Doc Wallach & Splenda From Molasses
By Alan Graham
With Alfred Lehmberg
There is a veritable explosion in the use of the controversial sweetener Sucralose -or Splenda- IT'S EVERYWHERE! IT'S EVERYWHERE, just like Chickenman! This is because it looks so "perfect" on paper, I suspect... no calories, tastes like sugar, and it's cheap.
Wow, what could be the down side? Cue the tense music.
Below I will honestly try to give you both sides of the argument, balanced and fair, so you can decide for yourself, but first I want to point out how one heavy-hitter in the supplement industry, Doc Wallach of Youngevity INC, has made a silly, albeit outrageous, claim with regard to Sucralose. Wallach? He's the famous "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" guy on the radio. Unfortunately? He doesn't practice what he preaches regarding, well... ...lies!
Case in point, a caller to his radio show inquired, straight out, if Sucralose -the sweetener in Splenda, sweetening the Doc's top selling product "Nature's Whey" Protein Powder- was safe. Doc said it was a no-calorie sweetener made from Molasses, so he "loved" Sucralose!
...Molasses!?! Great suffering ZOT, reader! There is but one tenuous connection I can make between Sucralose and Molasses. This is that Molasses is a by-product of Sugar production. See, after they extract all the sugar out of the cane juice, the waste that is left over is the Molasses. That's a connection?
No, it's the sucrose (table-sugar), actually, that is then made into Sucralose - it is not made from Molasses. The ugly truth is that Sucralose is made from SUGAR by using a long, convoluted, and controversial series of CHEMICAL processes centered on the removal of 3 hydroxyl groups out of the normal sugar molecule, and then replacing those hydroxyl groups with 3 chlorine atoms! This new "Chlorinated" and potentially very toxic Sucralose molecule is the problematic result!
Consequently, I'm compelled to agree with the #1 web holistic Doctor, Dr. Mercola, and many others I might add, like my buddy The Leaf Lady - she's only been a Naturopatic Doctor for 50 years!
These folks report that Sucralose is not safe, specifically, because it is a manmade "Chlorinated-Molecule" of the most dubious provenance!
Howsoever, this paper is not just to convince you Sucralose is unsafe, even though I hope I do - see, this paper also addresses how a named scientist like Dr. Wallach could celebrate the safety of this controversial product by lying about where it comes from, and certainly never mentioning that pesky little injection of 3 toxic atoms into a sugar molecule, fundamentally creating Sucralose... yes, reader, Sucralose is "created," remember... a Franken-food!
Doubtlessly, it must be obvious to you, reader, that Doc Wallach prefers you to think it is just some natural, harmless "part" of the "Molasses" you get after Granny stirs up a big pot of "cane-squeezins" on the wood fire! Small hyperbole, perhaps, but Doc Wallach certainly never mentions the Chlorination process that has so many top holistic investigators crying foul!
Do a web search for anything resembling "How Sucralose is made" or "Sucralose processing," without mentioning Chlorine or Molasses in your query... AND then every time we see the word "Molasses" pop up in the 100,000 hits or so, I will give you $1000... but all you have to do is give me ONE Dollar every time you see the words "Chlorine" or "Chlorination"... I will win about $100,000... that's 100,000 hits to your ZERO hits for that silly molasses query.
It seems plain there is NO "molasses connection"-that I can see-but please, show me where I'm wrong care of .
The 2 mainstream views on Sucralose are:
(1).. "Sucralose is a chlorinated sugar molecule that is not biocompatible with humans, rendering this New "sugar" unrecognizable to us, so it is not metabolized, meaning it passes harmlessly out of your body! Additionally, the FDA has found it to be "safe."
(2).. The opposing view is that, regardless of human compatibility, it is loaded with "organic compounds" so some of the Sucralose is metabolized anyway! Just how much seems to be the big question... lastly, who cares what the professionally bankrupt "spawns of Satan" at the FDA say, anyway!
You also hear..."Sucralose is safe, much like table-salt, which contains a Chlorine atom, but the toxic Chlorine atom stays locked up in the salt & is not metabolized." Hoo, boy!
OK, let me take issue with the preceding seriously silly argument - while describing how this all works. Forgive a little high school chemistry:
"Sugar" is a hydrocarbon comprised of 12 carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group (hydrogen & oxygen) stuck to each one. To create Sucralose, 3 of these hydroxyl groups are chemically replaced with chlorine atoms as I said above. This changes the sugar from a hydro-carbon to a ...chloro-carbon.
See, chlorocarbons are not biocompatible with human physiology, so it would appear that much -if not most- of the stuff goes through w/o being metabolized. The problem is, then, just how much, if any, is actually metabolized or broken apart... to release the VERY aggressive and toxic chlorine atom! The chlorine atom is the "Pit-Bull" of dangerous free-radicals, savaging every cell in your body!
No hyperbole there!
Consider, even the Splenda website itself is careful to say that the sucralose molecule passes harmlessly through you... and "ALMOST NONE" is metabolized -hey wait a minute!- doesn't that word "almost" imply that "some" is metabolized? Just "how much", eh? Well, THAT'S the question, neatly!
Because I have no way of knowing for sure, I am going to go with the conservative figure that Dr. Mercola finds to be closest to reality - which is 15% of the sucralose will be converted... billions of rabid little pit-bulls released to wander... yow! This seems reasonable considering the US FDA's test in 1998 ( found that 11 to 27 % of the chlorine atoms are released! Yow again!
I say "conservative" because others claim 25% is metabolized - forgetting that there is a Japanese study having that figure up to40%! Yow to the MAX!
The preceding, though bad enough, it remains, by the way: you cannot use the duplicitously bogus sodium-chloride (table-salt) comparison! Here's why:
Salt -or sodium-chloride- is completely INorganic and held together by the powerful "Ionic Bond"! So, for those 2 reasons, the body does not even try to metabolize it!
Chlorocarbons, on the other hand, contain organic compounds like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, which -being held together with the weaker "Covalent Bond" - encourages your liver to go after those self-same ORGANIC compounds! See, your liver WILL try to metabolize the Chlorocarbon molecule! So from "maybe almost none" up to perhaps 40% is metabolized...
See the problem?
...And it would certainly be wrong if Doctor Wallach used the FDA as a credible verification of Sucralose safety. You know, given he is foreverpointing out how the FDA is "in the tank" for "whomever" and "whatever"... a demonstrable fact I regularly point out myself. It remains he still has opportunity to ride in on FDA coat-tails and doesn't have to say a word in fact. The Doc won't sneer at that FDA approval.
Lastly? "Sucralose is safe because chlorine is found naturally in food"...Oh Lord !
OK, Listen-Up. "Chlorine" found naturally in food is GOOD FOR YOU!
Natural ORGANIC Chlorine like that found in food is there to fulfill several necessary functions. It will not harm you. It is; however, nothing like the man-manipulated "Psyco-Killer-Pit-Bull" Chlorine Free-Radical popped loose from Sucralose, reader, so forget that scrofulously bogus argument!
Do a modicum of research and I think you will agree with me!
Besides, why take a chance with Sucralose, at all, when there is Stevia & Xylitol available... of course they are both more expensive. So? It remains reader; these are healthful! Besides, if everyone bought Stevia and rejected Splenda the price would go way down in a hurry.
FYI "WARNING" - More Chlorine horrors. Please stop using Chlorine Bleach for cleaning... the fumes are VERY toxic & will eventually damage your lungs & more! Instead, use 35% Food-Grade H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) that must then be DILUTED. It will kill harmful microbes about as ferociously as bleach but it is NOT toxic...however, it is very dangerous (at full strength)! Because the recommended storage place is in the refrigerator, your kid or drunk husband could swallow some and at 35% potency? It would likely kill them within a few minutes. But hey, chlorine bleach ain't that good for ya', either, by the by! Cold slows the degradation of the H2O2, explaining its appearance in the fridge; however, most come with a fairly good drunk-proof safety cap..
FYI on H2O2 (carefully diluted, reader, and taken internally): it's so "smart" that it will kill harmful microbes, of course, but it will not kill beneficial ones naturally found in your gut. This carefully diluted H2O2 is Probiotic (for life) it will benefit your good bugs... but is death onharmful living things... like the harmful anaerobic bacteria in your gut that can't tolerate an explosion of oxygen from some few drops of H2O2 in the appropriate amount of water. You CANNOT use regular Hydrogen Peroxide folks - it must be "Food-Grade." Regardless, for all the healthful benefits of this therapy, H2O2 -the reader is sternly cautioned- is a caustic chemical not to be trifled with or regarded lightly! Be warned!
Know what you're doing!
Speaking of caustic chemicals, the most DANGEROUS TOXIC chemical apparatus in your home is your dishwasher, believe it or not, if you use typical dishwasher detergent. The steam that pours out after you open the door sends toxic chlorine vapor all through the house.
There are several Chlorine-free products on the web... like "Seventh Generation" - (I don't own stock...)
Also if you could learn to appreciate just how toxic chlorine is, you might even go "full-tilt-boogie" and convert your swimming pool to an H2O2 system! You do absorb Chlorine right through your skin so shower filters for Chlorine are becoming a hot item.
If you feel you must use bleach... please buy a mask like a spray-painter uses BUT it has to have a filter much more restrictive than an auto spray-painter... it must specifically say that it blocks chlorine. I'm serious!
Heading into the barn, for all you Youngevity (tm) associates upset with me right now... if you have a rational rebuttal, write... please! I wouldbe improved! It remains, though, Doc seems a little dirty.
I have to make mention, if you would like to read about a couple of other lies reference Doc Wallach products... lies much more egregious than this "little Molasses fib," then read the following paper:
Today? I only deconstructed his Sucralose fib because of space and the subject of Splenda has a critical relevancy... but his 2 other lies (link above) are the real insults to credulity... In fact, one is so fulsomely blatant that it ranks right up there with the guy urinating on your leg while remarking on the steady rain. I digress...
If I'm wrong, please demonstrate it to me; again, I would be better informed, remember. It remains, too, that I want to be a Wallach-phile... really. His philosophy regarding supplements & nutrition seems not only correct but, in fact, ahead of the pack, in the aggregate, but his daunting infidelities make it difficult to love him. know, who can love... ...a liar... of any stripe?
Consider too at last: "What would Jesus do?" See, Doc Wallach is always interjecting God into his program... so if I'm right about the subterfuge above -which I am- then doesn't that, sort of, well... diminish all Christians... just a little bit?
Are you "distributors" -who consider yourselves Christian- going to confront your boss and insist he clean up his act, or, are you gonna cave and bow to Mammon, that god of greed?
C'mon! Insist on truth. Gratify some and astonish the rest.
Alan Graham
That's enough. Well be.
I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas. - Ron Paul / Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy. - Ron Paul / EPHESIANS 6:12 KJV
Friday, November 27, 2009
Are Ukraine Black Death Cases result of IMF Loans
Are Ukraine Black Death Cases result of IMF Loans
F. William Engdahl
Global Research
Fri Nov 27, 2009
The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical examiners describe results of autopsies on dead patients in chilling terms that recall the Black Death descriptions from the Fourteenth Century in Venice. While everyone is calling it “Swine Flu” and the WHO using it to spread their panic and untested vaccines, there is strong evidence that the deaths—almost all from pulmonary conditions—are from a rising incidence of Tuberculosis (TB). Now a Cambridge University study shows that there is a close correlation between rise in TB and the severe austerity measures that go with IMF loans. Are the Ukraine ‘Black Death’ cases the result of Ukraine’s IMF loans?
While attention is turned to the non-proven H1N1 as cause of a recent wave of illnesses and even some deaths across Ukraine, few if any have bothered to look at the public health consequences of Ukraine’s program with the International Monetary Fund. When the global financial crisis erupted into a systemic crisis in September 2008, one of the countries most devastated was Ukraine, where foreign lending had created an untenable speculative bubble that burst with a vengeance leaving the Ukraine currency falling like a stone and bankruptcies everywhere in one of Europe’s poorest countries.
In November 2008 Ukraine applied to the IMF in Washington for an emergency $16.4 billion loan. The loan is being spoon-fed to the government in chunks of several billion to insure the Government follows the strict IMF “conditionalities” demanded by Washington. The purpose of the IMF loan is explicitly to stabilize the Ukraine currency and support the Central Bank, and not to help the economy or the population come through the crisis. The IMF argues that if the currency restabilizes, then foreign investors will return. That is a fairy tale at best. But in the process, the IMF is demanding savage cuts in pension benefits, public services including health services.
There is where the link between IMF loans and an explosion of TB cases converge.
Cambridge study shows link
A major study undertaken by Britain’s respected Cambridge University establishes a clear link between IMF conditions and sharp rises in incidence of TB, a disease related to severe poverty conditions and lack of public health infrastructure and hence most common in Africa or poorer Asian regions.
In every case when the IMF makes emergency loans, it demands a “structural adjustment program.” In every case the medicine is the same: The target government must impose severe cuts in spending, including spending for public health and pensions to “control inflation.” Some critics have suggested the IMF be renamed the “Infant Mortality Fund” as the practice has been repeated with predictable results so often in African and other countries.
