I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas. - Ron Paul / Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy. - Ron Paul / EPHESIANS 6:12 KJV
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Facebook Wants to Listen to Your Phone Calls via Facebook Messenger App
App requires users agree to be monitored by microphone at any time without their permission
Paul Joseph Watson
November 27, 2013
Paul Joseph Watson
November 27, 2013
Cellphone users who attempt to install the Facebook
Messenger app are asked to agree to terms of service that allow the
social networking giant to use the microphone on their device to record
audio at any time without their permission.
As the screenshot above illustrates (click for
enlargement), users are made to accept an agreement that allows Facebook
to “record audio with the microphone….at any time without your
The TOS also authorizes Facebook to take videos and
pictures using the phone’s camera at any time without permission, as
well as directly calling numbers, again without permission, that could
incur charges.
But wait, there’s more! Facebook can also “read your
phone’s call log” and “read data about contacts stored on your phone,
including the frequency with which you’ve called, emailed or
communicated in other ways with specific individuals.”
Although most apps on Android and Apple devices include
similar terms to those pictured above, this is easily the most
privacy-busting set of mandates we’ve seen so far.
Since the vast majority of people will agree to these
terms without even reading them, cellphone users are agreeing to let
Facebook monitor them 24/7, green lighting the kind of open ended
wiretap that would make even the NSA jealous.
Other app companies are also requiring you to allow them
to approximate your location, send SMS messages from your phone that
cost you money, read your contacts, read your phone status and identity,
get “full network access” to your communications (in other words listen
to your phone calls), modify or delete the contents of your USB
storage, and disable your screen lock (the 4 digit code that
password-protects your phone).
As we have previously highlighted,
embedded microphones in everything from Xbox Kinect consoles to
high-tech street lights that can record private conversations in real
time represent the final nail in the coffin of privacy as the ‘Internet
of things’ becomes a part of our daily lives.
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 1:01 pm
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast?
NYTimes: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded — Biologist: “It’s a very strange year… The $64,000 question is why?” — Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast?
New York Times, November 24, 2013: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them [...] in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands [...] the pelicans [...] bottlenose dolphins [in groups of 100 or more have been spotted] [...] But it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents — more than 200 humpbacks [...] and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas [...] the water in every direction roiled with mammals [...] For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories [...] never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long [...] Last month, so many anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor that the oxygen ran out, leading to a major die-off. Marine researchers are baffled about the reason for the anchovy explosion. [...]
Baldo Marinovic, research biologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz: “It’s a very strange year [...] The $64,000 question is why this year? [...] Now [the anchovies are] all kind of concentrating on the coast.”
Just a few weeks ago similar sightings were reported along Canada’s Pacific coast:
Vancouver Sun, Nov. 6, 2013: An extraordinary string of recent whale encounters around Vancouver Island is likely due to luck, not one factor, experts say. “This has not been a typical year,” said John Ford, head of the cetacean research program at Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo. [...] The “biggie” of the bunch is the endangered North Pacific right whale, spotted twice in B.C. waters for the first time in 60 years. [...] There have been other remarkable whale encounters [...] passengers aboard the B.C. ferry between Galiano Island and Tsawwassen were treated to the sight of a superpod of about 1,000 Pacific white-sided dolphins [...]
Desperate measures: Greeks self-inflict HIV to get €700 benefits
November 26, 2013
A recent World Health Organization report shows grim health implications from Europe’s economic crisis, including a trend in Greece in which citizens infect themselves with HIV to access the meager range of government benefits available.
The WHO report
‘Review of Social Determinants and the Health Divide in the WHO
European Region’ concludes that the staggering levels of unemployment
and mandated financial austerity have hit European citizens hard,
especially those in Greece, where the jobless level stood at 27 percent
in September.
The economic crisis that began in 2008 has “exacerbated” health problems in parts of Europe, exposing “stark social and economic inequities within and between countries.” Greece is the hardest hit, with the country’s economy shrinking to the point of nearly knocking it out of the eurozone completely.
The report published last week says the HIV rates in Greece have risen “significantly” since 2008. It estimates about half of new HIV infections are self-inflicted “to enable people to receive benefits of 700 euro per month and faster admission on to drug-substitution programs.”
Suicides, the WHO found, increased by 17 percent in Greece from 2007 to 2009, then a further 25 percent in 2010. As economic conditions worsened in early 2011, suicide attempts went up 40 percent, according to the Minister of Health.
The report stresses that homicide and theft rates have doubled. Prostitution has also risen, “probably as a response to economic hardship,” it adds.
The WHO says healthcare access in Greece has declined due to a 40 percent cut in hospital budgets. Approximately 26,000 health workers – including 9,100 doctors – may lose their positions.
An EU survey included in the WHO study reported a 15 percent increase in Greece between 2007 and 2009 of those who said they would likely skip a dentist or doctor visit even though they thought it was necessary.
“These adverse trends in Greece pose a warning to other countries undergoing significant fiscal austerity, including Spain, Ireland and Italy. It also suggests that ways need to be found for cash-strapped governments to consolidate finances without undermining much-needed investments in health,” the report stated.
After Greece, Spain has the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone at 26 percent. Portugal is next, at 16.3 percent, according to FactSet Research.
To maintain support from the European Central Bank, Athens has taken severe austerity measures. In May 2010, the eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund agreed on a 110-billion-euro bailout loan for Greece, which has come at a very heavy price for the majority of Greeks. Citizens have seen tax hikes even as their wages and pensions are cut. Six in 10 young people in Greece are currently jobless. Homelessness is also on the rise.
November 26, 2013
A recent World Health Organization report shows grim health implications from Europe’s economic crisis, including a trend in Greece in which citizens infect themselves with HIV to access the meager range of government benefits available.
is perhaps under worse economic conditions now than it was during the
decline of the Byzantine Empire. Credit: Spaceshoe via Flickr
The economic crisis that began in 2008 has “exacerbated” health problems in parts of Europe, exposing “stark social and economic inequities within and between countries.” Greece is the hardest hit, with the country’s economy shrinking to the point of nearly knocking it out of the eurozone completely.
The report published last week says the HIV rates in Greece have risen “significantly” since 2008. It estimates about half of new HIV infections are self-inflicted “to enable people to receive benefits of 700 euro per month and faster admission on to drug-substitution programs.”
Suicides, the WHO found, increased by 17 percent in Greece from 2007 to 2009, then a further 25 percent in 2010. As economic conditions worsened in early 2011, suicide attempts went up 40 percent, according to the Minister of Health.
The report stresses that homicide and theft rates have doubled. Prostitution has also risen, “probably as a response to economic hardship,” it adds.
The WHO says healthcare access in Greece has declined due to a 40 percent cut in hospital budgets. Approximately 26,000 health workers – including 9,100 doctors – may lose their positions.
An EU survey included in the WHO study reported a 15 percent increase in Greece between 2007 and 2009 of those who said they would likely skip a dentist or doctor visit even though they thought it was necessary.
“These adverse trends in Greece pose a warning to other countries undergoing significant fiscal austerity, including Spain, Ireland and Italy. It also suggests that ways need to be found for cash-strapped governments to consolidate finances without undermining much-needed investments in health,” the report stated.
After Greece, Spain has the highest unemployment rate in the eurozone at 26 percent. Portugal is next, at 16.3 percent, according to FactSet Research.
To maintain support from the European Central Bank, Athens has taken severe austerity measures. In May 2010, the eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund agreed on a 110-billion-euro bailout loan for Greece, which has come at a very heavy price for the majority of Greeks. Citizens have seen tax hikes even as their wages and pensions are cut. Six in 10 young people in Greece are currently jobless. Homelessness is also on the rise.
This article was posted: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 9:43 am
High School Student in Critical Condition After Being Tazed by Cops
Family fears he will not survive
Adan Salazar
November 25, 2013
The family of a high school student fears he will not survive injuries sustained last Wednesday after school resource officers Tazed him, the family’s attorney has stated.
17-year-old Noe Nino de Rivera is in critical condition at St. David’s Medical Center in Bastrop, Texas, after he was alleged to have interfered with two sheriff’s deputies working as resource officers, who were attempting to break up a fight between two female students.
The Cedar Creek High School student fell and hit the front of his head when one of the officers, Randy McMillan, used a Taser to subdue him. He sustained a traumatic brain injury, one of the worst his family’s attorney, Adam Loewy, says he’s witnessed in his legal career.
“This is one of the worst traumatic brain injuries we have seen and we will be pursuing all legal remedies at the proper time,” Loewy told KXAN.
He told the Austin American Statesman that if de Rivera “does recover, or survive, he will absolutely not be the same person. It’s just a terrible, terrible tragedy.”
A spokeswoman for the sheriff’s department says the Cedar Creek High School student moved aggressively, did not respond to orders and “looked as though he was ready to fight.”
Several students, however, say de Rivera did nothing to deserve being Tased, and Lowey says he has video evidence to this effect. “I do not believe for a second that he was being aggressive,” Loewy stated, pointing to cell phone footage he says proves de Rivera was not the aggressor. “This officer was way out of control.”
“There were two young ladies fighting and he stepped in to break up the fight,” Loewy explained to KXAN. “What the evidence shows, he was sort of backing up from the fight, the fight was over, and this officer literally walked up on him and Tased him.”
The sheriff’s spokeswoman says they also have video of the incident, and it proves officers were in the right. “He’s being aggressive. He is not complying with any of the verbal orders,” Bastrop County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Sissy Jones told MyFoxAustin. “One of the officers puts his hand on de Rivera’s chest and says, you need to back up and that’s when de Rivera hits the officer’s hand.”
“Totally false, a complete lie,” Loewy says. ”You see the back of the officers come up and you see Noe facing them and then you see the taser go.”
Students at the high school staged a walk-out Friday morning, in which they chanted “Justice for Noe” and carried signs reading “#PrayForNoe,” and protested the use of Tazers in schools.
According to Jones, Rivera could face charges of interference with public duties, resisting arrest, search or transport, and assault should he survive his injuries.
“Those charges are a joke,” Loewy told Fox news, adding, “and I really hope they try to indict a kid who’s in a coma.”
An independent investigation by the district attorney has been launched, in addition to an internal investigation over the incident. Loewy is also calling for a Texas Ranger and federal government investigation of the case.
Officer McMillan remains on duty, though he’s been transferred to a different department.
Following this report, Nightly News anchor Jakari Jackson called the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Department on air to get answers for de Rivera’s injuries.
Adan Salazar
November 25, 2013
The family of a high school student fears he will not survive injuries sustained last Wednesday after school resource officers Tazed him, the family’s attorney has stated.
17-year-old Noe Nino de Rivera is in critical condition at St. David’s Medical Center in Bastrop, Texas, after he was alleged to have interfered with two sheriff’s deputies working as resource officers, who were attempting to break up a fight between two female students.
The Cedar Creek High School student fell and hit the front of his head when one of the officers, Randy McMillan, used a Taser to subdue him. He sustained a traumatic brain injury, one of the worst his family’s attorney, Adam Loewy, says he’s witnessed in his legal career.
“This is one of the worst traumatic brain injuries we have seen and we will be pursuing all legal remedies at the proper time,” Loewy told KXAN.
He told the Austin American Statesman that if de Rivera “does recover, or survive, he will absolutely not be the same person. It’s just a terrible, terrible tragedy.”
