diluted” versions of gold bullion.
From Reuters:
The U.S. Mint has run out of a type of highly pure gold coin it had been selling amid record high prices of gold.
The mint said it will not stock more of the 1-ounce, 24-karat American Buffalo bullion coins.
“The United States Mint has depleted its inventory of 2010 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Bullion Coins,” the Mint said in a statement, seen by Reuters on Monday.
Officials at the Mint could not immediately be reached for comment.
Gold prices have hit record highs over the last two weeks, breaching $1,300 an ounce, as investors bought into the precious metal on global economic health worries and possibilities of more U.S. stimulus programs that could weaken the U.S. dollar.
This year alone, gold prices have risen more than 18 percent. Fund managers and industry experts think the rally has further to run in the longer term as gold provides a hedge against inflation amid expectations that central banks worldwide could resort to more monetary easing to support their economies.
Most importantly, the US Buffalo is actually priced about 20% over spot, and was last sold for $1,560. And even this massive premium over “NAV” has not stopped the flood of retail buying. Either this, or the mint has been order to redirect all physical holdings of ultra pure gold into the vaults of LBMA dealers for physical sequestration. Our money is on the latter, now that there is a major run on physical gold both in retail demand, in ETFs and in virtually every other market. We expect to see more global gold dealers to announce inventory depletions shortly.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Plumes of Corexit/oil mix causing microorganisms to have “mutant DNA” that can be “passed on” says USF researcher appearing tomorrow on National Geographic | Florida Oil Spill Law
Plumes of Corexit/oil mix causing microorganisms to have “mutant DNA” that can be “passed on” says USF researcher appearing tomorrow on National Geographic | Florida Oil Spill Law
Plumes of Corexit/oil mix causing microorganisms to have “mutant DNA” that can be “passed on” says USF researcher appearing tomorrow on National Geographic
USF research included in TV special on Gulf spill, Tampa Tribune, September 27, 2010:
The [University of South Florida researchers] discovered plumes of dispersed oil at the bottom of an undersea canyon about 40 miles off the Florida Panhandle.
It was found to be toxic to microscopic sea organisms, causing mutations to their DNA. …
“I call these canaries in the coal mine as they are the first to feel the effects,” [University of South Florida researcher John Paul who is included in a documentary debuting Tuesday night in the National Geographic Channel] says. …
“The problem with mutant DNA is that it can be passed on and we don’t how this will affect fish or other marine life,” he says, adding that the effects could last for decades.
Video contains audio from: Before Dr. Riki Ott: Are oil-eating microbes affecting humans? Corexit dispersant may genetically change bacteria in Gulf (VIDEO).
Plumes of Corexit/oil mix causing microorganisms to have “mutant DNA” that can be “passed on” says USF researcher appearing tomorrow on National Geographic
USF research included in TV special on Gulf spill, Tampa Tribune, September 27, 2010:
The [University of South Florida researchers] discovered plumes of dispersed oil at the bottom of an undersea canyon about 40 miles off the Florida Panhandle.
It was found to be toxic to microscopic sea organisms, causing mutations to their DNA. …
“I call these canaries in the coal mine as they are the first to feel the effects,” [University of South Florida researcher John Paul who is included in a documentary debuting Tuesday night in the National Geographic Channel] says. …
“The problem with mutant DNA is that it can be passed on and we don’t how this will affect fish or other marine life,” he says, adding that the effects could last for decades.
Video contains audio from: Before Dr. Riki Ott: Are oil-eating microbes affecting humans? Corexit dispersant may genetically change bacteria in Gulf (VIDEO).
Lethal Danger of CT Scans – Life Extension
Lethal Danger of CT Scans – Life Extension
Lethal Danger of CT Scans
We tried everything… from pleading with arrogant physicians to providing irrefutable documentation to support our position. The response was always the same: we were “out of our minds” for suggesting that medical X-rays increase future cancer risks.
Our opposition could never substantiate that exposing healthy cells to ionizing radiation was safe. They did at one point rely on the Atomic Energy Commission, who claimed there were no dangers to low-level radiation exposure.
The Atomic Energy Commission was created to “manage the development, use, and control of atomic (nuclear) energy for military and civilian applications.” Like so many federal agencies, the priority was not to protect the public’s health. Instead this tax-funded bureaucracy (like the FDA) functioned to guarantee the economic success of the industries it regulated.1
By ridiculing those who warned about the carcinogenic effects of X-rays, the federal government and medical establishment enabled companies making CT scanners (and other radiation devices) to earn tens of billions of dollars in profit, with Medicare and private health insurance picking up most of the costs.
Radiation Overload
Compared to regular medical X-rays, CT scans yield much higher-resolution images. Unfortunately, CT scans also expose the patient to hundreds and sometimes thousands of times more radiation.2-4
The routine use of CT scans and other dangerous X-ray imaging procedures has skyrocketed over the past three decades. In 1980, there were 3 million CT scans done. By the year 2007, the number increased to about 70 million.5,6
We at Life Extension® long ago warned members to avoid CT scans and any kind of X-ray unless absolutely necessary. Up against us was an armada of for-profit companies who promoted CT scans to healthy people to measure coronary artery calcification, virtual colonoscopy in place of the more effective standard colonoscopy (flexible tube procedures), and even whole-body CT scans to identify abnormalities anywhere in one’s anatomy.
The irony is that health-conscious people, who often paid for whole-body CT scans out of their own pockets, unwittingly exposed their whole body to huge levels of DNA gene-mutating radiation!
Absolutely Shocking Data
The uninformed public is in for a shocker. A study released at the end of last year reveals that CT scans deliver up to four times more radiation than what was previously believed, which was already dangerously high.7
At the same time, another study led by the National Cancer Institute showed that CT scans administered in the year 2007 alone may contribute to 29,000 new cancer cases and nearly 15,000 cancer deaths.8
The problem is that the explosion in unnecessary CT scans has been going on every year. If we carry this back just ten years, this means that 150,000 Americans are facing horrific deaths from CT scan-induced cancers.
Adding to this impending cancer epidemic are other medical procedures that deliver cancer-causing radiation into the body.
If the only benefit you ever obtain from Life Extension® membership is the knowledge to avoid unnecessary CT scans and medical X-rays, this alone is well worth the annual membership fee.
Unsafe at Any Dose
Doctors argue that the amount of radiation emitted from regular medical X-rays is so low that there is no cancer risk. This flies in the face of data showing that any amount of radiation inflicts free radical damage to DNA that adversely affects our genes.9,10 We long ago reported statistics indicating that a significant percentage of today’s cancers are caused by medical radiation.8,11-13 Radiation-induced cancers occur in response to mutations in genes that regulate cellular proliferation.
