Did the 20-year-old Saudi national questioned in the Boston Marathon bombing probe visit the White House?
As reported by The Right Scoop blog, the White House visitor log available online shows that an Abdulrahman A. Alharbi visited Dec. 8, 2009
The visit was listed as a group tour, however, and at that time, the
Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi who was questioned by
authorities for two hours after the April 15 bombings was 16 years old.
There are two entries on Oct. 14, 2011, for an Abdulrahman Alharbi
with a different middle initial, S. The entries are also associated with
a group tour.
According to The Blaze, which has reported Alharbi was on a federal
watch list, the Saudi national entered the U.S. last August on a student
Last week, WND was first to report
Alharbi shares the same last name as a major Saudi clan that includes
scores of al-Qaida operatives. Some in the clan are senior al-Qaida
members while others are reportedly being held by the U.S. in the
Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has insisted that authorities absolved
Alharbi of anything to do with the Boston bombings. But The Blaze has
reported the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s National Targeting
Center issued an event file for the Saudi calling for his deportation
under Section 212 (a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act,
which makes a foreigner inadmissible to the U.S. because of terrorism or
related activity.
I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas. - Ron Paul / Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy. - Ron Paul / EPHESIANS 6:12 KJV
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Child Hunger Is Exploding In Greece – And 14 Signs That It Is Starting To Happen In America Too
Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
April 25, 2013
The world is heading into a horrific economic nightmare, and an inordinate amount of the suffering is going to fall on innocent children. If you want to get an idea of what America is going to look like in the not too distant future, just check out what is happening in Greece. At this point, Greece is experiencing a full-blown economic depression. As I have written about previously, the unemployment rate in Greece has now risen to 27 percent, which is much higher than the peak unemployment rate that the U.S. economy experienced during the Great Depression of the 1930s. And as you will read about below, child hunger is absolutely exploding in Greece right now. Some families are literally trying to survive on pasta and ketchup. But don’t think for a moment that it can’t happen here. Sadly, the truth is that child hunger is already rising very rapidly in our poverty-stricken cities. Never before have we had so many Americans unable to take care of themselves. Food stamp enrollment and child homelessness have soared to brand new all-time records, and there are actually thousands of Americans that are so poor that they live in tunnels underneath our cities. But for millions of other Americans, the suffering is not quite so dramatic. Instead, they just watch their hopes and their dreams slowly slip away as they struggle to find a way to make it from month to month. There are millions of parents that lead lives that are filled with constant stress and anxiety as they try to figure out how to provide the basics for their children. How do you tell a child that you can’t give them any dinner even though you have been trying as hard as you can? What many families go through on a regular basis is absolutely heartbreaking. Unfortunately, more poor families slip through the cracks with each passing day, and these are supposedly times in which we are experiencing an “economic recovery”. So what are things going to look like when the next major economic downturn strikes?
A recent New York Times article detailed the horrifying child hunger that we are witnessing in Greece right now. At some schools there are reports of children actually begging for food from their classmates…
Don’t think that it can’t happen. Just a few years ago the Greek middle class was vibrant and thriving.
And we are starting to see hunger explode in other European countries as well. For example, in the UK the number of people receiving emergency food rations has increased by 170 percentover the past year.
This is one of the reasons why I get upset when people say that “things are getting better”. Yes, the stock market has been setting record highs lately, but things are most definitely not getting better.
Even during this false bubble of debt-fueled economic stability that we are enjoying right now, we continue to see hunger and poverty rise dramatically in America.
Since Barack Obama has been president, the number of Americans on food stamps has grown from 32 million to more than 47 million.
Will we all be on food stamps eventually?
Will we all become dependent on the government for our survival at some point?
According to the Boston Herald, even Tamerlan Tsarnaev was receiving government welfare benefits…
And yes, there are some people out there that are abusing the system. In fact, the cost of food stamp fraud has risen sharply toapproximately $750 million in recent years.
But most of the people on these programs really need the help. Thanks to our incredibly foolish economic policies, there are not enough good jobs for everyone and there never will be again. The percentage of Americans that are unable to take care of themselves is going to continue to rise, and the suffering that we are witnessing right now is going to get much, much worse.
Not that things aren’t really, really bad already. Here are some signs that child hunger in America has already started to explode…
#1 Today, approximately 17 million children in the United States are facing food insecurity. In other words, that means that “one in four children in the country is living without consistent access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy life.”