A spokeswoman for the sheriff’s department says the Cedar Creek High School student moved aggressively, did not respond to orders and “looked as though he was ready to fight.”
Several students, however, say de Rivera did nothing to deserve being Tased, and Lowey says he has video evidence to this effect. “I do not believe for a second that he was being aggressive,” Loewy stated, pointing to cell phone footage he says proves de Rivera was not the aggressor. “This officer was way out of control.”
“There were two young ladies fighting and he stepped in to break up the fight,” Loewy explained to KXAN. “What the evidence shows, he was sort of backing up from the fight, the fight was over, and this officer literally walked up on him and Tased him.”
The sheriff’s spokeswoman says they also have video of the incident, and it proves officers were in the right. “He’s being aggressive. He is not complying with any of the verbal orders,” Bastrop County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Sissy Jones told MyFoxAustin. “One of the officers puts his hand on de Rivera’s chest and says, you need to back up and that’s when de Rivera hits the officer’s hand.”
“Totally false, a complete lie,” Loewy says. ”You see the back of the officers come up and you see Noe facing them and then you see the taser go.”
Students at the high school staged a walk-out Friday morning, in which they chanted “Justice for Noe” and carried signs reading “#PrayForNoe,” and protested the use of Tazers in schools.
According to Jones, Rivera could face charges of interference with public duties, resisting arrest, search or transport, and assault should he survive his injuries.
“Those charges are a joke,” Loewy told Fox news, adding, “and I really hope they try to indict a kid who’s in a coma.”
An independent investigation by the district attorney has been launched, in addition to an internal investigation over the incident. Loewy is also calling for a Texas Ranger and federal government investigation of the case.
Officer McMillan remains on duty, though he’s been transferred to a different department.
Following this report, Nightly News anchor Jakari Jackson called the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Department on air to get answers for de Rivera’s injuries.
This article was posted: Monday, November 25, 2013 at 11:22 am
Tags: police state
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Cops: On Duty Officer Raped Young Woman On Squad Car
Jon David Kahn
November 25, 2013
Friday morning. On duty. Full Uniform. Marked Squad Car. Officer Jackie Neal, 40, made a traffic stop and then allegedly sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman, according to the San Antonio Police Department.
Police said the 11-year veteran pulled the victim over on the south side and managed to get her to stand behind his squad car. San Antonio police Chief William McManus described the events that followed as “unthinkable.”
An investigation was opened after the victim contacted police. According to a statement issued by the department, Neal was taken into custody by SAPD Special Victims’ Unit detectives after officers pulled him over around 2 a.m. Saturday. He was arrested on a warrant for sexual assault, a second-degree felony.
Read more
November 25, 2013
Friday morning. On duty. Full Uniform. Marked Squad Car. Officer Jackie Neal, 40, made a traffic stop and then allegedly sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman, according to the San Antonio Police Department.
Police said the 11-year veteran pulled the victim over on the south side and managed to get her to stand behind his squad car. San Antonio police Chief William McManus described the events that followed as “unthinkable.”
An investigation was opened after the victim contacted police. According to a statement issued by the department, Neal was taken into custody by SAPD Special Victims’ Unit detectives after officers pulled him over around 2 a.m. Saturday. He was arrested on a warrant for sexual assault, a second-degree felony.
Read more
This article was posted: Monday, November 25, 2013 at 3:00 pm
Tags: police state
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Infowars.com Exclusive: Vivian Kubrick On The Insanity of Tyranny
November 26, 2013
Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the iconic filmmaker and director Stanley Kubrick, talks to Alex Jones about the nature of power and the human awakening that is taking place as a vibrant form of resistance against the takeover.
A film director in her own right, Vivian explains why her father was decades ahead of his time in creating movies such as A Clockwork Orange and Doctor Strangelove, while also revealing what he would have thought of America today.
During three days of intense free speech demonstrations and police intimidation, the Infowars crew was amazed at her appearance.
Vivian joined us for the event and was attacked by police alongside Alex Jones and the rest of the crew for exercising the First Amendment.
After the police assault, she gave us a spontaneous and very rare interview, one of only a handful in the past decade.
Alex and the crew were touched by Vivian’s incredible intelligence and loving spirit.
We look forward to talking to her again on her views of the world, her late father and more.

November 26, 2013
Vivian Kubrick, daughter of the iconic filmmaker and director Stanley Kubrick, talks to Alex Jones about the nature of power and the human awakening that is taking place as a vibrant form of resistance against the takeover.
A film director in her own right, Vivian explains why her father was decades ahead of his time in creating movies such as A Clockwork Orange and Doctor Strangelove, while also revealing what he would have thought of America today.
During three days of intense free speech demonstrations and police intimidation, the Infowars crew was amazed at her appearance.
Vivian joined us for the event and was attacked by police alongside Alex Jones and the rest of the crew for exercising the First Amendment.
After the police assault, she gave us a spontaneous and very rare interview, one of only a handful in the past decade.
Alex and the crew were touched by Vivian’s incredible intelligence and loving spirit.
We look forward to talking to her again on her views of the world, her late father and more.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures by cannabis
Pushing 80 and given two weeks to live, dying patient cures by cannabis
(NaturalNews) Stan and Barb Rutner had already had bouts with cancer earlier in their lives. Barb overcame breast cancer with orthodox treatments and her version of visualization twice. And Stan managed to get through non-Hodgkin lymphoma after six months of treatment. But this time, they were older, and it looked like the end for Stan.
Stan Rutner, a retired dentist and storage facilities owner, was diagnosed with lung cancer which had metastasized into his brain. The diagnosis had surprised him.
He thought he had come down with the flu with his chronic cough. He was in his late 70s, and coping with orthodox cancer treatments was going to be harder than it was before.
This time, the radiation and chemo treatments wore him down completely. He could barely write anymore, and his short term memory was completely shot. He was suffering from extreme weight loss, muscular atrophy, insomnia and a lack of energy, as orthodox cancer treatment side effects combined with cancer's cachexia (wasting away).
After a round of unsuccessful treatments, his condition worsened with pneumonia from radiation inflammation, and he was hospitalized and put on oxygen 24/7. Stan was told that it was time for hospice.
Normally, hospice is designated for those with a prognosis of six months or less to live. But Stan's doctors told him he would be gone in a couple of weeks.
Fortunately, the Rutners reside in Northern California, the first state to legally recognize marijuana for medical purposes.
Of course, this marijuana was not to be smoked. California is where a lot of research has isolated the other cannabinoids of cannabis for healing beyond THC, the psychotropic element of marijuana that produces the high.
Hemp agricultural research has created a variety of strains that offer different compositions of cannabinoids as well as different ways to take in the plant's benefits.
The human body contains receptors throughout, known as the endocannabinoid system, that await cannabis' cannabinoids, including THC, to lock in and heal whatever needs to be healed and harmonized.
Of course, this was largely unknown until the gate was opened for medical marijuana in some states and research went beyond "getting high." Too bad Rick Simpson's hemp or cannabis oil was ignored by the cancer industry a few years ago. (Article sourced below)
What John and Corrine discovered was easy for Stan to take in was coconut oil-infused cannabis capsules. Soon after starting, he was able to sleep and eat in a matter of days and no longer needed tank-supplied oxygen.
He began feeling more energetic and hopeful. Then he began walking with a walker, and then without the walker. His turn around was amazingly rapid.
By January of 2013, Stan's MRI results read: "IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease." His lung and brain cancer were totally gone. Stan still uses lesser amounts of cannabis capsules for maintenance.
See and hear the Rutners tell Stan's story themselves (http://www.youtube.com).
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com
(NaturalNews) Stan and Barb Rutner had already had bouts with cancer earlier in their lives. Barb overcame breast cancer with orthodox treatments and her version of visualization twice. And Stan managed to get through non-Hodgkin lymphoma after six months of treatment. But this time, they were older, and it looked like the end for Stan.
Stan Rutner, a retired dentist and storage facilities owner, was diagnosed with lung cancer which had metastasized into his brain. The diagnosis had surprised him.
He thought he had come down with the flu with his chronic cough. He was in his late 70s, and coping with orthodox cancer treatments was going to be harder than it was before.
This time, the radiation and chemo treatments wore him down completely. He could barely write anymore, and his short term memory was completely shot. He was suffering from extreme weight loss, muscular atrophy, insomnia and a lack of energy, as orthodox cancer treatment side effects combined with cancer's cachexia (wasting away).
After a round of unsuccessful treatments, his condition worsened with pneumonia from radiation inflammation, and he was hospitalized and put on oxygen 24/7. Stan was told that it was time for hospice.
Normally, hospice is designated for those with a prognosis of six months or less to live. But Stan's doctors told him he would be gone in a couple of weeks.
A surprising intervention offered by Stan's daughter and son-in-law
Both Barb and Stan had used alternative techniques to a limited extent as adjuncts to their orthodox treatments. But what Stan's daughter Corinne suggested after her husband John's research was cannabis.Fortunately, the Rutners reside in Northern California, the first state to legally recognize marijuana for medical purposes.
Of course, this marijuana was not to be smoked. California is where a lot of research has isolated the other cannabinoids of cannabis for healing beyond THC, the psychotropic element of marijuana that produces the high.
Hemp agricultural research has created a variety of strains that offer different compositions of cannabinoids as well as different ways to take in the plant's benefits.
The human body contains receptors throughout, known as the endocannabinoid system, that await cannabis' cannabinoids, including THC, to lock in and heal whatever needs to be healed and harmonized.
Of course, this was largely unknown until the gate was opened for medical marijuana in some states and research went beyond "getting high." Too bad Rick Simpson's hemp or cannabis oil was ignored by the cancer industry a few years ago. (Article sourced below)
What John and Corrine discovered was easy for Stan to take in was coconut oil-infused cannabis capsules. Soon after starting, he was able to sleep and eat in a matter of days and no longer needed tank-supplied oxygen.
He began feeling more energetic and hopeful. Then he began walking with a walker, and then without the walker. His turn around was amazingly rapid.
By January of 2013, Stan's MRI results read: "IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease." His lung and brain cancer were totally gone. Stan still uses lesser amounts of cannabis capsules for maintenance.
See and hear the Rutners tell Stan's story themselves (http://www.youtube.com).
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com
Boston Children's Hospital kidnaps teen girl for 10 months, holds her as prisoner while threatening parents
Boston Children's Hospital kidnaps teen girl for 10 months, holds her as prisoner while threatening parents
(NaturalNews) A 15-year-old Connecticut girl remains held by Boston Children's Hospital, a victim of the hospital's "kidnap and ransom" operation, traditionally called "K&R." K&R is not usually seen in hospitals, and that's what makes this story so bizarre and disturbing.
Boston Children's Hospital kidnapped the teen girl from her Connecticut family nearly 10 months ago under the excuse of a contrived medical diagnosis. Through legal maneuvering, the hospital managed to gain legal custody of the girl, and the "ransom demand" is the demand that the parents stop trying to remove the girl from the hospital so that Boston Children's can generate maximum revenue from so-called "treatments" which have so far accomplished nothing.
"It is kidnapping," said the girl's father, Lou Pelletier. "It's beyond any wildest nightmare that you could think of."
The clinical psychologist known by the family says, "It's the most bizarre situation ... I've ever been involved with."