A study by David Stuckler at the University of Cambridge has now analyzed TB data in 21 countries in central and eastern Europe that were involved with the IMF for different amounts of time after 1989 and borrowed different amounts of money. The study was published in the journal PLoS Medicine. [1] It statistically controlled for numerous other factors that affect tuberculosis rates, including the prevalence of AIDS, inflation rates, urbanization, unemployment rates, the age of the population and improved surveillance.
They found these IMF countries had significantly more TB cases, and more deaths from TB than countries without IMF loans. The countries started with TB death rates averaging six per 100,000 of the population. This rose to 12 per 100,000 by 2003 in countries with IMF loans, fully double the rate, but sank in countries without them.
“We found TB rates were falling or steady before the IMF programmes began, and rose during the IMF programs,” then fell again afterwards to almost the rate they had been before the IMF, says Stuckler.
The team found that death rates rose almost 1% for each percent increase in the size of the IMF loan, and by another 4% for each year of IMF involvement.
The TB effect was not associated with other lenders, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which invests in Eastern Europe.
The reason the Cambridge scientists found was that IMF loans uniquely demand less government spending, fewer doctors per person, and a cut of nearly half in the number of people with TB that received Directly Observed Therapy, or DOTS.
DOTS is the World Health Organisation’s recommended method of managing TB, in which health personnel directly ensure that TB outpatients always take their medicine. The technique requires investment in public health staff.
TB actually kills quickly when patients do not get proper medical supervision, so death rates are likely an indicator of rapidly declining care, not of events years previously.
The IMF claims the increase in TB was related to the fall of the Soviet Union. But, if that was so, says Stuckler, the effect should have been similar across the old Soviet block, instead of being linked closely to IMF involvement. In Slovenia, which got no IMF loan, he points out, TB didn’t worsen at all.
Ukraine conditions
The conditions demanded by the IMF in Ukraine since November 2008 are precisely the same as those in earlier Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries in the early 1990s measured by Cambridge researchers.
On November 17 this year, the IMF in Washington decided to withhold the next $3.4 billion tranche of its Ukraine loan claiming that the Government and Parliament failed to sufficiently cut social spending!
The governments of France and the UK told a meeting earlier this month of EU foreign ministers in Brussels that they demanded “strict conditionality” before approving the release of the next portion of IMF money to Ukraine. Cynically, French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche stated, “There’s real disappointment among many of Ukraine’s friends over the inability to enact reforms.” Lellouche made clear what he meant: Ukraine will have to slash public spending and “undertake serious steps to pay back its debt and demonstrate that it is a reliable partner for investors.” The problem is many of those “investors” come to plunder and leave.
IMF demands have become politicized in the heated Ukranian election battle for early 2010. Prime Minister Julia Tymoshenko has agreed to IMF demands for cuts in public wages and pensions. Her rival President Viktor Yushchenko has rescinded the cuts, putting the IMF loan on hold.
Ukraine’s biggest strategic companies are saddled with crippling debts, including the state gas company which has struggled to meet Russian gas payments, only just managing a $500million payment this month. The global economic crisis has caused the country’s budget deficit to balloon, its inefficient Soviet-era factories to stagger, and international rating agencies have rushed to downgrade their view of economic prospects. The national currency, the hryvnia, has plunged by 60 per cent in a year, foreign direct investment has slowed to a trickle, and bad bank loans have multiplied.
Under the latest IMF loan Ukraine has been forced to slash spending on public health, close hospitals and fire doctors and health professionals. At the same time pensions have been cut or even suspended for lack of funds.
At the same time the IMF has demanded hefty tax hikes to balance the budget, something not even OECD economies are doing and something which only insures more impoverishment and unemployment. The tax hikes “will help to address the fiscal situation. It is now important that measures are taken to prevent the projected deficit of the pension fund,” Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, the IMF mission chief to Ukraine has said in a statement reported by the Wall Street Journal. GDP has fallen in Ukraine by 25-30% in the first two months of 2009 year on year.
The IMF has demanded Ukraine “balance” its pension funds, i.e. slash benefits to retired citizens, something few Western countries dare to do. Unemployment has doubled since September 2008 to 1 million people jobless. There are protests at the situation. Foreign banks control some 20% of Ukraine’s banking. If people wish to find the true “swine” source of rising TB deaths in Ukraine, they perhaps should look to the effects of the IMF loans on the health standards of the population and not to an unproven hypothetical so-called Swine Flu H1N1 virus.
F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. He may be contacted through his website,
1. David Stuckler, et al, International Monetary Fund Programs and Tuberculosis Outcomes in Post-Communist Countries, PLoS Med 5(7): e143. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050143.
F. William Engdahl
Global Research
Fri Nov 27, 2009
The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical examiners describe results of autopsies on dead patients in chilling terms that recall the Black Death descriptions from the Fourteenth Century in Venice. While everyone is calling it “Swine Flu” and the WHO using it to spread their panic and untested vaccines, there is strong evidence that the deaths—almost all from pulmonary conditions—are from a rising incidence of Tuberculosis (TB). Now a Cambridge University study shows that there is a close correlation between rise in TB and the severe austerity measures that go with IMF loans. Are the Ukraine ‘Black Death’ cases the result of Ukraine’s IMF loans?
While attention is turned to the non-proven H1N1 as cause of a recent wave of illnesses and even some deaths across Ukraine, few if any have bothered to look at the public health consequences of Ukraine’s program with the International Monetary Fund. When the global financial crisis erupted into a systemic crisis in September 2008, one of the countries most devastated was Ukraine, where foreign lending had created an untenable speculative bubble that burst with a vengeance leaving the Ukraine currency falling like a stone and bankruptcies everywhere in one of Europe’s poorest countries.
In November 2008 Ukraine applied to the IMF in Washington for an emergency $16.4 billion loan. The loan is being spoon-fed to the government in chunks of several billion to insure the Government follows the strict IMF “conditionalities” demanded by Washington. The purpose of the IMF loan is explicitly to stabilize the Ukraine currency and support the Central Bank, and not to help the economy or the population come through the crisis. The IMF argues that if the currency restabilizes, then foreign investors will return. That is a fairy tale at best. But in the process, the IMF is demanding savage cuts in pension benefits, public services including health services.
There is where the link between IMF loans and an explosion of TB cases converge.
Cambridge study shows link
A major study undertaken by Britain’s respected Cambridge University establishes a clear link between IMF conditions and sharp rises in incidence of TB, a disease related to severe poverty conditions and lack of public health infrastructure and hence most common in Africa or poorer Asian regions.
In every case when the IMF makes emergency loans, it demands a “structural adjustment program.” In every case the medicine is the same: The target government must impose severe cuts in spending, including spending for public health and pensions to “control inflation.” Some critics have suggested the IMF be renamed the “Infant Mortality Fund” as the practice has been repeated with predictable results so often in African and other countries.
A study by David Stuckler at the University of Cambridge has now analyzed TB data in 21 countries in central and eastern Europe that were involved with the IMF for different amounts of time after 1989 and borrowed different amounts of money. The study was published in the journal PLoS Medicine. [1] It statistically controlled for numerous other factors that affect tuberculosis rates, including the prevalence of AIDS, inflation rates, urbanization, unemployment rates, the age of the population and improved surveillance.
They found these IMF countries had significantly more TB cases, and more deaths from TB than countries without IMF loans. The countries started with TB death rates averaging six per 100,000 of the population. This rose to 12 per 100,000 by 2003 in countries with IMF loans, fully double the rate, but sank in countries without them.
“We found TB rates were falling or steady before the IMF programmes began, and rose during the IMF programs,” then fell again afterwards to almost the rate they had been before the IMF, says Stuckler.
The team found that death rates rose almost 1% for each percent increase in the size of the IMF loan, and by another 4% for each year of IMF involvement.
The TB effect was not associated with other lenders, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which invests in Eastern Europe.
The reason the Cambridge scientists found was that IMF loans uniquely demand less government spending, fewer doctors per person, and a cut of nearly half in the number of people with TB that received Directly Observed Therapy, or DOTS.
DOTS is the World Health Organisation’s recommended method of managing TB, in which health personnel directly ensure that TB outpatients always take their medicine. The technique requires investment in public health staff.
TB actually kills quickly when patients do not get proper medical supervision, so death rates are likely an indicator of rapidly declining care, not of events years previously.
The IMF claims the increase in TB was related to the fall of the Soviet Union. But, if that was so, says Stuckler, the effect should have been similar across the old Soviet block, instead of being linked closely to IMF involvement. In Slovenia, which got no IMF loan, he points out, TB didn’t worsen at all.
Ukraine conditions
The conditions demanded by the IMF in Ukraine since November 2008 are precisely the same as those in earlier Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries in the early 1990s measured by Cambridge researchers.
On November 17 this year, the IMF in Washington decided to withhold the next $3.4 billion tranche of its Ukraine loan claiming that the Government and Parliament failed to sufficiently cut social spending!
The governments of France and the UK told a meeting earlier this month of EU foreign ministers in Brussels that they demanded “strict conditionality” before approving the release of the next portion of IMF money to Ukraine. Cynically, French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche stated, “There’s real disappointment among many of Ukraine’s friends over the inability to enact reforms.” Lellouche made clear what he meant: Ukraine will have to slash public spending and “undertake serious steps to pay back its debt and demonstrate that it is a reliable partner for investors.” The problem is many of those “investors” come to plunder and leave.
IMF demands have become politicized in the heated Ukranian election battle for early 2010. Prime Minister Julia Tymoshenko has agreed to IMF demands for cuts in public wages and pensions. Her rival President Viktor Yushchenko has rescinded the cuts, putting the IMF loan on hold.
Ukraine’s biggest strategic companies are saddled with crippling debts, including the state gas company which has struggled to meet Russian gas payments, only just managing a $500million payment this month. The global economic crisis has caused the country’s budget deficit to balloon, its inefficient Soviet-era factories to stagger, and international rating agencies have rushed to downgrade their view of economic prospects. The national currency, the hryvnia, has plunged by 60 per cent in a year, foreign direct investment has slowed to a trickle, and bad bank loans have multiplied.
Under the latest IMF loan Ukraine has been forced to slash spending on public health, close hospitals and fire doctors and health professionals. At the same time pensions have been cut or even suspended for lack of funds.
At the same time the IMF has demanded hefty tax hikes to balance the budget, something not even OECD economies are doing and something which only insures more impoverishment and unemployment. The tax hikes “will help to address the fiscal situation. It is now important that measures are taken to prevent the projected deficit of the pension fund,” Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, the IMF mission chief to Ukraine has said in a statement reported by the Wall Street Journal. GDP has fallen in Ukraine by 25-30% in the first two months of 2009 year on year.
The IMF has demanded Ukraine “balance” its pension funds, i.e. slash benefits to retired citizens, something few Western countries dare to do. Unemployment has doubled since September 2008 to 1 million people jobless. There are protests at the situation. Foreign banks control some 20% of Ukraine’s banking. If people wish to find the true “swine” source of rising TB deaths in Ukraine, they perhaps should look to the effects of the IMF loans on the health standards of the population and not to an unproven hypothetical so-called Swine Flu H1N1 virus.
F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. He may be contacted through his website,
1. David Stuckler, et al, International Monetary Fund Programs and Tuberculosis Outcomes in Post-Communist Countries, PLoS Med 5(7): e143. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050143.
Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.
ABC news reports that five frontbenchers from Australia’s opposition Liberal party have resigned their portfolios rather than follow their leader Malcolm Turnbull in voting with Kevin Rudd’s Government on a new Emissions Trading Scheme.
The Liberal Party is in turmoil with the resignations of five frontbenchers from their portfolios this afternoon in protest against the emissions trading scheme.
Tony Abbott, Sophie Mirabella, Tony Smith and Senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz have all quit their portfolios because they cannot vote for the legislation.
Senate whip Stephen Parry has also relinquished his position.
The ETS is Australia’s version of America’s proposed Cap and Trade and the EU’s various carbon reduction schemes: a way of taxing business on its CO2 output. As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia’s industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia’s vast reserves of coal. It is correspondingly extremely unpopular with Aussie’s outside the pinko, libtard metropolitan fleshpots.
Though the ETS squeaked narrowly through Australia’s House of Representatives, its Senate is proving more robust – thanks not least to the widespread disgust by the many Senators who have read Professor Plimer’s book Heaven And Earth at the dishonesty and corruption of the AGW industry. If the Senate keeps rejecting the scheme, then the Australian government will be forced to dissolve.
For the rapidly increasing number of us who believe that AGW is little more than a scheme by bullying eco-fascists to deprive us of our liberty, by big government to spread its controlling tentacles into every aspect our lives, and scheming industrialists such as Al Gore to enrich themselves through carbon trading, this principled act by Australia’s Carbon Five is fantastic news.
Where they lead, the rest of the world’s politicians will eventually be forced to follow: their appalled electorates will make sure of it.
Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.
ABC news reports that five frontbenchers from Australia’s opposition Liberal party have resigned their portfolios rather than follow their leader Malcolm Turnbull in voting with Kevin Rudd’s Government on a new Emissions Trading Scheme.
The Liberal Party is in turmoil with the resignations of five frontbenchers from their portfolios this afternoon in protest against the emissions trading scheme.
Tony Abbott, Sophie Mirabella, Tony Smith and Senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz have all quit their portfolios because they cannot vote for the legislation.
Senate whip Stephen Parry has also relinquished his position.
