(Ken Price is a mechanical engineer who worked for a large oil company for 14 years. He alerts us to a July 15 interview on KPFK Los Angeles with Matt Simmons, which is summarized and linked below)
You are not going to believe this, but according to Matt Simmons, former head of the Petroleum Review Board, the oil gusher in the Gulf region has not been capped, that the cap shown on television and the rest of the news is actually just a cap of a reserve well that is miles away from the main well, and that the main well is still leaking full speed as it has before.
This would mean that the whole recent capping process has been a publicity stunt from the get-go. I tend to believe this person, as this would be an explanation as to why the pressure in the capped well did not rise above 6700 psi.
News reports coming out of the gulf region indicate that everything is back on track. I have seen pictures of beaches which look like they did before April 20. The first lady even said to come on down. This is just plain the opposite of the real picture.
If what Simmons said is true, the threat of a seafloor collapse is not imminent. I would still leave the gulf region if I were down there, at least get far enough away to not breathe any of the toxic crude-corexit-methane mix which is lethal to humans as well as all animal life.
I realize Matt Simmons has connections to the CFR. There are two parts to this interview which have been on youtube for about 20 minutes. I certainly don't agree with him toward the end where he says that this was possibly caused by a green group to tarnish bp. Still, I believe what he says about the riser vs the real main leak. Ken
Part Two:
Simmons says Relief Well Can't Work without Casing.
Says nuclear explosion to fuse rock is only solution.
Related- BP Confirms "Third" Leak
Summary of Matt Simmons Interview by John Kaminski
Oil industry insider Matt Simmons blew the whistle on the made-for-TV capping of the so-called oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico Thursday, July 15, during an interview on KPFK radio, the NPR station in Los Angeles.
Simmons, former energy adviser to the second President Bush, explained that according to his reading of the data from NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, capping of the so-called riser and the subsequent announcement by U.S. President Obama was "the biggest con job we've ever seen."
Simmons, creator of an investment bank catering to oil companies, told radio host Ian Masters that the real problem continuing to gush oil into the Gulf was not the 6-inch "riser" that apparently has been capped amid much TV hoopla, but that an open hole or cauldron perhaps up to 10 miles distant from where British Petroleum's cameras are focused which continues to spew 120,000 BARRELS per day, and that BP's much publicized effort to drill relief wells in what the company says is an effort to stop the flow of oil is nothing but a cynical publicity stunt.
"The dimensions of this lie are beyond belief," said Simmons, explaining that the idea of a relief well is "tricky at best," since trying to hit a pipe of less than a foot in diameter 35,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf may be entirely futile because the casing of the original pipe is not even there, having blown away at some point.
But Simmons noted that both BP and Obama continue to deny that this open hole, or cauldron, even exists, even though Simmons and others insist the NOAA data from satellites prove by speed of flow and depth of light that the amount of oil that has been flowing through the on-camera riser could not possibly account for the amount of oil that has spilled into the Gulf.
"The riser is totally irrelevant," Simmons stressed, adding "and there's no way to cap the open hole." He explained that BP continues to deny the open hole exists and theorizes the continuing flow of oil into the Gulf is really just the residue from what has already been spilled during the first 90 days of the disaster.
"There is denial that there's even a problem," Simmons said. "In about a month or two people will realize that this actually was the biggest con job we've ever seen."
Simmons also noted an additional danger. "What the researchers now believe is that between 4000 and 4500 feet below the ocean floor lies an oil lake that's somewhere between 100 and 120 miles wide and it's about 4500 feet deep. It's this toxic waste and crude and it's releasing methane gases that are absolutely lethal which is why all the fish and dolphins and sharks and whales are dying. And workers too, which is why so many have gotten sick, or maybe really sick.
"The health problems are so serious," Simmons said. "When you inhale methane you just die."
The only possible solution, Simmons insists, "is a small diameter low level nuclear device. They insert it down the well 18000 feet, and set it off. It will fuse the rock and glass, and it's totally safe, three miles under the seabed."
Radio host Masters asked, "When do we get the truth?"
Simmons responded, "Basically the walls are starting to cave in on BP. There are only so many things you can make up."
"But here's the really scary thing," Simmons told the Pacifica radio audience. "If we have a storm, let alone a hurricane, what hurricanes basically do is they churn up cold water from the base of the Gulf.
This time it's not going to be cold water, it's going to be black poisonous crude. It will also shut down the 18 power plants along the Gulf Coast.
"So we're going to entrap 20 million people in harm's way."
(Earlier story by Ken Price July 17 follows:)
There are cracks in the seafloor leaking, and the pressure tests are revealing that the casing will not hold; it has already been perforated in numerous places.
[This is in contradiction to the latest mainstream press reports that there are no leaks either in the well cap or the sea floor.]
I believe it is time to leave the gulf coast in case the sea floor expands then collapses delivering a tsunami to the region.
There is no way that this device can hold the pressures that are involved with this super-pressurized gas reserve. Advise loved ones to leave the region, now, and for a few days; this well cap poses a much more dangerous situation than they probably know.
How can we get people in the gulf region to watch a couple hours of YouTube (see below) and read all that I have, such that they would come to the conclusion that they are in grave danger?
These nuts deliberately let crude flow through the pipe casing for a long enough time to insure that it is worn and weakened in numerous places, and now they apply a cap, and now they start pressurizing all of the layers of strata in between the oil reservoir and seafloor.
Few know of the existence of a power "group" that rules above the spoon fed TV characters called presidents, senators, governors, etc. You and I know, such a diabolical event does not happen without plan and execution.
Dave Lindorff is the one who has most recently brought this situation of the pressure spreading out under the layers beneath the sea floor to light. I'm trying to predict the timing. If there is one thing I have learned over and over again it is this: I cannot predict the timing of these tragic events.
Videos of Seabed Leaking
Latest from Ken:
(left, this card did not appear in the Illuminati game, 1995; it is a hoax. )
Henry, understand, I as a father of three with a wife came to the conclusion that if we were living in the gulf region that we would be packing our things right now and leaving. With that decision it seemed imperative that I at least let other people, who might be in this region or know of somebody in this region, know of what I believe are significant risks at this particular juncture of this attempted pressure containment.
I think this youtube video describes the situation most accurately:
BP engineers were hoping to achieve gas pressures as high as 10,000 psi, and they were hoping for a sustained pressure of around 8,000 psi. The fact that they only got upwards of 6,700 psi indicates that they have leaks, which is not good news as you know this means that oil is working its way between the steel case and the sedimentary layers.
A major point to keep in mind is the huge percentage of methane gas: I have read upwards of 30% of the discharge is methane gas. This gas will gradually seep between various levels of strata leading to a rise in the sea floor. Here is part of a July 16th article from the LA Times Greenspace:
"We're at the point where there's enough uncertainty ... we need to be careful not to do any harm," said Thad Allen, the retired Coast Guard admiral who is overseeing the spill response.
After consulting with scientists Friday afternoon, Allen told BP to take more seismic soundings of the seabed and expand its monitoring of the seafloor. A federal ship with the ability to detect methane bubbles in the water - signaling a leak - was also called into action. end times article
I think it is noteworthy that they are requesting a ship to look for gas bubbles; it must be a large area that they need to monitor.
BP Readying "Star Wars" Weapon
What Wellhead Pressure Means
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