After the contrived diagnosis by the hospital, both parents "were escorted out of the hospital by security, and within four days, they lost custody of Justina," reports FoxCT.com.
"Kidnapping" is defined as:
The crime of unlawfully seizing and carrying away a person by force or fraud, or seizing and detaining a person against his or her will with an intent to carry that person away at a later time.
This perfectly fits the definition of what Boston Children's Hospital has done to the Pelletier family. The hospital has no legitimate legal authority to assume control over a family's teenage daughter, especially when the parents were so actively concerned and involved in the child's wellbeing. The custody they claim to have now is based entirely on fraud and misrepresentation, thereby making the custody fraudulent.
The hospital cited "both parents' resistance towards recommended treatment plans" as part of its justification for kidnapping the girl for nearly 10 months. Make sure you fully grasp what this means: IF YOU DO NOT AGREE with a doctor's diagnosis of your child, the hospital will kidnap that child for an indefinite period, and local law enforcement authorities will very likely side with the hospital rather than the parents (because cops are easily intimidated by doctors).
The hospital is God. It is the ultimate authority and the owner of all your children. If you disagree with the hospital, you are stripped of your parenthood. Your child is taken from you by force -- essentially at gunpoint -- and if you try to rescue your own child from the hospital, YOU will be charged with kidnapping your own child! (This isn't fiction. We've already reported on this happening before.)
This is the definition of prison.
Even if the hospital one day decides to release Justina Pelletier, it will almost certainly bill the parents for potentially millions of dollars in medical costs. That's where the "ransom" part comes into play. The longer the hospital criminally holds the girl as a kidnapping victim, the more bills they rack up which they may try to charge to the parents -- even though the parents never consented to the outrageous medical diagnosis and kidnapping in the first place!
When it comes to children, vaccines, chemotherapy and psychiatric drugs are all weapons of destruction used as tools domination and control. Doctors now believe they alone have the intelligence to decide what's best for children, even at the expense of violating families, parental rights, individual liberty and medical common sense.
This is why you should NEVER take your child to a conventional hospital unless it's an absolutely life-and-death emergency. Even then, prepare to be accused of harming your own child and then escorted at gunpoint out of the hospital if you don't 100% agree with the diagnosis of some drug-pushing doctor who's more than likely receiving financial kickbacks from psychiatric drug manufacturers.
In response to this grotesque abuse of children by the hospital, Dr. John Roberts of Philadelphia characterized the procedure as "human vivisection."
The Boston Children's Hospital has never issued an apology for using human children in medical experiments. Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology of the kidnapping of Justina Pelletier, either.
"The future of pediatrics will be forged by thinking differently, breaking paradigms and joining together in a shared vision of tackling the toughest challenges before us." - Boston Children's Hospital President and CEO Sandra L. Fenwick
(You gotta give her credit. Kidnapping really is thinking differently!)
Call the Boston Children's Main Switchboard and register your complaint!
Send your emails to:
Sources for this story include:
(NaturalNews) A 15-year-old Connecticut girl remains held by Boston Children's Hospital, a victim of the hospital's "kidnap and ransom" operation, traditionally called "K&R." K&R is not usually seen in hospitals, and that's what makes this story so bizarre and disturbing.
Boston Children's Hospital kidnapped the teen girl from her Connecticut family nearly 10 months ago under the excuse of a contrived medical diagnosis. Through legal maneuvering, the hospital managed to gain legal custody of the girl, and the "ransom demand" is the demand that the parents stop trying to remove the girl from the hospital so that Boston Children's can generate maximum revenue from so-called "treatments" which have so far accomplished nothing.
"It is kidnapping," said the girl's father, Lou Pelletier. "It's beyond any wildest nightmare that you could think of."
The clinical psychologist known by the family says, "It's the most bizarre situation ... I've ever been involved with."
After the contrived diagnosis by the hospital, both parents "were escorted out of the hospital by security, and within four days, they lost custody of Justina," reports FoxCT.com.
Boston Children's Hospital now engaged in felony criminal kidnapping
What we are all witnessing here is far beyond the utter abandonment of medical ethics. This is a case where a hospital has crossed the line into blatant mafia-style criminality."Kidnapping" is defined as:
The crime of unlawfully seizing and carrying away a person by force or fraud, or seizing and detaining a person against his or her will with an intent to carry that person away at a later time.
This perfectly fits the definition of what Boston Children's Hospital has done to the Pelletier family. The hospital has no legitimate legal authority to assume control over a family's teenage daughter, especially when the parents were so actively concerned and involved in the child's wellbeing. The custody they claim to have now is based entirely on fraud and misrepresentation, thereby making the custody fraudulent.
The hospital cited "both parents' resistance towards recommended treatment plans" as part of its justification for kidnapping the girl for nearly 10 months. Make sure you fully grasp what this means: IF YOU DO NOT AGREE with a doctor's diagnosis of your child, the hospital will kidnap that child for an indefinite period, and local law enforcement authorities will very likely side with the hospital rather than the parents (because cops are easily intimidated by doctors).
The hospital is God. It is the ultimate authority and the owner of all your children. If you disagree with the hospital, you are stripped of your parenthood. Your child is taken from you by force -- essentially at gunpoint -- and if you try to rescue your own child from the hospital, YOU will be charged with kidnapping your own child! (This isn't fiction. We've already reported on this happening before.)
Justina Pelletier is a prisoner of Boston Children's Hospital
Right now as you read this, Justina Pelletier is a prisoner of Boston Children's Hospital. The hospital will not let her leave. She is being forced to eat hospital food, which is much like prison food. Her movements are controlled. She is monitored. Her communication with the outside world is restricted.This is the definition of prison.
Even if the hospital one day decides to release Justina Pelletier, it will almost certainly bill the parents for potentially millions of dollars in medical costs. That's where the "ransom" part comes into play. The longer the hospital criminally holds the girl as a kidnapping victim, the more bills they rack up which they may try to charge to the parents -- even though the parents never consented to the outrageous medical diagnosis and kidnapping in the first place!
The ultimate medical tyranny
This is the ultimate medical tyranny. You are witnessing hospitals transition into paramilitary medical enforcement detection centers where all medicine is administered at gunpoint and parents are escorted away from their children by husky, heavily-armed "security officers."When it comes to children, vaccines, chemotherapy and psychiatric drugs are all weapons of destruction used as tools domination and control. Doctors now believe they alone have the intelligence to decide what's best for children, even at the expense of violating families, parental rights, individual liberty and medical common sense.
This is why you should NEVER take your child to a conventional hospital unless it's an absolutely life-and-death emergency. Even then, prepare to be accused of harming your own child and then escorted at gunpoint out of the hospital if you don't 100% agree with the diagnosis of some drug-pushing doctor who's more than likely receiving financial kickbacks from psychiatric drug manufacturers.
Boston Children's Hospital has a history of medical abuse of children
This isn't the first case of Boston Children's Hospital abusing children for profit, by the way. Over a hundred years ago, Dr. Arthur Wentworth used 29 children at the hospital as human guinea pigs for unethical medical experiments involving tapping into their spinal columns.In response to this grotesque abuse of children by the hospital, Dr. John Roberts of Philadelphia characterized the procedure as "human vivisection."
The Boston Children's Hospital has never issued an apology for using human children in medical experiments. Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology of the kidnapping of Justina Pelletier, either.
Why we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of hospital executives
Natural News calls for the arrest and prosecution of Boston Children's Hospital executives for the felony kidnapping of a teenage girl."The future of pediatrics will be forged by thinking differently, breaking paradigms and joining together in a shared vision of tackling the toughest challenges before us." - Boston Children's Hospital President and CEO Sandra L. Fenwick
(You gotta give her credit. Kidnapping really is thinking differently!)
Action items:
Visit Justina's Facebook page at:http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Miracle-for-...
Call the Boston Children's Main Switchboard and register your complaint!
Send your emails to:
Sources for this story include:
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Gallstones and kidney stones are no problem for Jin Qian Cao known as Coin Grass
Gallstones and kidney stones are no problem for Jin Qian Cao known as Coin Grass
(NaturalNews) The Chinese name Jin Qian Cao applies to two different herbs capable of dissolving gallstones (One is actually called Guang Jin Qian Cao). However, both are known as Coin Grass. The most popular of these herbs is the Jin Qian Cao herb (Lysimachia christinae). However Guang Jin Qian cao herb (Desmodium styracifolium) is also very effective. Either one works so well it is hard to say which is best. Many formulas use equal parts of both and this seems to be the most efficient.
A 2,000 year old story, widely accepted as history in China states: "A loving couple lived in a small village in China. The husband developed a pain below his ribs. After a few days he died. The wife was so upset she begged to have an autopsy done on her husband. A stone was found in her husband`s gallbladder. In determination to find out why this stone killed him, she hung the stone on a string around her neck. One day after walking back from gathering flowers to put on her husbands grave she noticed the stone was less than half the size and was crumbling. Apparently she had carried the flowers, with Coin Grass as a part of the arrangement, back with her while the Coin Grass was resting against the stone around her neck. The herbalist in the village learned of this and proclaimed, "We have discovered a cure for stones in the gallbladder"."
The herb was called Jin Qian Cao or "Golden Coin Grass". Herbalists later found that Coin Grass will dissolve kidney stones just as proficiently. More recently, herbalists have found that adding Gravel Root (Eupatorium purpureum ) to Jin Qian Cao can work a bit better on kidney stones than Jin Qian Cao can by itself.
In TCM, dissolving stones is accomplished by clearing damp heat. The best way to use this method is to take Jin Qian Cao as a strong tincture and combine it with the classic TCM patent herbal formula in pill form known as Long Dan Xie Gan Wan. This will assure you get enough Jin Qian Cao in the protocol. Patent herbal pills for Gallstones will often not contain enough of the Jin Qian Cao herb.
The "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" reported Jin Qian Cao had dramatic effects in the treatment of gallstone through case reports of a study involving 52 patients with cholecystitis. Jin Qian Cao herb alone was given and over 76% of patients showed complete recovery.
Gallstones are formations of crystals, composed of either cholesterol or calcium salts, in the gallbladder or the bile duct. In the United States, up to 20% of people over 65 have gallstones. Patients with gallstones in the gallbladder usually remain asymptomatic, while patients with gallstones blocking the bile duct may experience severe or life-threatening infection of the bile duct, the pancreas, or the liver. Risk factors of gallstones include female gender, old age, obesity and a Western diet.
Jin Qian Cao is now available in better herb stores. Remember to combine it with the Chinese herbal patent, Long Dan Xie Gan Wan. Also remember to add Gravel Root with Jin Qian Cao or buy the combo if you are trying to dissolve kidney stones.
Chinese Herbal Cures by Henry C Lu
Dr. Wen Zi - U of A Medical Center
Christopher Gussa is a formulator of Natural Medicine. He is also a TCM practitioner and Certified Master / Clinical Herbalist for 30 years. He is certified in both Western Herbal Therapy and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Chris Gussa: "Plant Cures is currently working with over 9,000 medicinal plants to bring about healing through the true science of combining the whole energies of whole plants. A plants energy is from its whole part. (flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots etc) While the "science" of seeing some of the isolated molecular constituents in food and herbs can be interesting at times, there is no "one magic ingredient" in any plant. (You would think it would be science trying to tell you this type of logic, instead of me) But no! They would rather play this childish game of trying to find the "Pot of gold" in a plant so they can synthesize it and dazzle the FDA with a "New Drug" that will most likely cause the usual death and destruction!