The ETS is Australia’s version of America’s proposed Cap and Trade and the EU’s various carbon reduction schemes: a way of taxing business on its CO2 output. As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia’s industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia’s vast reserves of coal. It is correspondingly extremely unpopular with Aussie’s outside the pinko, libtard metropolitan fleshpots.
Though the ETS squeaked narrowly through Australia’s House of Representatives, its Senate is proving more robust – thanks not least to the widespread disgust by the many Senators who have read Professor Plimer’s book Heaven And Earth at the dishonesty and corruption of the AGW industry. If the Senate keeps rejecting the scheme, then the Australian government will be forced to dissolve.
For the rapidly increasing number of us who believe that AGW is little more than a scheme by bullying eco-fascists to deprive us of our liberty, by big government to spread its controlling tentacles into every aspect our lives, and scheming industrialists such as Al Gore to enrich themselves through carbon trading, this principled act by Australia’s Carbon Five is fantastic news.
Where they lead, the rest of the world’s politicians will eventually be forced to follow: their appalled electorates will make sure of it.
ClimateGate For Dummies
ClimateGate For Dummies

Core reading on one of the greatest scandals in modern history. How prominent scientists skewed the data on global warming
Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, Nov 27, 2009
On Thursday 19th November 2009 news began to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (aka CRU) had been published to the internet.
The information revealed how top scientists conspired to falsify data in the face of declining global temperatures in order to prop up the premise that man-made factors are driving climate change.
The documents and emails illustrated how prominent climatologists, affiliated with the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, embarked on a venomous and coordinated campaign to ostracize climate skeptics and use their influence to keep dissenting reports from appearing in peer-reviewed journals, as well as using cronyism to avoid compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests.
Here follows a compendium of articles and videos on what was quickly dubbed as “ClimateGate”.
The Backstory:
CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?
Hiding the Decline:
Hacked E Mails: Climate Scientists Discuss “Hiding Decline” In Temperatures
Mike’s Nature Trick
McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick
Hide The Decline – Climategate
Bishop Hill’s compendium of CRU email issues
The Codified Smoking Gun:
Forget The Emails, Code Discusses “Artificially Adjusted” Temperatures
Climategate: hide the decline – codified
CRU Emails “may” be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story
Hijacking The Peer Review System:
“Climategate”: Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists
Climate Expert: “Compromised” UN Scientists should be excluded from IPCC, Peer-Review Process
UK Scientist: ‘Case for climate fears is blown to smithereens…whole theory should be destroyed and discarded and UN conference should be closed’
British climate change scientists ‘conspired to keep skeptics in the dark’
Calls For Investigations:
Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes
Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC
US Congress investigates Climategate e-mails: this could be the beginning of the end for AGW
Congress may probe leaked global warming e-mails
Government petition started in UK regarding CRU Climategate
Calls For Criminal Prosecutions:
Another Prominent Scientist Calls CRU Scientists “Criminals”
ClimateGate: People need to go to jail
Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals
Author Points To “Climategate’s Perry Mason Moment”
Denying Email Deletion
Skeptics Vindicated:
Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over
The New ‘Deniers’
TV Environmentalist Goes Nuts Over ClimateGate
Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!
U.S Fallout:
Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade laws
Australian Fallout:
Ripples of Climategate? Liberal MP’s desert Turnbull in Australia over emissions trading scheme
Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
New Zealand Fallout:
New Zealand Climate Data Shows Clear Evidence Of Fraud
Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…
Woeful Mainstream Media Coverage:
BBC Climate Correspondent Was Forwarded CRU Emails Five Weeks Before They Were Made Public
Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science
Climategate: Monbiot makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire
Climategate: BBC website still thinks it’s a story about computer hacking
Climategate: How Faine censored the skeptical news
CNN Sucks: Climategate Never Happened
CNN Finally Does Their Propaganda Piece On Climate Gate
NYT Tackles Damning Global Warming Emails, But Reveals Own Hypocrisy
NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of
Alex Jones Coverage of ClimateGate:
Emergency Viral: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government
Alex Jones on Climategate: Hoax of all time a global Ponzi scheme
Alex Jones Tv:How to Expose The Climate Fraud!!
Alex Jones TV: Hacked Emails Show Blatant Climate Change Fraud
Dr. Tim Ball on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: Myth on Global Warming & The CRU Hacked Documents
Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Case For Al Gore’s Climate Change is Falling Apart
Alex Jones Tv: Climate-Gate ” THE E-MAILS ARE REAL!!!”
Core reading on one of the greatest scandals in modern history. How prominent scientists skewed the data on global warming
Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, Nov 27, 2009
On Thursday 19th November 2009 news began to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (aka CRU) had been published to the internet.
The information revealed how top scientists conspired to falsify data in the face of declining global temperatures in order to prop up the premise that man-made factors are driving climate change.
The documents and emails illustrated how prominent climatologists, affiliated with the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, embarked on a venomous and coordinated campaign to ostracize climate skeptics and use their influence to keep dissenting reports from appearing in peer-reviewed journals, as well as using cronyism to avoid compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests.
Here follows a compendium of articles and videos on what was quickly dubbed as “ClimateGate”.
The Backstory:
CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?
Hiding the Decline:
Hacked E Mails: Climate Scientists Discuss “Hiding Decline” In Temperatures
Mike’s Nature Trick
McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick
Hide The Decline – Climategate
Bishop Hill’s compendium of CRU email issues
The Codified Smoking Gun:
Forget The Emails, Code Discusses “Artificially Adjusted” Temperatures
Climategate: hide the decline – codified
CRU Emails “may” be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story
Hijacking The Peer Review System:
“Climategate”: Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists
Climate Expert: “Compromised” UN Scientists should be excluded from IPCC, Peer-Review Process
UK Scientist: ‘Case for climate fears is blown to smithereens…whole theory should be destroyed and discarded and UN conference should be closed’
British climate change scientists ‘conspired to keep skeptics in the dark’
Calls For Investigations:
Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes
Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC
US Congress investigates Climategate e-mails: this could be the beginning of the end for AGW
Congress may probe leaked global warming e-mails
Government petition started in UK regarding CRU Climategate
Calls For Criminal Prosecutions:
Another Prominent Scientist Calls CRU Scientists “Criminals”
ClimateGate: People need to go to jail
Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals
Author Points To “Climategate’s Perry Mason Moment”
Denying Email Deletion
Skeptics Vindicated:
Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over
The New ‘Deniers’
TV Environmentalist Goes Nuts Over ClimateGate
Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!
U.S Fallout:
Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade laws
Australian Fallout:
Ripples of Climategate? Liberal MP’s desert Turnbull in Australia over emissions trading scheme
Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax
New Zealand Fallout:
New Zealand Climate Data Shows Clear Evidence Of Fraud
Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…
Woeful Mainstream Media Coverage:
BBC Climate Correspondent Was Forwarded CRU Emails Five Weeks Before They Were Made Public
Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science
Climategate: Monbiot makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire
Climategate: BBC website still thinks it’s a story about computer hacking
Climategate: How Faine censored the skeptical news
CNN Sucks: Climategate Never Happened
CNN Finally Does Their Propaganda Piece On Climate Gate
NYT Tackles Damning Global Warming Emails, But Reveals Own Hypocrisy
NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of
Alex Jones Coverage of ClimateGate:
Emergency Viral: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government
Alex Jones on Climategate: Hoax of all time a global Ponzi scheme
Alex Jones Tv:How to Expose The Climate Fraud!!
Alex Jones TV: Hacked Emails Show Blatant Climate Change Fraud
Dr. Tim Ball on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: Myth on Global Warming & The CRU Hacked Documents
Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Case For Al Gore’s Climate Change is Falling Apart
Alex Jones Tv: Climate-Gate ” THE E-MAILS ARE REAL!!!”
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Batch of H1N1 vaccine recalled for severe reactions
Batch of H1N1 vaccine recalled for severe reactions
Joanna Smith
Saturday, Nov 21st, 2009
OTTAWA – A batch of swine flu vaccine is being pulled back for investigation after it appeared to cause higher rates of severe allergic reactions than other lots.
GlaxoSmithKline Inc., which is producing the Canadian order of H1N1 influenza vaccine at its plant in Ste-Foy, Que., said it asked provincial and territorial health authorities Wednesday to stop using doses from a specific lot shipment distributed late last month.
“(GlaxoSmithKline) is taking this cautionary action because (the Public Health Agency of Canada) has received a higher than expected number of reports of anaphylaxis in this lot number compared to other lots,” company spokeswoman Megan Spoore said in a statement. “On an ongoing basis (GlaxoSmithKline) is working with Health Canada to ensure that each vaccine lot released to the provinces and territories consistently meets quality and safety standards.”
The batch under investigation by the federal government and GlaxoSmithKline bears the lot number A80CA007A brand name Arepanrix, which is the version that contains adjuvant, a chemical additive that stretches supply and boosts immunity.
Full article here
Joanna Smith
Saturday, Nov 21st, 2009
OTTAWA – A batch of swine flu vaccine is being pulled back for investigation after it appeared to cause higher rates of severe allergic reactions than other lots.
GlaxoSmithKline Inc., which is producing the Canadian order of H1N1 influenza vaccine at its plant in Ste-Foy, Que., said it asked provincial and territorial health authorities Wednesday to stop using doses from a specific lot shipment distributed late last month.
“(GlaxoSmithKline) is taking this cautionary action because (the Public Health Agency of Canada) has received a higher than expected number of reports of anaphylaxis in this lot number compared to other lots,” company spokeswoman Megan Spoore said in a statement. “On an ongoing basis (GlaxoSmithKline) is working with Health Canada to ensure that each vaccine lot released to the provinces and territories consistently meets quality and safety standards.”
The batch under investigation by the federal government and GlaxoSmithKline bears the lot number A80CA007A brand name Arepanrix, which is the version that contains adjuvant, a chemical additive that stretches supply and boosts immunity.
Full article here
New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as “first year of global governance”
New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as “first year of global governance”
Daniel Taylor
OLd-thinker News
November 21, 2009
Related: Bilderberg Appointee Van Rompuy Is First EU President
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” During Rompuy’s intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”
Rompuy attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels on November 15th, during which he announced a plan to implement EU wide taxes that will be paid directly to Brussels. Recently Mario Borghezio (Italy), member of the European Parliament, spoke openly against the influence of globalist organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. “Is it possible that no one has noticed that all 3 (EU Presidential candidates) frequently attend Bilderberg or Trilateral meetings?,” asked Borghezio. Rompuy will undoubtedly serve globalist interests during his reign of the European Union.
Daniel Taylor
OLd-thinker News
November 21, 2009
Related: Bilderberg Appointee Van Rompuy Is First EU President
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” During Rompuy’s intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”
Rompuy attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels on November 15th, during which he announced a plan to implement EU wide taxes that will be paid directly to Brussels. Recently Mario Borghezio (Italy), member of the European Parliament, spoke openly against the influence of globalist organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. “Is it possible that no one has noticed that all 3 (EU Presidential candidates) frequently attend Bilderberg or Trilateral meetings?,” asked Borghezio. Rompuy will undoubtedly serve globalist interests during his reign of the European Union.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Doctors Tested Bird Flu Vaccine on Homeless People
Doctors Tested Bird Flu Vaccine on Homeless People
(NaturalNews) Three doctors and six nurses from the town of Grudziadz, Poland, are being investigated on charges that they recruited 350 homeless people into a clinical trial of a vaccine for the H5N1 flu virus without informing them what the study was really about.
Twenty-one people died during the course of the study, significantly higher than the average influenza death rate, which would have led to eight deaths.
"It is in the interests of all doctors that those who are responsible for this are punished," said Poland's health minister, Ewa Kopacz. She said that while no direct link has been proven between the experimental vaccine and the deaths, she does not believe that any of the health care workers implicated should be allowed to practice medicine further.
Prosecutors claim that the participants - from a homeless shelter - were recruited into the study by being offered £1-£2 ($1.65-$3.00) to undergo a test of a new vaccine for standard, seasonal influenza. Instead, however, the study was meant to test a vaccine of the far more lethal H5N1 virus, which has a death rate of more than 50 percent.
Novartis Vaccines, the pharmaceutical company involved in the trial, claims that it was deceived about the consent procedures that the researchers intended to use.
The scandal is only the latest to hit Poland's health care sector. In 2002, several ambulance medics were convicted of murdering patients in order to gain kickbacks from funeral homes.
Poland is a global center for health care research, due to a well-trained medical staff, large population and good infrastructure. It also tends to be easy to find patients willing to undergo experimental therapies, as the public health care system tends to pay only for the cheapest, most well-proven generic treatments.
Monika Stefanczyk, a senior pharmaceutical market analyst at the consulting firm PMR, predicted that unless some of these factors change, Poland's medical research industry will remain largely unaffected by the scandal.
Sources for this story include:;
(NaturalNews) Three doctors and six nurses from the town of Grudziadz, Poland, are being investigated on charges that they recruited 350 homeless people into a clinical trial of a vaccine for the H5N1 flu virus without informing them what the study was really about.
Twenty-one people died during the course of the study, significantly higher than the average influenza death rate, which would have led to eight deaths.