While doctors state that radiation is safe as long as it is kept at a certain level, we argued that even the smallest particle of radiation inflicts DNA damage. For radiation to be safe, all of the DNA damage must be repaired perfectly. Any damage not perfectly repaired creates mutations, any one of which has the potential to lead to further mutations that cause cancer. In fact, we long ago pointed to research showing that the lowest possible dose of radiation is not only unsafe, but also does far more damage than previously thought and is indeed mutagenic.14
National Academy of Sciences Report
In June 2005, the National Academy of Sciences released a report stating that even very low doses of radiation can cause cancer. In its report, the National Academy defined low dose as being as low as “near zero.”15
While the researchers indicated that the cancer risk from any given X-ray is very small, their report stated: “Risk would continue at a linear fashion at lower doses without a threshold and that the smallest dose has the potential to cause a small increase in risk to humans.”15
As you can see by the chart on this page, the amount of radiation emitted from a typical medical X-ray is quite low. Typical X-rays, however, are becoming a relic of the past. CT (computerized tomography) scans provide a much better picture of your insides, but use much more radiation. A CT scan of your abdomen, for example, exposes you to an amount of radiation equivalent to that of 500 or more chest X-rays.16
The more worrisome diagnostic procedure is the whole-body scan, which experts have estimated is the equivalent of 900 chest X-rays.11 According to the National Academy of Sciences report, a 45-year-old who planned to undergo 30 annual whole-body scans would potentially increase his or her cancer risk many times.15
The National Academy of Sciences stated that there is no radiation threshold below which exposure can be viewed as harmless. This finding means that everyone who has had a medical X-ray is at some increased risk for developing leukemia or a solid cancer. Considering how many X-rays people are exposed to in a lifetime, the risk of developing cancer from the cumulative effects of so many X-rays and CT scans is a serious concern.
Radiation Overdoses from CT scans
The amount of radiation a patient is exposed to can be greatly reduced if X-ray technicians took the time to adjust the intensity of the dose depending on individual circumstances. For instance, more radiation is needed for an abdominal CT scan of an obese individual compared to someone lean. A child needs much less radiation than an adult.
You can request “intensity modulated radiation” prior to a CT scan, but whether an apathetic technician pays attention to your request is another matter. They are more likely to state there is no danger to any dose they administer.
As risky as properly done CT scans are, reports published at the end of 2009 exposed instances of major medical centers being so sloppy in adjusting the settings on their CT scanners that patients were exposed to up to eight times the normal radiation dose.17-19
Children are more vulnerable to the long-term effects of the DNA damage inflicted by X-rays. In one particularly heinous case, a 30-month-old child was exposed to more than 60 minutes of continuous CT scans when the normal time period is only 2-3 minutes. The hospital’s radiology manager called the overdose a “rogue act of insanity” while the chief of the state’s regulatory division said it was “one of the more egregious, extreme cases that I have ever seen.”20
The reality is that for the convenience of the X-ray technicians, CT scanner settings are seldom adjusted to use the least amount of radiation to obtain a clear image.

Tribute to the Pioneer Who Took On the Establishment
In 2005, I had the privilege of receiving a telephone call from John Gofman, MD, PhD. For those who don’t know, he was one of the great scientific minds of the 20th century. Dr. Gofman praised our work for getting the word out about the lethal dangers of medical X-rays and encouraged us to keep up the fight.
Dr. Gofman was a physicist turned medical doctor whose early work on radioactive isotopes resulted in his recruitment to work on The Manhattan Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico to develop the first atomic bomb.
In 1947, Dr. Gofman began research that would soon lead him to conclude that cholesterol is a cause of atherosclerosis.21,22 Dr. Gofman and his colleagues were the first to show that specific fractions of cholesterol such as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) are the most dangerous. Dr. Gofman was involved in the publication of possibly the first book in 1951 about how low-fat and low-cholesterol diets prevent heart disease.23
Dr. Gofman’s expertise on the biological effects of radiation caused him to later take a very controversial position. He meticulously documented how diagnostic X-rays were a cause of cancer and vascular disease in the 1960s, long before anyone suspected this link. The Atomic Energy Commission and medical establishment fiercely contested Dr. Gofman’s allegations that medical X-rays caused any harm.
I am always amazed at individuals who are able to contribute so much to our scientific base of knowledge. In Dr. Gofman’s case, he was instrumental in harnessing nuclear energy, warning of the dangers of low-level radiation, and then moved on to a completely different field to discover specific fractions of cholesterol that cause atherosclerosis.
I was saddened to learn that Dr Gofman died of heart failure two years after my conversation with him, possibly caused by the radiation exposure he encountered while working with radioactive isotopes.
Dr. Gofman Explained How X-rays Cause Atherosclerosis
John W. Gofman, MD, PhD, was Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the world’s most distinguished medical and nuclear scientists. His research showed that no amount of radiation—no matter how small—is safe.24-27
Dr. Gofman’s data analysis conflicts with other reports from the standpoint that he believed far more cancers are caused by medical radiation. Further, he came to the conclusion that exposure to radiation from medical procedures is a “highly important (probably principal) cause” of cancer and ischemic heart disease in America.13
How would radiation cause heart disease? According to Dr. Gofman, the same way it causes cancer. Radiation damages DNA—in this case, DNA in the arteries. The radiation-induced changes create a cancer-like phenomenon in the arteries known as atheroma. Dr. Gofman believed that the interaction between atheromas and lipids blocks arteries and causes blood clots.
One of radiation’s most striking effects is causing arterial cells to multiply abnormally. The abnormal growth of cells lining the arteries has the effect of narrowing the arteries.
Abnormal growth of smooth muscle tissue inside the artery creates something similar to scar tissue that occludes the arteries and ruins their flexibility. Lipid-laden cells, monocytes, macrophages, cholesterol, fibrin, and calcium are all components of plaques and collect within damaged areas in the inner arterial wall where arteries eventually clog.
As early as 1944, scientists showed that radiation could produce plaques and foam cells.28 Since then, additional studies have demonstrated that radiation can produce arterial lesions, sticky platelets, and increased free radicals.29-34 In fact, radiation can create atherosclerosis in its entirety.35 Studies show that people who have undergone radiation of areas containing major blood vessels often develop atherosclerosis in those blood vessels.36,37
Lethal Danger of CT Scans
We tried everything… from pleading with arrogant physicians to providing irrefutable documentation to support our position. The response was always the same: we were “out of our minds” for suggesting that medical X-rays increase future cancer risks.
Our opposition could never substantiate that exposing healthy cells to ionizing radiation was safe. They did at one point rely on the Atomic Energy Commission, who claimed there were no dangers to low-level radiation exposure.
The Atomic Energy Commission was created to “manage the development, use, and control of atomic (nuclear) energy for military and civilian applications.” Like so many federal agencies, the priority was not to protect the public’s health. Instead this tax-funded bureaucracy (like the FDA) functioned to guarantee the economic success of the industries it regulated.1
By ridiculing those who warned about the carcinogenic effects of X-rays, the federal government and medical establishment enabled companies making CT scanners (and other radiation devices) to earn tens of billions of dollars in profit, with Medicare and private health insurance picking up most of the costs.
Radiation Overload
Compared to regular medical X-rays, CT scans yield much higher-resolution images. Unfortunately, CT scans also expose the patient to hundreds and sometimes thousands of times more radiation.2-4
The routine use of CT scans and other dangerous X-ray imaging procedures has skyrocketed over the past three decades. In 1980, there were 3 million CT scans done. By the year 2007, the number increased to about 70 million.5,6
We at Life Extension® long ago warned members to avoid CT scans and any kind of X-ray unless absolutely necessary. Up against us was an armada of for-profit companies who promoted CT scans to healthy people to measure coronary artery calcification, virtual colonoscopy in place of the more effective standard colonoscopy (flexible tube procedures), and even whole-body CT scans to identify abnormalities anywhere in one’s anatomy.
The irony is that health-conscious people, who often paid for whole-body CT scans out of their own pockets, unwittingly exposed their whole body to huge levels of DNA gene-mutating radiation!