Here is a link to musicial message called "Pharmaceutical Drug Guys" Let's Give Big Pharma The Boot!
(NaturalNews) The Chinese name Jin Qian Cao applies to two different herbs capable of dissolving gallstones (One is actually called Guang Jin Qian Cao). However, both are known as Coin Grass. The most popular of these herbs is the Jin Qian Cao herb (Lysimachia christinae). However Guang Jin Qian cao herb (Desmodium styracifolium) is also very effective. Either one works so well it is hard to say which is best. Many formulas use equal parts of both and this seems to be the most efficient.
A 2,000 year old story, widely accepted as history in China states: "A loving couple lived in a small village in China. The husband developed a pain below his ribs. After a few days he died. The wife was so upset she begged to have an autopsy done on her husband. A stone was found in her husband`s gallbladder. In determination to find out why this stone killed him, she hung the stone on a string around her neck. One day after walking back from gathering flowers to put on her husbands grave she noticed the stone was less than half the size and was crumbling. Apparently she had carried the flowers, with Coin Grass as a part of the arrangement, back with her while the Coin Grass was resting against the stone around her neck. The herbalist in the village learned of this and proclaimed, "We have discovered a cure for stones in the gallbladder"."
The herb was called Jin Qian Cao or "Golden Coin Grass". Herbalists later found that Coin Grass will dissolve kidney stones just as proficiently. More recently, herbalists have found that adding Gravel Root (Eupatorium purpureum ) to Jin Qian Cao can work a bit better on kidney stones than Jin Qian Cao can by itself.
In TCM, dissolving stones is accomplished by clearing damp heat. The best way to use this method is to take Jin Qian Cao as a strong tincture and combine it with the classic TCM patent herbal formula in pill form known as Long Dan Xie Gan Wan. This will assure you get enough Jin Qian Cao in the protocol. Patent herbal pills for Gallstones will often not contain enough of the Jin Qian Cao herb.
The "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" reported Jin Qian Cao had dramatic effects in the treatment of gallstone through case reports of a study involving 52 patients with cholecystitis. Jin Qian Cao herb alone was given and over 76% of patients showed complete recovery.
Gallstones are formations of crystals, composed of either cholesterol or calcium salts, in the gallbladder or the bile duct. In the United States, up to 20% of people over 65 have gallstones. Patients with gallstones in the gallbladder usually remain asymptomatic, while patients with gallstones blocking the bile duct may experience severe or life-threatening infection of the bile duct, the pancreas, or the liver. Risk factors of gallstones include female gender, old age, obesity and a Western diet.
Jin Qian Cao is now available in better herb stores. Remember to combine it with the Chinese herbal patent, Long Dan Xie Gan Wan. Also remember to add Gravel Root with Jin Qian Cao or buy the combo if you are trying to dissolve kidney stones.
Chinese Herbal Cures by Henry C Lu
Dr. Wen Zi - U of A Medical Center
About the author
Christopher Gussa founded Plant Cures Inc. which handcrafts over 150 Serious Herbal Medicine Products for Specific Disorders all created through clinical application. Their products are for Serious Disease and also Powerful Tonic Health. Please visit Plant Cures at WWW.PLANTCURES.COM or call them at 1-800 979 2027Christopher Gussa is a formulator of Natural Medicine. He is also a TCM practitioner and Certified Master / Clinical Herbalist for 30 years. He is certified in both Western Herbal Therapy and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Chris Gussa: "Plant Cures is currently working with over 9,000 medicinal plants to bring about healing through the true science of combining the whole energies of whole plants. A plants energy is from its whole part. (flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, roots etc) While the "science" of seeing some of the isolated molecular constituents in food and herbs can be interesting at times, there is no "one magic ingredient" in any plant. (You would think it would be science trying to tell you this type of logic, instead of me) But no! They would rather play this childish game of trying to find the "Pot of gold" in a plant so they can synthesize it and dazzle the FDA with a "New Drug" that will most likely cause the usual death and destruction!
Here is a link to musicial message called "Pharmaceutical Drug Guys" Let's Give Big Pharma The Boot!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Top twelve natural stomach pain killers
Top twelve natural stomach pain killers
(NaturalNews) It has been noted that one of the most popular requests in wellness stores is for products to help ease stomach pain naturally. People, from cancer patients to parents of babies suffering from colic, try to look for the safest and most effective way of dealing with stomach pain. There is actually no natural cure that will aid all types of stomach pain, but if the pain has been persisting for some time, you need the help of a doctor. For simple pains due to menstrual cramps or the ingestion of food that is already spoiled, there are many natural alternatives to make the stomach calm down.
For people who do not like spicy foods, ginger supplements may be better, as ginger can be a bit spicy. It is better to make a tea out of fresh ginger than to buy ginger ale, as the latter is already full of sugar. Conventional sugar can further aggravate stomach pain.
These are 12 popular remedies to help treat stomach pain. However, if the pain is persistent even with the use of these remedies, immediate medical help should be sought.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Yanjun is a health and nutrition writer with over 3 years of professional experience in the health and fitness industry. He''s a contributor to many premier source for health advice, fitness tips, and consumer reviews of nutritional supplements.
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(NaturalNews) It has been noted that one of the most popular requests in wellness stores is for products to help ease stomach pain naturally. People, from cancer patients to parents of babies suffering from colic, try to look for the safest and most effective way of dealing with stomach pain. There is actually no natural cure that will aid all types of stomach pain, but if the pain has been persisting for some time, you need the help of a doctor. For simple pains due to menstrual cramps or the ingestion of food that is already spoiled, there are many natural alternatives to make the stomach calm down.
Natural Stomach Pain Killers
Here's a rundown of 12 home and herbal remedies that can help soothe various types of belly discomfort:
1. Ginger
Ginger is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties plus other benefits. This also helps in easing stomach pains, as well as aiding in digestion. One can take this by peeling and grating the ginger and making a tea out of it.For people who do not like spicy foods, ginger supplements may be better, as ginger can be a bit spicy. It is better to make a tea out of fresh ginger than to buy ginger ale, as the latter is already full of sugar. Conventional sugar can further aggravate stomach pain.
2. Fennel or licorice
These are similar in taste even though they come from different plants. These have a taste that not all people like, so if one does not like the taste, it is best to settle with other alternatives. Fennel and licorice are found in a lot of herbal teas, as well as supplements. To those who are alright with the taste, chewing a fresh slice (bulb) can ease stomach pain.3. Chamomile
Chamomile doesn't only calm one's nerves but also soothes a painful stomach. People can take chamomile tea for upset stomachs. For additional flavor, lemon can be added to the tea.4. Peppermint
Mint, similar to ginger, should be taken fresh in order to settle an upset stomach. Simply take a few sprigs of mint and put them in a cup of warm water. Chewing on a leaf can also help.5. Lemon water
To those who have no ginger, licorice, mint or fennel at home, squeezing half of a lemon into a mug with warm water can help soothe the stomach too.6. Baking soda
Antacids that are sold in the market typically have sodium bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda. People can simply take a teaspoon or two and mix it into a mug of warm water. This is as good as taking Alka-Seltzer to get rid of indigestion or heartburn.7. Warm salt water
Salt water is good for sore throats as well as upset stomachs. A teaspoon of salt mixed in a cup of warm water will surely do the trick. In order to get the best results, it is recommended to drink the water as fast as one can.8. Warm rice compress
Heat is known as one of the best methods to soothe an upset stomach, especially when it comes to cramps. To those who have no heating pads at home, they can make one out of an old sock plus some uncooked rice. Place it inside the microwave for a minute and use on the affected area.9. Burned toast
Charcoal is popular in the hospital for cases of alcohol or food poisoning, as it helps to neutralize the poison in the body. Burnt toast is commonly used to treat children with stomachaches or diarrhea, so too are bananas, rice and applesauce (BRAT).10. Cola syrup
This has been used for a long time to treat upset stomachs. Cola syrup has been deemed safe for children, as well as delicious.11. Apple cider vinegar
This vinegar is said to be very beneficial to the body. A few teaspoons mixed in a glass of warm or cold water can help alleviate the pain.12. Aloe vera juice
People who have intestinal problems have reported that this juice is very helpful. It can help get rid of cramps, gas, diarrhea and bloating.These are 12 popular remedies to help treat stomach pain. However, if the pain is persistent even with the use of these remedies, immediate medical help should be sought.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Yanjun is a health and nutrition writer with over 3 years of professional experience in the health and fitness industry. He''s a contributor to many premier source for health advice, fitness tips, and consumer reviews of nutritional supplements.
More Articles From Yanjun
Health benefits of okra
Home remedies to alleviate psoriasis
Three reasons to drink less alcohol
Top six reasons you should not skip breakfast
Friday, November 15, 2013
Consumption of tree nuts reduces women's risk of pancreatic cancer
Consumption of tree nuts reduces women's risk of pancreatic cancer
(NaturalNews) The main article in my source list had a red flag: It was from the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research & Education Foundation (INC NREF) located in the area of Davis, California. That seemed like a conflict of interest.
But further research revealed that INC NREF had basically posted a favorable and accurate press release based on a study that had been published by the BJC, the British Journal of Cancer, an arm of the prestigious BJM, or British Journal of Medicine.
The study was not done or funded by the INC NREF. It was part of an independent third party prospective* epidemiological mega-study based on data collected from the Nurses Health Study (NHS), which started in 1976 and has gone through two phases to date.
The third phase recruitment is underway, seeking another 100,000 nurses or student nurses between the ages of 20 and 46 in the USA and Canada.
Thus far, 238,000 nurses have participated in the overarching total study, designed to determine the impact of diet, lifestyle and exercise on health and funded originally by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and coordinated and managed by the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital, both located in Boston, Massachusetts.
The surveys are done online. Baseline (beginning) data is collected and followed up with surveys every two to four years for disease and health status along with all the lifestyle/dietary information at each time.
From this enormous database collected from surveys of knowledgeable health professionals who have access to medical testing, several different groups within the surveyed NHS participants can be accessed with various study topics that can be addressed by researchers, even those who are outside the institutions that created and manage the NHS.
The study abstract's background information states that the researchers were aware that tree nut consumption reduced the risk factor of diabetes mellitus, which is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. They prospectively followed 75,680 nurses who had never had cancer and made statistical adjustments for smoking, body mass index (BMI) or weight/obesity factors and lifestyle activities.
During the prospective period, 466 cases of pancreatic cancer had occurred among the 75,680 nurses. The researchers discovered that participating nurses who ate one ounce of tree nuts two or more times per week had reduced their pancreatic cancer risk significantly.
Study conclusion: Frequent nut consumption is inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer in this large prospective cohort of women, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer.
The International Tree Nut Council certainly has "evidence based" nutritional cancer-resistant data to use for promoting tree nuts from the producers they represent.
Hopefully, the FDA won't get on their case the way they did with cherry growers who promoted actual scientific study results as a basis for their health claims (http://www.naturalnews.com).
*The term prospective simply means a specific group is followed over time.