"It is in the interests of all doctors that those who are responsible for this are punished," said Poland's health minister, Ewa Kopacz. She said that while no direct link has been proven between the experimental vaccine and the deaths, she does not believe that any of the health care workers implicated should be allowed to practice medicine further.
Prosecutors claim that the participants - from a homeless shelter - were recruited into the study by being offered £1-£2 ($1.65-$3.00) to undergo a test of a new vaccine for standard, seasonal influenza. Instead, however, the study was meant to test a vaccine of the far more lethal H5N1 virus, which has a death rate of more than 50 percent.
Novartis Vaccines, the pharmaceutical company involved in the trial, claims that it was deceived about the consent procedures that the researchers intended to use.
The scandal is only the latest to hit Poland's health care sector. In 2002, several ambulance medics were convicted of murdering patients in order to gain kickbacks from funeral homes.
Poland is a global center for health care research, due to a well-trained medical staff, large population and good infrastructure. It also tends to be easy to find patients willing to undergo experimental therapies, as the public health care system tends to pay only for the cheapest, most well-proven generic treatments.
Monika Stefanczyk, a senior pharmaceutical market analyst at the consulting firm PMR, predicted that unless some of these factors change, Poland's medical research industry will remain largely unaffected by the scandal.
Sources for this story include:;
Our Chief Industry: War
Our Chief Industry: War
We often hear the complaint that America doesn’t make anything anymore: that is, our economy seems driven not by producing actual things, but utterly intangible creations such as credit default swaps and securitized sub-prime mortgages. Our once-bustling factories are rusted relics. Entire industries have collapsed. Ghost towns have sprung up where cities once thrived, like mushrooms sprouting in a cemetery. Baffled Americans, who – mistaking debt for wealth – thought they lived in the wealthiest country in the world, struggle to define what is happening. Old words like "correction," contraction," and "recession" give way to talk of a second Great Depression, and, in this context, the question "What does America make anymore?" is raised with renewed vigor.
While our factories have long since moved abroad, where wages are lower and regulation is lax, and our crippled industries are in Dr. Obama’s economic intensive care unit, on life support and awaiting last rites, America’s number-one export – representing, by far, our single largest capital investment – is our overseas military presence. What Chalmers Johnson referred to as our "empire of bases" is the framework of an international economic system in which the division of labor is roughly as follows: while Asia is the factory of the world, South America the farmland, and Europe increasingly a theme park/museum, the U.S. role is that of world gendarme.
What do you mean we don’t make anything? What about wars? We make plenty of those: Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan and perhaps Iran – the Globo-Cop business is booming.
Before the big crash of 2008, you’ll recall, in the glory days of the bubble years, our elites were all atwitter with a vague, glowing vision of the new economic reality, which touted the alleged benefits of "globalization." More than just the traditional free-market prescription of free trade, this concept envisioned extending the reach and influence of Western finance capital over the entire globe. At the end of this road – at "the end of history," as Francis Fukuyama famously put it – we would fall into the all-encompassing embrace of the emerging world state and live happily ever after.
This ever-upward-and-onward Panglossian view, which identified growing Western domination of the global economy with the march of progress itself, was the underlying rationale of an increasingly aggressive policy of U.S. military and political intervention worldwide. We said we were fighting for civilization as we bombed some of the oldest cities in Balkans, and when" humanitarian" interventionism gave way to a more Roman concept of America’s role in the world – the dividing line being, roughly, 9/11/01 – still we invoked the defense of universal values as the ultimate justification for occupation and mass murder. We unhesitatingly identified ourselves and our interests with the advent of modernity and took up the old Kiplingesque burden of empire with alacrity.
This kind of hubris, however, has since gone out of fashion. The trauma of Iraq and an economic downturn have tamped down our crusading fever; a new appeal is needed in order to buttress the global economic and political order our ruling elites once thought they had in their grasp. At a time when the whole rationale for our endless "war on terrorism" is being challenged, a more pragmatic course is called for.
As Republicans resist the extensive new social programs advanced by the Obama administration, including healthcare as yet another entitlement, and popular awareness of the national debt reaches new heights of anxiety, there is one way out: more spending on the military. Here is a measure the thoroughly neoconized Republicans can support wholeheartedly – especially if the money is being spent in their districts. This satisfies White House strategists, who seek a way out of a growing political impasse, and also the economic gurus at Obama’s ear, who believe government spending can create new jobs and kick-start the economy.
These economic geniuses are the latter-day followers of John Maynard Keynes, an economist who believed we could end unemployment and fight our way out of economic malaise by having the government hire workers to dig ditches and then fill them back up again. They didn’t necessarily have to produce anything of value, as long as they went through the motions. All government has to do is "prime the pump," and this will set in motion a process ending in full employment. You can build hospitals or pyramids, it doesn’t matter; military spending will do. In this scenario, we are back to when James Baker was asked to justify the first Gulf war, and he replied, "Jobs, jobs, jobs."
Anything to rev the "economic engine" and otherwise conflate an overused metaphor with a rather more complex reality.
The Obama administration, the Federal Reserve, and the titans of Big Business and Big Labor all face a common problem: how to re-inflate the economic bubble that burst with such a loud bang last year. So far, nothing has worked. The more they pump the economy full of air – i.e., rapidly depreciating dollars – the faster it seems to deflate. The various "stimuli" applied to the patient seem to wear off quickly. The one politically feasible "solution" to this problem is bipartisan support for greatly increased military operations worldwide. What better stimulus than a foreign policy of perpetual war?
In the heyday of the American Imperium, the deal with our vassals was this: we provided a market for their cheap imports and agreed to keep trade barriers down – as long as they took our side and, in many cases, allowed a substantial U.S. military presence on their soil. Yet this system was unsustainable. The problem with having a worldwide empire, as Garet Garrett, the mid-20th-century conservative critic of globalism, put it, is that "everything goes out and nothing comes in."
What the American empire, at its height, aspired to was the creation of a de facto world state [.pdf], with Washington as its capital. What this nascent global government lacked, however, were the two essential items in any government’s toolbox:
(1) The power to levy taxes. Earlier empires exacted tribute from their vassals, but in the American empire the exact opposite principle holds sway: our vassals exact tribute from us, in the form of "foreign aid," including massive military aid.
(2) A central bank, in this case a world central bank, with the power to monetize government debt and re-inflate the economic bubble on a world scale, regulating and "fine-tuning" a fully globalized economy.
As it is, the whole system rests on massive U.S. government debt. In exchange for policing the globe and keeping the "peace," our rulers depend on foreigners buying U.S. debt securities. This is the Achilles heel of the American giant.
As we await Obama’s decision on how many fresh troops to send to the Afghan front, a grand compromise is in the making. Its terms will be as follows: the GOP, for ideological reasons, gives critical support to Obama’s foreign policy initiatives, particularly when it comes to Afghanistan and Pakistan, while the Democratic majority pushes through successive economic stimuli, including generous handouts to their various constituencies: Wall Street, the unions, and the growing underclass. The twin engines of the Keynesian perpetual motion machine will thus be kept whirring – until the bill comes due.
We often hear the complaint that America doesn’t make anything anymore: that is, our economy seems driven not by producing actual things, but utterly intangible creations such as credit default swaps and securitized sub-prime mortgages. Our once-bustling factories are rusted relics. Entire industries have collapsed. Ghost towns have sprung up where cities once thrived, like mushrooms sprouting in a cemetery. Baffled Americans, who – mistaking debt for wealth – thought they lived in the wealthiest country in the world, struggle to define what is happening. Old words like "correction," contraction," and "recession" give way to talk of a second Great Depression, and, in this context, the question "What does America make anymore?" is raised with renewed vigor.
While our factories have long since moved abroad, where wages are lower and regulation is lax, and our crippled industries are in Dr. Obama’s economic intensive care unit, on life support and awaiting last rites, America’s number-one export – representing, by far, our single largest capital investment – is our overseas military presence. What Chalmers Johnson referred to as our "empire of bases" is the framework of an international economic system in which the division of labor is roughly as follows: while Asia is the factory of the world, South America the farmland, and Europe increasingly a theme park/museum, the U.S. role is that of world gendarme.
What do you mean we don’t make anything? What about wars? We make plenty of those: Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan and perhaps Iran – the Globo-Cop business is booming.
Before the big crash of 2008, you’ll recall, in the glory days of the bubble years, our elites were all atwitter with a vague, glowing vision of the new economic reality, which touted the alleged benefits of "globalization." More than just the traditional free-market prescription of free trade, this concept envisioned extending the reach and influence of Western finance capital over the entire globe. At the end of this road – at "the end of history," as Francis Fukuyama famously put it – we would fall into the all-encompassing embrace of the emerging world state and live happily ever after.
This ever-upward-and-onward Panglossian view, which identified growing Western domination of the global economy with the march of progress itself, was the underlying rationale of an increasingly aggressive policy of U.S. military and political intervention worldwide. We said we were fighting for civilization as we bombed some of the oldest cities in Balkans, and when" humanitarian" interventionism gave way to a more Roman concept of America’s role in the world – the dividing line being, roughly, 9/11/01 – still we invoked the defense of universal values as the ultimate justification for occupation and mass murder. We unhesitatingly identified ourselves and our interests with the advent of modernity and took up the old Kiplingesque burden of empire with alacrity.
This kind of hubris, however, has since gone out of fashion. The trauma of Iraq and an economic downturn have tamped down our crusading fever; a new appeal is needed in order to buttress the global economic and political order our ruling elites once thought they had in their grasp. At a time when the whole rationale for our endless "war on terrorism" is being challenged, a more pragmatic course is called for.
As Republicans resist the extensive new social programs advanced by the Obama administration, including healthcare as yet another entitlement, and popular awareness of the national debt reaches new heights of anxiety, there is one way out: more spending on the military. Here is a measure the thoroughly neoconized Republicans can support wholeheartedly – especially if the money is being spent in their districts. This satisfies White House strategists, who seek a way out of a growing political impasse, and also the economic gurus at Obama’s ear, who believe government spending can create new jobs and kick-start the economy.
These economic geniuses are the latter-day followers of John Maynard Keynes, an economist who believed we could end unemployment and fight our way out of economic malaise by having the government hire workers to dig ditches and then fill them back up again. They didn’t necessarily have to produce anything of value, as long as they went through the motions. All government has to do is "prime the pump," and this will set in motion a process ending in full employment. You can build hospitals or pyramids, it doesn’t matter; military spending will do. In this scenario, we are back to when James Baker was asked to justify the first Gulf war, and he replied, "Jobs, jobs, jobs."
Anything to rev the "economic engine" and otherwise conflate an overused metaphor with a rather more complex reality.
The Obama administration, the Federal Reserve, and the titans of Big Business and Big Labor all face a common problem: how to re-inflate the economic bubble that burst with such a loud bang last year. So far, nothing has worked. The more they pump the economy full of air – i.e., rapidly depreciating dollars – the faster it seems to deflate. The various "stimuli" applied to the patient seem to wear off quickly. The one politically feasible "solution" to this problem is bipartisan support for greatly increased military operations worldwide. What better stimulus than a foreign policy of perpetual war?
In the heyday of the American Imperium, the deal with our vassals was this: we provided a market for their cheap imports and agreed to keep trade barriers down – as long as they took our side and, in many cases, allowed a substantial U.S. military presence on their soil. Yet this system was unsustainable. The problem with having a worldwide empire, as Garet Garrett, the mid-20th-century conservative critic of globalism, put it, is that "everything goes out and nothing comes in."
What the American empire, at its height, aspired to was the creation of a de facto world state [.pdf], with Washington as its capital. What this nascent global government lacked, however, were the two essential items in any government’s toolbox:
(1) The power to levy taxes. Earlier empires exacted tribute from their vassals, but in the American empire the exact opposite principle holds sway: our vassals exact tribute from us, in the form of "foreign aid," including massive military aid.
(2) A central bank, in this case a world central bank, with the power to monetize government debt and re-inflate the economic bubble on a world scale, regulating and "fine-tuning" a fully globalized economy.
As it is, the whole system rests on massive U.S. government debt. In exchange for policing the globe and keeping the "peace," our rulers depend on foreigners buying U.S. debt securities. This is the Achilles heel of the American giant.
As we await Obama’s decision on how many fresh troops to send to the Afghan front, a grand compromise is in the making. Its terms will be as follows: the GOP, for ideological reasons, gives critical support to Obama’s foreign policy initiatives, particularly when it comes to Afghanistan and Pakistan, while the Democratic majority pushes through successive economic stimuli, including generous handouts to their various constituencies: Wall Street, the unions, and the growing underclass. The twin engines of the Keynesian perpetual motion machine will thus be kept whirring – until the bill comes due.
Afghans say President Karzai's five-year handover is not soon enough
Afghans say President Karzai's five-year handover is not soon enough

“People hate the Americans from the bottom of their hearts,” Haji Akhtar Mohammed Shinwari said as he recalled how the US military had brought death to his homeland.
For residents of Shinwar, a village in distant Nangahar province, the message from President Karzai’s address yesterday that the Americans would hand over security over the next five years was disappointing.
At the village bazaar, Mr Shinwari told The Times that he could not wait that long. In 2007, a unit of special forces was speeding along a busy road a few miles from his village when they opened fire, killing 19 people and wounding 50. The unit responsible was sent home and the local US commander described the incident as a “stain on our honour”. He paid out almost $40,000 (£25,000) in compensation.