Absolutely Shocking Data
The uninformed public is in for a shocker. A study released at the end of last year reveals that CT scans deliver up to four times more radiation than what was previously believed, which was already dangerously high.7
At the same time, another study led by the National Cancer Institute showed that CT scans administered in the year 2007 alone may contribute to 29,000 new cancer cases and nearly 15,000 cancer deaths.8
The problem is that the explosion in unnecessary CT scans has been going on every year. If we carry this back just ten years, this means that 150,000 Americans are facing horrific deaths from CT scan-induced cancers.
Adding to this impending cancer epidemic are other medical procedures that deliver cancer-causing radiation into the body.
If the only benefit you ever obtain from Life Extension® membership is the knowledge to avoid unnecessary CT scans and medical X-rays, this alone is well worth the annual membership fee.
Unsafe at Any Dose
Doctors argue that the amount of radiation emitted from regular medical X-rays is so low that there is no cancer risk. This flies in the face of data showing that any amount of radiation inflicts free radical damage to DNA that adversely affects our genes.9,10 We long ago reported statistics indicating that a significant percentage of today’s cancers are caused by medical radiation.8,11-13 Radiation-induced cancers occur in response to mutations in genes that regulate cellular proliferation.
While doctors state that radiation is safe as long as it is kept at a certain level, we argued that even the smallest particle of radiation inflicts DNA damage. For radiation to be safe, all of the DNA damage must be repaired perfectly. Any damage not perfectly repaired creates mutations, any one of which has the potential to lead to further mutations that cause cancer. In fact, we long ago pointed to research showing that the lowest possible dose of radiation is not only unsafe, but also does far more damage than previously thought and is indeed mutagenic.14
National Academy of Sciences Report
In June 2005, the National Academy of Sciences released a report stating that even very low doses of radiation can cause cancer. In its report, the National Academy defined low dose as being as low as “near zero.”15
While the researchers indicated that the cancer risk from any given X-ray is very small, their report stated: “Risk would continue at a linear fashion at lower doses without a threshold and that the smallest dose has the potential to cause a small increase in risk to humans.”15
As you can see by the chart on this page, the amount of radiation emitted from a typical medical X-ray is quite low. Typical X-rays, however, are becoming a relic of the past. CT (computerized tomography) scans provide a much better picture of your insides, but use much more radiation. A CT scan of your abdomen, for example, exposes you to an amount of radiation equivalent to that of 500 or more chest X-rays.16
The more worrisome diagnostic procedure is the whole-body scan, which experts have estimated is the equivalent of 900 chest X-rays.11 According to the National Academy of Sciences report, a 45-year-old who planned to undergo 30 annual whole-body scans would potentially increase his or her cancer risk many times.15
The National Academy of Sciences stated that there is no radiation threshold below which exposure can be viewed as harmless. This finding means that everyone who has had a medical X-ray is at some increased risk for developing leukemia or a solid cancer. Considering how many X-rays people are exposed to in a lifetime, the risk of developing cancer from the cumulative effects of so many X-rays and CT scans is a serious concern.
Radiation Overdoses from CT scans
The amount of radiation a patient is exposed to can be greatly reduced if X-ray technicians took the time to adjust the intensity of the dose depending on individual circumstances. For instance, more radiation is needed for an abdominal CT scan of an obese individual compared to someone lean. A child needs much less radiation than an adult.
You can request “intensity modulated radiation” prior to a CT scan, but whether an apathetic technician pays attention to your request is another matter. They are more likely to state there is no danger to any dose they administer.
As risky as properly done CT scans are, reports published at the end of 2009 exposed instances of major medical centers being so sloppy in adjusting the settings on their CT scanners that patients were exposed to up to eight times the normal radiation dose.17-19
Children are more vulnerable to the long-term effects of the DNA damage inflicted by X-rays. In one particularly heinous case, a 30-month-old child was exposed to more than 60 minutes of continuous CT scans when the normal time period is only 2-3 minutes. The hospital’s radiology manager called the overdose a “rogue act of insanity” while the chief of the state’s regulatory division said it was “one of the more egregious, extreme cases that I have ever seen.”20
The reality is that for the convenience of the X-ray technicians, CT scanner settings are seldom adjusted to use the least amount of radiation to obtain a clear image.
Tribute to the Pioneer Who Took On the Establishment
In 2005, I had the privilege of receiving a telephone call from John Gofman, MD, PhD. For those who don’t know, he was one of the great scientific minds of the 20th century. Dr. Gofman praised our work for getting the word out about the lethal dangers of medical X-rays and encouraged us to keep up the fight.
Dr. Gofman was a physicist turned medical doctor whose early work on radioactive isotopes resulted in his recruitment to work on The Manhattan Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico to develop the first atomic bomb.
In 1947, Dr. Gofman began research that would soon lead him to conclude that cholesterol is a cause of atherosclerosis.21,22 Dr. Gofman and his colleagues were the first to show that specific fractions of cholesterol such as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) are the most dangerous. Dr. Gofman was involved in the publication of possibly the first book in 1951 about how low-fat and low-cholesterol diets prevent heart disease.23
Dr. Gofman’s expertise on the biological effects of radiation caused him to later take a very controversial position. He meticulously documented how diagnostic X-rays were a cause of cancer and vascular disease in the 1960s, long before anyone suspected this link. The Atomic Energy Commission and medical establishment fiercely contested Dr. Gofman’s allegations that medical X-rays caused any harm.
I am always amazed at individuals who are able to contribute so much to our scientific base of knowledge. In Dr. Gofman’s case, he was instrumental in harnessing nuclear energy, warning of the dangers of low-level radiation, and then moved on to a completely different field to discover specific fractions of cholesterol that cause atherosclerosis.
I was saddened to learn that Dr Gofman died of heart failure two years after my conversation with him, possibly caused by the radiation exposure he encountered while working with radioactive isotopes.
Dr. Gofman Explained How X-rays Cause Atherosclerosis
John W. Gofman, MD, PhD, was Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the world’s most distinguished medical and nuclear scientists. His research showed that no amount of radiation—no matter how small—is safe.24-27
Dr. Gofman’s data analysis conflicts with other reports from the standpoint that he believed far more cancers are caused by medical radiation. Further, he came to the conclusion that exposure to radiation from medical procedures is a “highly important (probably principal) cause” of cancer and ischemic heart disease in America.13
How would radiation cause heart disease? According to Dr. Gofman, the same way it causes cancer. Radiation damages DNA—in this case, DNA in the arteries. The radiation-induced changes create a cancer-like phenomenon in the arteries known as atheroma. Dr. Gofman believed that the interaction between atheromas and lipids blocks arteries and causes blood clots.
One of radiation’s most striking effects is causing arterial cells to multiply abnormally. The abnormal growth of cells lining the arteries has the effect of narrowing the arteries.
Abnormal growth of smooth muscle tissue inside the artery creates something similar to scar tissue that occludes the arteries and ruins their flexibility. Lipid-laden cells, monocytes, macrophages, cholesterol, fibrin, and calcium are all components of plaques and collect within damaged areas in the inner arterial wall where arteries eventually clog.
As early as 1944, scientists showed that radiation could produce plaques and foam cells.28 Since then, additional studies have demonstrated that radiation can produce arterial lesions, sticky platelets, and increased free radicals.29-34 In fact, radiation can create atherosclerosis in its entirety.35 Studies show that people who have undergone radiation of areas containing major blood vessels often develop atherosclerosis in those blood vessels.36,37
Faber: "Accumulate gold and keep it as cash;" yuan will continue to rise...