Sources for this article include:
Nurses and student nurses can register for the Nurses Study 3 here:
The ITNC press release:
The actual BJC tree nut pancreatic study abstract:
(NaturalNews) The main article in my source list had a red flag: It was from the International Tree Nut Council Nutrition Research & Education Foundation (INC NREF) located in the area of Davis, California. That seemed like a conflict of interest.
But further research revealed that INC NREF had basically posted a favorable and accurate press release based on a study that had been published by the BJC, the British Journal of Cancer, an arm of the prestigious BJM, or British Journal of Medicine.
The study was not done or funded by the INC NREF. It was part of an independent third party prospective* epidemiological mega-study based on data collected from the Nurses Health Study (NHS), which started in 1976 and has gone through two phases to date.
The third phase recruitment is underway, seeking another 100,000 nurses or student nurses between the ages of 20 and 46 in the USA and Canada.
Thus far, 238,000 nurses have participated in the overarching total study, designed to determine the impact of diet, lifestyle and exercise on health and funded originally by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and coordinated and managed by the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital, both located in Boston, Massachusetts.
The surveys are done online. Baseline (beginning) data is collected and followed up with surveys every two to four years for disease and health status along with all the lifestyle/dietary information at each time.
From this enormous database collected from surveys of knowledgeable health professionals who have access to medical testing, several different groups within the surveyed NHS participants can be accessed with various study topics that can be addressed by researchers, even those who are outside the institutions that created and manage the NHS.
The pancreatic cancer tree nut study
The tree nut pancreatic risk survey study was conducted by researchers at the Channing Division of Network Medicine, which is connected to the two previously mentioned Boston medical institutions.The study abstract's background information states that the researchers were aware that tree nut consumption reduced the risk factor of diabetes mellitus, which is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. They prospectively followed 75,680 nurses who had never had cancer and made statistical adjustments for smoking, body mass index (BMI) or weight/obesity factors and lifestyle activities.
During the prospective period, 466 cases of pancreatic cancer had occurred among the 75,680 nurses. The researchers discovered that participating nurses who ate one ounce of tree nuts two or more times per week had reduced their pancreatic cancer risk significantly.
Study conclusion: Frequent nut consumption is inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer in this large prospective cohort of women, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer.
The International Tree Nut Council certainly has "evidence based" nutritional cancer-resistant data to use for promoting tree nuts from the producers they represent.
Hopefully, the FDA won't get on their case the way they did with cherry growers who promoted actual scientific study results as a basis for their health claims (http://www.naturalnews.com).
*The term prospective simply means a specific group is followed over time.
Sources for this article include:
Nurses and student nurses can register for the Nurses Study 3 here:
The ITNC press release:
The actual BJC tree nut pancreatic study abstract:
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The remarkable health benefits of licorice
The remarkable health benefits of licorice
(NaturalNews) Licorice has been used as a food and medicine for thousands of years. It is known to have a soothing effect on inflamed mucous membranes in the throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. It has also been shown to have a powerful stimulatory effect against invading viral infections. There are many reasons to include licorice in your healthy lifestyle plan.
Licorice has also been shown to improve symptoms of throat and lung irritations and coughs, urinary tract infections, adrenal fatigue, immune deficiencies, allergies, ulcers, liver disorders and adrenal stress. Excema and other dermatological issues are also seen to improve with licorice root.
Licorice is called the "sweet root" and contains a compound that is fifty times sweeter than sugar. This intense sweetness is due to glycyrrhizic acid which contains two sugar moieties. Glycyrrhiza helps the body remove excessive mucous and helps promote prostaglandins and other factors that protect key barriers in the stomach, intestines and respiratory tract.
The active ingredients contained within licorice are glycyrrhiza and the anti-oxidant flavonoids liquiritigenin and liquiritin. These ingredients help to improve blood sugar signaling, reduce inflammation and improve overall immunity.
This compound also mimics aldosteronism (high levels of the hormone aldosterone) which increases sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion by the kidneys. This raises blood pressure which is usually very low in individuals with adrenal fatigue. Due to the diuretic properties this exhibits it should not be used by individuals who are taking other diuretics. Obviously individuals with hypertension should not use licorice root.
Liquiritigenin has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects through its inhibition of Nuclear Factor - Kappa Beta (NF-kB) activation in macrophages. This process decreases the production of proinflammatory cytokines and inflammatory gene induction. A 2008 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology showed that liquiritigenin inhibited lipopolysaccharide and carrageened induced inflammatory processes.
Glycyrrhiza has been shown to reduce the transport to the membrane and sialylation of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen. It also reduces the membrane fluidity leading to the inhibition of fusion of the viral membrane of the HIV-1 with the cell. It also reduces viral latency and inhibits the phosphorylating enzymes in the viral infection.
Glycyrrhiza potentiates the activity of anthraquinone drugs (laxatives) and herbs with this compound such as cascara and buckthorn. Any other laxative type of substances like aloe vera, castor oil, rhubarb and senna will have a heightened effect with licorice. It also disrupts corticosteroid metabolism and increases these drugs half-life. So anyone on heart medications, blood thinning meds, blood pressure meds, laxatives and corticosteroids should not use licoricee without consulting their doctor first.
Here are the best dosages to take licorice in:
• Dried root: 1 - 5 g as an infusion or decoction (boiled), 3 times daily
• Licorice 1:5 tincture: 2 - 5 mL, 3 times daily
• Standardized extract: 250 - 500 mg, 3 times daily, standardized to contain 20% glycyrrhizinic acid
• DGL extract: 0.4 - 1.6 g, 3 times daily, for peptic ulcer
• DGL extract 4:1: chew 300 - 400 mg, 3 times daily 20 minutes before meals, for peptic ulcer
Don't use these doses of licorice for longer than a week without talking to your doctor due to the risk of potentially dangerous side effects.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to www.drjockers.com To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to www.maximizedliving.com Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals
(NaturalNews) Licorice has been used as a food and medicine for thousands of years. It is known to have a soothing effect on inflamed mucous membranes in the throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. It has also been shown to have a powerful stimulatory effect against invading viral infections. There are many reasons to include licorice in your healthy lifestyle plan.
Licorice has also been shown to improve symptoms of throat and lung irritations and coughs, urinary tract infections, adrenal fatigue, immune deficiencies, allergies, ulcers, liver disorders and adrenal stress. Excema and other dermatological issues are also seen to improve with licorice root.
Licorice is called the "sweet root" and contains a compound that is fifty times sweeter than sugar. This intense sweetness is due to glycyrrhizic acid which contains two sugar moieties. Glycyrrhiza helps the body remove excessive mucous and helps promote prostaglandins and other factors that protect key barriers in the stomach, intestines and respiratory tract.
The active ingredients contained within licorice are glycyrrhiza and the anti-oxidant flavonoids liquiritigenin and liquiritin. These ingredients help to improve blood sugar signaling, reduce inflammation and improve overall immunity.
Glycrrhiza helps individuals with adrenal fatigue
Glycyrrhiza has been shown to slow the breakdown of cortisol so that it can stay longer in the bloodstream. This helps to balance the blood sugar levels which is particularly important for people with adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemic tendencies.This compound also mimics aldosteronism (high levels of the hormone aldosterone) which increases sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion by the kidneys. This raises blood pressure which is usually very low in individuals with adrenal fatigue. Due to the diuretic properties this exhibits it should not be used by individuals who are taking other diuretics. Obviously individuals with hypertension should not use licorice root.
Licorice root and immunity
A study published in a 2009 edition of International immunopharmacology demonstrated the effectiveness of licorice root on Candiasis. The compounds within licorice that have the most immunomodulatory effects are the flavonoid anti-oxidants liquiritigenin and liquiritin. This study demonstrated the powerful Th1 immune stimulation that these compounds provided in an effort to reduce the Candida growth.Liquiritigenin has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects through its inhibition of Nuclear Factor - Kappa Beta (NF-kB) activation in macrophages. This process decreases the production of proinflammatory cytokines and inflammatory gene induction. A 2008 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology showed that liquiritigenin inhibited lipopolysaccharide and carrageened induced inflammatory processes.
Glycyrrhiza has been shown to reduce the transport to the membrane and sialylation of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen. It also reduces the membrane fluidity leading to the inhibition of fusion of the viral membrane of the HIV-1 with the cell. It also reduces viral latency and inhibits the phosphorylating enzymes in the viral infection.
Contraindications to using licorice:
Licorice should not be used in cases of high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disease and liver disorders. This is due to the effects it has on sodium and potassium levels which could aggravate individuals who have issues with hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias. Someone who has been using licorice for a long time should wean themselves off slowly.Glycyrrhiza potentiates the activity of anthraquinone drugs (laxatives) and herbs with this compound such as cascara and buckthorn. Any other laxative type of substances like aloe vera, castor oil, rhubarb and senna will have a heightened effect with licorice. It also disrupts corticosteroid metabolism and increases these drugs half-life. So anyone on heart medications, blood thinning meds, blood pressure meds, laxatives and corticosteroids should not use licoricee without consulting their doctor first.
Proper dosages
Very high doses of licorice are considered anything over 20 grams daily. If one has any of the contraindications above they should always consume less than five grams daily. There is a form of licorice called deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) which is much safer for those with contraindications as listed above.Here are the best dosages to take licorice in:
• Dried root: 1 - 5 g as an infusion or decoction (boiled), 3 times daily
• Licorice 1:5 tincture: 2 - 5 mL, 3 times daily
• Standardized extract: 250 - 500 mg, 3 times daily, standardized to contain 20% glycyrrhizinic acid
• DGL extract: 0.4 - 1.6 g, 3 times daily, for peptic ulcer
• DGL extract 4:1: chew 300 - 400 mg, 3 times daily 20 minutes before meals, for peptic ulcer
Don't use these doses of licorice for longer than a week without talking to your doctor due to the risk of potentially dangerous side effects.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to www.drjockers.com To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to www.maximizedliving.com Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Three edible mushrooms with proven cancer-fighting properties
Three edible mushrooms with proven cancer-fighting properties
(NaturalNews) The healing properties of mushrooms have been known for centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine, for instance, has long recommended the consumption of certain edible mushrooms to treat serious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Likewise, European civilizations have treasured the continent's native mushrooms for their impressive rejuvenating capacities.
Despite their time-honored reputations as medicinal polymaths, however, edible mushrooms remain best-loved for their anti-cancer benefits. Indeed, you'll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't contain at least some cancer-fighting properties. That said, not all mushrooms are created equal, and some are more efficient at tackling cancer than others. Below is a list of three mushrooms which, according to ongoing research, are unusually effective at inhibiting cancerous growths.
According to ongoing research with human cancer patients, a part of the maitake known as the "MD-fraction" has the ability to suppress tumor growths. One Japanese report on the MD-fraction entitled "Can Maitake MD-Fraction Aid Cancer Patients?" found that patients suffering from liver, breast and lung cancer experienced between 58.3-68.8 percent improvements in their conditions after being fed maitake extracts over an extended trial period, while stomach and brain cancer patients experienced between 10-20 percent improvements. The report concluded that maitake deserve their reputation as cancer-fighting mushrooms.