#2 We are told that we live in the “wealthiest nation” on the planet, and yet more than one out of every four children in the United States is enrolled in the food stamp program.
#3 The average food stamp benefit breaks down to approximately$4 per person per day.
#4 It is being projected that approximately 50 percent of all U.S. children will be on food stamps before they reach the age of 18.
#5 It may be hard to believe, but approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are currently living in homes that are either considered to be either “low income” or impoverished.
#6 The number of children living on $2.00 a day or less in the United States has grown to 2.8 million. That number has increased by 130 percent since 1996.
#7 According to Feeding America, “households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 20.6 percent compared to 12.2 percent”.
#8 According to a Feeding America hunger study, more than 37 million Americans are now being served by food pantries and soup kitchens.
#9 For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year.
#10 Approximately 20 million U.S. children rely on school meal programs to keep from going hungry.
#11 One university study estimates that child poverty costs the U.S. economy 500 billion dollars each year.
#12 In Miami, 45 percent of all children are living in poverty.
#13 In Cleveland, more than 50 percent of all children are living in poverty.
#14 According to a recently released report, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty.
For many more facts about the dramatic explosion of poverty in this country, please see my previous article entitled “21 Statistics About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Everyone Should Know“.
Unfortunately, most of the time statistics don’t really tell the whole story. Numbers alone cannot really communicate the soul-crushing despair that millions of American families are enduring on a daily basis at this point.
How can numbers communicate the pain that a child feels when her grandmother does not eat because there is not enough food for everyone in the family? But this is what some families in Americaactually go through because there is not enough money…
I wonder why we don’t see more stuff like this on the mainstream news in this country?
Could it be that the mainstream media does not want to admit how bad things have really gotten?
All of this is also a reminder that we need to be generous to those in need. Times are going to get much, much harder than this, and we are all going to need one another.
So do you have any stories of poverty or child hunger from your area of the country to share? Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below…
Economic Collapse
April 25, 2013
The world is heading into a horrific economic nightmare, and an inordinate amount of the suffering is going to fall on innocent children. If you want to get an idea of what America is going to look like in the not too distant future, just check out what is happening in Greece. At this point, Greece is experiencing a full-blown economic depression. As I have written about previously, the unemployment rate in Greece has now risen to 27 percent, which is much higher than the peak unemployment rate that the U.S. economy experienced during the Great Depression of the 1930s. And as you will read about below, child hunger is absolutely exploding in Greece right now. Some families are literally trying to survive on pasta and ketchup. But don’t think for a moment that it can’t happen here. Sadly, the truth is that child hunger is already rising very rapidly in our poverty-stricken cities. Never before have we had so many Americans unable to take care of themselves. Food stamp enrollment and child homelessness have soared to brand new all-time records, and there are actually thousands of Americans that are so poor that they live in tunnels underneath our cities. But for millions of other Americans, the suffering is not quite so dramatic. Instead, they just watch their hopes and their dreams slowly slip away as they struggle to find a way to make it from month to month. There are millions of parents that lead lives that are filled with constant stress and anxiety as they try to figure out how to provide the basics for their children. How do you tell a child that you can’t give them any dinner even though you have been trying as hard as you can? What many families go through on a regular basis is absolutely heartbreaking. Unfortunately, more poor families slip through the cracks with each passing day, and these are supposedly times in which we are experiencing an “economic recovery”. So what are things going to look like when the next major economic downturn strikes?
A recent New York Times article detailed the horrifying child hunger that we are witnessing in Greece right now. At some schools there are reports of children actually begging for food from their classmates…
As an elementary school principal, Leonidas Nikas is used to seeing children play, laugh and dream about the future. But recently he has seen something altogether different, something he thought was impossible in Greece: children picking through school trash cans for food; needy youngsters asking playmates for leftovers; and an 11-year-old boy, Pantelis Petrakis, bent over with hunger pains.Could you imagine that happening to your children or your grandchildren?
“He had eaten almost nothing at home,” Mr. Nikas said, sitting in his cramped school office near the port of Piraeus, a working-class suburb of Athens, as the sound of a jump rope skittered across the playground. He confronted Pantelis’s parents, who were ashamed and embarrassed but admitted that they had not been able to find work for months. Their savings were gone, and they were living on rations of pasta and ketchup.
Don’t think that it can’t happen. Just a few years ago the Greek middle class was vibrant and thriving.