But trust, in Afghanistan’s conservative Pashtun belt, is hard won and easily forfeited. In the 20 months since the attack house raids by Nato troops had continued, Mr Shinwari, 44, said. More civilians had been killed, while little had been done to help ordinary people. “People don’t like their operations,” he said. “They search houses without permission, detain people without trial.”
In the neighbouring village of Rakhzi, Niaz Amin, a 20-year-old student, lost his older brother and grandfather in American operations last year. “We still don’t know why they did it,” he said. “When they came into the house I tried to speak to them in English but they shouted, ‘Don’t speak’.
“The first time they came my brother ran out and he was wounded by an airstrike. They took him to the hospital but brought back his body. Eight days later my grandfather was shot when he went out of the mosque.”
The Shinwar district, close to the border with Pakistan, has a reputation for smuggling. Its fierce hostility towards the Americans has made most of it a no-go area for foreign aid workers. Security officials claim that it is an occasional sanctuary for insurgents.
But many of the villagers’ complaints are more mundane. “When [the Americans] drive along the roads they don’t let anyone overtake them,” Mr Shinwari said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re transporting a dead body or a sick woman to hospital. Even if they get a puncture or break down, if it takes one hour or two days, they don’t let anybody overtake them.”
As The Times drove east yesterday from Jalalabad, the capital of Nangahar province, along tree-lined avenues flanked by orange groves, our car swerved on to the hard shoulder a few miles from the main Shinwar bazaar. A green laser from an American weapon flashed across our chests.
Drivers here have learnt the hard way. You pull over and stop to let the American convoys pass. It is a far cry from General Stanley McChrystal’s strategy of protecting the people.
The villagers’ complaints underline the difficulty that foreign forces face in trying to win over a wary population. Most US soldiers look at Shinwar and see a deathtrap, full of roadside bombs and Taleban ambushes.
Fazil Hakim, 36, a friend of Mr Shinwari, insisted that security in the area was fine. The only risk, he said, was being caught up in an attack against the Americans. “Wherever the troops are there’s instability. They bring problems with them,” he said.
Mr Shinwari added: “They should just stay in their bases. More troops won’t bring peace. We need economic development, not soldiers.”
Gerard Russell, a former British political attaché in Kabul, warned that the big foreign presence was hindering the Afghan Government. “There are many disadvantages to having foreign troops on the front line,” he said. “It’s holding the Afghans back and saving them from the need to solve their problems themselves. Until the Government realises this is a fight for its own survival it won’t make the tough decisions, and they won’t realise that as long as we [the international community] are in the way.”
Mr Karzai promised much yesterday: a complete handover of security control within five years, more roads and railways, a crackdown on corruption, plans to negotiate with the Taleban and for at least 40 per cent of foreign aid to be spent through his administration. He reiterated the need to eliminate civilian casualties at the hands of Nato forces.
Mr Shinwari said that a US aid agency had levelled the road in his village but that the most valuable development project had come from the Afghan Government, which gave his village almost $50,000 to improve an irrigation canal.
“People hate the Americans from the bottom of their hearts,” Haji Akhtar Mohammed Shinwari said as he recalled how the US military had brought death to his homeland.
For residents of Shinwar, a village in distant Nangahar province, the message from President Karzai’s address yesterday that the Americans would hand over security over the next five years was disappointing.
At the village bazaar, Mr Shinwari told The Times that he could not wait that long. In 2007, a unit of special forces was speeding along a busy road a few miles from his village when they opened fire, killing 19 people and wounding 50. The unit responsible was sent home and the local US commander described the incident as a “stain on our honour”. He paid out almost $40,000 (£25,000) in compensation.
But trust, in Afghanistan’s conservative Pashtun belt, is hard won and easily forfeited. In the 20 months since the attack house raids by Nato troops had continued, Mr Shinwari, 44, said. More civilians had been killed, while little had been done to help ordinary people. “People don’t like their operations,” he said. “They search houses without permission, detain people without trial.”
In the neighbouring village of Rakhzi, Niaz Amin, a 20-year-old student, lost his older brother and grandfather in American operations last year. “We still don’t know why they did it,” he said. “When they came into the house I tried to speak to them in English but they shouted, ‘Don’t speak’.
“The first time they came my brother ran out and he was wounded by an airstrike. They took him to the hospital but brought back his body. Eight days later my grandfather was shot when he went out of the mosque.”
The Shinwar district, close to the border with Pakistan, has a reputation for smuggling. Its fierce hostility towards the Americans has made most of it a no-go area for foreign aid workers. Security officials claim that it is an occasional sanctuary for insurgents.
But many of the villagers’ complaints are more mundane. “When [the Americans] drive along the roads they don’t let anyone overtake them,” Mr Shinwari said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re transporting a dead body or a sick woman to hospital. Even if they get a puncture or break down, if it takes one hour or two days, they don’t let anybody overtake them.”
As The Times drove east yesterday from Jalalabad, the capital of Nangahar province, along tree-lined avenues flanked by orange groves, our car swerved on to the hard shoulder a few miles from the main Shinwar bazaar. A green laser from an American weapon flashed across our chests.
Drivers here have learnt the hard way. You pull over and stop to let the American convoys pass. It is a far cry from General Stanley McChrystal’s strategy of protecting the people.
The villagers’ complaints underline the difficulty that foreign forces face in trying to win over a wary population. Most US soldiers look at Shinwar and see a deathtrap, full of roadside bombs and Taleban ambushes.
Fazil Hakim, 36, a friend of Mr Shinwari, insisted that security in the area was fine. The only risk, he said, was being caught up in an attack against the Americans. “Wherever the troops are there’s instability. They bring problems with them,” he said.
Mr Shinwari added: “They should just stay in their bases. More troops won’t bring peace. We need economic development, not soldiers.”
Gerard Russell, a former British political attaché in Kabul, warned that the big foreign presence was hindering the Afghan Government. “There are many disadvantages to having foreign troops on the front line,” he said. “It’s holding the Afghans back and saving them from the need to solve their problems themselves. Until the Government realises this is a fight for its own survival it won’t make the tough decisions, and they won’t realise that as long as we [the international community] are in the way.”
Mr Karzai promised much yesterday: a complete handover of security control within five years, more roads and railways, a crackdown on corruption, plans to negotiate with the Taleban and for at least 40 per cent of foreign aid to be spent through his administration. He reiterated the need to eliminate civilian casualties at the hands of Nato forces.
Mr Shinwari said that a US aid agency had levelled the road in his village but that the most valuable development project had come from the Afghan Government, which gave his village almost $50,000 to improve an irrigation canal.
Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners' affairs: Israeli army kidnapped 6200 children since 2000
Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners' affairs: Israeli army kidnapped 6200 children since 2000
Official Report

An official report, received by Arab League from the minister of prisoners' affairs in the Palestinian Authority (Ramallah), revealed that the Israeli occupation forces have kidnapped about 6,200 Palestinian children since the beginning of Al Aqsa Intifada (2000), including approximately 337 children still detained in Israeli prisons and interrogation centers.
During last Saturday's meeting of the Arab League's permanent delegates council, which was set to discuss the conditions of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, Minister Issa Qaraqe introduced the report, which unveiled the "repressive, inhumane practices of the Israeli occupation authorities against Palestinian children in Israeli prisons and detention camps," stressing that this violates the rules of international law, conventions on children's rights, and all international norms.
The report pointed out that "any person under the age of 18 is considered a child, according to international law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and, recently, Israeli domestic law," and according to the definition of juvenile by the United Nations' Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners, which were adopted in the General Assembly Resolution 45/113, dated December 14, 1990.
Qaraqe stated that the Israeli occupation authorities "deprive detained children from the basic rights granted by international conventions, such as the right to know the reason for their arrest, the right to counsel, the right of families to know the reason and the place of detention of their child, the right to appear before the judge, the right to object to the charge and lodge an appeal against it, the right to communicate with the outside world, and the right to a humane treatment that preserves the dignity of the detained child."
The report warned that the occupation authorities, "blatantly violated the rights of detained children"; dealt with them as "potential subversives", "and subjected them to different types of torture and cruel treatment, such as beating, sleep deprivation, starvation, sexual harassment, and deprivation of visits. The occupation forced applied the worst mental and physical means to extract confessions from child prisoners and to pressure them to work for Israeli intelligence."
The report also mentioned that during the first Intifada, massive numbers of children were arrested and detained on charges of throwing stones and other forms of political resistance, whereas, during the second intifada, Tel Aviv began adopting administrative detention against Palestinian children and it started convicting and detaining children under the age of 14 for periods of up to 6 months.
The report further stated that, according to the 2002 annual report of the Defense of Children International organization, those arrest patterns did not exist during the years of the first intifada.
Official Report
An official report, received by Arab League from the minister of prisoners' affairs in the Palestinian Authority (Ramallah), revealed that the Israeli occupation forces have kidnapped about 6,200 Palestinian children since the beginning of Al Aqsa Intifada (2000), including approximately 337 children still detained in Israeli prisons and interrogation centers.
During last Saturday's meeting of the Arab League's permanent delegates council, which was set to discuss the conditions of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, Minister Issa Qaraqe introduced the report, which unveiled the "repressive, inhumane practices of the Israeli occupation authorities against Palestinian children in Israeli prisons and detention camps," stressing that this violates the rules of international law, conventions on children's rights, and all international norms.
The report pointed out that "any person under the age of 18 is considered a child, according to international law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and, recently, Israeli domestic law," and according to the definition of juvenile by the United Nations' Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners, which were adopted in the General Assembly Resolution 45/113, dated December 14, 1990.
Qaraqe stated that the Israeli occupation authorities "deprive detained children from the basic rights granted by international conventions, such as the right to know the reason for their arrest, the right to counsel, the right of families to know the reason and the place of detention of their child, the right to appear before the judge, the right to object to the charge and lodge an appeal against it, the right to communicate with the outside world, and the right to a humane treatment that preserves the dignity of the detained child."
The report warned that the occupation authorities, "blatantly violated the rights of detained children"; dealt with them as "potential subversives", "and subjected them to different types of torture and cruel treatment, such as beating, sleep deprivation, starvation, sexual harassment, and deprivation of visits. The occupation forced applied the worst mental and physical means to extract confessions from child prisoners and to pressure them to work for Israeli intelligence."
The report also mentioned that during the first Intifada, massive numbers of children were arrested and detained on charges of throwing stones and other forms of political resistance, whereas, during the second intifada, Tel Aviv began adopting administrative detention against Palestinian children and it started convicting and detaining children under the age of 14 for periods of up to 6 months.
The report further stated that, according to the 2002 annual report of the Defense of Children International organization, those arrest patterns did not exist during the years of the first intifada.
20 Health Benefits of Turmeric
20 Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healers. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye.
The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.
Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules.
Once you start using turmeric on a regular basis, it's fun to find new ways to use it in recipes. My favorite way to use it is to add a pinch of it to egg salad. It adds a nice flavor and gives the egg salad a rich yellow hue.
Contraindications: Turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or bile obstruction. Though turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.
Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful healers. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye.
The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.
Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules.
Once you start using turmeric on a regular basis, it's fun to find new ways to use it in recipes. My favorite way to use it is to add a pinch of it to egg salad. It adds a nice flavor and gives the egg salad a rich yellow hue.
Contraindications: Turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or bile obstruction. Though turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.
Colloidal Silver is safe for use by Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers
Colloidal Silver is safe for use by Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers
Supportive Function: Colloidal silver is a safe antimicrobial that kills over 650 pathogenic organisms including gram positive and negative bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi, prototzoa, parasites, virus, etc.
Colloidal silver kills bacteria and viruses by destroying the enzymes responsible for cellular respiration, thus depriving them of the ability to breathe. There is no chance that survivors can develop resistance or immunity to silver. Regular ingestion of small quantities of colloidal silver can act as a second immune system by assisting the body in the war against invading micro-organisms. Unlike antibiotic drugs, colloidal silver is not toxic, and will not suppress the immune system.
The colloids are easily absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and do not reach the lower intestines to damage friendly flora. colloidal silver also acts as a tissue regenerative substance by stimulating the production of dedifferentiating cells, which can be used to replace destroyed cells.
Since colloidal silver has no toxic side effects, anyone can use it, including adults, children, and those taking prescription or non-prescription drugs. It has been successfully used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, but they should be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Colloidal silver has also been used to control infections and fungal infestations in pets and household plants. Edible garden plants will absorb the silver as part of their mineral intake. Eating them will be an excellent source of nutritional silver.
This colloidal silver is made with a constant current generator to ensure consistent small particle size with maximum surface area.
Ingredients: Colloidal silver in distilled water at 20 parts per million. Allows smaller particle size to penetrate deeper into tissues.
Quantity: 2oz. Liquid
Suggested Dosage: Apply topically to disinfect wounds, or skin lesions. Beneficial for pets.
Contraindications: Do not use if allergic to silver.
The efficiency of colloidal silver during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most delicate periods in a woman's life, when the physical transformations may take even the more experienced mothers by surprise. Not only does the body need a supplementary intake of minerals and vitamins, but it is also more exposed to the action of bacteria and fungi particularly in the urinary and genital area. Given the fact that antibiotics are little used during pregnancy, colloidal silver with its antibacterial properties is a great and very efficient substitute. The daily dosage can only be established by a professional homeopath who is the only one able to determine what suits your condition best.