Studies show that long-term consumption of reishi prevents tumor proliferation and growth by increasing the level of antioxidants in an individual's blood plasma while boosting the immunity of those suffering from advanced stage cancer. In one study by the Cancer Research Laboratory at the Methodist Research Institute in Indianapolis, reishi mushrooms were shown to suppress the migration of invasive prostate and breasts cancer cells in cancer patients. The authors concluded that reishi "clearly demonstrates anticancer activity in experiments with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer."
Please note that unlike shiitake and maitake, which are easily digested when cooked, reishi have a hardened "woody" texture and are notoriously difficult for our stomachs to process. Therefore, reishi is best consumed in extract form for optimum assimilation.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world's healthiest foods.
(NaturalNews) The healing properties of mushrooms have been known for centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine, for instance, has long recommended the consumption of certain edible mushrooms to treat serious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Likewise, European civilizations have treasured the continent's native mushrooms for their impressive rejuvenating capacities.
Despite their time-honored reputations as medicinal polymaths, however, edible mushrooms remain best-loved for their anti-cancer benefits. Indeed, you'll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't contain at least some cancer-fighting properties. That said, not all mushrooms are created equal, and some are more efficient at tackling cancer than others. Below is a list of three mushrooms which, according to ongoing research, are unusually effective at inhibiting cancerous growths.
The shiitake is an edible brown mushroom that thrives in the woodlands of East Asia. It is regarded as a symbol of longevity in Japan, and it's not difficult to understand why: Aside from being extremely rich in trace nutrients such as copper, magnesium, B-vitamins, shiitake are also bursting with cancer-fighting antioxidants like selenium. Moreover, according to the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, shiitake contain lentinan, a beta glucan that stimulates the immune system, thus activating certain proteins and cells (such as macrophanges and T-cells) that fight cancer.Maitake
The maitake is a brown mushroom that grows at the bases of oak trees in Japan and North America. Unlike the diminutive shiitake, maitake can grow to more than 50 pounds, a feat that has earned them the title of "King of Mushrooms."According to ongoing research with human cancer patients, a part of the maitake known as the "MD-fraction" has the ability to suppress tumor growths. One Japanese report on the MD-fraction entitled "Can Maitake MD-Fraction Aid Cancer Patients?" found that patients suffering from liver, breast and lung cancer experienced between 58.3-68.8 percent improvements in their conditions after being fed maitake extracts over an extended trial period, while stomach and brain cancer patients experienced between 10-20 percent improvements. The report concluded that maitake deserve their reputation as cancer-fighting mushrooms.
Having been used in ancient Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years, reishi mushrooms are one of the oldest mushrooms cultivated for medicinal usage, and their anti-cancer abilities are legendary. Indeed, dried reishi powder was used as a popular cancer chemotherapy agent as far back as ancient China, and contemporary pharmaceutical companies continue to add reishi extracts to certain anti-tumor drugs such as MC-S.Studies show that long-term consumption of reishi prevents tumor proliferation and growth by increasing the level of antioxidants in an individual's blood plasma while boosting the immunity of those suffering from advanced stage cancer. In one study by the Cancer Research Laboratory at the Methodist Research Institute in Indianapolis, reishi mushrooms were shown to suppress the migration of invasive prostate and breasts cancer cells in cancer patients. The authors concluded that reishi "clearly demonstrates anticancer activity in experiments with cancer cells and has possible therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement for an alternative therapy for breast and prostate cancer."
Please note that unlike shiitake and maitake, which are easily digested when cooked, reishi have a hardened "woody" texture and are notoriously difficult for our stomachs to process. Therefore, reishi is best consumed in extract form for optimum assimilation.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world's healthiest foods.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare
Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare
(NaturalNews) Much to the dismay of many pharmaceutical giants and doctors who reap big rebate checks from recommending chemotherapy treatments, Nigella sativa has been proven over and over again to successfully treat cancer without the use of conventional treatments. Nigella sativa has been shown to be effective against numerous cancers, such as pancreatic, colon, prostate, breast and even brain cancers. Indeed, Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare and a ray of hope for people who may have died otherwise.
Statistics show that the success rates of people using chemotherapy over a five year period is only 2.1 percent. Nigella sativa on the other hand was proven to annihilate pancreatic tumor cells at the rate of 80 percent. Chemotherapy has many side effects and one of the side effects is the possibility of secondary cancers. Secondary cancers are very aggressive and may occur from tumor reseeding.
Nigella sativa not only rebuilds the immune system and destroys cancer cells; it reinforces the good cells to fight the cancer. Needless to say, it is imperative to treat the cancer patient immediately or in the early stages if possible. Along with taking the oil, a cancer diet must be followed. Sugar, processed foods and white flours only feed the cancer and make the cancer fight much more difficult.
1). Pancreatic cancer: A study was done at Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson and the researchers found that by adding Nigella sativa, 80 percent of pancreatic cancer cells were destroyed. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in America with a four percent survival rate after five years using conventional treatments. (http://www.kcc.tju.edu/news/2008-05-23_Arafat.html)
2). Colon cancer: In 2010, a research project was conducted in Tanta, Egypt on the use of Nigella sativa against colon cancer in rats. Nigella sativa greatly reduced the size of the tumors and also reduced the tumors in the lungs and alimentary canals. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3436209/)
3). Breast cancer: In 2003, researchers from Jackson State University in the U.S. tested Nigella sativa on breast cancer cells. Ending results showed promising advances in the treatment of breast cancer. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12724920)
There are many success stories using Nigella sativa against cancer and how each protocol worked for that individual, such as the boy who took nine capsules a day of the black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) for brain cancer.
An alternative dosage protocol is to use ground, heated seeds once a day and the oil twice a day. Simply mix the ground seeds with raw honey and eat as you would any sweet treat.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Samantha Davis is an author, freelance writer and avid supporter of natural healing. She has written 10 books on various subjects and is a specialist on the subject of Nigella Sativa, black cumin and black seeds. Check out her website Nigella Sativa.com and
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Seeds
Also read her latest book:
Black Seed Cuisine
(NaturalNews) Much to the dismay of many pharmaceutical giants and doctors who reap big rebate checks from recommending chemotherapy treatments, Nigella sativa has been proven over and over again to successfully treat cancer without the use of conventional treatments. Nigella sativa has been shown to be effective against numerous cancers, such as pancreatic, colon, prostate, breast and even brain cancers. Indeed, Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare and a ray of hope for people who may have died otherwise.
Statistics show that the success rates of people using chemotherapy over a five year period is only 2.1 percent. Nigella sativa on the other hand was proven to annihilate pancreatic tumor cells at the rate of 80 percent. Chemotherapy has many side effects and one of the side effects is the possibility of secondary cancers. Secondary cancers are very aggressive and may occur from tumor reseeding.
Nigella sativa not only rebuilds the immune system and destroys cancer cells; it reinforces the good cells to fight the cancer. Needless to say, it is imperative to treat the cancer patient immediately or in the early stages if possible. Along with taking the oil, a cancer diet must be followed. Sugar, processed foods and white flours only feed the cancer and make the cancer fight much more difficult.
Cancer studies and Nigella sativa
Presently, there are 462 published studies on the efficacy of Nigella sativa. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=nigella%20sativa). There have been multiple studies on the effect of Nigella sativa and its anti-tumor capabilities. In 1997, at the Cancer Research Facility at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Nigella sativa was proven to have enormous capabilities in tumor cell death.1). Pancreatic cancer: A study was done at Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson and the researchers found that by adding Nigella sativa, 80 percent of pancreatic cancer cells were destroyed. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in America with a four percent survival rate after five years using conventional treatments. (http://www.kcc.tju.edu/news/2008-05-23_Arafat.html)
2). Colon cancer: In 2010, a research project was conducted in Tanta, Egypt on the use of Nigella sativa against colon cancer in rats. Nigella sativa greatly reduced the size of the tumors and also reduced the tumors in the lungs and alimentary canals. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3436209/)
3). Breast cancer: In 2003, researchers from Jackson State University in the U.S. tested Nigella sativa on breast cancer cells. Ending results showed promising advances in the treatment of breast cancer. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12724920)
There are many success stories using Nigella sativa against cancer and how each protocol worked for that individual, such as the boy who took nine capsules a day of the black cumin oil (Nigella sativa) for brain cancer.
Nigella sativa cancer protocol
The Nigella sativa cancer protocol is quite simple and very effective. Take three teaspoons of the oil a day mixed with half a teaspoon of raw honey or freshly squeezed juice. Take the first dosage half an hour before breakfast, the second one in the afternoon and the third dosage before going to bed.An alternative dosage protocol is to use ground, heated seeds once a day and the oil twice a day. Simply mix the ground seeds with raw honey and eat as you would any sweet treat.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Samantha Davis is an author, freelance writer and avid supporter of natural healing. She has written 10 books on various subjects and is a specialist on the subject of Nigella Sativa, black cumin and black seeds. Check out her website Nigella Sativa.com and
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Black Seeds
Also read her latest book:
Black Seed Cuisine
Red Bull sued for $85 million over man's death
Red Bull sued for $85 million over man's death
(NaturalNews) Red Bull is being sued for wrongful death after a healthy 33-year-old man collapsed dead on a basketball court after gulping the high-caffeine drink.
The lawsuit, for $85 million, is believed to be the first wrongful death suit against the world's largest energy drink company.
Construction worker Cory Terry - survived by a 13-year-old son - was healthy, active and a non-smoker, his grandmother, Patricia Terry, said. However, he regularly drank large amounts of Red Bull.
"He drank that stuff all the time," she said. "He said it perked him up."
About a year ago, Terry downed a can of Red Bull about 45 minutes into a basketball game. Shortly after, he grew dizzy, collapsed and died. Doctors discovered that he had suffered idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), meaning that his heart had simply stopped. The medical report noted that he had consumed Red Bull right before the attack.
Although DCM can have many causes, doctors were unable to pinpoint any particular reason for Terry's death.
"I know he was healthy and I couldn't find no other reason for why he died," his grandmother said.
Red Bull has "extra stimulants that make it different than a cup of coffee," lawyer Ilya Novofastovsky said. "They are more dangerous than what Red Bull lets on."
Noting that the FDA has long known of research suggesting that energy drinks might be dangerous, Novofastovsky called on the agency to reevaluate the drinks' safety.
The FDA has confirmed at least 18 deaths potentially linked to energy drinks. Between 2004 and 2012, it received 21 reports from healthcare providers who suspected Red Bull of causing side effects ranging from fatigue and dizziness to chest pain.
Indeed, the FDA is already investigating whether energy drinks might have led to the deaths of five separate people, including a 14-year-old who fell dead after drinking two 24-ounce Monster beverages over the course of two days.
"These drinks are made for adults," drug educator Bruce Ruck said. "When young children drink them, they consume a large quantity of caffeine for their body mass."
"Children also might have trouble falling asleep or experience tremors, anxiety, agitation, heart palpitations, nausea or vomiting," he said. "Of more concern, they may experience a rapid heart rate or seizures."
Another recent study, published in Pediatrics in Review, focused on the risk energy drinks pose to teenagers.
"We know kids are more affected by caffeine than adults," researcher Kwabena Blankson said. "What really worries me are the daily users. They experience symptoms like headaches, digestive problems, hypertension and heart palpitations."
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a maximum daily caffeine intake of 100 mg for adolescents, yet some energy drinks contain as much as 240 mg (Monster Energy XXL) or even 505 mg (Wired X505 24-ounce) of caffeine - not even counting other stimulating or bioactive ingredients, such as guarana or taurine.
