Monday, December 28, 2009

America First Hero Traficant Seeks Return To Congress

Former Congressman James Traficant who was released from Prison several months ago and has a growing nationwide following, has recently stated that he is interested in returning to Congress. While Traficant served as a democrat he is a true independent and has challenged his own party's agenda in congress. Traficant has not yet stated which political party he will run under. His conviction would not bar him from running for congress, however Congress could vote to refuse to seat him. Traficant has stated that he will officially announce his intentions within a month. He is considering the 6th, 16th, and 17th Congressional District in Ohio, most of which are competitive democrat held seats. Many are also urging him to run for president in 2012.

Much like Congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul, Traficant is seen by many as a leader of a growing America First, Populist movement that taps into the sentiment of many Americans who are fed up with both major political parties and the power elite. Traficant has expressed a lot of the same concerns as Congressman Ron Paul such as the loss of national sovereignty and constitutional rights. In Congress Traficant was a strong critic of the IRS, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, NAFTA, Free Trade with China, and illegal immigration. Traficant calls for the abolition of the Federal Reserve which he views as a tool of international bankers to control our economy. He sponsored legislation that protects citizens from the IRS unjustly confiscating their property.

Traficant says that as a congressman he was “the number one target of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.” This will make a run for public office an uphill battle since the Lobby generously funds the opponents of those who stand in their way. In his article on American Free Press, ”Powerful Israel Lobby Has Death Grip On U.S. Politics, Elections, Policies”, Traficant states that “Israel has a stranglehold on American government, commerce and the media,” and "has involved us in foreign wars to aid Israel expansion, bankrupts our great nation and has our kids shipped back to us in body bags.”

While he was one of the few elected officials to speak out on the Israeli Lobby, he does not single out Israel but is deeply concerned about our government being controlled by foreign and globalist interest who have no loyalty to this country. He has also addressed the dangers of of our trade policies and deficit that gives China great power over our Nation. He takes an unorthodox stance on the war on terror that has not been addressed by both political parties, blaming terrorism on both our immigration policy and interventionism in the middle east.

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