Faber: "Accumulate Gold and Keep it as Cash"
10 films the US Government would rather you not see | Pakalert Press
10 films the US Government would rather you not see | Pakalert Press
These are 10 films that I believe if watched by the majority of US citizens there would be demands of impeachment, a push to pull out of Afghanistan/Iraq and a complete shift in thought or at the very least some questioning of the government.
These are 10 films that I believe if watched by the majority of US citizens there would be demands of impeachment, a push to pull out of Afghanistan/Iraq and a complete shift in thought or at the very least some questioning of the government.
Dem Whip: GOP majority will issue birther subpoenas - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Dem Whip: GOP majority will issue birther subpoenas - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate President Obama's birthplace if they take over Congress.
Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Republicans will grind the government to a halt by issuing subpoenas against the Obama administration over a number of issues if they take power. He predicted that "gridlock" in Congress would "define" Obama's first term if Republicans win the House, but expressed confidence his party would prevail.
Clyburn noted that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Oversight panel, has said will will issue "subpoenas everywhere" if Republicans win the majority.
"The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit," Clyburn said in an interview published Monday on, an African-American news website. "That will define the next two years of the president's administration.
Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration, but his spokesman said he would not pursue the "birther" controversy and that the congressman has not spoken about the issue.
"The Democratic Caucus doesn’t take Jim Clyburn seriously – Americans shouldn’t take his ridiculous claims seriously either," said Issa spokesman Kurt Bardella in an e-mail. Bardella noted that Issa has already released his "blueprint for oversight" that focuses on investigating the expansion of government.
Clyburn spokeswoman Kristie Greco called Bardella's point a "nervous overreaction."
"Perhaps he [Bardella] would like us to forget that the former Chairman of Government Oversight, Rep. Burton [R-Ind.], is a co-sponsor of the birther bill and Reps. McHenry [R-N.C.] and Fortenberry [R-Neb.] have raised question about the origin of the President’s birth. Does Darrell Issa take his fellow committee members seriously?” Greco wrote in an e-mail.
Some Republican congressional candidates and lawmakers have raised questions about Obama's country of birth and citizenship since he took office. Activists who have expressed skepticism of Obama's American citizenship have been labeled "birthers."
The so-called birther bill, or H.R. 1503, is a measure that would require proof of citizenship from presidential candidates. It was introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) in March 2009.
Obama was born in Hawaii, and the White House released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate. But that has failed to silence arguments that he was not born in the U.S.
In the minority, Issa has gone after the administration on several issues including their alleged intervention in the Pennsylvania and Colorado Democratic Senate primaries.
But Clyburn suggested that those investigations will turn from political issues into Obama's personal life if the GOP takes over the House.
Clyburn blamed conservative media for the phenomenon and said others could rebut those views if the Fairness Doctrine, a government policy abolished in the 1980s that required broadcasters to give both sides equal time on political programs, was still in place.
"Twenty-five years ago, we didn't have Rush Limbaugh spewing hate all day, every day, and others on the radio, and we didn't have a TV station dedicated to misrepresenting the facts and people making $20 million to go out and say what they know not to be true," he said. "This has created an atmosphere of toxicity."
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate President Obama's birthplace if they take over Congress.
Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Republicans will grind the government to a halt by issuing subpoenas against the Obama administration over a number of issues if they take power. He predicted that "gridlock" in Congress would "define" Obama's first term if Republicans win the House, but expressed confidence his party would prevail.
Clyburn noted that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Oversight panel, has said will will issue "subpoenas everywhere" if Republicans win the majority.
"The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit," Clyburn said in an interview published Monday on, an African-American news website. "That will define the next two years of the president's administration.
Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration, but his spokesman said he would not pursue the "birther" controversy and that the congressman has not spoken about the issue.
"The Democratic Caucus doesn’t take Jim Clyburn seriously – Americans shouldn’t take his ridiculous claims seriously either," said Issa spokesman Kurt Bardella in an e-mail. Bardella noted that Issa has already released his "blueprint for oversight" that focuses on investigating the expansion of government.
Clyburn spokeswoman Kristie Greco called Bardella's point a "nervous overreaction."
"Perhaps he [Bardella] would like us to forget that the former Chairman of Government Oversight, Rep. Burton [R-Ind.], is a co-sponsor of the birther bill and Reps. McHenry [R-N.C.] and Fortenberry [R-Neb.] have raised question about the origin of the President’s birth. Does Darrell Issa take his fellow committee members seriously?” Greco wrote in an e-mail.
Some Republican congressional candidates and lawmakers have raised questions about Obama's country of birth and citizenship since he took office. Activists who have expressed skepticism of Obama's American citizenship have been labeled "birthers."
The so-called birther bill, or H.R. 1503, is a measure that would require proof of citizenship from presidential candidates. It was introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) in March 2009.
Obama was born in Hawaii, and the White House released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate. But that has failed to silence arguments that he was not born in the U.S.
In the minority, Issa has gone after the administration on several issues including their alleged intervention in the Pennsylvania and Colorado Democratic Senate primaries.
But Clyburn suggested that those investigations will turn from political issues into Obama's personal life if the GOP takes over the House.
Clyburn blamed conservative media for the phenomenon and said others could rebut those views if the Fairness Doctrine, a government policy abolished in the 1980s that required broadcasters to give both sides equal time on political programs, was still in place.
"Twenty-five years ago, we didn't have Rush Limbaugh spewing hate all day, every day, and others on the radio, and we didn't have a TV station dedicated to misrepresenting the facts and people making $20 million to go out and say what they know not to be true," he said. "This has created an atmosphere of toxicity."
Obama Again Omits ‘Creator’ When Speaking of ‘Inalienable Rights’ Cited in Declaration of Independence |
Obama Again Omits ‘Creator’ When Speaking of ‘Inalienable Rights’ Cited in Declaration of Independence |
( - Just seven days after he sparked controversy by omitting the word “Creator” when he closely paraphrased the passage from the Declaration of Independence that says all men “are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,” President Barack Obama again omitted the Creator when speaking about the “inalienable rights” that “everybody is endowed with.”
This time the president was speaking at a Sept. 22 fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, and his reference to “inalienable rights” was not as close a paraphrasing of the Declaration as it had been the week before.
“And what was sustaining us was that sense that, that North Star, that sense that, you know what, if we stay true to our values, if we believe that all people are created equal and everybody is endowed with certain inalienable rights and we’re going to make those words live, and we’re going to give everybody opportunity, everybody a ladder into the middle class, every child able to go as far as their dreams will take them--if we stay true to that, then we’re going to be able to maintain the energy and the focus, the fight, the gumption to get stuff done,” Obama said at the DCCC/DSCC event, according to the transcript posted by the White House.
Speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s Annual Awards Gala on Sept. 15, Obama had left out the word “Creator” when otherwise virtually quoting from the Declaration of Independence.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Obama said at that event, “that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That’s what makes us unique.”
Obama’s omission of the Creator from this Sept. 15 reference to the Declaration was noted and discussed on national talk radio and television programs. Rush Limbaugh played an audio clip of the relevant passage from Obama’s remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s dinner on his Sept. 20 program.