Sources for this article include:
(NaturalNews) Red Bull is being sued for wrongful death after a healthy 33-year-old man collapsed dead on a basketball court after gulping the high-caffeine drink.
The lawsuit, for $85 million, is believed to be the first wrongful death suit against the world's largest energy drink company.
Construction worker Cory Terry - survived by a 13-year-old son - was healthy, active and a non-smoker, his grandmother, Patricia Terry, said. However, he regularly drank large amounts of Red Bull.
"He drank that stuff all the time," she said. "He said it perked him up."
About a year ago, Terry downed a can of Red Bull about 45 minutes into a basketball game. Shortly after, he grew dizzy, collapsed and died. Doctors discovered that he had suffered idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), meaning that his heart had simply stopped. The medical report noted that he had consumed Red Bull right before the attack.
Although DCM can have many causes, doctors were unable to pinpoint any particular reason for Terry's death.
"I know he was healthy and I couldn't find no other reason for why he died," his grandmother said.
Wrongful death
According to the lawsuit, at least nine previous deaths have been linked to Red Bull. The suit cites research demonstrating the health risks of energy beverages, particularly for people who are highly active. It also alleges that the marketing slogan "Red Bull gives you wings" is targeted at adolescents and athletes, the very groups most vulnerable to the beverage's ingredients.Red Bull has "extra stimulants that make it different than a cup of coffee," lawyer Ilya Novofastovsky said. "They are more dangerous than what Red Bull lets on."
Noting that the FDA has long known of research suggesting that energy drinks might be dangerous, Novofastovsky called on the agency to reevaluate the drinks' safety.
The FDA has confirmed at least 18 deaths potentially linked to energy drinks. Between 2004 and 2012, it received 21 reports from healthcare providers who suspected Red Bull of causing side effects ranging from fatigue and dizziness to chest pain.
Indeed, the FDA is already investigating whether energy drinks might have led to the deaths of five separate people, including a 14-year-old who fell dead after drinking two 24-ounce Monster beverages over the course of two days.
Deadly brew?
Pediatricians and health researchers are raising increasing concern over the risks that energy drinks might pose to children and adolescents, in particular. Rutgers University recently issued a report warning that children might be in danger from any caffeinated beverages at all, particularly if they consume such beverages regularly or drink a large quantity over a short period of time."These drinks are made for adults," drug educator Bruce Ruck said. "When young children drink them, they consume a large quantity of caffeine for their body mass."
"Children also might have trouble falling asleep or experience tremors, anxiety, agitation, heart palpitations, nausea or vomiting," he said. "Of more concern, they may experience a rapid heart rate or seizures."
Another recent study, published in Pediatrics in Review, focused on the risk energy drinks pose to teenagers.
"We know kids are more affected by caffeine than adults," researcher Kwabena Blankson said. "What really worries me are the daily users. They experience symptoms like headaches, digestive problems, hypertension and heart palpitations."
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a maximum daily caffeine intake of 100 mg for adolescents, yet some energy drinks contain as much as 240 mg (Monster Energy XXL) or even 505 mg (Wired X505 24-ounce) of caffeine - not even counting other stimulating or bioactive ingredients, such as guarana or taurine.
Sources for this article include:
The healing power of bee pollen
The healing power of bee pollen
(NaturalNews) Bees have been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. Colony collapse disorder has been debated around the world, with fingers being pointed at many culprits. Not only does this crisis affect our overall food production, but it also hampers the production of one of nature's richest and most healing superfoods - bee pollen.
Bee pollen helps correct diets that are nutrient deficient or imbalanced through its remarkable nutrient profile that is not only comprehensive but also very well balanced. It contains the richest known source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats, as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics.
Revel in the nutrients present in this miraculous superfood:
• A rich source of carotenoids (which convert to vitamin A)
• Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sulphur and 59 other trace minerals
• 22 amino acids, which contain five to seven times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese
• Enzymes including amylase, catalase, cozymase, cytochrome, dehydrogenase, diaphorase, diastase, lactic acids, pectase and phosphatase
In a nutrient-starved world, incorporating bee pollen with its exceptional vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme profile could go a long way in filling in the gaps of your day to day nutrition.
The many healing properties of bee pollen include:
• Promotes growth of healthy new cells
• Encourages increased tissue repair
• Enhances toxin elimination
• Reduces cholesterol levels
• Regulates blood pressure
• Increases resistance to infections
• Stabilizes the nervous system
• Improves fertility in women
• Retards growth of tumors
• Eliminates excessive calcium deposits
• Helps release excessive uric acid
• Promotes skin tissue growth and counteracts wrinkling
• Increases calmness and relaxation
• Promotes increased concentration and memory
• Enhances sexual activity
• Promotes increased strength, stamina, endurance and energy levels
• Combats cancer, diabetes, arthritis and depression
Considering that all disease is partially rooted in nutrient deficiency, it is no wonder why this nutrient-dense superfood has such a positive effect on all the biological functions of the body.
You also want to take care that you do not heat the bee pollen at higher temperatures (above 105°F), as it will destroy the delicate enzymes and vitamin C content.
A great way to incorporate bee pollen into your diet is by simply eating the granules themselves, or incorporating them into smoothies, yogurt, trail mixes, cereal and oatmeal.
Considering the positive effects that bee pollen can have on our diet, and the fact that they pollinate many of the world's crops, let's do our best to support the industry and feel better physically in the process.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.
Derek is currently a Master Health Coach and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his primary website, http://healingthebody.ca/ and his Healing the Body Facebook page.
Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.
(NaturalNews) Bees have been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. Colony collapse disorder has been debated around the world, with fingers being pointed at many culprits. Not only does this crisis affect our overall food production, but it also hampers the production of one of nature's richest and most healing superfoods - bee pollen.
A powerhouse of nutrition
Bee pollen is considered one of nature's most complete foods. It contains nearly all the nutrients required by humans and about half of its 40% protein content is in the form of free amino acids and is highly bioavailable to the human body.Bee pollen helps correct diets that are nutrient deficient or imbalanced through its remarkable nutrient profile that is not only comprehensive but also very well balanced. It contains the richest known source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats, as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics.
Revel in the nutrients present in this miraculous superfood:
• A rich source of carotenoids (which convert to vitamin A)
• Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sulphur and 59 other trace minerals
• 22 amino acids, which contain five to seven times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese
• Enzymes including amylase, catalase, cozymase, cytochrome, dehydrogenase, diaphorase, diastase, lactic acids, pectase and phosphatase
In a nutrient-starved world, incorporating bee pollen with its exceptional vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme profile could go a long way in filling in the gaps of your day to day nutrition.
Healing action of bee pollen
The overall effects of bee pollen are comprehensive, as it appears to activate systemic biological functions rather than focusing on one physiological area. After many years of testing, bee pollen has also been noted as lacking any harmful side effects, and it is easily digestible and suitable for all ages.The many healing properties of bee pollen include:
• Promotes growth of healthy new cells
• Encourages increased tissue repair
• Enhances toxin elimination
• Reduces cholesterol levels
• Regulates blood pressure
• Increases resistance to infections
• Stabilizes the nervous system
• Improves fertility in women
• Retards growth of tumors
• Eliminates excessive calcium deposits
• Helps release excessive uric acid
• Promotes skin tissue growth and counteracts wrinkling
• Increases calmness and relaxation
• Promotes increased concentration and memory
• Enhances sexual activity
• Promotes increased strength, stamina, endurance and energy levels
• Combats cancer, diabetes, arthritis and depression
Considering that all disease is partially rooted in nutrient deficiency, it is no wonder why this nutrient-dense superfood has such a positive effect on all the biological functions of the body.
How to incorporate bee pollen into your diet
When deciding to incorporate bee pollen into your healthy lifestyle, there are a few factors you want to consider, including buying it raw (not pasteurized) and as local as possible.You also want to take care that you do not heat the bee pollen at higher temperatures (above 105°F), as it will destroy the delicate enzymes and vitamin C content.
A great way to incorporate bee pollen into your diet is by simply eating the granules themselves, or incorporating them into smoothies, yogurt, trail mixes, cereal and oatmeal.
Considering the positive effects that bee pollen can have on our diet, and the fact that they pollinate many of the world's crops, let's do our best to support the industry and feel better physically in the process.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.
Derek is currently a Master Health Coach and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his primary website, http://healingthebody.ca/ and his Healing the Body Facebook page.
Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists
(NaturalNews) Disclaimer: I am not an opponent of the theory of inoculation. Nor am I opposed to science. What I am opposed to is fraudulent science, and that's what this article is all about.
Measles and mumps are making a huge comeback in the United States, but doctors and journalists all make the same critical error in understanding why. They blame "parents who don't vaccinate their kids" as the cause, but the real cause -- as revealed by whistleblowing scientists working for top vaccine manufacturers -- is that measles and mumps vaccines are designed to fail from the start.
Scientific fraud, it turns out, is an inherent part of the vaccine industry.
How do we know? Because whistleblowers who worked in the industry have found the courage to speak out and tell the truth. These people are the Edward Snowdens of the vaccine industry.
As I wrote last year, " In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies."
From the False Claims Act complaint:
Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that "did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life ... virus neutralization in vaccinated people," according to the complaint.
Merck, of course, denies the claims, just like all the drug companies deny ever engaging in bribery, or using children for medical experiments, or ghostwriting "scientific" studies that get published in science journals, or conspiring to suppress competing generic drugs and so on. Yet, as history has shown, all the top drug companies are routinely engaged in widespread criminal behavior, including conspiracy, fraud, bribery and more.
Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski are simply telling us what we already suspected: that Merck falsifies the efficacy of their vaccines in order to make them appear to be working when they actually aren't. Why would a drug company do such a thing? Consider the fact that Merck has both motive and opportunity.
Thus, the spread of disease actually boosts vaccine sales. Epidemics are a "marketing tool" to create demand for a profitable product that people can be convinced to purchase over and over again, year after year, whether it works or not.
And how do you create that demand? You engineer an epidemic by making sure your own vaccine products don't work. Fear drives people to get vaccinated, so fear is used as the primary marketing tool.
But why hasn't the con been exposed yet? Why haven't scientists announced that most of the children afflicted with measles and mumps are the very same children who were vaccinated? One study showed that 97 percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against mumps.
In 2010, a mumps outbreak spread in New Jersey, and 77 percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against mumps.
The same is true with measles. Most measles outbreaks spread among those who have been vaccinated against measles.
When a swine flu outbreak swept through Britain in 2010, it turns out that 70 percent of those infected had already been vaccinated against swine flu.
Far from protecting people from disease outbreaks, vaccines often promote the pandemic they claim to prevent.
This is one of the tenants of the fraud-based medical system: Vaccines are assumed to work 100% of the time, without exception, and anyone who questions this is immediately branded a heretic. There is no tolerance whatsoever for any critical thinking or scientific inquiry when it comes to vaccines. And God forbid if you bring up the issue of mercury in vaccines, as the vaccine industry apparently believes that mercury magically becomes non-toxic when used in vaccines and injected into the body.