Because of the increased hormone levels, the pH in the vagina drops to values that are proper for the proliferation of Candida Albicans, the fungus responsible for yeast infections. Regular antifungal substances cannot be used because of the prohibition during pregnancy, and there are very little options left to choose from. Fortunately, colloidal silver is highly efficient in the use against candiditis particularly if the regular diet includes food items rich in probiotic cultures. Though the pH level will remain modified during the whole pregnancy period, at least the yeast infection will be under control.
There are no indications that colloidal silver has any harmful effects on the baby or the evolution of the pregnancy; however, before you start the administration of any daily dosage you should talk both to your doctor and a homeopath to have a close monitoring of your condition. Other health problems frequent during pregnancy are urinary tract infections that are usually treated with antibiotics. A prescribed dosage of colloidal silver diluted in a glass of water has a great antibacterial effect at the level of the kidneys and the adjacent organs.
Studies show that colloidal silver administered during pregnancy helps the baby's healthy development, not to mention that it also makes delivery and post-delivery recovery a lot easier. It is highly important that pregnant women use only quality products during this period, preferably silver mesocolloids, which are the finest form of silver particles suspended in distilled water. The use of colloidal silver should also be supported by the use of a balanced diet rich in protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for the harmonious evolution of both mother and child. Colloidal silver will keep the woman's system fortified and protected against germs, viruses and any other intruders the immune function need help with.
Supportive Function: Colloidal silver is a safe antimicrobial that kills over 650 pathogenic organisms including gram positive and negative bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi, prototzoa, parasites, virus, etc.
Colloidal silver kills bacteria and viruses by destroying the enzymes responsible for cellular respiration, thus depriving them of the ability to breathe. There is no chance that survivors can develop resistance or immunity to silver. Regular ingestion of small quantities of colloidal silver can act as a second immune system by assisting the body in the war against invading micro-organisms. Unlike antibiotic drugs, colloidal silver is not toxic, and will not suppress the immune system.
The colloids are easily absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and do not reach the lower intestines to damage friendly flora. colloidal silver also acts as a tissue regenerative substance by stimulating the production of dedifferentiating cells, which can be used to replace destroyed cells.
Since colloidal silver has no toxic side effects, anyone can use it, including adults, children, and those taking prescription or non-prescription drugs. It has been successfully used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, but they should be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Colloidal silver has also been used to control infections and fungal infestations in pets and household plants. Edible garden plants will absorb the silver as part of their mineral intake. Eating them will be an excellent source of nutritional silver.
This colloidal silver is made with a constant current generator to ensure consistent small particle size with maximum surface area.
Ingredients: Colloidal silver in distilled water at 20 parts per million. Allows smaller particle size to penetrate deeper into tissues.
Quantity: 2oz. Liquid
Suggested Dosage: Apply topically to disinfect wounds, or skin lesions. Beneficial for pets.
Contraindications: Do not use if allergic to silver.
The efficiency of colloidal silver during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most delicate periods in a woman's life, when the physical transformations may take even the more experienced mothers by surprise. Not only does the body need a supplementary intake of minerals and vitamins, but it is also more exposed to the action of bacteria and fungi particularly in the urinary and genital area. Given the fact that antibiotics are little used during pregnancy, colloidal silver with its antibacterial properties is a great and very efficient substitute. The daily dosage can only be established by a professional homeopath who is the only one able to determine what suits your condition best.
Because of the increased hormone levels, the pH in the vagina drops to values that are proper for the proliferation of Candida Albicans, the fungus responsible for yeast infections. Regular antifungal substances cannot be used because of the prohibition during pregnancy, and there are very little options left to choose from. Fortunately, colloidal silver is highly efficient in the use against candiditis particularly if the regular diet includes food items rich in probiotic cultures. Though the pH level will remain modified during the whole pregnancy period, at least the yeast infection will be under control.
There are no indications that colloidal silver has any harmful effects on the baby or the evolution of the pregnancy; however, before you start the administration of any daily dosage you should talk both to your doctor and a homeopath to have a close monitoring of your condition. Other health problems frequent during pregnancy are urinary tract infections that are usually treated with antibiotics. A prescribed dosage of colloidal silver diluted in a glass of water has a great antibacterial effect at the level of the kidneys and the adjacent organs.
Studies show that colloidal silver administered during pregnancy helps the baby's healthy development, not to mention that it also makes delivery and post-delivery recovery a lot easier. It is highly important that pregnant women use only quality products during this period, preferably silver mesocolloids, which are the finest form of silver particles suspended in distilled water. The use of colloidal silver should also be supported by the use of a balanced diet rich in protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for the harmonious evolution of both mother and child. Colloidal silver will keep the woman's system fortified and protected against germs, viruses and any other intruders the immune function need help with.
House of straw and hemp withstands 1,000°C fire test
House of straw and hemp withstands 1,000°C fire test
A house made of straw and hemp panels passed a fire resistance test where it was exposed to temperatures over 1,000°C, a university said.
Balehaus@Bath - built of pre-fabricated straw-bale and hemp sections - has fire resistance "as good as houses built of conventional building materials", according to new research.
One of the panels used in the construction was exposed to the searing heat by the University of Bristol team.
To reach the required standard the panel had to withstand the heat for more than 30 minutes. Over two hours later - four times as long as required - the panel had still not failed.
A house made of straw and hemp panels passed a fire resistance test where it was exposed to temperatures over 1,000°C, a university said.
Balehaus@Bath - built of pre-fabricated straw-bale and hemp sections - has fire resistance "as good as houses built of conventional building materials", according to new research.
One of the panels used in the construction was exposed to the searing heat by the University of Bristol team.
To reach the required standard the panel had to withstand the heat for more than 30 minutes. Over two hours later - four times as long as required - the panel had still not failed.
Oil of Oregano
Oil of Oregano
Oregano Oil is a very versatile herb, which is not only a strong antifungal but also provides many other health benefits and it treats many types of disease and symptoms. As an antifungal it is extremely effective, just like raw crushed garlic.
A word of caution!
If you are taking blood thinning drugs, oil of oregano acts similarly in thinning the blood. If you take oregano oil with blood thinning drugs your blood pressure may drop too low and your blood may become too thin, so please work with your doctor on adjusting your medications accordingly.
Oil of Oregano is not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Always dilute oil of oregano with unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil prior to using it; the usual mixture is 50/50.
True Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is a completely natural substance derived from wild oregano species. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions free of pollution. Only the leaves of the flowering plant are used. They are picked precisely when the plant is highest in essential oil.
Being wild, it is grown chemical-free and the oil is extracted via a completely natural process - no chemicals or solvents are used. The oil is the source of virtually all of the plant's active ingredients.
There are a wide variety of plants that are confused with oregano, including marjoram, thyme and sage. True oregano grows wild in Mediterranean regions such as Greece and Turkey. Wild oregano is the source of surprisingly potent oil of oregano.
The key element in oregano is the oil, which Foster points out in his book "In Herbal Renaissance" "contains carvacrol and thymol as the primary components." Foster attributes the "fungicidal and worm-expellant properties" of oil of oregano to carvacrol and thymol.
Cass Ingram, D.O., writes in his book "The Cure is in the Cupboard" "these two phenols [carvacrol and thymol] work "synergistically" and that is the reason "oil of oregano" packs a double punch in antiseptic power and explains why it is infinitely more potent than commercial phenol, in microbial killing power."
Treats Candida and Fungal Skin Conditions
All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and external candida. Skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, can be improved with oil of oregano as well. Ingram explains the astonishing discovery that "oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside."
Oil of Oregano is a potent antiseptic used both topically and internally. Research demonstrates that it is effective in killing a range of organisms, particularly yeast and bacteria.
Effective Against Bacteria
Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be effective against Staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin. [Science Daily 10/11/2001]
Researchers at the Department of Food Science at the University of Tennessee reported that, among various plant oils, oil of oregano exhibited the greatest antibacterial action against common pathogenic germs such as Staph, E. coli and Listeria. [Journal Food Protection, Volume 64, July 2001] British researchers reported oregano oil had antibacterial activity against 25 different bacteria. [Journal Applied Microbiology, Volume 88, February 2000]
The growing problem of antibiotic resistance has health authorities extremely concerned. It is already the case that various germs are showing resistance to vancomycin (strong antibiotic), particularly to intestinal bacteria (Enterococcal species) among hospitalized patients. [Southern Medical Journal, Volume 94, August 2001]
Drug resistance does not develop against naturally-occurring antibiotics such as garlic and oil of oregano. But oil of oregano is not to be confused with common oregano in the kitchen spice cupboard, which is usually oregano marjoram, rather than true oregano (Oregano vulgare).
The benefits of oregano have gone largely unnoticed and under-publicized for far too long. As Ingram notes, oregano is "one of the world's finest natural medicines that is if it's true oregano."
Oil of Oregano Oil Treats the Following:
antifungal, capable of killing a variety of fungi, including candida albicans
antioxidant powers
arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, and other related problems
athletes foot
bacterial infections and parasites
bee stings, insect bites and venomous bites, immediate relief from
dandruff, diaper rash, cradle cap
diarrhea and intestinal gas
digestive problems, aids digestion and stimulates the production of bile
immune system boost
migraine headaches
muscle aches and pains
nail fungus
pain killer – nearly as powerful as morphine
respiratory problems, i.e. asthma, hay fever, candida in the lungs, etc.
sinus and nose problems
skin disorders and rashes
sore throat
thrush (white coating in the mouth, which is candida)
The oil of the oregano plant is the source of virtually all of its active ingredients. Oil of oregano is a potent germ killer and it has also been known to completely eliminate allergies and sinus problems. Jean Valnet, in his book "The Practice of Aromatherapy," describes how oil of oregano is so strong that it is capable of sterilizing sewage.
Research on Oil of Oregano
Researchers have uncovered numerous benefits to using oregano and extracted oil of oregano. But buyer beware, these significant health benefits are not as attainable if the oregano is not the true substance. "True" oil of oregano offers many exciting remedies for a variety of ailments.
Research published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology found that oil of oregano is an excellent germicide capable of killing a wide range of fungi and bacteria.
According to the Journal of Applied Nutrition oil of oregano is highly effective for killing Candida. Researchers in Mexico found it possesses strong anti-parasitic actions, especially against Giardia. As published by Sarer researchers its antiseptic powers are "remarkable."
Oil of oregano is also a powerful pain killer. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superseded (came before) anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a pain killer.
Herbal Renaissance
In his book "Herbal Renaissance," Steven Foster credits oregano as having "been employed to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache, rheumatism and coughs due to whooping cough and bronchitis (primarily for it's antispasmodic effects)." The ancient Greeks were among the first to take advantage of oregano's medicinal qualities. The Greeks termed the spice origanos, meaning "delight of the mountains."
The Cure is in the Cupboard Book
Cass Ingram, D.O., has written the book "The Cure is in the Cupboard" that is dedicated to unveiling the health benefits of oregano and oil of oregano. He notes that "wild oregano is a veritable natural mineral treasure-house, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food."
The wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese and vitamins C, A (beta carotene), and niacin. Judging from its mineral content alone, it isn't hard to figure out why oregano is such a valuable commodity.
Supermarket Remedies
Oregano is one of Nature's finest preservatives, states Ingram in another book, "Supermarket Remedies." The author suggests that if oregano is used with foods such as meat, eggs, milk, or salad, you "will greatly halt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk for food poisoning."
How to Take Oregano Oil
Oregano oil should never be used undiluted. Dilute it by mixing it 50/50 with unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Even then it can be too strong to take directly in the mouth, particularly if the product contains 80-87% carvacol, so test it carefully or put the drops in a teaspoon of oil to take it.
Please note: It is better to take oregano oil more frequently during the day, rather than taking a number of drops all at once.
When taking oregano oil it is recommended you drink plenty of water along with it. This helps flush your system of any toxins that may result when the oil kills off bacteria, parasites, candida and other pathogens.
To treat babies or children rub the diluted oil of oregano directly into their feet.
How to Treat Candida with Oil of Oregano
Oregano oil is a powerful antifungal. So it is wise to start with low doses and gradually increase them. The dose is dependent upon the strength of oil contained in the product that is purchased. Different brands can contain from 50% to 87% carvacol, which is one of the active substances in it. The more potent the brand the more it will cost. See a list of brands and their respective strengths at the end of this article.
Take 3 drops 3 times of diluted oil of oregano. If it is intolerable, causing too many reactions or die-off symptoms, start with 1 drop and gradually increase them.
You can also apply oregano oil to nail fungus and skin disorders at least twice daily. Be sure to use the 50/50 mixture of oil of oregano and oil. Be cautious about applying it to sensitive skin areas due to the heat it produces. It can often cause a rash or redness on the skin because it is pulling out toxins, which are a good thing. For dandruff add a few drops to your shampoo.
How to Treat Other Symptoms & Diseases
Anti-Inflammatory for Diseases Involving Joints and Tendons
An article published in Phyotherapy Research describes how oregano oil surpassed anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and how it is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller.
Oregano oil has the ability to penetrate the skin and reach as far as the synovial fluid in joints. It helps alleviate arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sore muscles, sports injuries and even backaches.