And we are starting to see hunger explode in other European countries as well. For example, in the UK the number of people receiving emergency food rations has increased by 170 percentover the past year.
This is one of the reasons why I get upset when people say that “things are getting better”. Yes, the stock market has been setting record highs lately, but things are most definitely not getting better.
Even during this false bubble of debt-fueled economic stability that we are enjoying right now, we continue to see hunger and poverty rise dramatically in America.
Since Barack Obama has been president, the number of Americans on food stamps has grown from 32 million to more than 47 million.
Will we all be on food stamps eventually?
Will we all become dependent on the government for our survival at some point?
According to the Boston Herald, even Tamerlan Tsarnaev was receiving government welfare benefits…
Marathon bombings mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was living on taxpayer-funded state welfare benefits even as he was delving deep into the world of radical anti-American Islamism, the Herald has learned.Isn’t that crazy?
State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter. The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits.
And yes, there are some people out there that are abusing the system. In fact, the cost of food stamp fraud has risen sharply toapproximately $750 million in recent years.
But most of the people on these programs really need the help. Thanks to our incredibly foolish economic policies, there are not enough good jobs for everyone and there never will be again. The percentage of Americans that are unable to take care of themselves is going to continue to rise, and the suffering that we are witnessing right now is going to get much, much worse.
Not that things aren’t really, really bad already. Here are some signs that child hunger in America has already started to explode…
#1 Today, approximately 17 million children in the United States are facing food insecurity. In other words, that means that “one in four children in the country is living without consistent access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy life.”
#2 We are told that we live in the “wealthiest nation” on the planet, and yet more than one out of every four children in the United States is enrolled in the food stamp program.
#3 The average food stamp benefit breaks down to approximately$4 per person per day.
#4 It is being projected that approximately 50 percent of all U.S. children will be on food stamps before they reach the age of 18.
#5 It may be hard to believe, but approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are currently living in homes that are either considered to be either “low income” or impoverished.
#6 The number of children living on $2.00 a day or less in the United States has grown to 2.8 million. That number has increased by 130 percent since 1996.
#7 According to Feeding America, “households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 20.6 percent compared to 12.2 percent”.
#8 According to a Feeding America hunger study, more than 37 million Americans are now being served by food pantries and soup kitchens.
#9 For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year.
#10 Approximately 20 million U.S. children rely on school meal programs to keep from going hungry.
#11 One university study estimates that child poverty costs the U.S. economy 500 billion dollars each year.
#12 In Miami, 45 percent of all children are living in poverty.
#13 In Cleveland, more than 50 percent of all children are living in poverty.
#14 According to a recently released report, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty.
For many more facts about the dramatic explosion of poverty in this country, please see my previous article entitled “21 Statistics About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Everyone Should Know“.
Unfortunately, most of the time statistics don’t really tell the whole story. Numbers alone cannot really communicate the soul-crushing despair that millions of American families are enduring on a daily basis at this point.
How can numbers communicate the pain that a child feels when her grandmother does not eat because there is not enough food for everyone in the family? But this is what some families in Americaactually go through because there is not enough money…
Vanyshia tells about the sacrifices her Grandmother makes so that she and her siblings can eat. “Sometimes my Grandma can’t even eat because she has to feed me and my brother and sister. Sometimes I don’t eat as much as I want to because I leave some for my Grandma because I don’t want her to sit there and starve. Sometimes she doesn’t have enough money to buy food, so she has to go to the bank and borrow money. It makes me feel sad. I don’t want her to be hungry. I just feel sad sometimes,” says Vanyshia.Things can be particularly tough when you are a single parent. The BBC recently profiled a single mother that is struggling to raise two young children in Iowa…
“We don’t get three meals a day like breakfast, lunch and then dinner,” says Kaylie. “When I feel hungry I feel sad and droopy.”For more examples like this one, I encourage everyone to go watch a recent BBC documentary entitled “America’s Poor Kids” that you can see right here.
Kaylie and Tyler live with their mother Barbara, who used to work in a factory. After losing her job, she was entitled to unemployment benefit and food stamps – this comes to $1,480 (£974) a month.
But they were no longer able to afford to live in their house, which along with bills cost $1,326 (£873) a month, leaving little for food or petrol.
Kaylie supplemented their income by collecting cans along the railway track near their old home – earning between two and five cents per can.
I wonder why we don’t see more stuff like this on the mainstream news in this country?