Thus, vaccines that fail (due to low efficacy) are never detected or even questioned. The fraud continues right under our noses. So a vaccine company can easily put a mumps or measles vaccine into circulation that is designed to fail while actually weakening the immune system from the mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum that are still used in vaccines today.
This actually causes an increase in the spread of these diseases, resulting in more alarmist media stories about the "spread of measles and mumps" which then results in more parents rushing to CVS pharmacies to get their children injected with yet another useless vaccine.
How's that for an insidious profit model?
But it's even worse than that. While some vaccines are simply designed to fail, other vaccines are designed to cause outbreaks of disease.
This was done by none other than Baxter International, Inc. one of the top suppliers of "weakened" flu virus material for use in vaccines. Except in this case, they weren't weakened. Vaccines made with this material simply gave people the flu!
In the realm of desktop computing, many people believe that anti-virus companies write and release viruses in order to cause fear and boost demand for their products. It's an incredibly effective way to sell more products. All you have to do is pay a group of hackers a couple of million dollars to keep writing viruses that get covered in the mainstream media. The scarier the story, the more people buy anti-virus software. I happen to know firsthand that McAfee uses dishonest scare tactics to sell their security software services, claiming your website is infected when it actually isn't.
Vaccine companies, it turns out, use the same tactic. From time to time, they allow live viruses into the flu shots, thereby spreading influenza and causing the very kind of fear and panic that drives people into pharmacies to buy more vaccines.
The WHO and CDC are all part of it too, stirring up irrational fear and panic like they did with the H5N1 virus a few years ago. It turns out that WHO panel members receive kickbacks from drug companies to engineer these anti-science scare stories.
During the swine flu pandemic, it was revealed that 5 of the 15 members of a WHO advisory panel had financial ties to the very same drug companies who would financially benefit from the pandemic. That's called "conflict of interest" in any other industry, yet for some reason it is fully tolerated in the fraudulent vaccine industry.
In 2010, an outstanding article by Dr. Gary Null explained much of this in excruciating detail. Read that article here on Natural News.
The deeper you dig into the vaccine industry and its longstanding practice of scientific fraud, misrepresentation, fear mongering and "medical false flags," the more you realize just what a total con the vaccine industry has become.
Read more:
Click here for an example of the mainstream media blindly blaming a lack of vaccines for the recent rise in measles and mumps.
Click here to read the full False Claims Act filed by former Merck virologists.
(NaturalNews) Disclaimer: I am not an opponent of the theory of inoculation. Nor am I opposed to science. What I am opposed to is fraudulent science, and that's what this article is all about.
Measles and mumps are making a huge comeback in the United States, but doctors and journalists all make the same critical error in understanding why. They blame "parents who don't vaccinate their kids" as the cause, but the real cause -- as revealed by whistleblowing scientists working for top vaccine manufacturers -- is that measles and mumps vaccines are designed to fail from the start.
Scientific fraud, it turns out, is an inherent part of the vaccine industry.
How do we know? Because whistleblowers who worked in the industry have found the courage to speak out and tell the truth. These people are the Edward Snowdens of the vaccine industry.
Merck falsified its mumps vaccine efficacy results, say former employees
Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a "95% efficacy rate" say former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski in their shocking False Claims Act document.As I wrote last year, " In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies."
Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that "did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life ... virus neutralization in vaccinated people," according to the complaint.
Merck, of course, denies the claims, just like all the drug companies deny ever engaging in bribery, or using children for medical experiments, or ghostwriting "scientific" studies that get published in science journals, or conspiring to suppress competing generic drugs and so on. Yet, as history has shown, all the top drug companies are routinely engaged in widespread criminal behavior, including conspiracy, fraud, bribery and more.
Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski are simply telling us what we already suspected: that Merck falsifies the efficacy of their vaccines in order to make them appear to be working when they actually aren't. Why would a drug company do such a thing? Consider the fact that Merck has both motive and opportunity.
Why drug companies design vaccines to fail
The vaccination dogma is so deeply embedded in the minds of doctors, journalists and the public, that any time a communicable disease starts to spread, everybody immediately leaps to the false conclusion that "more vaccines are needed." This is very nearly a Pavlovian reaction in the minds of the brainwashed masses. "Spread of disease = lack of vaccines."Thus, the spread of disease actually boosts vaccine sales. Epidemics are a "marketing tool" to create demand for a profitable product that people can be convinced to purchase over and over again, year after year, whether it works or not.
And how do you create that demand? You engineer an epidemic by making sure your own vaccine products don't work. Fear drives people to get vaccinated, so fear is used as the primary marketing tool.
But why hasn't the con been exposed yet? Why haven't scientists announced that most of the children afflicted with measles and mumps are the very same children who were vaccinated? One study showed that 97 percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against mumps.
In 2010, a mumps outbreak spread in New Jersey, and 77 percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against mumps.
The same is true with measles. Most measles outbreaks spread among those who have been vaccinated against measles.
When a swine flu outbreak swept through Britain in 2010, it turns out that 70 percent of those infected had already been vaccinated against swine flu.
Far from protecting people from disease outbreaks, vaccines often promote the pandemic they claim to prevent.
Vaccines are ASSUMED to work, not proven to work
Why does the industry keep getting away with this fraud? The answer is because nobody ever compares infection rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people. They all just ASSUME vaccines work because that is the dogma of modern medicine. Assumption becomes "fact" in the minds of brainwashed medical experts.This is one of the tenants of the fraud-based medical system: Vaccines are assumed to work 100% of the time, without exception, and anyone who questions this is immediately branded a heretic. There is no tolerance whatsoever for any critical thinking or scientific inquiry when it comes to vaccines. And God forbid if you bring up the issue of mercury in vaccines, as the vaccine industry apparently believes that mercury magically becomes non-toxic when used in vaccines and injected into the body.
Thus, vaccines that fail (due to low efficacy) are never detected or even questioned. The fraud continues right under our noses. So a vaccine company can easily put a mumps or measles vaccine into circulation that is designed to fail while actually weakening the immune system from the mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum that are still used in vaccines today.
This actually causes an increase in the spread of these diseases, resulting in more alarmist media stories about the "spread of measles and mumps" which then results in more parents rushing to CVS pharmacies to get their children injected with yet another useless vaccine.
How's that for an insidious profit model?
But it's even worse than that. While some vaccines are simply designed to fail, other vaccines are designed to cause outbreaks of disease.
Some vaccines are actively spiked with live viruses to cause pandemics
As Natural News previously exposed, the vaccine industry was caught shipping live viruses to vaccine manufacturers of flu vaccines in 18 countries.This was done by none other than Baxter International, Inc. one of the top suppliers of "weakened" flu virus material for use in vaccines. Except in this case, they weren't weakened. Vaccines made with this material simply gave people the flu!
In the realm of desktop computing, many people believe that anti-virus companies write and release viruses in order to cause fear and boost demand for their products. It's an incredibly effective way to sell more products. All you have to do is pay a group of hackers a couple of million dollars to keep writing viruses that get covered in the mainstream media. The scarier the story, the more people buy anti-virus software. I happen to know firsthand that McAfee uses dishonest scare tactics to sell their security software services, claiming your website is infected when it actually isn't.
Vaccine companies, it turns out, use the same tactic. From time to time, they allow live viruses into the flu shots, thereby spreading influenza and causing the very kind of fear and panic that drives people into pharmacies to buy more vaccines.
The WHO and CDC are all part of it too, stirring up irrational fear and panic like they did with the H5N1 virus a few years ago. It turns out that WHO panel members receive kickbacks from drug companies to engineer these anti-science scare stories.
During the swine flu pandemic, it was revealed that 5 of the 15 members of a WHO advisory panel had financial ties to the very same drug companies who would financially benefit from the pandemic. That's called "conflict of interest" in any other industry, yet for some reason it is fully tolerated in the fraudulent vaccine industry.
In 2010, an outstanding article by Dr. Gary Null explained much of this in excruciating detail. Read that article here on Natural News.
The deeper you dig into the vaccine industry and its longstanding practice of scientific fraud, misrepresentation, fear mongering and "medical false flags," the more you realize just what a total con the vaccine industry has become.
Read more:
Click here for an example of the mainstream media blindly blaming a lack of vaccines for the recent rise in measles and mumps.
Click here to read the full False Claims Act filed by former Merck virologists.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Cut Poison Burn
"The Navarros' story is a heartbreaking but important one, so I hope you will take the time to watch the film in its entirety, to understand what could happen to you, should you ever be placed in a similar circumstance."
Chris Wark interviews grandfather of Sarah Hershberger after she flees the country to avoid being forced into chemo - Buzz.NaturalNews.com
Chris Wark interviews grandfather of Sarah Hershberger after she flees the country to avoid being forced into chemo - Buzz.NaturalNews.com
(http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com)Chris Wark of ChrisBeatCancer.com recently interviewed Isaac Keim, the grandfather of Sarah Hershberger, the 10-year-old Amish girl who has been in the news recently after Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio tried to force her to undergo chemotherapy.
After Sarah was diagnosed with leukemia, she began to receive chemotherapy treatments at Akron Children's Hospital, but both Sarah and her parents decided to discontinue the treatment after her health improved and the therapy became too painful. They have since taken care of her health using nutrition and natural medicine. Akron Children's Hospital, hungry for the money that forcing a little girl into chemotherapy would bring, has been continuously challenging the Hershbergers in court to try to force their poison into the little girl and to give guardianship over her to a nurse that had never even met her. The courts initially ruled in favor of the Hersherbergers' parental rights, but an appeals court overturned that decision.
Now, Sarah has disappeared; she has fled the country with her family in order to avoid being forced into the painful, unnecessary treatment. The hospital was allegedly being paid $1,000,000 to subject Sarah to experimental chemotherapy drugs that aren't even proven to work. In addition to that, they were making money for each round of chemo they put the little girl though.
Wark's interview of Keim gives the family a chance to reveal the truth of the situation in their own words. To listen to the interview and learn more about the Hershbergers' struggle for freedom, justice and Sarah's health, you can visit ChrisBeatCancer.com.
(http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com)Chris Wark of ChrisBeatCancer.com recently interviewed Isaac Keim, the grandfather of Sarah Hershberger, the 10-year-old Amish girl who has been in the news recently after Akron Children's Hospital in Ohio tried to force her to undergo chemotherapy.
After Sarah was diagnosed with leukemia, she began to receive chemotherapy treatments at Akron Children's Hospital, but both Sarah and her parents decided to discontinue the treatment after her health improved and the therapy became too painful. They have since taken care of her health using nutrition and natural medicine. Akron Children's Hospital, hungry for the money that forcing a little girl into chemotherapy would bring, has been continuously challenging the Hershbergers in court to try to force their poison into the little girl and to give guardianship over her to a nurse that had never even met her. The courts initially ruled in favor of the Hersherbergers' parental rights, but an appeals court overturned that decision.
Now, Sarah has disappeared; she has fled the country with her family in order to avoid being forced into the painful, unnecessary treatment. The hospital was allegedly being paid $1,000,000 to subject Sarah to experimental chemotherapy drugs that aren't even proven to work. In addition to that, they were making money for each round of chemo they put the little girl though.
Wark's interview of Keim gives the family a chance to reveal the truth of the situation in their own words. To listen to the interview and learn more about the Hershbergers' struggle for freedom, justice and Sarah's health, you can visit ChrisBeatCancer.com.
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