Rub a few drops into the skin covering the affected area. You can apply it as many times a day as you like. Oregano oil has the ability to penetrate through the skin right into the synovial fluid of the joint where its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties will provide relief. Taking it internally is also recommended.
Oregano oil also is a terrific natural antibiotic that works against bacteria. Lab tests have proven it is effective as one of the strongest antibiotics (Vancomycin) in killing staph, E. coli and other bacteria.
It does this without creating mutant strains of drug-resistant bacteria, and it has none of the debilitating side effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics. For those bedridden or in the hospital, oil of oregano is a defensive weapon against potentially deadly bacteria. It is easy to take and is effective against any known forms of pathogens.
Bites, stings
Oregano oil has the ability to neutralize and extract venom from insects, spiders and snake bites. If you are planning to enjoy the great outdoors take a bottle with you.
If you have an allergy to wasp or bee stings, timely topical and internal application of oregano oil could save you. Apply it to red, swollen bites to help them disappear faster.
For typical burns that are painful and blistered, oregano oil provides almost instant pain relief – often no blister will develop if it is applied immediately. Mix 1-2 drops into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and gently apply it to the burn.
How to Treat Children
To administer oregano oil to children or babies rub the diluted mixture into their feet.
Ear infections
Ear infections are best treated by rubbing oil of oregano around the outside of the ear. It may need to be diluted more with oil when treating children. Do not put oil of oregano directly in the ear canal.
Oregano oil has shown to be effective in killing many types of parasites, including giardia and pinworms, along with other nasty creatures than can inhabit our intestines. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil, taking it up to 10 times per day.
Respiratory Problems
Lung problems can be difficult to treat if the lungs become infected with a virus, bacteria or candida, or if you suffer from asthma or allergies. Oregano oil is highly volatile, which means the molecules become airborne easily, therefore it is great for treating the respiratory system.
For lung and respiratory problems, inhale the vapors directly from the bottle as often as necessary. Also take it internally by mixing 1-2 drops into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil, at least 4 times a day. You can also put a drop or two on a tissue and put it by your pillow at night, so you will breath it in.
Oregano oil is very effective against scabies. Apply it several times a day. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and rub it well into each scabies spot. Continue treatment until the scabies are eradicated.
Skin Disorders
Adult acne, psoriasis and eczema are often candida related and may require topical treatment with oil of oregano. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and apply it to sensitive skin. Do not apply oil of oregano full strength to broken skin or rashes.
Stomach problems
Throughout history, oregano has served as a cure for upset stomach caused by food poisoning, parasites, ulcers, bacterial and fungal infections. Take 3 to 7 drops with or after meals, mixed into 1-2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil. Food poisoning may require more aggressive doses. Oil of oregano can safely be taken 10 times a day or more, if needed, but only in small amounts each time.
Teeth and Gums
When you have a toothache, rub oregano oil around the infected tooth. Use the diluted mixture. It will kill infection and reduce pain. For diseased gums rub the oregano oil over the gums, and take it several times a day.
Mix one drop of oregano oil with about 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and hold it under your tongue until the saliva gathers. You can also take a sip of water. Then swish it around in your mouth for 2 minutes, and swallow. Do this 3 or more times a day.
Place a drop of diluted oregano oil on your toothbrush when brushing. You will find that plaque does not build up on your teeth, and the health of your gums will improve dramatically.
Viral Attacks, Herpes, Hepatitis or Shingles
When you feel the onset of a cold, flu, herpes or shingles, you should immediately increase your dosage to 3 drops of diluted oregano oil every one to two hours to keep levels high while fighting an attack. You can also apply it on herpes or shingles.
Hepatitis and herpes are two viral infections that have responded well to treatment of oregano oil. Remember that taking oregano oil more often during the day is better than taking a lot all at once.
Oil of Oregano Brands
Oil of oregano brands vary greatly as to strength, which largely determines cost - the higher the content of oregano oil the higher the price. All brands listed below contain extra virgin olive oil.
Hedd Wyn Wild Oil of Oregano: not less than 80% carvacrol, and up to 87%.
Healthy Health Oil of Oregano: 81.49% carvacrol; 1 ounce (30 ml)
Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano: 75% carvacrol; comes in 10 ml, 15 ml and 1 fluid ounce sizes.
Bio-Alternatives Oil of Oregano: 85% carvacrol; 1 ounce (30 ml)
St. Francis Herb Farm Oreganum Plus: 50% carvacrol; 1/2 ounce (15 ml)
Oreganum 1:1
Oreganum 1:3
Survival Enterprizes Oregano Oil: 85% carvacrol: 1 ounce (30 ml)
Wellness Wild Oregano Oil: 70% carvacrol approximate yield (batches may vary in strength); 1 ounce (30 ml); Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose derivative and candelilla wax (vegetarian source).
Roger Baird, "High on the Herbal Heirarchy," Vista Magazine, Issue 39, p. 66.
Roger Baird, "Treating Yourself with Wild Oregano Oil," Vista Magazine, Issue 44, p. 52.
"Oil of Oregano"
Oregano Oil is a very versatile herb, which is not only a strong antifungal but also provides many other health benefits and it treats many types of disease and symptoms. As an antifungal it is extremely effective, just like raw crushed garlic.
A word of caution!
If you are taking blood thinning drugs, oil of oregano acts similarly in thinning the blood. If you take oregano oil with blood thinning drugs your blood pressure may drop too low and your blood may become too thin, so please work with your doctor on adjusting your medications accordingly.
Oil of Oregano is not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Always dilute oil of oregano with unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil prior to using it; the usual mixture is 50/50.
True Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is a completely natural substance derived from wild oregano species. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions free of pollution. Only the leaves of the flowering plant are used. They are picked precisely when the plant is highest in essential oil.
Being wild, it is grown chemical-free and the oil is extracted via a completely natural process - no chemicals or solvents are used. The oil is the source of virtually all of the plant's active ingredients.
There are a wide variety of plants that are confused with oregano, including marjoram, thyme and sage. True oregano grows wild in Mediterranean regions such as Greece and Turkey. Wild oregano is the source of surprisingly potent oil of oregano.
The key element in oregano is the oil, which Foster points out in his book "In Herbal Renaissance" "contains carvacrol and thymol as the primary components." Foster attributes the "fungicidal and worm-expellant properties" of oil of oregano to carvacrol and thymol.
Cass Ingram, D.O., writes in his book "The Cure is in the Cupboard" "these two phenols [carvacrol and thymol] work "synergistically" and that is the reason "oil of oregano" packs a double punch in antiseptic power and explains why it is infinitely more potent than commercial phenol, in microbial killing power."
Treats Candida and Fungal Skin Conditions
All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and external candida. Skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, can be improved with oil of oregano as well. Ingram explains the astonishing discovery that "oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside."
Oil of Oregano is a potent antiseptic used both topically and internally. Research demonstrates that it is effective in killing a range of organisms, particularly yeast and bacteria.
Effective Against Bacteria
Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be effective against Staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin. [Science Daily 10/11/2001]
Researchers at the Department of Food Science at the University of Tennessee reported that, among various plant oils, oil of oregano exhibited the greatest antibacterial action against common pathogenic germs such as Staph, E. coli and Listeria. [Journal Food Protection, Volume 64, July 2001] British researchers reported oregano oil had antibacterial activity against 25 different bacteria. [Journal Applied Microbiology, Volume 88, February 2000]
The growing problem of antibiotic resistance has health authorities extremely concerned. It is already the case that various germs are showing resistance to vancomycin (strong antibiotic), particularly to intestinal bacteria (Enterococcal species) among hospitalized patients. [Southern Medical Journal, Volume 94, August 2001]
Drug resistance does not develop against naturally-occurring antibiotics such as garlic and oil of oregano. But oil of oregano is not to be confused with common oregano in the kitchen spice cupboard, which is usually oregano marjoram, rather than true oregano (Oregano vulgare).
The benefits of oregano have gone largely unnoticed and under-publicized for far too long. As Ingram notes, oregano is "one of the world's finest natural medicines that is if it's true oregano."
Oil of Oregano Oil Treats the Following:
antifungal, capable of killing a variety of fungi, including candida albicans
antioxidant powers
arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, and other related problems
athletes foot
bacterial infections and parasites
bee stings, insect bites and venomous bites, immediate relief from
dandruff, diaper rash, cradle cap
diarrhea and intestinal gas
digestive problems, aids digestion and stimulates the production of bile
immune system boost
migraine headaches
muscle aches and pains
nail fungus
pain killer – nearly as powerful as morphine
respiratory problems, i.e. asthma, hay fever, candida in the lungs, etc.
sinus and nose problems
skin disorders and rashes
sore throat
thrush (white coating in the mouth, which is candida)
The oil of the oregano plant is the source of virtually all of its active ingredients. Oil of oregano is a potent germ killer and it has also been known to completely eliminate allergies and sinus problems. Jean Valnet, in his book "The Practice of Aromatherapy," describes how oil of oregano is so strong that it is capable of sterilizing sewage.
Research on Oil of Oregano
Researchers have uncovered numerous benefits to using oregano and extracted oil of oregano. But buyer beware, these significant health benefits are not as attainable if the oregano is not the true substance. "True" oil of oregano offers many exciting remedies for a variety of ailments.
Research published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology found that oil of oregano is an excellent germicide capable of killing a wide range of fungi and bacteria.
According to the Journal of Applied Nutrition oil of oregano is highly effective for killing Candida. Researchers in Mexico found it possesses strong anti-parasitic actions, especially against Giardia. As published by Sarer researchers its antiseptic powers are "remarkable."
Oil of oregano is also a powerful pain killer. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superseded (came before) anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a pain killer.
Herbal Renaissance
In his book "Herbal Renaissance," Steven Foster credits oregano as having "been employed to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache, rheumatism and coughs due to whooping cough and bronchitis (primarily for it's antispasmodic effects)." The ancient Greeks were among the first to take advantage of oregano's medicinal qualities. The Greeks termed the spice origanos, meaning "delight of the mountains."
The Cure is in the Cupboard Book
Cass Ingram, D.O., has written the book "The Cure is in the Cupboard" that is dedicated to unveiling the health benefits of oregano and oil of oregano. He notes that "wild oregano is a veritable natural mineral treasure-house, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food."
The wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese and vitamins C, A (beta carotene), and niacin. Judging from its mineral content alone, it isn't hard to figure out why oregano is such a valuable commodity.
Supermarket Remedies
Oregano is one of Nature's finest preservatives, states Ingram in another book, "Supermarket Remedies." The author suggests that if oregano is used with foods such as meat, eggs, milk, or salad, you "will greatly halt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk for food poisoning."
How to Take Oregano Oil
Oregano oil should never be used undiluted. Dilute it by mixing it 50/50 with unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. Even then it can be too strong to take directly in the mouth, particularly if the product contains 80-87% carvacol, so test it carefully or put the drops in a teaspoon of oil to take it.
Please note: It is better to take oregano oil more frequently during the day, rather than taking a number of drops all at once.
When taking oregano oil it is recommended you drink plenty of water along with it. This helps flush your system of any toxins that may result when the oil kills off bacteria, parasites, candida and other pathogens.
To treat babies or children rub the diluted oil of oregano directly into their feet.
How to Treat Candida with Oil of Oregano
Oregano oil is a powerful antifungal. So it is wise to start with low doses and gradually increase them. The dose is dependent upon the strength of oil contained in the product that is purchased. Different brands can contain from 50% to 87% carvacol, which is one of the active substances in it. The more potent the brand the more it will cost. See a list of brands and their respective strengths at the end of this article.
Take 3 drops 3 times of diluted oil of oregano. If it is intolerable, causing too many reactions or die-off symptoms, start with 1 drop and gradually increase them.
You can also apply oregano oil to nail fungus and skin disorders at least twice daily. Be sure to use the 50/50 mixture of oil of oregano and oil. Be cautious about applying it to sensitive skin areas due to the heat it produces. It can often cause a rash or redness on the skin because it is pulling out toxins, which are a good thing. For dandruff add a few drops to your shampoo.
How to Treat Other Symptoms & Diseases
Anti-Inflammatory for Diseases Involving Joints and Tendons
An article published in Phyotherapy Research describes how oregano oil surpassed anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and how it is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller.
Oregano oil has the ability to penetrate the skin and reach as far as the synovial fluid in joints. It helps alleviate arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sore muscles, sports injuries and even backaches.
Rub a few drops into the skin covering the affected area. You can apply it as many times a day as you like. Oregano oil has the ability to penetrate through the skin right into the synovial fluid of the joint where its anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties will provide relief. Taking it internally is also recommended.
Oregano oil also is a terrific natural antibiotic that works against bacteria. Lab tests have proven it is effective as one of the strongest antibiotics (Vancomycin) in killing staph, E. coli and other bacteria.
It does this without creating mutant strains of drug-resistant bacteria, and it has none of the debilitating side effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics. For those bedridden or in the hospital, oil of oregano is a defensive weapon against potentially deadly bacteria. It is easy to take and is effective against any known forms of pathogens.
Bites, stings
Oregano oil has the ability to neutralize and extract venom from insects, spiders and snake bites. If you are planning to enjoy the great outdoors take a bottle with you.