“Now, there's something very, very crucial and very important missing in that, and that is ‘endowed by our Creator,” said Limbaugh. “Now, Obama was using a teleprompter here. It's interesting. On Wednesday, he leaves the Creator as the source of our rights out of his quote of the Declaration of Independence. Yesterday heads over to church, eight o'clock in the morning, takes the hoof express, so the media can chronicle every step of the way. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain--by whom? Government? Who endows this equality? Who endows us with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? This is not an insignificant thing, and the reason it's not insignificant is because all of these questions about who is Obama, who really shaped him, where are his values sourced to, who educated and informed this man? This is not a miscue. It's things like this that lead people to question his faith.”
On other occasions, Obama has correctly cited the famous passage from the Declaration without removing the Creator. For example, as Limbaugh also pointed out on his Sept. 20 program, Obama did quote the Declaration accurately in his book The Audacity of Hope.
Obama also quoted it correctly in the speech he delivered from the White House balcony this past July 4. “Two hundred and thirty-four years later,” Obama said then, “the words are just as bold, just as revolutionary, as they were when they were first pronounced: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'"
On Fox News on Sept. 20, Bret Baier reported that the White House said the president had made a mistake when he omitted the Creator from his citation of the Declaration of Independence at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute dinner. The “White House,” Baier reported, “said that President Obama went off script and adlibbed when he made that mistake.”
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute dinner, however, was not the first time President Obama has omitted mention of the Creator when speaking of the “inalienable rights” cited in the Declaration of Independence. He has also published official presidential proclamations that take this approach.
On Sept. 17, 2009, for example, Obama issued a “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” proclamation that mentioned man's “certain unalienable rights” but not the Creator who endows man with them.
This proclamation was issued in both Spanish and English—with neither versions mentioning the Creator.
In English, Obama proclaimed: “Signed in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787, this founding document reflects our core values and enshrines the truths set forth in the Declaration of Independence, that we are each endowed with certain unalienable rights. As the beneficiaries of these rights, all Americans have a solemn obligation to participate in our democracy so that it remains vibrant, strong, and responsive to the needs of our citizens.”
In Spanish, Obama proclaimed: “Este documento de la fundación, suscrito en Filadelfia el 17 de septiembre, 1787, refleja nuestros valores básicos y ratifica los hechos presentados por la Declaración de Independencia: que a cada uno de nosotros se nos ha conferido derechos inalienables. Como beneficiarios de dichos derechos, todos los estadounidenses tienen la obligación solemne de participar en nuestra democracia, para que siga siendo dinámica y sólida, y responda a las necesidades de nuestros ciudadanos.
On Feb. 2, 2009, Obama issued a presidential proclamation for “National African American History Month” that mentioned “certain unalienable rights” Obama said "we all are endowed with" but did not mention the Creator, who, according to the Declaration of Independence, is the grantor of those rights.
“The ideals of the Founders became more real and more true for every citizen as African Americans pressed us to realize our full potential as a Nation and to uphold those ideals for all who enter into our borders and embrace the notion that we are all endowed with certain unalienable rights,” Obama proclaimed.
( - Just seven days after he sparked controversy by omitting the word “Creator” when he closely paraphrased the passage from the Declaration of Independence that says all men “are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,” President Barack Obama again omitted the Creator when speaking about the “inalienable rights” that “everybody is endowed with.”
This time the president was speaking at a Sept. 22 fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, and his reference to “inalienable rights” was not as close a paraphrasing of the Declaration as it had been the week before.
“And what was sustaining us was that sense that, that North Star, that sense that, you know what, if we stay true to our values, if we believe that all people are created equal and everybody is endowed with certain inalienable rights and we’re going to make those words live, and we’re going to give everybody opportunity, everybody a ladder into the middle class, every child able to go as far as their dreams will take them--if we stay true to that, then we’re going to be able to maintain the energy and the focus, the fight, the gumption to get stuff done,” Obama said at the DCCC/DSCC event, according to the transcript posted by the White House.
Speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s Annual Awards Gala on Sept. 15, Obama had left out the word “Creator” when otherwise virtually quoting from the Declaration of Independence.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Obama said at that event, “that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That’s what makes us unique.”
Obama’s omission of the Creator from this Sept. 15 reference to the Declaration was noted and discussed on national talk radio and television programs. Rush Limbaugh played an audio clip of the relevant passage from Obama’s remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s dinner on his Sept. 20 program.
“Now, there's something very, very crucial and very important missing in that, and that is ‘endowed by our Creator,” said Limbaugh. “Now, Obama was using a teleprompter here. It's interesting. On Wednesday, he leaves the Creator as the source of our rights out of his quote of the Declaration of Independence. Yesterday heads over to church, eight o'clock in the morning, takes the hoof express, so the media can chronicle every step of the way. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain--by whom? Government? Who endows this equality? Who endows us with the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? This is not an insignificant thing, and the reason it's not insignificant is because all of these questions about who is Obama, who really shaped him, where are his values sourced to, who educated and informed this man? This is not a miscue. It's things like this that lead people to question his faith.”
On other occasions, Obama has correctly cited the famous passage from the Declaration without removing the Creator. For example, as Limbaugh also pointed out on his Sept. 20 program, Obama did quote the Declaration accurately in his book The Audacity of Hope.
Obama also quoted it correctly in the speech he delivered from the White House balcony this past July 4. “Two hundred and thirty-four years later,” Obama said then, “the words are just as bold, just as revolutionary, as they were when they were first pronounced: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'"
On Fox News on Sept. 20, Bret Baier reported that the White House said the president had made a mistake when he omitted the Creator from his citation of the Declaration of Independence at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute dinner. The “White House,” Baier reported, “said that President Obama went off script and adlibbed when he made that mistake.”
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute dinner, however, was not the first time President Obama has omitted mention of the Creator when speaking of the “inalienable rights” cited in the Declaration of Independence. He has also published official presidential proclamations that take this approach.
On Sept. 17, 2009, for example, Obama issued a “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” proclamation that mentioned man's “certain unalienable rights” but not the Creator who endows man with them.
This proclamation was issued in both Spanish and English—with neither versions mentioning the Creator.
In English, Obama proclaimed: “Signed in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787, this founding document reflects our core values and enshrines the truths set forth in the Declaration of Independence, that we are each endowed with certain unalienable rights. As the beneficiaries of these rights, all Americans have a solemn obligation to participate in our democracy so that it remains vibrant, strong, and responsive to the needs of our citizens.”
In Spanish, Obama proclaimed: “Este documento de la fundación, suscrito en Filadelfia el 17 de septiembre, 1787, refleja nuestros valores básicos y ratifica los hechos presentados por la Declaración de Independencia: que a cada uno de nosotros se nos ha conferido derechos inalienables. Como beneficiarios de dichos derechos, todos los estadounidenses tienen la obligación solemne de participar en nuestra democracia, para que siga siendo dinámica y sólida, y responda a las necesidades de nuestros ciudadanos.
On Feb. 2, 2009, Obama issued a presidential proclamation for “National African American History Month” that mentioned “certain unalienable rights” Obama said "we all are endowed with" but did not mention the Creator, who, according to the Declaration of Independence, is the grantor of those rights.
“The ideals of the Founders became more real and more true for every citizen as African Americans pressed us to realize our full potential as a Nation and to uphold those ideals for all who enter into our borders and embrace the notion that we are all endowed with certain unalienable rights,” Obama proclaimed.
White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb
White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb
White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb
Jurriaan Maessen
September 28, 2010
It is almost tiresome, but yet another writing by White House science czar John P. Holdren has surfaced- this time questioning the right of a “potential human” to live and grow in the womb of an “actual woman”. One could fill a medium-sized library with the writings by this Malthusian monster, denouncing humans and their right to live under the sun.