Could it be that the mainstream media does not want to admit how bad things have really gotten?
All of this is also a reminder that we need to be generous to those in need. Times are going to get much, much harder than this, and we are all going to need one another.
So do you have any stories of poverty or child hunger from your area of the country to share? Please feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment below…
This article was posted: Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 4:31 am
Nestlé CEO Denies That Water is an Essential Human Right
Kevin Samson
Activist Post
The current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé, the largest producer of food products in the world, believes that the answer to global water issues is privatization. This statement is on record from the wonderful company that has peddled junk food in the Amazon, has invested money to thwart the labeling of GMO-filled products, has a disturbing health and ethics record for its infant formula, and has deployed a cyber army to monitor Internet criticism and shape discussions in social media.
This is apparently the company we should trust to manage our water, despite the record of large bottling companies like Nestlé having a track record of creating shortages:
Here is just one example, among many, of his company's concern for the public thus far:
Activist Post
The current Chairman and former CEO of Nestlé, the largest producer of food products in the world, believes that the answer to global water issues is privatization. This statement is on record from the wonderful company that has peddled junk food in the Amazon, has invested money to thwart the labeling of GMO-filled products, has a disturbing health and ethics record for its infant formula, and has deployed a cyber army to monitor Internet criticism and shape discussions in social media.
This is apparently the company we should trust to manage our water, despite the record of large bottling companies like Nestlé having a track record of creating shortages:
Large multinational beverage companies are usually given water-well privileges (and even tax breaks) over citizens because they create jobs, which is apparently more important to the local governments than water rights to other taxpaying citizens. These companies such as Coca Cola and Nestlé (which bottles suburban Michigan well-water and calls it Poland Spring) suck up millions of gallons of water, leaving the public to suffer with any shortages. (source)But Chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, believes that "access to water is not a public right." Nor is it a human right. So if privatization is the answer, is this the company in which the public should place its trust?
Here is just one example, among many, of his company's concern for the public thus far:
In the small Pakistani community of Bhati Dilwan, a former village councilor says children are being sickened by filthy water. Who's to blame? He says it's bottled water-maker Nestlé, which dug a deep well that is depriving locals of potable water. “The water is not only very dirty, but the water level sank from 100 to 300 to 400 feet,” Dilwan says. (source)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Follow Up Attack? Ricin Sent To Senator Who Ended Gun Control Filibuster; Second Letter Sent To Obama
Pattern beginning to emerge as some suggest both attacks could be right wing, pro-gun extremists
Steve Watson
April 17, 2013
A letter believed to have been laced with the deadly substance ricin was intercepted in a Maryland post office yesterday before it could reach it’s intended destination – the desk of a Senator who has been fiercely critical of gun control legislation, yet voted to block a filibuster on the issue.
In a statement late Tuesday, the U.S. Capitol Police said that further tests on the package, which had a Memphis, Tennessee, postmark, are being conducted at the Army’s biomedical research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Though false positives of ricin in letters to elected reps. have been recorded in the recent past, the analysis conducted so far seems to conclusively show that the deadly toxin was present in the letter.
The intended target of the letter was Sen. Roger Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi, who in recent weeks has vowed to block any legislation that would further tighten firearms regulation.
“I have an A+ rating from the NRA and have consistently worked to protect Second Amendment rights,’ Wicker wrote on his Facebook page last week. “I have never voted for gun control and will not do so… I will filibuster.” the Senator, and former 12 year Congressman noted.
Despite his staunch opposition to gun control, Wicker was one of only 16 Republicans who last week voted to end the filibuster on the legislation and invite debate on the matter.
“This begins a debate to put the Senate on record about a basic constitutional freedom.” Wicker stated at the time.
In justifying his vote, Wicker pointed to “the opportunity to vote on measures to strengthen gun rights, such as an amendment to protect veterans from unfair restrictions when trying to purchase a firearm.”
Wicker reiterated that he “will filibuster passage of a final bill if it contains gun restrictions or a weapons ban.”
Because of Wicker’s vote to end the filibuster last week, some have suggested that he may have been targeted by an extremist right wing pro-gun group or individual:
As we reported yesterday, a media driven narrative is beginning to emerge that paves the way to level blame for the Boston attack at the feet of anti-government, “patriot”, tea party types.
Politico reported that the ricin letter contained a warning that read “You haven’t listen to me before. Now you will, even if people have to die.”