If you have an allergy to wasp or bee stings, timely topical and internal application of oregano oil could save you. Apply it to red, swollen bites to help them disappear faster.
For typical burns that are painful and blistered, oregano oil provides almost instant pain relief – often no blister will develop if it is applied immediately. Mix 1-2 drops into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and gently apply it to the burn.
How to Treat Children
To administer oregano oil to children or babies rub the diluted mixture into their feet.
Ear infections
Ear infections are best treated by rubbing oil of oregano around the outside of the ear. It may need to be diluted more with oil when treating children. Do not put oil of oregano directly in the ear canal.
Oregano oil has shown to be effective in killing many types of parasites, including giardia and pinworms, along with other nasty creatures than can inhabit our intestines. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil, taking it up to 10 times per day.
Respiratory Problems
Lung problems can be difficult to treat if the lungs become infected with a virus, bacteria or candida, or if you suffer from asthma or allergies. Oregano oil is highly volatile, which means the molecules become airborne easily, therefore it is great for treating the respiratory system.
For lung and respiratory problems, inhale the vapors directly from the bottle as often as necessary. Also take it internally by mixing 1-2 drops into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil, at least 4 times a day. You can also put a drop or two on a tissue and put it by your pillow at night, so you will breath it in.
Oregano oil is very effective against scabies. Apply it several times a day. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil with 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and rub it well into each scabies spot. Continue treatment until the scabies are eradicated.
Skin Disorders
Adult acne, psoriasis and eczema are often candida related and may require topical treatment with oil of oregano. Mix 2-3 drops of oregano oil into 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and apply it to sensitive skin. Do not apply oil of oregano full strength to broken skin or rashes.
Stomach problems
Throughout history, oregano has served as a cure for upset stomach caused by food poisoning, parasites, ulcers, bacterial and fungal infections. Take 3 to 7 drops with or after meals, mixed into 1-2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil. Food poisoning may require more aggressive doses. Oil of oregano can safely be taken 10 times a day or more, if needed, but only in small amounts each time.
Teeth and Gums
When you have a toothache, rub oregano oil around the infected tooth. Use the diluted mixture. It will kill infection and reduce pain. For diseased gums rub the oregano oil over the gums, and take it several times a day.
Mix one drop of oregano oil with about 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil or unrefined coconut oil and hold it under your tongue until the saliva gathers. You can also take a sip of water. Then swish it around in your mouth for 2 minutes, and swallow. Do this 3 or more times a day.
Place a drop of diluted oregano oil on your toothbrush when brushing. You will find that plaque does not build up on your teeth, and the health of your gums will improve dramatically.
Viral Attacks, Herpes, Hepatitis or Shingles
When you feel the onset of a cold, flu, herpes or shingles, you should immediately increase your dosage to 3 drops of diluted oregano oil every one to two hours to keep levels high while fighting an attack. You can also apply it on herpes or shingles.
Hepatitis and herpes are two viral infections that have responded well to treatment of oregano oil. Remember that taking oregano oil more often during the day is better than taking a lot all at once.
Oil of Oregano Brands
Oil of oregano brands vary greatly as to strength, which largely determines cost - the higher the content of oregano oil the higher the price. All brands listed below contain extra virgin olive oil.
Hedd Wyn Wild Oil of Oregano: not less than 80% carvacrol, and up to 87%.
Healthy Health Oil of Oregano: 81.49% carvacrol; 1 ounce (30 ml)
Joy of the Mountains Oil of Oregano: 75% carvacrol; comes in 10 ml, 15 ml and 1 fluid ounce sizes.
Bio-Alternatives Oil of Oregano: 85% carvacrol; 1 ounce (30 ml)
St. Francis Herb Farm Oreganum Plus: 50% carvacrol; 1/2 ounce (15 ml)
Oreganum 1:1
Oreganum 1:3
Survival Enterprizes Oregano Oil: 85% carvacrol: 1 ounce (30 ml)
Wellness Wild Oregano Oil: 70% carvacrol approximate yield (batches may vary in strength); 1 ounce (30 ml); Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose derivative and candelilla wax (vegetarian source).
Roger Baird, "High on the Herbal Heirarchy," Vista Magazine, Issue 39, p. 66.
Roger Baird, "Treating Yourself with Wild Oregano Oil," Vista Magazine, Issue 44, p. 52.
"Oil of Oregano"
The Benefits of Wheatgrass
The Benefits of Wheatgrass
Increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.
Stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion, and a host of other complaints.
Restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice's abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.
Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins. Recent studies show that wheatgrass juice has a powerful ability to fight tumors without the usual toxicity of drugs that also inhibit cell-destroying agents. The many active compounds found in grass juice cleanse the blood and neutralize and digest toxins in our cells.
Contains beneficial enzymes. Whether you have a cut finger you want to heal or you desire to lose five pounds...enzymes must do the actual work. The life and abilities of the enzymes found naturally in our bodies can be extended if we help them from the outside by adding exogenous enzymes, like the ones found in wheatgrass juice. Don't cook it. We can only get the benefits of the many enzymes found in grass by eating it uncooked. Cooking destroys 100 percent of the enzymes in food.
Has remarkable similarity to our own blood. The second important nutritional aspect of chlorophyll is its remarkable similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan, is a leading advocate for the use of grass as food and medicine. He reasons that since chlorophyll is soluble in fat particles, and fat particles are absorbed directly into the blood via the lymphatic system, that chlorophyll can also be absorbed in this way. In other words, when the "blood" of plants is absorbed in humans it is transformed into human blood, which transports nutrients to every cell of the body.
When used as a rectal implant, reverses damage from inside the lower bowel. An implant is a small amount of juice held in the lower bowel for about 20 minutes. In the case of illness, wheatgrass implants stimulate a rapid cleansing of the lower bowel and draw out accumulations of debris.
Externally applied to the skin can help eliminate itching almost immediately.
Will soothe sunburned skin and act as a disinfectant. Rubbed into the scalp before a shampoo, it will help mend damaged hair and alleviate itchy, scaly, scalp conditions.
Is soothing and healing for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete's foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors, and so on. Use as a poultice and replace every two to four hours.
Works as a sleep aide. Merely place a tray of living wheatgrass near the head of your bed. It will enhance the oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.
Enhances your bath. Add some to your bath water and settle in for a nice, long soak.
Sweetens the breath and firms up and tightens gums. Just gargle with the juice.
Neutralizes toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride.
Offers the benefits of a liquid oxygen transfusion since the juice contains liquid oxygen. Oxygen is vital to many body processes: it stimulates digestion (the oxidation of food), promotes clearer thinking (the brain utilizes 25% of the body's oxygen supply), and protects the blood against anaerobic bacteria. Cancer cells cannot exist in the presence of oxygen.
Turns gray hair to its natural color again and greatly increases energy levels when consumed daily.
Is a beauty treatment that slows down the aging process when the juice is consumed. Wheatgrass will cleanse your blood and help rejuvenate aging cells, slowing the aging process way down, making you feel more alive right away. It will help tighten loose and sagging skin.
Lessens the effects of radiation. One enzyme found in wheatgrass, SOD, lessens the effects of radiation and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cellular damage following heart attacks or exposure to irritants.
Restores fertility and promotes youthfulness.
Can double your red blood cell count just by soaking in it. Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen found that no other blood builders are superior to green juices and wheatgrass. In his book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll from Living Plant Life he mentions several cases where he was able to double the red blood cell count in a matter of days merely by having patients soak in a chlorophyll-water bath. Blood building results occur even more rapidly when patients drink green juices and wheatgrass regularly.
Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the first product of light and contains more light energy than any other element.
Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects.
Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.
Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.
Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.
Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and it uses up very little body energy.
Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria.
Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal with four to five days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals that were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.
Farmers in the American midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)
Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.
Wheatgrass has what is called the "grass juice factor," which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.
Dr. Ann Wigmore helped people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.
Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them, and rebuilds and rejuvenates them.
Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr. Earp Thomas, an associate of the late Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery, and so on.
Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.
Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.
Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.
Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.
Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even removes scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.
In the 1940 American Journal of Surgery, Benjamin Cruskin, MD recommended chlorophyll to: clear up foul-smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.
Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.
A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet prevents tooth decay.
Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches and poisons from gums.
Gargle with wheatgrass juice for a sore throat.
For pyorrhea of the mouth, lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass. Spit outthe pulp.
Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
Wheatgrass juice keeps the hair from graying.
By taking wheatgrass juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality and experience a sense of well-being.
Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.
It is great for blood disorders of all kinds.
Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4-ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain or 20 minutes.
Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.
Dr. Max Bircher, a research scientist, inventor of muesli, and founder of the famed Bircher-Benner Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.... It is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulating properties, cannot be compared with any other. "
According to Dr. Bircher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins.
Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure as it enhances the capillaries.
Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
Increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.
Stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion, and a host of other complaints.
Restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice's abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.
Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins. Recent studies show that wheatgrass juice has a powerful ability to fight tumors without the usual toxicity of drugs that also inhibit cell-destroying agents. The many active compounds found in grass juice cleanse the blood and neutralize and digest toxins in our cells.
Contains beneficial enzymes. Whether you have a cut finger you want to heal or you desire to lose five pounds...enzymes must do the actual work. The life and abilities of the enzymes found naturally in our bodies can be extended if we help them from the outside by adding exogenous enzymes, like the ones found in wheatgrass juice. Don't cook it. We can only get the benefits of the many enzymes found in grass by eating it uncooked. Cooking destroys 100 percent of the enzymes in food.
Has remarkable similarity to our own blood. The second important nutritional aspect of chlorophyll is its remarkable similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan, is a leading advocate for the use of grass as food and medicine. He reasons that since chlorophyll is soluble in fat particles, and fat particles are absorbed directly into the blood via the lymphatic system, that chlorophyll can also be absorbed in this way. In other words, when the "blood" of plants is absorbed in humans it is transformed into human blood, which transports nutrients to every cell of the body.
When used as a rectal implant, reverses damage from inside the lower bowel. An implant is a small amount of juice held in the lower bowel for about 20 minutes. In the case of illness, wheatgrass implants stimulate a rapid cleansing of the lower bowel and draw out accumulations of debris.
Externally applied to the skin can help eliminate itching almost immediately.
Will soothe sunburned skin and act as a disinfectant. Rubbed into the scalp before a shampoo, it will help mend damaged hair and alleviate itchy, scaly, scalp conditions.
Is soothing and healing for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete's foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors, and so on. Use as a poultice and replace every two to four hours.
Works as a sleep aide. Merely place a tray of living wheatgrass near the head of your bed. It will enhance the oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.
Enhances your bath. Add some to your bath water and settle in for a nice, long soak.
Sweetens the breath and firms up and tightens gums. Just gargle with the juice.
Neutralizes toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride.
Offers the benefits of a liquid oxygen transfusion since the juice contains liquid oxygen. Oxygen is vital to many body processes: it stimulates digestion (the oxidation of food), promotes clearer thinking (the brain utilizes 25% of the body's oxygen supply), and protects the blood against anaerobic bacteria. Cancer cells cannot exist in the presence of oxygen.
Turns gray hair to its natural color again and greatly increases energy levels when consumed daily.
Is a beauty treatment that slows down the aging process when the juice is consumed. Wheatgrass will cleanse your blood and help rejuvenate aging cells, slowing the aging process way down, making you feel more alive right away. It will help tighten loose and sagging skin.
Lessens the effects of radiation. One enzyme found in wheatgrass, SOD, lessens the effects of radiation and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cellular damage following heart attacks or exposure to irritants.
Restores fertility and promotes youthfulness.
Can double your red blood cell count just by soaking in it. Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen found that no other blood builders are superior to green juices and wheatgrass. In his book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll from Living Plant Life he mentions several cases where he was able to double the red blood cell count in a matter of days merely by having patients soak in a chlorophyll-water bath. Blood building results occur even more rapidly when patients drink green juices and wheatgrass regularly.
Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the first product of light and contains more light energy than any other element.
Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without toxic side effects.
Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life.
Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.
Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.
Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and it uses up very little body energy.
Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of harmful bacteria.
Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal with four to five days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals that were known to be extremely anemic or low in red cell count.
Farmers in the American midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.)
Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil.
Wheatgrass has what is called the "grass juice factor," which has been shown to keep herbivorous animals alive indefinitely.
Dr. Ann Wigmore helped people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass.
Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them, and rebuilds and rejuvenates them.
Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr. Earp Thomas, an associate of the late Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery, and so on.
Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.
Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.
Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.
Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems.
Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even removes scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time.
In the 1940 American Journal of Surgery, Benjamin Cruskin, MD recommended chlorophyll to: clear up foul-smelling odors, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhea in many cases.
Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.
A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet prevents tooth decay.
Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches and poisons from gums.
Gargle with wheatgrass juice for a sore throat.
For pyorrhea of the mouth, lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass. Spit outthe pulp.
Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
Wheatgrass juice keeps the hair from graying.
By taking wheatgrass juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality and experience a sense of well-being.
Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.
It is great for blood disorders of all kinds.
Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.
Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4-ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain or 20 minutes.
Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in magnesium.
Dr. Max Bircher, a research scientist, inventor of muesli, and founder of the famed Bircher-Benner Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.... It is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulating properties, cannot be compared with any other. "
According to Dr. Bircher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins.
Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.
Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure as it enhances the capillaries.
Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body.
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