In 1972, John P. Holdren and his old buddy Paul Ehrlich wrote an article in “The Canadian Nurse”.
The article is entitled “Abortion and Morality”. The subtitle reads as follows: “Has a potential human the right to live inside an actual woman without her consent?”
The article goes on to list the well-known arguments for abortion, such as “If abortion is needed by individuals and by society, is medically safe, and is not patently immoral, it is difficult to be sure exactly what is accomplished in subjecting the procedure to restrictive government scrutiny”, Holdren and Ehrich say.
“Infants”, the two continue, “are entitled to due process and equal protection under the Fouteenth Amendment to the (US) Constitution, but fetuses are not. Because of this distinction, the relaxation of abortion laws could scarcely imperil the rights of infants or of elderly and otherwise dependant people. (…) Repeal of abortion laws is long overdue.”
These were not some isolated comment by two overzealous eco-fascists. In the 1973 publication Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions, Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote quite candidly about their basic view on life, providing us with yet another peek at the decaying undergrowth out of which the Ecoscience document has emerged- proposing among other things a “planetary regime” to assume command of matters of life and death.
In chapter 8 of the ‘Human Ecology’-document, page 235, Holdren gives us his definition of human life:
“The fetus“, Holdren writes, “given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being.”
In other words, Holdren not only argues, as he did in 1972, that the unborn may not be considered human- he believes that children during the early years after birth, cannot yet be considered human beings. Given this presumption by Obama’s science adviser, it may not come as a surprise that he does not shy away from coercive abortion policies or other such measures to scale back the population.
After all, if an infant cannot be construed as a human being, as Holdren argues, God-given rights do not apply to them nor does constitutional protection- and therefore they can be deemed as completely at the government’s mercy.
White House Science Czar Questioned The Right of Unborn Child to Live Inside Womb
Jurriaan Maessen
September 28, 2010
It is almost tiresome, but yet another writing by White House science czar John P. Holdren has surfaced- this time questioning the right of a “potential human” to live and grow in the womb of an “actual woman”. One could fill a medium-sized library with the writings by this Malthusian monster, denouncing humans and their right to live under the sun.
In 1972, John P. Holdren and his old buddy Paul Ehrlich wrote an article in “The Canadian Nurse”.
The article is entitled “Abortion and Morality”. The subtitle reads as follows: “Has a potential human the right to live inside an actual woman without her consent?”
The article goes on to list the well-known arguments for abortion, such as “If abortion is needed by individuals and by society, is medically safe, and is not patently immoral, it is difficult to be sure exactly what is accomplished in subjecting the procedure to restrictive government scrutiny”, Holdren and Ehrich say.
“Infants”, the two continue, “are entitled to due process and equal protection under the Fouteenth Amendment to the (US) Constitution, but fetuses are not. Because of this distinction, the relaxation of abortion laws could scarcely imperil the rights of infants or of elderly and otherwise dependant people. (…) Repeal of abortion laws is long overdue.”
These were not some isolated comment by two overzealous eco-fascists. In the 1973 publication Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions, Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote quite candidly about their basic view on life, providing us with yet another peek at the decaying undergrowth out of which the Ecoscience document has emerged- proposing among other things a “planetary regime” to assume command of matters of life and death.
In chapter 8 of the ‘Human Ecology’-document, page 235, Holdren gives us his definition of human life:
“The fetus“, Holdren writes, “given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being.”
In other words, Holdren not only argues, as he did in 1972, that the unborn may not be considered human- he believes that children during the early years after birth, cannot yet be considered human beings. Given this presumption by Obama’s science adviser, it may not come as a surprise that he does not shy away from coercive abortion policies or other such measures to scale back the population.
After all, if an infant cannot be construed as a human being, as Holdren argues, God-given rights do not apply to them nor does constitutional protection- and therefore they can be deemed as completely at the government’s mercy.
New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’
New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’
Businesses who don’t follow government orders would be suspended for at least 90 days with no congressional oversight
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An amalgamated cybersecurity bill that lawmakers hope to pass before the end of the year includes new powers which would allow President Obama to shut down not only entire areas of the Internet, but also businesses and industries that fail to comply with government orders following the declaration of a national emergency – increasing fears that the legislation will be abused as a political tool.
The draft bill is a combination of two pieces of legislation originally crafted by Senators Lieberman and Rockefeller. One of the differences between the new bill and the original Lieberman version is that the Internet “kill switch” power has been limited to 90 days without congressional oversight, rather than the original period of four months contained in the Lieberman bill.
In other words, President Obama can issue an emergency declaration that lasts 30 days and he can renew it for a further 60 days before congress can step in to oversee the powers.
The new powers would give Obama a free hand to not only shut down entire areas of the Internet and block all Internet traffic from certain countries, but under the amalgamated bill he would also have the power to completely shut down industries that don’t follow government orders, according to a Reuters summary of the new bill.
“Industries, companies or portions of companies could be temporarily shut down, or be required to take other steps to address threats,” states the report, citing concerns about an “imminent threat to the U.S. electrical grid or other critical infrastructure such as the water supply or financial network.”
The only protection afforded to companies under the new laws is that they would have to be defined as “critical” in order to come under government regulation, but since the government itself would decide to what companies this label applies, it’s hardly a comforting layer of security.
“Even in the absence of an imminent threat, companies could face government scrutiny. Company employees working in cybersecurity would need appropriate skills. It also would require companies to report cyber threats to the government, and to have plans for responding to a cyber attack,” states the report.
As we have highlighted, the threat from cyber-terrorists to the U.S. power grid or water supply is minimal. The perpetrators of an attack on such infrastructure would have to have direct physical access to the systems that operate these plants to cause any damage. The recent Stuxnet malware attack, for example, was introduced and spread through a physical USB device, not via the public Internet.
Any perceived threat from the public Internet to these systems is therefore completely contrived and strips bare what many fear is the real agenda behind cybersecurity – to enable the government to regulate free speech on the Internet.
Handing Obama the power to shut down certain companies or businesses is likely to heighten already existing fears that the new cybersecurity federal bureaucracy could be used as a political tool.
As we reported back in March, the Obama administration’s release of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, a government plan to “secure” (or control) the nation’s public and private sector computer networks, coincided with Democrats attempting to claim that the independent news website The Drudge Report was serving malware, an incident Senator Jim Inhofe described as a deliberate ploy “to discourage people from using Drudge”.
Senator Joe Lieberman appeared to admit that the legislation had more to do with simply protecting US infrastructure when he told CNN’s Candy Crowley that the bill was intended to mimic the Communist Chinese system of Internet policing.
“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” said Lieberman.
As we have documented, the Chinese government does not disconnect parts of the Internet because of genuine security concerns, it habitually does so only to oppress and silence victims of government abuse and atrocities, and to strangle dissent against the state, a practice many fear is the ultimate intention of cybersecurity in the United States.
The implementation of the cybersecurity apparatus would represent another huge expansion of the federal government, creating an Office of Cyber Policy within the executive branch and also “A new National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) within the Department of Homeland Security, led by a separate director who would enforce cybersecurity policies throughout the government and the private sector.”
Lawmakers have indicated that they intend to push through the bill before the end of the year, though with Congress set to leave Friday amidst deadlock on a number of issues, cybersecurity looks like it will have to wait until mid-November, providing its opponents with extra time to point out the inherent threats the legislation poses to free speech and free enterprise.