An FBI bulletin obtained by Fox News also stated that the letter contained the sentence “To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance.”
Both letters were reportedly signed, “I am KC and I approve this message.”
The same bulletin also noted that a second letter containing the same phrase was also sent to the president. It is not clear whether the letter to Obama also contained ricin.
Police and the FBI have refused to comment on the situation. However, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., told the Associated Press that police have a suspect in mind.
“The person that is a suspect writes a lot of letters to members,” McCaskill told reporters as she emerged from a classified briefing.
Senator Wicker, who has served in the Senate since 2007, has been assigned a protective detail, according to police sources.
“This matter is part of an ongoing investigation by the United States Capitol Police and FBI,’ Wicker said in a statement released late Tuesday. ‘I want to thank our law enforcement officials for their hard work and diligence in keeping those of us who work in the Capitol complex safe.”
The timing of the attempted attack on Senator Wicker, just one day after the bombing in Boston, has recalled the 2001 anthrax attacks, where deadly letters were sent to elected representatives and newsrooms in the days following 9/11.
The FBI’s official narrative on those attacks has since been proven extremely doubtful at best, and has been seriously questioned by leading scientists and world authorities on the composition of Anthrax.
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.
Steve Watson
April 17, 2013
A letter believed to have been laced with the deadly substance ricin was intercepted in a Maryland post office yesterday before it could reach it’s intended destination – the desk of a Senator who has been fiercely critical of gun control legislation, yet voted to block a filibuster on the issue.
In a statement late Tuesday, the U.S. Capitol Police said that further tests on the package, which had a Memphis, Tennessee, postmark, are being conducted at the Army’s biomedical research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Though false positives of ricin in letters to elected reps. have been recorded in the recent past, the analysis conducted so far seems to conclusively show that the deadly toxin was present in the letter.
The intended target of the letter was Sen. Roger Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi, who in recent weeks has vowed to block any legislation that would further tighten firearms regulation.
“I have an A+ rating from the NRA and have consistently worked to protect Second Amendment rights,’ Wicker wrote on his Facebook page last week. “I have never voted for gun control and will not do so… I will filibuster.” the Senator, and former 12 year Congressman noted.
Despite his staunch opposition to gun control, Wicker was one of only 16 Republicans who last week voted to end the filibuster on the legislation and invite debate on the matter.
“This begins a debate to put the Senate on record about a basic constitutional freedom.” Wicker stated at the time.
In justifying his vote, Wicker pointed to “the opportunity to vote on measures to strengthen gun rights, such as an amendment to protect veterans from unfair restrictions when trying to purchase a firearm.”
Wicker reiterated that he “will filibuster passage of a final bill if it contains gun restrictions or a weapons ban.”
Because of Wicker’s vote to end the filibuster last week, some have suggested that he may have been targeted by an extremist right wing pro-gun group or individual:
Probably right wing terror groups sent Ricin to all 16 “Traitor” Republican Senators to end gun control filibuster #BostonOthers have suggested that the incident could be tied in with the Boston bombings:
— Jeff Gauvin (@JeffersonObama) April 16, 2013
IF ricin letter is connected w/ Boston, it echoes Minnesota Patriots Council plotting of early 90s and 2011 Georgia plot. Both anti-tax/fedAlthough not out of the question, this would be somewhat of a stretch, given that Senator Wicker is, despite his vote last week, still a staunch critic of gun control legislation.
— Jarret Brachman (@Jarret_Brachman) April 16, 2013
As we reported yesterday, a media driven narrative is beginning to emerge that paves the way to level blame for the Boston attack at the feet of anti-government, “patriot”, tea party types.
Politico reported that the ricin letter contained a warning that read “You haven’t listen to me before. Now you will, even if people have to die.”
An FBI bulletin obtained by Fox News also stated that the letter contained the sentence “To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance.”
Both letters were reportedly signed, “I am KC and I approve this message.”
The same bulletin also noted that a second letter containing the same phrase was also sent to the president. It is not clear whether the letter to Obama also contained ricin.
Police and the FBI have refused to comment on the situation. However, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., told the Associated Press that police have a suspect in mind.
“The person that is a suspect writes a lot of letters to members,” McCaskill told reporters as she emerged from a classified briefing.
Senator Wicker, who has served in the Senate since 2007, has been assigned a protective detail, according to police sources.