Businesses who don’t follow government orders would be suspended for at least 90 days with no congressional oversight
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An amalgamated cybersecurity bill that lawmakers hope to pass before the end of the year includes new powers which would allow President Obama to shut down not only entire areas of the Internet, but also businesses and industries that fail to comply with government orders following the declaration of a national emergency – increasing fears that the legislation will be abused as a political tool.
The draft bill is a combination of two pieces of legislation originally crafted by Senators Lieberman and Rockefeller. One of the differences between the new bill and the original Lieberman version is that the Internet “kill switch” power has been limited to 90 days without congressional oversight, rather than the original period of four months contained in the Lieberman bill.
In other words, President Obama can issue an emergency declaration that lasts 30 days and he can renew it for a further 60 days before congress can step in to oversee the powers.
The new powers would give Obama a free hand to not only shut down entire areas of the Internet and block all Internet traffic from certain countries, but under the amalgamated bill he would also have the power to completely shut down industries that don’t follow government orders, according to a Reuters summary of the new bill.
“Industries, companies or portions of companies could be temporarily shut down, or be required to take other steps to address threats,” states the report, citing concerns about an “imminent threat to the U.S. electrical grid or other critical infrastructure such as the water supply or financial network.”
The only protection afforded to companies under the new laws is that they would have to be defined as “critical” in order to come under government regulation, but since the government itself would decide to what companies this label applies, it’s hardly a comforting layer of security.
“Even in the absence of an imminent threat, companies could face government scrutiny. Company employees working in cybersecurity would need appropriate skills. It also would require companies to report cyber threats to the government, and to have plans for responding to a cyber attack,” states the report.
As we have highlighted, the threat from cyber-terrorists to the U.S. power grid or water supply is minimal. The perpetrators of an attack on such infrastructure would have to have direct physical access to the systems that operate these plants to cause any damage. The recent Stuxnet malware attack, for example, was introduced and spread through a physical USB device, not via the public Internet.
Any perceived threat from the public Internet to these systems is therefore completely contrived and strips bare what many fear is the real agenda behind cybersecurity – to enable the government to regulate free speech on the Internet.
Handing Obama the power to shut down certain companies or businesses is likely to heighten already existing fears that the new cybersecurity federal bureaucracy could be used as a political tool.
As we reported back in March, the Obama administration’s release of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, a government plan to “secure” (or control) the nation’s public and private sector computer networks, coincided with Democrats attempting to claim that the independent news website The Drudge Report was serving malware, an incident Senator Jim Inhofe described as a deliberate ploy “to discourage people from using Drudge”.
Senator Joe Lieberman appeared to admit that the legislation had more to do with simply protecting US infrastructure when he told CNN’s Candy Crowley that the bill was intended to mimic the Communist Chinese system of Internet policing.
“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” said Lieberman.
As we have documented, the Chinese government does not disconnect parts of the Internet because of genuine security concerns, it habitually does so only to oppress and silence victims of government abuse and atrocities, and to strangle dissent against the state, a practice many fear is the ultimate intention of cybersecurity in the United States.
The implementation of the cybersecurity apparatus would represent another huge expansion of the federal government, creating an Office of Cyber Policy within the executive branch and also “A new National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) within the Department of Homeland Security, led by a separate director who would enforce cybersecurity policies throughout the government and the private sector.”
Lawmakers have indicated that they intend to push through the bill before the end of the year, though with Congress set to leave Friday amidst deadlock on a number of issues, cybersecurity looks like it will have to wait until mid-November, providing its opponents with extra time to point out the inherent threats the legislation poses to free speech and free enterprise.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Watercress prevents cancer
Watercress prevents cancer
(NaturalNews) New research out of the Cancer Research Centre at Southampton General Hospital's School of Medicine in the U.K. has found that watercress, a superfood vegetable, works to reduce levels of the key growth factor that causes tumor growth. According to researchers, regular consumption of watercress works the same as -- if not better than -- conventional anti-cancer drug treatments, except without all the harmful side effects.
"Watercress has the ability to turn off HIF1, a signal sent out by cells calling for blood supply," explains Dr. Nicholas Perricone, an anti-aging specialist, concerning the study. "Scientists have been looking for anti-angiogenesis agents for years because if we can turn off the blood supply, we can kill the cancer. And it looks like watercress can do that."
According to Perricone, when HIF1 levels become irregular and out of sync, precancerous cells that are otherwise harmless begin to get the blood supply they need to thrive and grow. But anti-cancer agents naturally present in watercress protect the body from these malignant cells and ensure that blood only goes to healthy cells.
A previous study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 found that regular consumption of watercress helps to significantly reduce free radical damage to white blood cell DNA as well, effectively improving the body's ability to guard against disease and maintain good health.
Watercress has been used for centuries to treat other ailments like migraine headaches, eczema, anemia, tuberculosis and kidney and liver disease. It contains a wide variety of healing nutrients and, since it is a food and not a drug, it can be safely consumed in large quantities to obtain therapeutic benefit.
Watercress can be added to salads, soups, sandwiches, stir-frys, stews and many other things. It can also be juiced along with other fruits and vegetables in daily juice beverages.
Sources for this story include:
(NaturalNews) New research out of the Cancer Research Centre at Southampton General Hospital's School of Medicine in the U.K. has found that watercress, a superfood vegetable, works to reduce levels of the key growth factor that causes tumor growth. According to researchers, regular consumption of watercress works the same as -- if not better than -- conventional anti-cancer drug treatments, except without all the harmful side effects.
"Watercress has the ability to turn off HIF1, a signal sent out by cells calling for blood supply," explains Dr. Nicholas Perricone, an anti-aging specialist, concerning the study. "Scientists have been looking for anti-angiogenesis agents for years because if we can turn off the blood supply, we can kill the cancer. And it looks like watercress can do that."
According to Perricone, when HIF1 levels become irregular and out of sync, precancerous cells that are otherwise harmless begin to get the blood supply they need to thrive and grow. But anti-cancer agents naturally present in watercress protect the body from these malignant cells and ensure that blood only goes to healthy cells.
A previous study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 found that regular consumption of watercress helps to significantly reduce free radical damage to white blood cell DNA as well, effectively improving the body's ability to guard against disease and maintain good health.
Watercress has been used for centuries to treat other ailments like migraine headaches, eczema, anemia, tuberculosis and kidney and liver disease. It contains a wide variety of healing nutrients and, since it is a food and not a drug, it can be safely consumed in large quantities to obtain therapeutic benefit.
Watercress can be added to salads, soups, sandwiches, stir-frys, stews and many other things. It can also be juiced along with other fruits and vegetables in daily juice beverages.
Sources for this story include:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind
19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Blow Your Mind
The Economic Collapse
Sept 26, 2010
The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial revolution. It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Tens of thousands of factories have left the United States in the past decade alone. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost in the same time period. The United States has become a nation that consumes everything in sight and yet produces increasingly little. Do you know what our biggest export is today? Waste paper. Yes, trash is the number one thing that we ship out to the rest of the world as we voraciously blow our money on whatever the rest of the world wants to sell to us. The United States has become bloated and spoiled and our economy is now just a shadow of what it once was. Once upon a time America could literally outproduce the rest of the world combined. Today that is no longer true, but Americans sure do consume more than anyone else in the world. If the deindustrialization of America continues at this current pace, what possible kind of a future are we going to be leaving to our children?
Any great nation throughout history has been great at making things. So if the United States continues to allow its manufacturing base to erode at a staggering pace how in the world can the U.S. continue to consider itself to be a great nation? We have created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world in an effort to maintain a very high standard of living, but the current state of affairs is not anywhere close to sustainable. Every single month America does into more debt and every single month America gets poorer.
So what happens when the debt bubble pops?
The deindustrialization of the United States should be a top concern for every man, woman and child in the country. But sadly, most Americans do not have any idea what is going on around them.
For people like that, take this article and print it out and hand it to them. Perhaps what they will read below will shock them badly enough to awaken them from their slumber.
The following are 19 facts about the deindustrialization of America that will blow your mind….
#1 The United States has lost approximately 42,400 factories since 2001. About 75 percent of those factories employed over 500 people when they were still in operation.
#2 Dell Inc., one of America’s largest manufacturers of computers, has announced plans to dramatically expand its operations in China with an investment of over $100 billion over the next decade.
#3 Dell has announced that it will be closing its last large U.S. manufacturing facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in November. Approximately 900 jobs will be lost.
#4 In 2008, 1.2 billion cellphones were sold worldwide. So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States? Zero.
#5 According to a new study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute, if the U.S. trade deficit with China continues to increase at its current rate, the U.S. economy will lose over half a million jobs this year alone.
#6 As of the end of July, the U.S. trade deficit with China had risen 18 percent compared to the same time period a year ago.
#7 The United States has lost a total of about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs since October 2000.
#8 According to Tax Notes, between 1999 and 2008 employment at the foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies increased an astounding 30 percent to 10.1 million. During that exact same time period, U.S. employment at American multinational corporations declined 8 percent to 21.1 million.
#9 In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.
#10 Ford Motor Company recently announced the closure of a factory that produces the Ford Ranger in St. Paul, Minnesota. Approximately 750 good paying middle class jobs are going to be lost because making Ford Rangers in Minnesota does not fit in with Ford’s new “global” manufacturing strategy.
#11 As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
#12 In the United States today, consumption accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Of this 70 percent, over half is spent on services.
#13 The United States has lost a whopping 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#14 In 2001, the United States ranked fourth in the world in per capita broadband Internet use. Today it ranks 15th.
#15 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.
#16 Printed circuit boards are used in tens of thousands of different products. Asia now produces 84 percent of them worldwide.
#17 The United States spends approximately $3.90 on Chinese goods for every $1 that the Chinese spend on goods from the United States.
#18 One prominent economist is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040.
#19 The U.S. Census Bureau says that 43.6 million Americans are now living in poverty and according to them that is the highest number of poor Americans in the 51 years that records have been kept.
So how many tens of thousands more factories do we need to lose before we do something about it?
How many millions more Americans are going to become unemployed before we all admit that we have a very, very serious problem on our hands?
How many more trillions of dollars are going to leave the country before we realize that we are losing wealth at a pace that is killing our economy?
How many once great manufacturing cities are going to become rotting war zones like Detroit before we understand that we are committing national economic suicide?
The deindustrialization of America is a national crisis. It needs to be treated like one.
If you disagree with this article, I have a direct challenge for you. If anyone can explain how a deindustrialized America has any kind of viable economic future, please do so below in the comments section.
America is in deep, deep trouble folks. It is time to wake up.
The Economic Collapse
Sept 26, 2010
The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial revolution. It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Tens of thousands of factories have left the United States in the past decade alone. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost in the same time period. The United States has become a nation that consumes everything in sight and yet produces increasingly little. Do you know what our biggest export is today? Waste paper. Yes, trash is the number one thing that we ship out to the rest of the world as we voraciously blow our money on whatever the rest of the world wants to sell to us. The United States has become bloated and spoiled and our economy is now just a shadow of what it once was. Once upon a time America could literally outproduce the rest of the world combined. Today that is no longer true, but Americans sure do consume more than anyone else in the world. If the deindustrialization of America continues at this current pace, what possible kind of a future are we going to be leaving to our children?
Any great nation throughout history has been great at making things. So if the United States continues to allow its manufacturing base to erode at a staggering pace how in the world can the U.S. continue to consider itself to be a great nation? We have created the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world in an effort to maintain a very high standard of living, but the current state of affairs is not anywhere close to sustainable. Every single month America does into more debt and every single month America gets poorer.
So what happens when the debt bubble pops?
The deindustrialization of the United States should be a top concern for every man, woman and child in the country. But sadly, most Americans do not have any idea what is going on around them.
For people like that, take this article and print it out and hand it to them. Perhaps what they will read below will shock them badly enough to awaken them from their slumber.
The following are 19 facts about the deindustrialization of America that will blow your mind….
#1 The United States has lost approximately 42,400 factories since 2001. About 75 percent of those factories employed over 500 people when they were still in operation.
#2 Dell Inc., one of America’s largest manufacturers of computers, has announced plans to dramatically expand its operations in China with an investment of over $100 billion over the next decade.
#3 Dell has announced that it will be closing its last large U.S. manufacturing facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in November. Approximately 900 jobs will be lost.
#4 In 2008, 1.2 billion cellphones were sold worldwide. So how many of them were manufactured inside the United States? Zero.
#5 According to a new study conducted by the Economic Policy Institute, if the U.S. trade deficit with China continues to increase at its current rate, the U.S. economy will lose over half a million jobs this year alone.
#6 As of the end of July, the U.S. trade deficit with China had risen 18 percent compared to the same time period a year ago.
#7 The United States has lost a total of about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs since October 2000.
#8 According to Tax Notes, between 1999 and 2008 employment at the foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies increased an astounding 30 percent to 10.1 million. During that exact same time period, U.S. employment at American multinational corporations declined 8 percent to 21.1 million.
#9 In 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.
#10 Ford Motor Company recently announced the closure of a factory that produces the Ford Ranger in St. Paul, Minnesota. Approximately 750 good paying middle class jobs are going to be lost because making Ford Rangers in Minnesota does not fit in with Ford’s new “global” manufacturing strategy.
#11 As of the end of 2009, less than 12 million Americans worked in manufacturing. The last time less than 12 million Americans were employed in manufacturing was in 1941.
#12 In the United States today, consumption accounts for 70 percent of GDP. Of this 70 percent, over half is spent on services.
#13 The United States has lost a whopping 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
#14 In 2001, the United States ranked fourth in the world in per capita broadband Internet use. Today it ranks 15th.
#15 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.
#16 Printed circuit boards are used in tens of thousands of different products. Asia now produces 84 percent of them worldwide.
#17 The United States spends approximately $3.90 on Chinese goods for every $1 that the Chinese spend on goods from the United States.
#18 One prominent economist is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040.
#19 The U.S. Census Bureau says that 43.6 million Americans are now living in poverty and according to them that is the highest number of poor Americans in the 51 years that records have been kept.
So how many tens of thousands more factories do we need to lose before we do something about it?
How many millions more Americans are going to become unemployed before we all admit that we have a very, very serious problem on our hands?
How many more trillions of dollars are going to leave the country before we realize that we are losing wealth at a pace that is killing our economy?
How many once great manufacturing cities are going to become rotting war zones like Detroit before we understand that we are committing national economic suicide?
The deindustrialization of America is a national crisis. It needs to be treated like one.
If you disagree with this article, I have a direct challenge for you. If anyone can explain how a deindustrialized America has any kind of viable economic future, please do so below in the comments section.
America is in deep, deep trouble folks. It is time to wake up.
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