“This matter is part of an ongoing investigation by the United States Capitol Police and FBI,’ Wicker said in a statement released late Tuesday. ‘I want to thank our law enforcement officials for their hard work and diligence in keeping those of us who work in the Capitol complex safe.”
The timing of the attempted attack on Senator Wicker, just one day after the bombing in Boston, has recalled the 2001 anthrax attacks, where deadly letters were sent to elected representatives and newsrooms in the days following 9/11.
The FBI’s official narrative on those attacks has since been proven extremely doubtful at best, and has been seriously questioned by leading scientists and world authorities on the composition of Anthrax.
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.
This article was posted: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 10:53 am
Boston Bombing Culprits Identified?
Paul Joseph Watson
April 17, 2013
UPDATE: FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare” before speaking to the media. Struggling to get their narrative straight in the aftermath of numerous men with backpacks being identified?
Photos collated on the 4chan website show numerous images of suspicious individuals wearing large backpacks present at the scene of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Three of the men appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern in appearance, whereas another two of the individuals are white.
The images show the men looking away from the marathon runners, talking on cellphones and running from the scene immediately after the blast.
Remains of one of the backpacks are also photographed yards from where one of the bombs exploded. The FBI states that at least one of the pressure cooker devices used in the bombing was housed in a backpack.
Some of these men may have merely been victims, but the image of the two men standing together wearing the same clothes and carrying heavy backpacks and wearing credentials suggests they may have been involved in a drill or in the actual attack. One of individuals, a white man whose backpack was found at the scene of the bombing, looks badly dressed and disheveled.
The Associated Press is now reporting that authorities have identified a suspect wearing a “black jacket on a cell phone, wearing a gray hoodie and a white baseball cap backwards placing a black bag at the second bomb site outside of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street and then leaving the area before that explosion,” a description which closely but not specifically could be applied to more than one different man identified in the photos below.
As eyewitness Ali Stevenson reported, marathon runners were told before the bombing that a “drill” was taking place involving bomb sniffing dogs and spotters of roofs and to remain calm, although police later denied that any exercise had taken place.
CNN reported that authorities have identified one of the suspects involved in the attack by means of “video from a department store near the site of the second explosion” and “video from a Boston television station.” CNN backed off a report that a suspect had already been arrested.
The Boston Globe also reports that, “authorities have an image of a suspect carrying and possibly dropping a black bag at the second blast site on Boylston Street.”
NewsCenter5 is reporting that, “An arrest is imminent or may have already taken place,” and that the individual is being taken to court.
April 17, 2013
UPDATE: FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare” before speaking to the media. Struggling to get their narrative straight in the aftermath of numerous men with backpacks being identified?
Photos collated on the 4chan website show numerous images of suspicious individuals wearing large backpacks present at the scene of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Three of the men appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern in appearance, whereas another two of the individuals are white.
The images show the men looking away from the marathon runners, talking on cellphones and running from the scene immediately after the blast.
Remains of one of the backpacks are also photographed yards from where one of the bombs exploded. The FBI states that at least one of the pressure cooker devices used in the bombing was housed in a backpack.
Some of these men may have merely been victims, but the image of the two men standing together wearing the same clothes and carrying heavy backpacks and wearing credentials suggests they may have been involved in a drill or in the actual attack. One of individuals, a white man whose backpack was found at the scene of the bombing, looks badly dressed and disheveled.
The Associated Press is now reporting that authorities have identified a suspect wearing a “black jacket on a cell phone, wearing a gray hoodie and a white baseball cap backwards placing a black bag at the second bomb site outside of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street and then leaving the area before that explosion,” a description which closely but not specifically could be applied to more than one different man identified in the photos below.
As eyewitness Ali Stevenson reported, marathon runners were told before the bombing that a “drill” was taking place involving bomb sniffing dogs and spotters of roofs and to remain calm, although police later denied that any exercise had taken place.
CNN reported that authorities have identified one of the suspects involved in the attack by means of “video from a department store near the site of the second explosion” and “video from a Boston television station.” CNN backed off a report that a suspect had already been arrested.
The Boston Globe also reports that, “authorities have an image of a suspect carrying and possibly dropping a black bag at the second blast site on Boylston Street.”
NewsCenter5 is reporting that, “An arrest is imminent or may have already taken place,” and that the individual is being taken to court.













This article was posted: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 12:09 pm
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